Luwein squirmed free from Ali's grip at the same time taking a dagger from her boot, Before she could ask him what he was doing he had cut his hand deeply.
"It must be done" Luwein said after Ali gasped. "Marcus taught me a few Time runes and incantations that compliment my power."
"Well whatever you're going to do, do it now! We want little to no civilian casualties" Demetri shouted as he hurled a wind bolt to one of the felines.
Luwein had already sped up time time around his body and drawn the complicated rune seal, " I beseech thee, Cronus. Old God of time, upon the flesh of humans do these beasts dine, starting with the originator of their line....." Luwein place his hand on the ground as the seal glowed and grew smaller until it was now on his hand. "REVERT THESE FELINES !"
Archon made a swipe at Ali, who nimbly dropped to her back and lunched the cat into the air with her feet, then flipped up and put her hands together and bend her knees just in time to assist Luwein in his assault. He jumped into her hands and kicked off as she pushed him upwards soaring towards the large vicious cat, there was a bright red light as his palm connected with the cat's belly and it let out a mighty angry roar that turned into a screech of displeasure from a house cat. It was like a chain reaction all the other felines that had turned beastly were now back to their original forms before Luwein hit the ground shakily.
"DAMN YOU!" Baast Screamed, "What have you done to my precious Archon!" She stopped her assault to catch her beast turned kitten. Baast hissed and kicked off the ground onto the build and out of sight.
"She's getting away!" Demitri started for her.
"Wait..." Luwein was at Demitri's side in a flash, tugging on his shirt. "W-we have to regroup, that seal wont hold for long...she'll be back"
"First we have to tend to that wound" Ali said sternly. "You're so reckless jas-" She held her hand to her mouth.
"...A-alex, Do... we have the same parents?" Luwein asked cooly, or at least he tried. He was shaking slightly, was it do to him loosing blood or his nerves he didn't know are care. Ali didn't answer him but tore fabric off her attire and rapped it tightly around Luwein's hand.
"I believe so, everything points to that it seems" She wiped a tear from Luwein's face, he didn't even know he was crying. His body reacting before his mind could. So many questions flooded through him, how was this possible, did his uncle know? why didn't his parents keep him, but kept Ali and Jason... did they love him, how would things be now? would they change?
Ali gripped him tightly by the shoulders as she swayed slightly," Please.. Calm down Lu, this is the most emotion I've ever felt from you, it's making me ache...We will figure this out as soon as possible I promise, but right now I need you here with me ok?" Luwein nodded, and took her hand squeezing it.
"Okay, lets find the others"