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KitThe Fox

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Everything posted by KitThe Fox

  1. Everyone's doing it, doing it, doing it. Picking their nose and chewing it, chewing it. They think its candy but its snot. Yeah.....randomness between friends that made me laugh so hard... Of course I'm easily amused ^^
  2. Name: Kirin Aurell Age: 17 Gender: Female Occupation: Kirin is an illusionist-She has the power to give a spirit or soul a form-These forms she creates can hold spirits that are stuck on earth or she can go into the spirit world through dreams and collect souls for forms. They do not necessarily have to use a human form. It is very dangerous to go to the spirit world to collect souls and Kirin does not often do it. Her illusions will only disappear if someone tries to kill them. Or they harm themselves in any way. (any kind of nick will cause them to dissolve. Which is why she hardly ever uses them to fight.) She can strengthen then using more willpower but it drains her. Normal people cannot tell these things are illusions as they are very much life-like. Accidents can happen-like choosing the wrong soul and its evil. Items: Kirin carries whistles on her. Different whistles can call different forms to her. No matter how far away they are they have to come at her call. If someone else gets a hold of her whistles though it can be disasterous. She keeps them in a magically secure pouch on her belt and rarely anyone can take them. If she sees someone try to reach for her belt she immediately takes action. Weapons: Kirin normally does not like to fight. She of course though has taken martial arts training( a girl has to protect herself) and she carries around a staff about 5 feet long. She also has an assortment of daggers she keeps hidden with 2 visibly on her belt. Appearance: Kirin is 5'7" and weighs only 96lbs. She's well known wherever she is and is easily recognizable because she has blue hair thats right above her shoulders. Her eyes can be two different colors. The are usually a beautiful violet but when she is searching for spirits and souls her eye color changes to black. Kirin always says its to represent the deafening blackness of the void of the undead. She has a triangular shaped face with nice heart shaped full lips. Her nose is not perfect(she's broken it quite a few times) She wears mostly knee length shorts and tanktops all the time. She is not a shoe person and only wears them when she has too. Personality: Kirin is a very kind person and tries to help many people. Only a few things can make her angry but when she is shes very dangerous. She's sarcastic and spunky and doesn't let anyone boss her around. If your on her good side she'll always be sunny and bright. If you're on her bad side...it's a death wish. Information/Bio: She was an orphan. Her parents disowned her because of her difference and power and she was very close to dying when a man found her and took her in. His name was Sayachi and he taught her control and how to defend herself. 6 years after he rescued her he decided to go on a journey. Kirin was 15 years old when he left. He promised to be back and she waits for him. She would know if he was dead because of her access to the spirit world. She's been a kind of roamer ever since. On her 17th birthday she settled down and decided to stay for a while. Until, of course, strange encounters cause her to come out of her shell. It was really fun coming up with this.
  3. Yeah I have two pretty weird cats. When I first got my cat Joey he hopped sideways. He would also run and flip. Like just do a frontflip roll thing. It was extremely funny. His one and only love to is paper balls. Crumple up piece of paper and he comes running. And if you throw it he runs and goes gets it oputs it in his mouth and brings it back. A cat playing fetch? He also drinks from the toilet. And for some reason he seemed to stick to my golden retriever like his brother. When my other dog would fight with him Joey would get on his hind legs and attack him. What kind of cat defends a dog?
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