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Everything posted by Konata

  1. [quote name='Tombstone'][COLOR="Navy"]Yoruichi don't have a ban kai. She's not a shinigami.... Or is the game calling it a ban kai?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Well, technically if you look in the instructions manual, it refers to all specials as bankai, even if it isn't. But when Yoruichi initiates it, she doesn't say "bankai" because like you said, she doesn't have one. It's just her massive shunpo, ha-ha. I got all of the characters and I'd have to say that Soi Fon is probably my favorite.
  2. I had to go to school on Saturday, and then friends wanted me to shop with them so I ended up not participating. D: I'm sure all of you had fun though. =P
  3. [quote name='Desbreko'][color=#4B0082]Okay, so I still want to do the marathon now that my PC is back in working order. Right now I'm planning for Saturday, October 27, since this coming Saturday is too soon. I'd be able to finish redownloading the episodes by then but I don't think it's enough time to get the word out again. Does that sound good to everyone? If all goes well I'm planning on putting up another announcement for it in the next few days.[/color][/QUOTE] Awesome, I think that's the only Saturday I'm free anyway~ Well, besides the "having to complete Precalculus" part of it. Count me in.
  4. Some of you may know it as Bleach: Hakujin Kirameku Rondo. In any case, Bleach: Scattered Blade for the Wii had been released recently... Was it the 8th? I'm not sure. What is it? A fighting game for the Wii Console (Finally!) that iincorporates the Wii sensors into the gameplay. Example: -Swiping the Wiimote downwards = slicing downwards -Swiping Wiimote to the side = slashing horizontally -Thrusting Wiimote forward = stabbing your opponent -Shaking the Nunchuk = Initiating Bankai (with a maxed energy bar thing) As for the storyline, it's just the typical "characters must fight each other and gather shards" for their own benefit. Each story slightly differs but ends up having the same, or similar result in the end. Kurosaki Ichigo, for example, is collecting the shards because someone has reported to him that the portal between Soul Society and the human world will be destroyed unless he collects all of the scattered shards. Of course, everyone has different reasons for finding these shards (Hitsugaya to save Hinamori Momo, Abarai Renji to save Zabimaru, etc) so it ends up being another battle royale in Soul Society. Characters: Some people were a bit worried (including me) about how many characters would be in the game. After all, it was reported that the game would be edited so that there wouldn't be any spoilers for the American buyers. However, the game remains mostly untouched. Therefore, the playable characters are: Ichigo Kurosaki Kira Izuru Ganju Shiba Byakuya Kuchiki Hanatarō Yamada Kenpachi Zaraki Orihime Inoue Rangiku Matsumoto Renji Abarai Sajin Komamura Tōshirō Hitsugaya Uryū Ishida Yasutora Sado Unlockable characters: [spoiler]Arturo Plateado Gin Ichimaru Grimmjow Ikkaku Madarame Izuru Kira Jūshirō Ukitake Kaname Tōsen Kisuke Urahara Mayuri Kurotsuchi Momo Hinamori Rukia Kuchiki Shigekuni Yamamoto-Genryūsai Shunsui Kyōraku Shūhei Hisagi Soi fon Sōsuke Aizen Ulquiorra Yachiru Kusajishi Yoruichi Shihōin Yumichika Ayasegawa[/spoiler] Rest of the list is "spoilered" because some characters are spoilers to the American Bleach show. Characters are generally well-rounded, with some special abilities (Yoruichi is very fast, Hitsugaya's bankai is slow but powerful, etc). The only exception is Hanatarou. Due to the fact that he's from Division 4 and his sword is, well.... unique, whenever he slices his opponent, he heals them. Therefore, you'll just have the challenge of working around that and have him hurt them in other ways (tripping on people or spinning recklessly). -------------------------------------- I bought this today and it's pretty fun. Of course, after eight straight hours of playing it, wrists and hands tend to get slightly tired. I like the style of the cel-shading, because it actually looks very similar to the anime style. Also, the Wiimote sensor makes it a whole lot more fun. There are some bad parts though. For one, the sound is a bit messed up. I had to manually change the sound settings and jam the "cinematics (voice) sound" up to its maximum so I can finally hear what the characters were saying. It's not to mention that I keep laughing at Kuchiki Byakuya's voice. When he falls down or gets knocked back, he always makes this "URRRRGH..... URRRRRRRRGH" sound. The music seemed a bit generic too. Maybe it just wasn't my style. And of course, there are some glitches here and there too, mainly with the art. Komamura Sajin's bankai sometimes likes to disappear randomly. My favorite characters to use are Soi Fon, Hinamori Momo, Yamada Hanatarou, Madarame Ikkaku, Kuchiki Rukia, and of course, Ichimaru Gin. But ultimately, if you're a fan of Bleach, this game will definitely please you. So, anyone have it? Played it? Like it?
  5. Well, looking at the website for it, I really like the designs for the characters. Besides, I see a boycut/short-haired glasses girl~~~
  6. Ha-ha, this reminds me of the 2ch meme: "Eh?! You serious? Easy Mode? How disgusting~ The only people allowed to play easy mode are elementary school kids~ Kyahahahahaha~" No offense to anyone by the way >_> [strike]I play on Easy Mode for danmaku and still fail at them...[/strike] As for the topic, Melty Blood is a pure example~ In easy mode, the NPCs barely even move. Then it's really not like a fighting game D: Later on though, if you're in hard mode, the NPCs break into many lengthy combos and it proves to be very challenging. But since it's a basic fighting game, they have the same amount of health.
  7. Yeah, personally I don't believe you should focus on candies considering stuff like Kasugai gummies, Pocky, Ramune, etc is very easy to find in America or wherever you live in. I would suggest videogames but that too can be found in the US, or you can rely on Play-asia or something. Since you're on OB, I'm just going to say you like anime as a default, so capsule toys would be good. Also there's wonderful cosplay for sale (Some places like Cospatio in Shibuya district does not ship internationally, therefore if you buy a cosplay outfit there, you'd probably have to actually go to the shop and buy it) and there are many CDs you could get as well. Like, new singles, albums, etc. Hm... It's really a hard choice though. If you are interested in traditional Japanese things, you could ask your mother to visit Asakusa and buy a yukata, kimono, sword, or other various things. They have neat shops for those accessories, especially for shoes and stuff. If you like cats, there's a good cat store around there too. Or, if you want to, you can ask your mother to shop and buy something at Ginza or Roppongi Hills =P Although I'm not so sure if she would agree with prices... ...Actually, my own advice is to ask her to get as many neat contraptions they have in Akihabara. Or souvenirs from important locations like Mt. Fuji, Tokyo Tower, etc. =P In my opinion, I'd just ask for pictures~
  8. [quote name='Odin M Yggdrasi']I still can't help but think that they are going to play Hare Hare Yuki at least once at AC3 2007, which I am probably going to be going to. And I can't wait for season 2 to come out, I'm curious where they go with the storyline after the events of the last episode (timeline order)[/QUOTE] I really don't mean to be spelling/grammar nazi (I hate to be one too) but you've done this several other times (Actually, I think, all of the time, so you're probably not just accidentally missing the "a" key while typing or something) in the other forum, RoL. >_> It's "Yukai" with an a, not Yuki. One other member pointed it out, but I'm pretty sure you left by then. And Hare Hare Yukai is so popular, I wouldn't doubt it being played at the convention(?) Why, I was minding my own business in Japanese class one day when suddenly I heard a faint "Mi-Mi-Miracle-Mikurun-run!" and the rest of the Koi no mikuru densetsu from outside. Haruhi is everywhere. Also, today (referring to the 25th), [b]The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Volume Three has made its way to US stores~[/b] The Limited Edition includes: -Disc One, featuring the episodes "Mysterique Sign", "Remote Island Syndrome Part I", and "Remote Syndrome Part II", as well as DVD Extras like another awesome Nekoman gallery ([strike]blatant hint to participate in the Nekoman Thread in the art forum[/strike]), the Making of Haruhi Suzumiya Clups, and more ASOS Brigade Adventures~ -Disc Two, featuring episodes 6-10 in the original TV broadcast order (Japanese with English subtitles) -An iron-on patch (SOS-dan/[strike]"tapeworm"[/strike] symbol) -A small pencil board -The Haruhi Suzumiya Character Single CD -And lastly but definitely not least, a Haruhi pillowcase! I'm happy that it came out, because now I can update my collection~ = [u][url=http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa320/KonataIzumi/Haruhi%20Collection/DSC00939.jpg]Link[/url][/u] ヾ(´・ω・`) I can't find my LE volume 2 DVD case for some reason so it's not in the picture. In lieu of it, I just placed the regular edition volume 2 case in there >_> Also, sorry if there are typographical errors. Computer is phail and not registering certain keys~ D:
  9. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]I find it funny that [B]Konata[/B] - one of about 5 people on this entire website who I'd consider to be an otaku - disowns the term.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] What do you mean by this ='( My community has very few otaku. And when I do meet one, it's very awkward, as if I don't fit in. We'll get along but it's just so uncomfortable. Like sitting at Borders reading a manga or illustration book next to others (When I tried that, I felt so embarassed for some reason, hence why I don't sit on the floor to read these things anymore), meeting or talking to people at anime conventions (Last time I did that, the man who had spoken with me followed me throughout the whole entire anime convention (exception for one day because I was running about for one hour buying all of the merchandise I had planned to get) and still IMs me (He's a nice man but... he sorta creeped me out >_>)), or even talking to fans in my city. Maybe I'm just a different otaku? Or maybe I haven't been exposed to any true otaku? Like, I sorta wish I was in an anime club like Genshiken, lol. But then I dunno either. I think it might be a bit creepy. Besides, clubs like anime/manga/game clubs aren't allowed at my school anyway, ha-ha... [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"] Personally I consider 'otaku' to be a race. It's somthing your born as and cannot change. As said by the greatest otaku who ever lived, Madarame, 'you can't just stop being an otaku. It is who you are.' This si true no matter what country you live in. No two otaku are exacly alike, just like not all white people are the same. Otaku is not a mindset so much as a way of life (I think I worded that wrong) anyway, I laugh my *** off every time someone tells me I need a life (several times a day at school). I am an uber otaku. I live and breathe for anime and manga.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I personally think that someone could quit being an otaku if they wanted to. Because sometimes being an otaku might interfere with things like education, jobs, etc. That is, if you refer to my definition of the term. And maybe that person realizes that obsessing over anime and manga won't accomplish much in his/her life, so he/she decides to quit his/her addiction.
  10. Count me in on the whole Lucky Star marathon =3 Also, although I'm still behind on the episodes, I did see part of episode 24. I've already started working on that full [spoiler]Motteke! dance routine[/spoiler]~ I'm looking towards doing it at some special event, like a con or talent show, ha-ha~ I will post some of my findings once my computer stops messing up.
  11. I'll keep this brief considering my computer won't even allow me to type correctly (It's not registering half of my commands, and it sometimes likes cap locking on me). This is probably ironic from someone who is on "OtakuBoards", but... Truthfully, I still find "otaku" to be a negative term. I never would go up to someone and say "I'm an otaku", for example. i never call myself an otaku, and when I do mention the word, I don't ever mean it as a compliment. Plus because half of my culture is Japanese, my family would probably think I'm weird if I said that. Especially since when I talk about otaku, I usually talk about those people in Japan who have creepy personalities and obsess way too much over manga and anime (sticking panties over their heads/acting so perverted/pretending real life is like a dating sims/etc). That's my vision of otaku. >_> Now in America, I guess it might be a more positive term, meaning a devoted fan and I don't see anything wrong with it. Sometimes I question myself, "Am I an otaku?" Ah well. I'm on this website, replying in this topic, so... I guess it's also one of those terms where you can call otaku friends otaku and they can do the same to you, but when someone who is not an otaku calls one an otaku, it's very insulting. But still, I have to admit that I am still slightly uncomfortable with the meaning. Of course, that's just my opinion. (  ゚,_ゝ゚) But I mean, no offense =3 People here on OB are really nice, so maybe the term of otaku is slightly changing for me. I'm not going to be one of those "Ewww why do you call yourself an otaku?" people, ha-ha~ I don't mind when people call themselves otaku. I just don't really care for the word, lol.
  12. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']But best of all is Mieu... Let's just say I have a weakness for little mascots like that. lol He's probably my favorite out of all the characters.[/QUOTE] I'm not really a huge Mieu fan, but I do know one thing for sure: I love his fanbase. Being more specific, I love when artists draw the abomination that is the "Man-Mieu" or "Mieuman". For those who haven't seen him, imagine Mieu's head combined with a muscular blue body, with a lot of chest hair, armpit hair,.. You get the idea. Usually seen scaring Asch or Luke out of their minds. In any case, I find it absolutely hilarious because it's painfully disturbing for some~
  13. [quote name='Lunox'][font="trebuchet ms"] We could just set up a weekly time at which everyone can log on if they wish (i.e. every Sunday at 5 PM, etc.).[/font][/QUOTE] All right, sounds like a good idea. Hmm... Sinc ewe have different timezones, want to try 2PM PST to.. whenever? On Sundays.
  14. Hm... Maybe we should set a time and date for a PChat gathering. So many people can hopefully be participating it at one time rather than just one or two people at random times. It'll be the first OtakuBoards PChat...eh...Gathering~ Any suggestions?
  15. Hard one too... Considering I usually only watch harems, H-based, and shounen anime... 1. Azumanga Daioh 2. Fruits Basket 3. Ouran High School Host Club 4. Sailor Moon
  16. [quote name='Boo'][size=1]The difference between OtakuBoards and other forums is that here the standards to replying lie a lot higher. You can't say "nice banner, 7/10 crap colors tho", but instead you have to be constructive and descriptive. It's really good for the artist and the quality of the forum, but not so much for the postcount. :([/size][/QUOTE] Actually, the forums I was comparing it to have both more participation and more constructive criticism. I know a lot of forums do tend to just have those posters who write maybe one sentence of "very good awesome/10!!!11", but I also note there are some forums where most of the users break down and analyze your picture from head-to-toe, giving paragraphs to pages of heavy constructive criticism that really proves useful. And they're active as well.
  17. \(^▽^*)Welcome the the Official PaintChat Thread~(*^▽^)/ This is not an attempt to advertise. It's actually partially an attempt to make Art Studio community more active ;P I hope this topic is okay, ha-ha~ All right, for those who don't know what a PaintChat, it's basically a place where you can draw and talk with your friends at the same time. In other words, a bunch of artists + 1 Oekaki canvas + chatterbox = PaintChat/PChat. [u][url=http://www.takamin.com/oekakichat/user/oekakichat3.php?userid=315370]Click here[/url][/u] to access the PChat. This URL is exclusive to OB. In order to enter it, just type in a name (OB username recommended so the people who are in it know who you are) and click Enter~ For those new to the interface, I made a quick overview of it. [URL=http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/4564/pchatpm1.jpg][IMG]http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/4564/pchatpm1.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Hope this helps~ Now, remember, if you want to participate, please use proper netiquette~ And since this is an OtakuBoards exclusive PChat, be sure to keep in mind OB's rules too. Just a few notes: -Please be responsible when using the bomb tool. As in, respect the others in the room and make sure they're ready for the canvas to be bombed too. -The site is down daily for about three-five minutes for maintenance. I believe it was around 4:30-4:35-ish in PST. [b]So what is this topic for?[/b] Whether you're alone in the PChat or you're with a lot of your fellow members, you can screen your image and post it here~ Edit with first OB PChat screencap~ [URL=http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/8742/reselanvb3.jpg][IMG]http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/8742/reselanvb3.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] The hot guy done by Resalan, and the half-arsed Yuki by me.
  18. The Art Studio here is a lot different than a lot of art sections in other forums. It's good that it's unique, but it's bad that it's highly inactive. One thing I noticed is that there is an extreme lack of people submitting individual pieces of art. I think that if that was encouraged, then maybe there would be an increase in activity. I mean, I'm sure I'm not the only one, but I feel reluctant making a topic and posting my artwork, which is why I haven't posted anything but the Nekoman thread (Which.... only one other person has posted in.). Also, as mentioned before, challenges and contests seem to work great. So I'd also suggest that too.
  19. [quote name='Matt']Don't you mean Lik-Sang [I]is[/I] no more? ...Sorry, grammar nazi. :D [color=darkred][size=1]I thought Lik-Sang were like a team or something... either way they/it suck/s/ed. -- Bombu[/size][/color][/QUOTE] Oh, when I first read it, I thought this was one of those memes like becoming an hero and learning how to shot web. And I remembered I played Nanaka Crash before too~ I was so happy when the guy flew about... I think it was about 3,000-6,000+ feet, and I even screened it. Too bad that was more than a year ago, and I have lost the screencap =(
  20. I am addicted to soda. That's almost all that I will drink. So far, I like all of the brands that I have come across except maybe those Vanilla kinds. Some of my favorites though... Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Root Beer, Bubbleman II, Ramune (although not so into it now because nowadays, a lot of US treats it like the new "Pocky" D=), Qoo... Well, I'm not sure if Qoo is a soda or not. I can't even tell if something is sweet or not. Qoo is probably my favorite. If that's not a soda, then... Coca-Cola is my favorite. Well, the American kind is sorta strong, though. Also, I'm okay with generic brands, and I like to lol at some of their "creative" names. But if a generic and brand name was put in front of me, then I'd definitely take the brand name one, especially since it's more expensive.
  21. [quote name='indifference'][COLOR="Indigo"]*poke* One would assume all topics that would be off in other areas of the boards is what it's referring to. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Hm, some people might get confused because of that though. In my opinion, rather than the board saying "off-topic", it should stress "topics that don't relate to the other boards", or simply put, "general discussion". Something that usually works for descriptions is questioning. "Bored and want to talk about that real-world stuff? Care to know about OB's thoughts about *said* topic? Well, you've come to the right place!"
  22. This is what I get for not watching much of FMA. =( Nah, it's fun anyway~ 1. Alchemy 2. Philosopher's Stone 3. Homunculi 4. Automail 5. Equivalent Exchange Besides Homunculi, all of these were practically mentioned in every episode. >_> And as for the homunculi, well, they were all over the place after the beginning of the series.
  23. Cosplay has now become one of those hobbies where I tell myself, "This is stupid and weird. The society does not approve =( If your classmates find out you wear these kinds of stuff at conventions, your reputation is phail.", and at the same time, I say "But I like it =3". It started off when I randomly decided to cosplay as Raine Sage from Tales of Symphonia. Dear God, I didn't even change my hair or anything. Not even my shoes. I just wore a costume and went to Anime Expo 2005. I got a lot of "Nice costume" and "Are you from Ragnarok?" but it was severly disappointing that I didn't know anything about cosplay. The second time I cosplayed was this year. FanimeCon. With my Haruhi Suzumiya outfit I got in Shibuya. This cost me around $400, $500 if you include the blazer for Yuki Nagato and the shoes. But at Fanime, I wasn't wearing the right shoes. Alas, I was happy to get about 20+ pictures, even though that's not a lot. Ah well =( Next time, at Anime Expo 2007. With my Haruhi Suzumiya outfit again. This time, I had the right shoes. Total, around 50+ people asked for my picture, but that's not a lot, especially since I went since Day Zero. >_> Oh well, at least it was fun being in a Haruhi outfit. The reason why I keep mentioning pictures is that one of the reasons why I cosplay is because when I do get taken pictures, I feel like "lol i feel so speshul =D" even though people are probably taking pictures to put on those "Worst Cosplay" sites, or because they only like the costume itself, which I did not make. I can't sew =( This really keeps me from cosplaying, because if I did know how to make a costume, I'd have costumes of Souseiseki, Zaku II Char Custom, that one Silent Hill monster, Konata's outfit, and Reimu (Touhou), in the case that I didn't procrastinate. So yeah... >_> In conclusion, I like cosplay.
  24. Ohohoho~ Half of my collection consists of free games. ...Well, okay, maybe some of them were obtained free by other ways... But you get the point ;D Some games I'd list: [b]SCWU, a.k.a. Super Cosplay War Ultra.[/b] A free doujin game that is legal to download. [u][url=http://a030032098.myweb.hinet.net/2004scwu_indexjp/2004scwu_indexjp.htm]Click here[/url][/u] for the official site which provides the download link. What is it? A fighter. Simply put, it's a battle between otaku of all kinds using powers from their anime (Ex. Naruto fan uses ninjutsu and stuff, Digimon fan changes into different Digimon cosplays and generates different powers). I don't think it's the best fighter out there, but it does give a few laughs. Plus, it's free. [b]Destruction Desire[/b] Okay, honestly, I haven't played this before, even though I have it on my external hard drive. Why I didn't play this is because I'm too lazy to play half of the things on my computer. But it's free, so hey, maybe you can check it out and come back to me saying "Quit being lazy and click that .exe file." [u][url=http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Dice/4987/kakutou.htm]Here[/url][/u] is the official site, and for easy access, [u][url=http://www.vector.co.jp/soft/win95/game/se308097.html]here[/url][/u] is the download link. The graphics seem pretty good, and it looks heavily influenced from the Guilty Gear series. Hm... I can't think of any that really stand out right now. Anyways, onto the MMORPGS~ [b]Tantra Online[/b] A free MMORPG slightly styled like WoW. [u][url=http://www.tantra.ph/]Here[/url][/u] is the main website. I had fun with this for awhile. It's pretty good for being free, and if it had a little more elements to my liking, I'd probably be obsessed with this. For one, I like the character designs. I usually choose male characters, and I fell in love with my male character's design. Wasn't bulky, and seemed more anime-styled. Still strong too. Getting back to the point, there are quite a few areas to explore as well, and the community was pretty nice, although since this game is from the Phillipines,...Sometimes, you might not know what they're talking about. Of course, the game itself is in English. Some disadvantages though... But that's to be expected. The thing I really hated about this game was the PK system. I love PKing. I had player killed, I believe, 64 people while I played (Although it was only for a period of a few days?). The problem is, you gain Karma if you PK. As you gain Karma, your abilitiies weaken harshly. By that, I mean that if you kill once, you can no longer heal (and as expected, you have a bounty on you). Kill twice or three times, I forgot, I believe you can't harm anymore. Unless that was just a glitch, but it was annoying. How do you lessen Karma? You can painstakingly wait for a day or two for it to go back to zero, assuming you only killed one or two people, or you can avoid the myriad of people chasing after you so they can PKK you so you can go into a dungeon and kill monsters that are so strong, you'll be lucky if you kill one of them. To put it simply, as long as you have Karma, you have to rely on someone stronger than you to tank for you, while killing these monsters. Or you can be patient and wait. So if you're not a PKer, this might be a great game. And if you're a PKer who wants to play this game, hold your urges until someone PKs so you can PKK them without any penalty. [b]Mabinogi[/b] Another free MMO developed by the same people who made MapleStory?!?! but I'm sure this game is much more worth your time. No offense to MS fans, and I admit, I have spent awhile on MS myself. [u][url=http://www.mabinogi.jp/]Click here[/url][/u] for the Japanese site. You can view the Korean site too, but since this is "OtakuBoards", I'd figure you might prefer the Japanese community. Why not English? Well, Nexon has not created an English version yet, but I do believe they have already planned an English version that might be released next year. Why this game? I haven't played it. But I've been having my eyes on it for awhile now. It's pleasing to the eye, there are many things you can do, including farm, play anime songs or compose other music on your little instrument in the town square, as well as fight and more. I know it is fairly popular with the Japanese, especially a lot of artists. I'll be checking this out when I have the time, and you should too. [b]GunZ[/b] MM.... A shooter. I wouldn't call it exactly FPS, but ah well. [u][url=http://gunzonline.com/]Click here[/url][/u] for the website. I know this is fairly popular in the US already, and it is worth it, I think. Especially when playing with friends. What is it? Basically an Resident Evil 4-almost-like-FPS styled game with the ariable of using a sword too. It's a bit like Rakion where you join others in a room and battle it out until one survives. It also has a neat fighting style where you can strafe through the air, walk up walls, and go Matrix on everyone else. Some disadvantages... Well, for one, if you're in a room with a hacker, you're in for trouble. Hacks are fun but ruin the game when you're not the one hacking. Unless he/she isn't expelled from the game by a poll, then he/she's pretty much sure to win. Trouble is, is that sometimes they can hack the polls. Maybe this changed, because I haven't played it in awhile but ah well. ----------------------------- Thus concludes a portion of my share today. I would be glad to post more, but I have some work in school I'd like to accomplish first. Plus, I dunno if people want anymore lol >_> Hope that helped a bit. (ヾ(´・ω・`) Bye now~
  25. [quote name='Ikillion'][COLOR=#001824][SIZE="1"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"]^Probably because its a given? Anyone not looking froward to season 2 should be [strike]burned and maimed[/strike] treated with special care. This season looks a little dry for me. The only thing I'm really looking froward to is Gundam 00. Unless I find something else that I haven't heard of yet, I'm probably going to go back and watch some anime that I've missed (I'm still kicking myself for missing Witchblade). Hopefully winter will be better for me.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Uh, actually, a lot of people I know dislike Haruhi and are therefore not looking forward to the next Haruhi. >_> And most of them have actually watched the entire, or almost the entire, first season. I wish summer had a lot of anime that interested me. I'm not much of a Fall person. Nor a Winter person. Or Spring. >_>
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