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Everything posted by Konata

  1. I like DDR, but my dancing pads broke years ago. So, the only time I get to actually dance in the game is if I go to the arcade. I'm not very good at it either, it's embarassing. Although I am getting Taiko no Tatsujin pretty soon. That'll be fun.
  2. Today I had a dream that I was at a Comiket-like convention, during the last day of it. I was assigned to spend loads of money by going to a certain area inside the con and buying whatever doujins and other stuff I could find. It was for a friend of course, and she gave me the money, although I planned to use up around $50 of my own for my own doujin or something. But some people were saying the con already closed D: Makes sense, since it's the last day and all. But it was just that a lot of the entrances to the Exhibit Hall were closed. But right when I found the right, open entrance... I woke up -_-
  3. I've also seen Voices of a Distant Star, which was so beautiful (I think that was it D: It was either that or The Place Promised... Or maybe both). Makoto Shinkai's work with that was incredible. There's no doubt he is up there with Hayao Miyazaki. When I'm not as busy, I'll see if I can watch this new one, especially since it's not sci-fi. I tend not to like that much sci-fi, but of course, Shinkai's work is an exception.
  4. 1. Nrvnqsr Chaos from the Melty Blood/Tsukihime series. Maybe he was just a side-villain, but still hilarious nonetheless. I mean, animals come out from his body. His name is surprisingly pronounced "Nero". And he looks like a wrinkly old shady man, and I don't believe he's wearing any other clothes besides his trenchcoat (Thank shadows, right?). 2. Warakia from the Melty Blood series. Insane floating vampire. Screams out "CUT CUT CUT CUT CUT!" in an super awesome voice. 3. Dist the Reaper/Rose from Tales of the Abyss. [url=http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/9683/distunused4ls7.png]How is this villain NOT awesome[/url]. Plus he loves technology, sits in a floating chair, and makes drilling machines. 4. Salazar from Resident Evil 4. I don't know why, I like him so much. His accent and his constant "Mr. Kennedy...*insert bad puns here*". Plus he's so small. If he wasn't so old-looking, he could be a loli-shota D: I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot of my other favorite villains though. Can't remember them right at thie moment.
  5. Eh, I personally don't think too much into the movie unless it's so in depth, you have to in order to understand it. I thought it was unique in the case that the movie took place during the case, rather than while all of the events were occurring. However, I didn't really think that it helped keep it interesting. When I began watching the movie, I had expected horror, but it didn't strike any fear into me at all. >_> Maybe it was just me. Overall, it was a pretty well made movie, but I just didn't care for it all too much.
  6. [quote name='Retribution'][size=1]An intro forum wouldn't be too useful, to be honest. A new member registers, says "Hello" and we say "Welcome!". Nine times out of ten, nothing new or original will be brought by the new member. I could see it getting pretty repetitious.[/size][/QUOTE] Well, generally introduction forums serve its purpose by making it feel like new members are welcome. Usually when people register, it just feels uncomfortable because they might feel a bit lost since no one knows who they are (unless they got referred here or something) and it just feels plain awkward "barging" into a thread with a "HAY GUYS I LIKE *anime* TOO" (Not literally, but you get the point). If there is a member introduction thread, it's a bit different in most cases. For some, it's a default place to go, second for others (Forum Rules = #1 priority =P). Plus, what about that 1/10 that does bring something new or original? It might even help raise the ratio up a bit ( ゚▽゚) Sorta like what James said, maybe setting rules or a survey would help an introduction thread? So the responses are more of a "Welcome, you like *-----------* too? Who's your favorite character?", "Hey, I like to do that too! Can we see some of your works?" or "You seem like the kind of person that would like to go to the X Forum/Thread/etc" rather than "welcome", "hey", and "hi". I think that if there is a structure, it might not end up in ruin. As Thomas Hobbes said, "This natural proclivity of men, to hurt each other"~ Er... my point is, without structure, it's bound to be chaotic~ That's my belief anyway (,,゚Д゚) Thank you everyone for clarifying things for me~
  7. [quote name='Desbreko'][color=#4B0082][b]1.[/b] It kind of makes me want to [strike]sing[/strike] scream along with the chorus, but the rest of the people in the house would probably think I was crazy if I did. lol[/QUOTE] ._. Sadly, I have done this. With Ore no Wasuremono too. My family already thinks I'm crazy. I mean, they'll come home sometimes to find me cosplaying as Haruhi doing the Motteke! or HHY. >_>
  8. [quote]4. I don't know if this is the kind of thing you were talking about, but the Death Note OP 2 parody amused me.[/quote] Yup, that's a good one. A nice and incredibly epic one at that. [quote]3. Not to be boring, but I have to go with Kona-tan. There wouldn't be much of a show without her.[/quote] Without her, Lucky Star wouldn't be Lucky Star (  ゚,_ゝ゚). None of the other characters really have the otaku/2ch thing in them. [quote][strike]Tsukasa[/strike] Kagami (wow, I need more sleep) gets second place because I still crack up when I think of her reaction to the [spoiler]Gauron/Sousuke[/spoiler] doujinshi.[/quote] No worries, I did something like that. "Hiiragi Tsukasa Stole Hiiragi... Hii... Kyo-chan", I almost put. >_> I almost forgot about that part. I loved that reaction too. That's now number three? or four? on my list of favorite crossover scenes.
  9. >_> Wow, I can't believe I missed that article while browsing the Otakupedia. Sorry I didn't see earlier; I used the Search OB function before I made the topic just in case there was something pertaining to the matter of introduction threads, but I got way too many results of irrelevant topics. Plus, I didn't use the keywords "Newbie Lounge", either D: (Hope I don't get in trouble for this topic, I would probably be scoring a lot of bannination points in some other places for creating a topic that has already been answered (゚Д゚≡゚Д゚) ) And I'm surprised the Newbie Lounge turned chaotic on that. At most of the other anime forums and boards I've been to, the General Discussion and Forum Games were the more chaotic, opposite of the Greetings and Goodbyes, ha-ha~ I understand though. If something went horribly wrong once, why do it again, expecting different results? Unless you had a different variable playing into it, but that's a whole other case. [quote]As for the Goodbye Forum, well most people who've left normally leave their goodbye message in their signature as Goodbye messages are considered spam.[/quote] So really, Goodbye Topics are spam? I can understand if it was a "hi leaving for a day kthxbai" thing, but if you're one of those long-time members, probably here since the beginning of OB's creation, and everyone knows you, because you've posted so much during the course of your time; over time though, things aren't the same anymore, or maybe you have higher priorities, or something, and you want to leave... I think it'd be fair if you got your own topic or what not, instead of having to leave OB with a "I'm leaving, forever~" in your signature. Maybe you'd get a few goodbyes by PM, but some people might not even notice your "goodbye" in your sig. Same goes for topics, people might not see your topics, but I think it's more noticeable. Ha-ha, it's probably my weird culture, but I think it's sorta, more polite if you announce you're leaving, instead of just leaving behind the boards unannounced, never to return. And yes, signatures could play the role of announcing your leave, but it seems much too indirect because sigs are little notes at the bottom of your post, or as Wiki puts it, "a block of text automatically appended at the bottom of an... forum post. This has the effect of "signing off" the message. It is common practice for a signature block to consist of one or more lines containing some brief information on the author of the message." I still support the whole Goodbye Forum, but beggers can't be choosers. I think I'm way too new to this Board to be doing this, lol >_> I'm still a newbie, one of 8,000+ members of OB. _| ̄|○ But that's awesome that you are making an Introductory PM system. I think it'd really help out a lot. It might even attract a few more members to post more, ha-ha. I hope nobody hates me for this thread. 八(^Д^*)
  10. I played the game through about once or twice, I forgot. I just know that Legretta the Quick was my all-time favorite character. Guns~~~~ ´Д` Being a fan of Tales of Symphonia, Abyss satisfied me well. Especially the improved graphics. One of the problems though, was that to me, the characters in this installment seemed to be more of a "love them or hate them" thing. With Tales of Symphonia, I thought the characters were far more "I like this part of them, but this part annoys me, but...". More developed? Maybe. The 1-4(?) player mode and better camera views were also nice assets. I personally didn't think the loads were that long though.
  11. Hm, most of my dreams include: 1. Being chased 2. Killing 3. Being killed 4. Running/Jumping, but very slowly, almost like in water 5. Ghosts, spirits 6. Failing in school D: 7. Random Internet browsing 1. Probably one of the more common things I dream of. Usually it's being chased by a ghost, killer, or monster. Well, actually there's only been one case of being chased by a monster. Like, I was running from the monsters from Silent Hill 4, such as that two-headed baby giant thing. But when I'd try to escape, another monster would appear~ (ex. going into the elevator = monster inside one of the walls) I hadn't even played Silent Hill 4 yet lol. 2. Killing... Yeah, enough said. >_> Either 2 or 3 happens in almost all of my dreams. 3. Being killed. Enough said here too, I guess. 4. Self-explanatory, sometimes happens during the chased dreams. 5. These almost always appear. Whether it's a headless Ring/Ju-on looking spirit or some distorted figure thing, yeah. 6. I hate these. So much. I'll have dreams of me waking up late and not being able to finish an important assignment in time. And during vacation, I'll have dreams of me having to go back to school in the middle of vacation, only to forget an assignment that I was supposed to do. 7. Happens way too often now. It's just me getting a PM, or browsing YouTube, IMing people, etc. Sad, isn't it? D:
  12. I hope this topic is all right (and I hope there isn't a topic/forum about this already. I can't find one), I'm really skeptical when it comes to creating these kinds of things. Just a suggestion. I've been on a couple of other forums and I thought the Member Introductions and Leavings Forum was a really nice asset to the board. I've noticed that many more members feel more welcome because of it, since they get their own nifty little thread where they can introduce themself and get greeted with a "Hello," "Welcome and read the rules," or "Hey, another (insert anime here) fan!" And if people are leaving the forums, whether or not for a week to a month, or even forever, it might be nice to have a topic of their own so people actually know what's happening, instead of users having to wonder what ever happened to Poster # X, and why he/she stopped posting for X years. In those topics, I tend to see a "Thanks for Poster #Y because she's been so nice to me, and also to Poster #Z since he was so awesome. And lastly, thanks to the rest of you for being the super cool anime fans that you are!" And if you're one of them, you feel so special~ :'D Anyways, point is, I think that OtakuBoards should have a Greetings and Goodbyes Forum~ Any contradictions, complaints, agreements, or other opinions on this suggestion? Thanks for reading, I hope this isn't that bad of a topic. So sorry m(_ _)m
  13. The ending is beautiful. I remember I watched a video of this put to Higurashi music, ha-ha~ Now I know what it is, thanks for informing me! (^o^)/ I'll check this one out too~
  14. [quote]And is it just me or is Konata becoming a bit more bizarre with each episode? At first she seems so serious but it's like she's got personality quirks just barely kept in check, waiting for the right moment to spring out. lol[/quote] Well, I wouldn't say that Konata's becoming weirder, but rather, the audience is becoming more exposed to her "weirdness" (Because I'm sure she's always been that weird). Otherwise, I'm sure Tsukasa and Kagami would be wondering a bit about her and how she would be changing (Not that Kagami doesn't wonder about her already ( ̄w ̄)y). Also, I think a lot of the audience likes Konata that way. It's like one of those cases in those visual novels where you meet a really cute girl and it turns out she has a dark secret, like outside of school, she's actually an insane assassin! ガ━━Σ(゚Д゚|||)━━ン!! I love when that happens though =P Speaking of which, I like Akira too, mainly because she acts so cute and typical of stereotypical lolis, but she's really demanding and lazy outside of her job. Just to spark some conversation~ [B]1. What's your favorite ending? 2. Favorite reference to an anime/event/game/manga/etc? 3. Favorite character/s and why you like him/her/it/them? 4. For those who are into 2ch and Nico Nico Douga or the videos they post up on YouTube, what's your favorite Lucky Star parody? This also includes dance videos of Motteke! Sailor Fuku and stuff.[/B] For me,... 1. "Ore no Wasuremono", the first Minoru Shiraishi ending with the tsun tsun pan pan and WA WA WA WA, etc. It fulfilled all of my Minoru needs~~~~~ Either that or the CHA-LA! HEAD CHA-LA or Doraemon. 2. I can't decide either D: Maybe Timotei~, Crayon Shin-chan reference, and of course, the time when Konata watched Haruhi and browsed 2ch to find out they were already flaming it. OH, and the iDOLM@STER on the TV, I think. I can't remember though. 3. Konata because it's so easy to connect to her. I'm sure most, if not all, LS fans can connect to her. Akira because of mentioned above explanation a few paragraphs up. Minoru because fanservice and wa wa wa wasuremono~ He also looks cool. Tsukasa because she's a cute character. So clumsy, but so moe~ Besides, I tend to like characters with short hair. Lastly, balsamic vinegar. 4. Was it called "Akira Stole the Balsamic Vinegar Aha☆Aha☆Aha?" Something like that. "Hiiragi Tsukasa Stole Hiiragi Kagami's Love" gave me a few laughs too.
  15. Ouch, Vicky. That really sucks. I'm superstitious when it comes to certain things. I believe in karma, so I'm afraid if I do something terrible, it'll come back at me. Back then, I used to believe in Friday the 13th, but now I don't really.
  16. This... this [I]interests[/I] me. =3
  17. I am truly addicted to soda and fruit, especially strawberries (^o^y Also, I like fruit flavored candies.
  18. Does it beat Berserk when it comes to gore? Not that I've read that either, but~ Also, I love bloodshed. Maybe not the greatest [I]gore[/I] fanatic in particular, but I still like it. I'll check it out =P
  19. [quote]Our adorable friend right there is a doujin artist who claims to mostly draw rape scenes[/quote] [SIZE="3"]I'm already hooked.[/SIZE] A show about doujin, conventions, and all of that good stuff had bound to get my attention. Plus, a lot of the characters are short haired and cute~ I'll be sure to check this out.
  20. I absolutely loved the novel. It's probably one of the only books I'll read over and over again, probably because of its excessive but hilarious violence and characters. I haven't read the manga though. How is it?
  21. I liked the endings for the School Days visual novel. They were pretty hilarious. But as for the anime, I'm probably not going to follow it. I don't really care for the characters, although their designs are good.
  22. [quote name='Lunox'][color=dimgray] Whatever character Konata puts up, I'll claim. :)[/color][/QUOTE] Are you sure? D: >_> My characters are so weird, ha-ha. [url=http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa320/KonataIzumi/gtan-1.jpg][img]http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa320/KonataIzumi/gtan.jpg[/img][/url] =( I'm sure there are over 9,000 characters just like G-tan, but she's just one of the mascots of my "Fan manga" I have planned to create. Anyways, this is a really quick, dull, and boring sketch of her. >_> My computer's being slow, so I drew it on paper. If you can't read my handwriting, I'll just say that G-tan is a character who loves technology. She's always seen with something dealing with it, so when/if you draw her, you can get creative by drawing whatever mecha/gaming/other tech on her. I plan to add more onto her too, but you could say this is her casual attire, ha-ha~ As for hair color, you can get creative on that too. I just created her a day or two ago, so I haven't set any color for her. Same with her outfit, which looks like a traditional sailor fuku. ^-^' Sorry, if you don't want to draw her, I can give you another character~
  23. I love strawberries the best. Then peaches, apples, etc. I like anything, except tomatoes.
  24. I'm not sure if this is okay, but I wanted to make a Nekoman thread, where you can make your own Nekomans and post them here. After all, life is much better when there are more Nekomans on the loose. [b]What is a Nekoman?[/b] I believe Aya Hirano created them. In any case, she drew them a lot during the time she voice acted for Haruhi. They were also used in the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, episode 12. And they tend to cover a lot of Haruhi-related items. Here are some that she has made. [URL=http://img443.imageshack.us/my.php?image=nekomanbd4.gif][IMG]http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/4120/nekomanbd4.th.gif[/IMG][/URL] As you can see, they vary in all shapes and sizes. There's even an ET Nekoman. So, why not make your own? It has to have a name and a job. Some characteristics of a Nekoman: -Triangular head -A symbol on its head representing who he/she/it is -Can have hair But you can be as creative as you want~ Heck, if you even want to draw yourself as a Nekoman, you can. Here's my example: [img]http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa320/KonataIzumi/Nekoman/nekoman.jpg[/img] Name: Up Nekoman. Job: He flies in the sky and protects the air from global warming.
  25. I watched some of an episode and it didn't really appeal to me. The best magical girl transformation scene I have ever witnessed, but the humor and overall cuteness doesn't really get to me. I love her special copter though.
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