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Everything posted by Konata
[quote name='Lunox'][font="trebuchet ms"] [i]This[/i] is QFT. [/font][/QUOTE] QFT?! This! Is!! !!! [quote]Uh, you don't suffer from depression and you're not thirteen.[/quote] [quote]I don't suffer from depression (or at least I haven't been diagnosed with it ;D), I'm not 13[/quote] I'm not really sure,... But I think I know this. Oh wait But then why did I write it? It's a waste of your time because it's irrelevant and you just wasted a whole two seconds of your life reading it, it's a waste of my time because I'm wasting time writing it, and it's a waste of the Internet because... it's a waste. But that's because it was an answer to a question, and everyone likes questions ;D But also, [quote]What you would have done is irrelevant since everyone reacts differently depending on the situation.[/quote] But for being so irrelevant, it sure proved my point. My point: [quote]everyone reacts differently depending on the situation.[/quote] Let me stress this: [quote]Also, she had no way of knowing that this online friend would suddenly turn on her, so it's not like a case of harassment by someone unknown, it was someone she thought was her friend. Making it even more disgusting since she was probably trying to figure out what had happened. What would you do if someone you liked suddenly started saying things like the mother did? Most people try to find out and that just exposed her to even more hate messages.[/quote] I hope at least one person saw the irony in this. [quote]Try reading up on depression to see how it affects someone or even try to imagine how you or others you know who are only thirteen react to things.[/quote] Yeah. I'm sorry, I don't know anything about depression. After all, I've only studied depression for a semester in a Psychology college course. Actually, I partially lied ;D I'm still studying it. I'm sure the first thing on my OtakuBoards Christmas List might show something about one of my hobbies. But for a hobby, I'm sure ignorant, mediocre, and absolutely ridiculous in my knowledge of psychology. I'm probably reading something terribly wrong, like [i]Wikipedia[/i]. Because I don't want to be misquoted, that was partial sarcasm ;O And there is partial sarcasm in a lot of my sentences, and if I need to colorize half of this response to tell you THIS IS SARCASM and THIS IS NOT SARCASM, then just tell me. But I do admit, you're probably way more informed than me about depression. Anyways. But I don't have any friends who have had a professional diagnose him/her with depression. ("Hey guys, hey guys! Raise your hands if your doctor says you're suffering from depression!") I mean, when I was 11, I would meet people online that claimed to be suffering from depression, but then again, I could claim that I'm a 74 year old German male. Or a 16 year old Asian female. Or God. Anyways, I can't imagine correctly, especially if it's just "depression" I'm imagining. Dysthymia? Somatoform disorder (although I doubt that)? Just clinical depression? What was the severity? Or was she suffering from something that caused intervals of depression? E.g., cyclothymia, bipolar disorder (lol), etc etc. It's hard to tell. But you can tell me the answer. Just like saying "Imagine yourself as a crazy cannibal". If I suffered from schizophrenia, [b]maybe[/b] I thought that the voices in my head persuaded me to eat him. I couldn't penetrate them... they wouldn't stop until I satisfied their desire and ate him! Or [b]maybe[/b] I thought that there was nothing wrong in eating him, because it's just flesh. Can't I eat meat? Or, [b]maybe[/b] I was not clinically insane, but perhaps experienced social anxiety disorder at one point, or just paraphilia, and I felt the urge to devour his body so that he was inside me. To sink my teeth into his flesh until the warm, sallow juices ooze out... With that, the weak, frail me would have absorbed the powerful radiance of that man. Or [b]maybe[/b] it was my fantasy to finally punish my victim. The moment he turned away to read a poem, I'd shoot him, and then spend the rest of the night dining on his corpse. Listening to the recording of his voice while I chew on his juicy but soft meat (which seemed to melt in my mouth like tuna), I had felt as if that terrible person could no longer hurt me. I owned him now. He was my possession. Or [b]maybe[/b] I just needed to eat him. And likewise, etc, etc. And that's why it's difficult to think in the mind of a "crazy cannibal". The same goes for a "depressed girl". Of course, the cannibal synopsis was a bit more broad. But nevertheless, the depressed girl synopsis wouldn't be much different in that sense. [quote]In other words try to see things from perhaps the girls point of view instead of your own before you declare someone "shouldn't" have done something.[/quote] But I don't need to be suffering from depression to determine whether or not she shouldn't have been digging for insults when she couldn't handle them. Do I need to suffer from folie à deux (folie simultanée, respectively) in order to tell people that they should stay away from others as to not spread your disease? I'll also quote Aaryaana_Mom's quote here. [quote]to log off MySpace, where users must be at least 14.[/quote] I think this also poses a point. She was 13. I know, I know. No one (or at least barely anyone) actually cares about age restrictions on the Internet. Since you know, it seems as if everyone is 100 years old on [i]MySpace[/i] nowadays, right? But alas, age restrictions should not be ignored. There are reasons for them, and generally she should have been following them. And before anyone tells me this, no, you don't have to not have depression in order to make the judgment that a thirteen year old should not go on a social networking site that clearly states that she should not be on there at her age. Skeptical? Wait, that's a dumb question. Because at this point, I'm sure most of you are ready to hit that [b]Submit Reply[/b] button and argue back. And that's good. I would like to expect that. How can two opposing sides ever agree, right? I've talked about MySpace. Now let's talk about another situation that could parallel with this. Like, illegal downloading. It's illegal. Illegal downloading is illegaaaaaal. But no one cares if it's illegal, because it's so easy to pirate their favorite music, anime, and more. Well, at least they don't care until they get that lovely $4000 bill from ODEX saying that their IP address has been logged for downloading a [i]Naruto[/i] sub from Dattebayo (lol singapura). Or how about those rated M games? Gotta love those. Take the [i]Grand Theft Auto[/i] series for example, since people like Jack Thompson sure love to make a big deal out of it. Here's the synopsis. A 13 year old kid asks his parents to buy it for him. His parents agree and do it. The kid begins to take it on a serious level and ends up re-acting one of those scenes. Ends up killing someone. Now, of course, it's obviously ESRB Ratings' fault because they didn't stop it from happening. Right? [i]Right?[/i] I mean, making it M isn't enough, because it's definitely not the parent's fault for giving that cashier lady an ID card and buying that game without knowing what they were buying their kid, right? Because ESRB should be responsible for monitoring every single buyer of [i]GTA:SA[/i], [i]GTA:VC[/i], and all other M games, making sure children under the age of 18 are strapped to a wall of at least 100 meters away from every M-rated game. Right? And while we're at it, point fingers at the cashier lady for selling that wretched game! Btw, I hope you got my sarcasm. Actually, lemme make this clear. [B]^ SARCASM[/B] On the Internet. Anyways, long anecdote. So immediately, since she was depressed child, automatically, all fault goes to the parent? Just because she was 13 and depressed? It's not schizophrenia. Depression isn't schizophrenia (even though schizophrenia can have depression). Please correct me if I'm wrong. She did not have schizophrenia. She was not clinically insane. And because psychologists define insanity as the inability to differentiate right from wrong, it is assumable that the girl had sense. And before the "in before I NEVER SAID SHE HAD SCHIZOPHRENIA", I think I know about that. But I'm reading stuff that's saying She was incapable of correct judgment. But she was 13 and therefore she has a perfectly valid excuse! Right? But likewise, I think that even at the age of 13, she could be able to use her sanity to judge whether or not she would go into a dark alley with a bloodthirsty gang of knives, or walk in the public street with efficient lighting and people who could watch over her. She could be able to use her sanity to judge the same thing online. Depression might have impaired her judgment in the possible sense that she couldn't take the insults. But depression won't force you into that dark alley, nor that scavenger hunt for those insults that caused her to commit suicide. [quote]Lets not be so quick to point fingers at the minor who like all minor's depends upon the adults around them to make mature responsible decisions.[/quote] But if I was quick to point fingers, I'd only have one finger pointing at her, one finger at the parent, one finger at the Internet, one finger at justice, and I guess since I don't have anyone else to point fingers at, I'd be pointing at myself. But in all seriousness, like I've mentioned in previous posts, the parent was at fault. The parent was at fault. The parent was at fault. The parent was at fault. But I'm saying that in my opinion, the girl was also at fault for several reasons mentioned above and below, near and far, and why not beyond. [quote]She was betrayed by the trust of someone who was more than old enough to realize that what she was doing was wrong.[/quote] Which brings up an interesting point. Everyone pays attention to the victim. Because she's depressed. Because she killed herself by a horrible parent. But I'd like to know about the parent. [quote name='"SunfallE"']Probably and once I realized that I googled it. Big mistake, even if some of those rules make sense, some of those links led to stuff that I'd rather not see at all. Blech.[/quote] Stresses Rule 28 of the Internet even more, huh? But yeah, sorry I didn't edit it faster, lol. There are a lot of things on the site you went to, and the other parts of the Internet, that make people go "Blech". I'm used to it since I've seen most of it when I was eleven, with those oh so lovely encounters with Internet harassment, lol. In all of this trouble and turmoil though, I have learned something. If people are really going to take the Internet so seriously, they'll kill themselves over it, then I should really stop turning my backs on people. But really, in all truth, I don't feel a drop of sadness or pity for the girl. I've read about suicides by depressed people who couldn't handle the turning back of someone online. If I was sad every time I read one of those, I would have probably died from tears.
[quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]I'm saying that it's unreasonable to expect kids to avoid the entire Internet just because something bad might happen. ^_~ Also, why are we trying to shift blame to the kid here? The bottom line is that an Adult, knowing she had issues harassed her. Clearly the adult is the one who has the higher level of maturity in a situation like this. It shows a complete and total lack of responsibility on the mother for even doing such a thing.[/quote] I'm not saying it's not the adult's fault (refer to my first post), but I do think it was partially the girl's fault. [quote]Also, she had no way of knowing that this online friend would suddenly turn on her, so it's not like a case of harassment by someone unknown, it was someone she thought was her friend. Making it even more disgusting since she was probably trying to figure out what had happened. What would you do if someone you liked suddenly started saying things like the mother did? Most people try to find out and that just exposed her to even more hate messages[/quote] Well then she shouldn't have tried to find out. There is a risk to "diving into the unknown". And I can't answer that question because I don't suffer from depression (or at least I haven't been diagnosed with it ;D), I'm not 13, and I am totally against love or likeness. But if I was in that situation, I'd probably just 1. ignore the harassment and go along with my life because there are more things to worry about than mindless insults, or 2. have revenge. [quote]She was still a kid here, regardless of the situation. And to try and blame her for it is pretty sad if you ask me. Also, what are these rules of the Internet and the 28 you are referring to?[/quote] [quote]Since there is a Rule 28 of the Internet! (there are always more disturbing things on the Internet than what you just saw)[/quote] [quote]Because I'm pretty sure someone will criticize it, the Rules of the Internet are not always true, appropriate, nice, etc (or even true at all (lol no girls on the internet)) but 28 is pretty true and straightforward.[/quote] I probably edited that on while you were making your post. Basically a set of nonsensical rules that make sense =P
[quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]You make me sad with that statement really. People shouldn't have to avoid things because of hateful and spiteful people around. That's as bad as saying one should never get in a car because there just might be a drunk driver around or some other potential danger/threat. Life is full of unexpected things and to shelter someone from it is silly. Besides, if that's true then all teenagers should be stripped of Internet rights since none of them are adults and can truly handle serious situations. She was a minor, regardless of the situation, it was 100% the adult's fault in this case. That parent knew what she was doing wrong, she knew the girl had issues with depression and ADD. And yet she still did it anyway. It's just sick how she's to cowardly to apologize for the pain she's caused the other family.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Whoa, there is a major difference between an unexpected car crash and online harassment. With online harassment, one doesn't automatically die the second someone tells him/her "lololol ------- you, im gonna --:D--- kill you, you ---- ------- !!!1111" (unless it's some[I] fear dot com[/I] and [I]Pulse[/I] stuff lol). And people shouldn't HAVE to avoid things, but they can. Why was the "Block" command implemented into AIM? Since there is a Rule 28 of the Internet! (there are always more disturbing things on the Internet than what you just saw), if you aren't prepared for the worst, then don't go on the Internet. It's like alcohol. It could kill you, and if you're not going to drink responsibly, then maybe you shouldn't drink at all. Because I'm pretty sure someone will criticize it, the Rules of the Internet are not always true, appropriate, nice, etc (or even true at all (lol no girls on the internet)) but 28 is pretty true and straightforward.
If she can't handle the serious business that is the Internet, then she shouldn't go on it =(
In the case that the "cyber bully" does get punished..., that won't be good for me >_> I don't really have much of an opinion on this though. While it was the parent's fault for doing such harmful things, I also think it was the girl's fault for being too weak-minded. Speaking of which, online harassment is very infamous in Japan too =(. Of course, it's usually the students harassing students, not parents disguising as students harassing students.
Girls aren't all the same ='( They all have different interests and preferences. Some girls like young guys, some girls like older guys, some girls like little boys, and some girls like old (in their 60s) men =P Likewise, some girls like their guys to be hot, others cute, or sometimes it doesn't matter. I'd have to agree with Retribution though. Could you elaborate and tell us the details of who you're looking for, and describe yourself. That way, we'll be able to tell you more.
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial] I operate more from the standpoint that while impaired one loses some ability to discern between rice and corn, and thus muddlement can occur. It's like saying that alcohol hasn't affected you all that much. You [I]think[/I] it hasn't affected you, but your judgment has also been affected, and so you're more impaired than you think you are. You may very well believe you understand a particular concept, but in your sickly state you mixed something up without realizing it. Hence adding corn.[/quote] Ah. It never happened to me, so I can't agree or disagree with that >_> I'm usually more skeptical when writing notes. So if at all, I suspect something is wrong, I don't write it down, unless I ask the teacher to reiterate. [quote]This metaphor is getting really cold. I've eaten enough of it, and I don't feel like sticking it in the microwave, so let's just toss it for now. (Where's that Jack Russell my sister lets live around here....)[/quote] We should change the metaphor to how the [B][url=http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=f99PcP0aFNE]Internet is a series of tubes[/url][/B]. The information is stored and sent in those tubes, but you might get conflicts where corporations are tangling all of their materials with yours, so the tubes get clogged =( I jk >_> [/FONT]
I got an Xbox 360, Halo 3, Guitar Hero package, and a 4.0 SanDisk card. I went to the store at around 9 PM the night before, lol. And [strike]I cut in line too[/strike] so there was some trouble =P
[I]DSM-IV-TR[/I] [img]http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/4762/dsmivtrni8.jpg[/img] A cosplaying maid [img]http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/5834/torontomaidcafenn7.jpg[/img] A PS3 [img]http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/7877/ps320uprightzn4.jpg[/img] Money [img]http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/8158/dtv101bu7.jpg[/img] A mansion to put my maid in [img]http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/718/topoapphotoax9.jpg[/img] A Battle Royale collar [img]http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/535/battleroyalepic1fa1.jpg[/img] But not just any kind of Battle Royale collar !! I want one that explodes =( [I]Shounen A[/I] [img]http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/8782/495500xe7.jpg[/img] It would be so pleasing to read a book about a serial killer, written by a cannibal.
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]And now you're just being silly.[/quote] I tend to be silly-willy like that don't I ;P [quote]We could probably end up going at each other like this for hours on end, and I bet neither of us would get the least bit bored. Hooray. (^_^)[/quote] Probably. Or days ;D [quote]So then you [I]are[/I] one of those peculiar people who think catching someone up is a burden. Pardon me if I'm missing something, but the rest of us humans like to help a brotha' out. Ya know? It's like you're doing everything in your power to avoid other people. You're not overly phobic, are you? :animesmil[/quote] I'm actually a hypocrite that does the total opposite of what I support. =O [quote]Misinformation. Incorrect procedures. You haven't spoken with me before, so I'll forgive you for not expecting to have your metaphor turned back on you. ;)[/quote] I you have corn kernels in one hand and rice in the other, it's your responsibility to choose what to put in. After all, that's why I mentioned before that sickness can impair you to the point that you're not getting 100% of information, but you cn still get a few grains in the bowl. I personally don't understand how you can get corn kernels in. If you doubt you didn't understand something, then don't write it down. I wouldn't shed a tear if I was absent and the school lost money because I don't really care about it, considering I'm an avaricious, inconsiderate person =( I'd just care about the loss of the award because it affects me. And I would refute indifference's post, but I have to go now =X
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Konata replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[img]http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa320/KonataIzumi/ogiue.jpg[/img] I was bored, so I sorta cosplayed as Ogiue from Genshiken. [img]http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/2141/dsc01040qu7.jpg[/img] I dunno. Not really a cosplay =( -
[quote name='indifference'][COLOR="Indigo"]Tell the schools to stop offering prizes like a new car since that will pay for quite a few textbooks[/quote] But that itself is overgeneralization because there are schools that don't offer prizes like that and are still in financial debt due to reasons, such as, paying for students' college tuitions and textbooks (example being high schools that are on a college campus and offer such a program). Of course, I admit that some schools like that do have occasional prizes. Like a $25 gift card for raising $1000+ for the school. [quote]and also, if a student is legitimately sick, altering the program so students can have say three days a year where the school still get's paid if they have a doctor's note is more than reasonable. The only one limiting it here is the adults in charge, not the underage minors. Never forget that ultimately it's the adults responsibly to make those decisions. And trying to make the students think they are 'limiting' their funds is passing undeserved and unrealistic expectations onto the students.[/quote] I'm only voicing my personal opinion, and I don't intend on trying to alter a program to make it more reasonable, seeing as I not only find it reasonable, but I also don't believe we can always make things more reasonable. [quote]It's one thing to try and make students more responsible, and yet another to punish them for things beyond their control. Like getting sick. [/quote] True, but that's not really [b]necessarily[/b] punishing in the sense that they're not being harmed. Of course, I say this by distinguishing reward from punishment. They reward those who are able to stay in school the entire time, and the school gets a reward as well. The punishment it leaves some students with an absence is the fact that they missed out on a day of school (and perfect attendance award). And to many, that's not a punishment. To others, it is. [quote]Also, there's no need for the response about silly things other states allow[/quote] I was intending on providing a little satire or humor into this but I guess I'm not funny ( ゚,_ゝ゚) [quote]since Konata, you did [I]not[/I] specify that it only applied to your place. At least not initially.[/quote] [quote]And since this applies to me >_>[/quote] [quote]LA Times[/quote] [quote]California Education Code, Section 46010.3[/quote] But I respect everyone's posts =P I'm just defending my claim, but if it's offensive, I will by all means stop. I don't want to get on anyone's bad side D:
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Semantically, you're right; the point is to say "Hey, you've been here every day. We should probably recognize you." I rank it slightly higher than the Participation Award. ...which is pretty low down on the list, to be honest. :animesmil[/quote] And is also still on the list, which causes it to be somewhat significant. [quote]It's only a burden if nobody wants to do it. And there's nothing saying you can't return the favor and do some catching up of your classmates when they miss. That argument actually sounded more antisocial than anything else. :p Funny, because I get mistaken for that type all the time....[/quote] But if someone helps you without thinking of it as a burden at all, then you're left with an impending burden of being fair and returning the favor when they miss. Of course, there are people who don't think of it as a burden. But usually, you can't go asking everyone "Hey, I missed a class. Will it be a burden to reteach me everything from that day?", expecting 100% accurate results. If they're a "friend", they're probably going to say it won't be a burden, whether or not it is a burden. In the words of Shakespeare, "I must be cruel only to be kind", and in that sense, there are too many people out there today that are much too cruel. Therefore, in a dishonest society, one can never know if one is a burden or not. In order to avoid such conflicts, the better solution would be to attend school and be a burden on oneself rather than others. [quote]Stuff you don't want in with the rice. (Like, duh. :p) I was just extending the metaphor there.[/quote] I meant the meaning of it. Examples and what not =P Because I'm curious to what wrong things could replace knowledge. Oh, and totally missed that post. >_> @SunfallE: Some schools need that money =P For other purposes too. Like textbooks. Or paying off debt (severely, in some cases). So ultimately, by being absent, you're limiting the money that the school is receiving, and thus taking away money that they could have. And I know not all states are doing the same thing. Not all states are allowed to hunt bullfrogs with firearms, and not all states legalize molestation of butterflies (Okay, maybe just Pacific Groves makes that illegal). That's why I said the law applies to my place >_>
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]If self-satisfaction 's-what floats your boat, then sure. Go for it. Ain't like I'm gonna lose any sleep over your decisions. :p[/quote] Likewise ;D [quote]And I'm not sayin' its not a good thing to strive for. I just find it ultimately pointless. Kind of like Valedictorian. [I]Waaay[/I] too much stress on those people. (I know. I'm friends with our class's Salutatorian, and she gets two hours of sleep a night as well. She thought it was natural. :rolleyes:) (She was surprised at how good she felt after she got nine hours for a week.)[/quote] And I'm not saying that you're saying it's not a good thing to strive for =P I wouldn't say it's pointless though, because there is a point, otherwise they wouldn't even have a Perfect Attendance award. [quote]You're relying on others to fill your bowl no matter what you do. That's what the teachers are doing there. ;)[/quote] But you're relying on more than just the teachers to fill that bowl, and that means you'll be a burden on more. [quote]To be honest, I have never done either of the options I suggested. I always taught myself the material I'd missed in class, [I]based on[/I] how that teacher had been leading up to it and how the textbook was directing itself. And even then, someone had to write the book....[/quote] The problem with that method is that some of the information (a large majority of it in some cases) might not be from the book. Some teachers find it better to teach more than just what's required reading. So, absence will not ony leave you without the required knowledge, but some other knowledge that may benefit you =P After all, as Wlliam A. Ward once said, "the mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." And if your teacher is superior or great in Ward's terms, it's unfortunate to have missed such a time. [quote]Anyway, what I wanted to say was this: when I learn while significantly sick, I risk putting in corn kernels in with the rice, and once my bowl is full I have to go back, pick out the kernels, and replace them with grains of rice. It's inefficient and bothersome to me, especially when I have to track down those pesky kernels that hide lower down in the bowl...erm, those procedures I mislearned or misunderstood.[/quote] But what exactly are those corn kernels? (´・`)フ
For me, Thanksgiving is a special day for having a family reunion~ =D It is like a tradition for me and my parents to go to another city and celebrate with one side of the family. We feast and just relax. Unfortunately, my grandmother won't be coming this time though D: She's tired because she frequently travels to Japan in order to help her sister who is ill. But I'll get to see my second cousins~ And cousins, etc. I'm sure it will be fun. Thanksgiving has always been fun~ Also, today, in class, we wrote a little bit about the upcoming holiday. I found it so funny because one of my classmates wrote about how "Thanksgiving is the manifestation of gluttony, like other holidays (Christmas is like greed, Valentine's Day is like lust, etc)." So satirical, yet also, so true, in a sense. =P Hope everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving too~ (*^▽^)∠☆ !!!
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial] And perfect attendance weighs very little on your résumé, believe it or not. Sure, it shows dedication (or mild psychosis :p), but extracurricular clubs, leadership positions, awards, recognitions, and test scores ? i.e., ACT, SAT, AP ? count for much more. And once you get into college, perfect attendance is worth basically nil on a résumé.[/quote] I know it's relatively menial, but if I'm missing a Perfect Attendence Award listing on the resume, it makes me disappointed because it just shows that I didn't do my best. It's sorta like when you get a 99% out of 100%. It just shows that the 1% is what you could have also gotten to make it 100%, but you didn't. [quote]If you attend classes in a fog, then both your memory and your notes are unreliable. In that situation, you're still essentially catching up, and I prefer not to risk entering unreliable procedures and information into my head. Learning, unlearning and relearning is more time-consuming than delayed learning, and incredibly inefficient besides. After-school tutoring is a workable option if necessary, as well as group study sessions.[/quote] That is a good reason, but in my opinion, I can't agree with that because I don't think you're necessarily learning and unlearning. Also, if you were absent, it's like you have an empty bowl to put grains of rice in. And you have to rely on others to fill the bowl up, by going to group study sessions or after-school tutoring. Whereas, if you attended school with your sickness, you might be "impaired" but you might still get some grains. Plus, some people can't have after school tutoring or many group study sessions =P For example, if they have night classes (which can even last to around 10 PM or later) and a full schedule of courses and extracurricular activites. Even on weekends =P [quote name='"Rachmaninoff"']Taking money from the school? Perhaps you could explain that one since it makes no sense at all.[/quote] I'm a bit in a hurry, but D: Sorry I only cite from the Internet D: [quote name='"lif.org"']When children miss school because of asthma and related illnesses, schools lose money"[/quote] [quote name='"LA Times"']Throughout most of the school year campuses lose nearly $30 for each day a student is absent.[/quote] And since this applies to me >_> [quote="California Education Code, Section 46010.3"]for purposes of calculating days of attendance in order to compute any apportionment of state funding under this code,...[/quote] If you need any more, feel free to ask =P Btw, sorry for any typographical errors. My computer doesn't register all of the commands '>_>
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]You are a fool. :animesmil My guidelines: [list][*]If you can function, go. [*]If function level is impaired more than 43.68%, don't go. Anything attempted past this level of impairment will be distinctly less than best quality.[/list] The material is of much more importance than the attendance. I will gladly sacrifice a day or two for recuperation, rather than spend three or five at half-capacity.[/FONT][/QUOTE] But if you don't go, then you're not only taking away money from the school, but you are also eliminating a part of your resume =( Besides, you won't have to catch up if there's nothing to catch up on (if you go to school regardless of health). And ultimately, you'll learn more =P I mean, I know my limits though. If I'm so sick, I might literally die if I go to school, I won't go to school. That's sorta the reason why I didn't get a perfect attendance award last year, since I had to go to the emergency room >_>
Ahh, Lunox, you made G-tan so sexy
Yeah, the CGs seem to resemble the manga art a bit more. But I'm definitely surprised they included that little uh... picture. I bet they just satisfied 50% of Japan's LS fans right there. I remember when I first heard about it, I was really looking forward to it. I wanted to get relationships with Yui, Minami, Tsukasa, and the teacher, lol.
Unless I'm about to faint or die, I'm probably going to just do what I always do like I wasn't sick. For several reasons. 1. Perfect attendance. Main priority. Important. VERY important. 2. Stay ahead with school. I have OCD when it comes to turning in assignments. I have to turn it in on the day it's due, or before. And I have some reasons for that but I'd keep that classified =3 3. I cannot stay in bed for too long. If I lay down for a few minutes and I'm not sleeping (it usually takes me hours to fall asleep >_>), then I'll raid myself with aphorisms. Since "the leopard's skin shows its spots in three days", I should stay on task or else the "spots will show" D: Or, as they say, "the only thing you can not get more of is time" =( Plus, as Sidney J. Harris once said, "the time to relax is -- when you don't have time for it." Etc, etc. So, I tend to stay up until like, 3-4AM. When I'm sick, it's the same thing.
Anime Anime Out of Context (image heavy)
Konata replied to The Spectacular Professor's topic in Otaku Central
[img]http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/1271/womanjm3.jpg[/img] Old but still lol worthy. [img]http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/1511/peoplepx0.jpg[/img] ORLY? -
Hmm... Well, I can't say I'm particularly fond of ero in games, but I do like ero games. >_> Sounds a bit of a paradox, haha... My favorite is [i]Tsukihime[/i]. Very mild, but still awesome =D Of course, the ero themselves weren't really that greatly illustrated either, but that's not the case. Those types of games usually have a great storyline (Look at [i]AIR[/i], [i]Utawarerumono[/i], [i]Fate/Stay Night[/i], etc), detailed but appealing writing, and character development. That's why I like them. Plus, you get a lot of interaction with the characters themselves (Ah, Kohaku~)~ But I'm just talking about the ero visual novels, lol. Oh, and these types of games really spawn an incredible batch of doujin too (´・ω・`) Of all different kinds, at that. So yeah, Japan is definitely not the only one who has porn games. And to follow with Deus ex Machina's point, I partially agree =D Usually there is the cliche "protagonist undergoes a transformation, usually mentally" throughout the story. In ero, there is also a change, usually. I will reference [i]Tsukihime[/i] again. At first, the girls seem to be very dominant while the main character seems innocent and uncomfortable. Yet, as time passes on, it is him who dominates them.
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Konata replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='"Konata"']Then I guess you'll have to wait until my 100th post to see a maskless picture =3[/quote] Well, I accidentally missed it D: It's my 110th post _| ̄|○ But, I'll keep to my word: [img]http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/1175/dsc01057wt2.jpg[/img] Don't die from it, please ( ゚,_ゝ゚) -
I always go trick-or-treating because it's profitable for me, in the sense that I get free candy. =P I dressed up as... I dunno. I just wore a Nagato Yuki high school outfit, but without glasses and just put a random cut mark on my face. >_> I got a lot of candy. Also I gt a coupon book too, which is pretty awesome. Because the same guy gave candy too. Met with several friends,... etc etc. One of the main highlights of my event was the end of Halloween. When approached my door, I noticed a shrine of things like a bottle of mustard, a new bottle of ketchup, some sausages, sealed up bread, a plastic cup, soap, candles, a can of chicken noodle soup, and fake vampire teeth. There was a note near it that said "Dear *my name which will remain classified*, I am madly in love with you! Pleas take this as a token of my love". It provided epic lulz and it gave me something to throw away.