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[COLOR="Teal"]"Sir this Sith offered to buy me a drink when a breeze blow down his hood and this Jedi here pounced on him like a Jubba on his late night snack. Then they started fighting then you showed up." As Jena finished her report the sith James jump through the door and ran down the street at inhuman speed blinking Sara said "What the, what just.." cut off by Magnus said "After him dont let him escape hes a wanted man on seven differnt planet." with that the clones and the Jedi ran after him Magnus, Sara, and Jena where the only ones that stayed behind "Major why did you stay be hind I figured you would have went after him?" asked Magnus, Jena replied "Well for one im off duty and he really didnt do anything to me."[/COLOR] ------------James----------- [COLOR="DarkRed"]James ran down the street running pass people turning on a dime James looked back to see if he was clear but instead he found that he was being followed the Jedi the closes turning into a dark ally James hid behind a few empty boxes waiting to to kill as the Jedi and its troopers came in James sprang killing the clones with small swipes of his lightsaber leaving it on only to kill (that would be creepy lol) finnaly the Jedi pulled out his saber and turned it on only to see James standing 6 inches away from his face with his light saber ready to kill. "Time to die Jedi, but dont worry it will be slow and pain full" James said. Turning on his saber he started his attack only for it to meet the Jedi's sending sparks of red and cyan jumping back James sneered "why do you resist me just DIE." with that he lunged at the Jedi with all his might. [/COLOR] ------------Samuel------------- [COLOR="Grey"]Waiting by the pelican as he was ordered he watched the people walking by aliens and humans alike living in peace When Keta came over the intercom "Lt. Samuel the Republic is saying that the Covenant have attack servile planets and are asking if we would help them please have your teams coma back to the ship as well as have Lieutenant Magnus, Major Jena and have something called a Jedi named Relk Baros to come with you we are heading out in 5 hours." "Roger that Keta i will tell Sara that" clicking off his come and using the speaks he said Marines round up get bak into your pelicans and wait we are going back to the ship." Click on blue teams private com he said "Lt ma'am we have been ordered back to the ship and bring Lt. Magnus Major Jena and a Jedi named Relk Baros back with you the ship is leaving in 5 hours see you here."[/COLOR]
new clone lol Name: Jena 1221 Age-26 Gender-Female Race: Human Clone Rank- Major Personality- Loyal to the end. follows the orders of The Jedi, The New Republic orders though will come first. Appearance-A tall slender Cline with dark blue markings randomly placed on her suit without the helm on her face is like that of an angel a nice Brown color and long blond hair with baby blue eyes make her a stunning women to meet.( i wont go into more lol :animesmil.) Bio- Cloned from the wrong cell Jena was always an outcast even though she was just as smart fast strong and everything else the boys always made fun of her anyway calling her names like wrong cell even though they weren't good names they still hurt her but because of them shes now a great leader and a great marksmen
[B][COLOR="Gray"]"While I was scanning the crowd i noticed a man with a pale face and a scar down the side of his face and just looking at him gave me the chills" Samuel said looking back out into the crowd which by this time had lost interest he could not find the man. "But enough about my problems, These aliens we were tracking have been waging war on us for years they call them selves the Covenant they are not just one race but many all come together for one reason the complete wipe out of humanity( just going here i figured hes not chief so he doesn't know about halo etc.) We were assigned to the spire which is in low orbit when the Covenant fleet attacked us then the jumped and we followed and ended up here. We are now looking for them to destroy them and we hoped that you might know where they were?"[/COLOR][/B] -Meanwhile- James saw the man in the black suit look at him, So James decide to play with the man and send a chill down his spine and with that he ran not because of the men and women but because the clones where everywhere and the crowd had died down so his cover wasn't to great right in front of the strange ship James slowed down to a walk and decided to go into a "bar" (cant remember how to spell their bars lol) as he walked in he saw two clones sitting at a table, cursing under his breath he walked up to them and said "Good day gents can I buy you two a drink?" and with that he saw one of them was a women! bright red James said "Oh I'm sorry ma'am would you like a drink?" As he said this the cooling system came on and blew back his hood showing his face a Jedi next to the clones saw him and gasped and wiped out his light saber knocking over the clones table and force trowing James into a couple of wookies. (I'm add a clone into the fray lol its the female one your like her bio lol)
[COLOR="DarkRed"]James jumped to were the strange ship had landed and watched as the humans filled out of it, then Two strange creatures stepped out of it in armor one was green and the other in Black. As the "police" came to the area James decided to blend into the crowed and wait for the commotion to settle down. [/COLOR] -[b][i][COLOR="YellowGreen"]meanwhile[/COLOR][/i][/b]- (lol :animesmil comic book style) [B][COLOR="Gray"]Samuel (i dont know if u were calling me Blood Dawn but if u are then ill use it.) Stepped out of the pelican as he looked around he saw a man standing in the crowed with a scar across his face, Samuel felt a chill run down his spine while looking at him so he quickly glanced at the other races in the crowed one person had long tentacles coming out of her head and her skin was green! She kept Samuels attattion until Lt. Sara came over the private intercom and said "Samuel be ready for anything theses aliens may throw at us i want you to stay here at the bay doors to pull any of the marines in if things get bad." 'Yes Ma'am" not wanting to tell her about the man he saw he kept it to himself instead he said "Ma'am permission to speak?" "Granted, what is it?" "Ma'am I dont think thses people are hostile towards us other wise civilians wouldnt be out here including women and children." As he finished the sentence the troopers came out of the ship and asked "Whos in charge here?" Sara replied "I am, I'm Spartan 1134 or Lt. Sara for short, This is my 2nd in command Spartan 034 or 2nd Lt. Samuel demolitions expert. What is your name and where are we?"[/COLOR][/B]
Welcome :P now some jedis and some marines and clones or w/e
(:D so we in? or are we waiting for more people)
of course ill use em both of them might get into a fight :P anyway heres my other char then Name: Samuel (034) Race- Human Age- 20 Gender- Male Rank- 2nd Lt. lower then 1st Lt. which is what Sara is right? Personality- Laid back kinda of guy never takes anything serious, enjoys telling explosive jokes Appearance- [IMG]http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h49/Deathblades/Spartan_117_by_Jun89.jpg[/IMG] Bio- Samuel is one of the Spartans explosive experts. Him and Spartan 1134 were assigned to the spire just before the covenant attacked. although he jokes Samuel can be responsible when he has to, but Samuel loves joke including ones that deal with explosives.
(OOC: can we have more then one char? because if so then I'm going to make a second one. Also thanks)
Name- James Age- 21 Gender- Male Rank- Sith Lord ( i think it goes here) Covenant-n/a Personality- James is a just like any Sith lord predictable. James loves to see death and to cause pain. Appearance- James is a tall shadowy man when he wasnt on the dark side his features were bright and joyful but when the lure of the dark side pulled him in his features darkened then while fighting a republic soldier the vibroblade just the left side of his face leaving a scar on his face. Even though he is a Sith James prefers to keep in shape by killing thing with his bare hands or hunting down his slaves that he keeps in his temple. Bio- (I'm going to provide a snippet for my bio but its what he was doing before it happened) James was doing what he did best and that cause terror to everyone around him, when on of the pesty Jedis showed up and told him to stop, and turn from the dark side. with a laugh James pulled out his red and green dual blade light saber and attack the Jedi. using a froce push he pushed the Jedi away and thats when it happened four strange ships descended down from a medium size ship and next to the other ship was a huge ship that he had never seen before.
Name: Raiden Species: Blue Blood Appearance: Raiden a young attractive man even for a blue bloods he has very tan skin and blood red eyes which he loves because his preferred color is red although Raiden is fight most of his strength is in his legs which are extremely ripped, standing about 5' 9'" Raiden is short for his age of 26 years he always wears a cape on his back which is red, a symbol rests on the back of his cape two swords and the earth, the swords cut the earth into four areas. His clothing is a pair of Jean and a Red T-Shirt both have dried Collective blood. The red T has ripped sleeves because it was a long sleeve shirt until Raiden's massive muscles ripped holes into them and he then ripped them off. The jeans are baggy and have a hole in the left knee from sliding down a cliff while chasing a human and a Collective hunter. Raiden's left arm has a tattoo of a dragon and lightning on it the lightning circles the dragon in an interesting way. Capabilities: Raiden [U]loves[/U] lightning and fire both he can summon and work with his mind on. Raiden's weapon is a Two Sided Fire and Lightning broad Sword which has seen many years of use Raiden tend to call his Blade [I]KUCHIKI[/I]. Because Raiden is so strong he can cut through a Collective like a "Knife through hot butter." Raiden can also pick things up with his mind and hurl them long distances. Raiden also has the ability to summon a shield of psychic energy to protect himself and others. Raiden stood back from the battlefield and admired his handy work 200 Collective with out breaking a sweat. as Raiden finished killing the Collective in front of him Raiden began to wounder if it was all worth it. While Raiden was staring off into space a Collective made its way behind him with out warning it jumped at Raiden and was cut down in mid air by Raiden's Blade [I]KUCHIKI[/I] the Collective fell to the ground in two peaces and into a pool of blood. "What a loser tried to sneak up on me. You should know thats useless." He said with a sneer as he walked more of the collective started to form where he was a minute before.
so what do we play as "gods" or humans or the fallen angels kids? because i dont fell like getting zapped by lightning for being a "god"
ok well im making a rp(rpg, mmorpg{soon}) and well i need help i have a basic story down, races, and classes, i just need help with names of towns the country they are in. heres the story ill post the rest if people show some interest im also thinking about letting people play here. [SIZE="3"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]M[/FONT][/SIZE]any years ago there was a great war between the forces of light and darkness where each race on our fair planet had to fight its [I]shadow beast[/I]. The races fought by themselves and every one of them lost it wasn?t until the races came together that they were able to turn the tide of war against the shadows. Battle after battle the races won until a huge battle out side the capitol state, one of the generals was transformed by black magic which the shadow beast wielded with great ease. The general and his whole army were transformed into monsters and helped the [I]shadow beast[/I] win the war. After the war ended the general?s army turned to dust leaving him alone. The general is now the emperor that we server under and the [I]shadow beasts[/I] are his army they are everywhere and show no signs of leaving. But there is hope a rebellion has been formed to combat the empire and kill the [I]shadow beast[/I]. Which side will you choose server the emperor and the gods of darkness or fight for freedom with the gods of purity.