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Everything posted by Konata

  1. I think I was three or four when I watched Totoro. I really liked it, and I moved onto Pokemon, Speed Racer, Sailor Moon, and then to Digimon, Cardcaptors, Dragonball Z, Yu-gi-oh, then .hack//SIGN, Inu-Yasha, Fruits Basket, Azumanga Daioh, etc. I think Inu-Yasha or .hack//SIGN was the first time though, that I actually noticed that I liked anime. Or rather, it was the time where I finally said, "I'm an anime fan."
  2. Oh wow. How many Lucky Star albums were released so far? I only have the Motteke! single. I want to get the karaoke soundtrack you mentioned though. I think I listened to the Cha-La! Head Cha-La! Konata version song. In any case, I would love to listen to that all day. Who wouldn't appreciate Konata screaming "CHA-LA!", "SHALALALALA", "L-O-V-E", etc? Also, thanks for welcoming me.
  3. I'm probably not going to watch the show itself, but just clips and stuff that amaze me with their Engrish. My personal favorite quote from the Moetan Engrish so far: "Feel." "I really want to eat people because I feel so itchy."
  4. It's totally not obvious that I like this show. >_> Favorite characters for me are probably Konata, Akira, Minoru, and Tsukasa. I absolutely loved Minoru's "Ore no Wasuremono."
  5. Pani Poni is really amusing. It's not something that I would obsess over, but it's still fun to watch when I'm bored. I like Himeko, Ichijo, Serizawa(?), and that one reporter girl. I guess that one teacher who wishes she was a cloud and drinks all of the time too. Most of all though, I like that "censored" thing that this thread keeps mentioning. One of the things I really didn't care for was the whole, irrelevant Agguy-lookalike robot discussion that takes place in almost, if not every, episode. I couldn't really find much humor in it, but that's just me.
  6. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is my favorite anime. My favorite character is Nagato Yuki, which is why I tend to draw her a lot. In any case, this series definitely changed me. I probably would never have danced in public several times if it wasn't for this odd series. Back when Haruhi was still airing, I went to the Shibuya district and bought the Suzumiya Haruhi costume at Cospatio, for around $400 in total. But it was well worth it, and it started me on the whole small cosplay hobby of mine, ha-ha. I was really happy to meet Aya Hirano and everybody at Anime Expo too. It's a pleasure to meet you. It's always fun meeting new Haruhiists~
  7. The Boss' picture is claimed by me~ ( ^o^)y Thumbnail, please click this picture to full view Nemuri Tora(?) [url=http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa320/KonataIzumi/nemuritora.png][img]http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa320/KonataIzumi/nemuritora-1.png[/img][/url] I am so sorry, I drew him so sloppily and horribly. Next time, if I participate in this topic again, I will try to draw better ^-^' As for my own character... My apologies, I will have her picture up soon~
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