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Everything posted by Takuuya

  1. *rises from the ashes*

    1. Inuyasha Fandom

      Inuyasha Fandom

      *plots to kidnap you...*

    2. Akieen Cloud

      Akieen Cloud

      LITTLE BROTHER!! *BIG hugz*

    3. Shy



  2. -_______________________-

  3. I'm totally in for the witches RPG :D ....boy do i have great timing to resurrect ... im brain storming as i speak

    1. Shwa


      You're more than welcome to sign up, I'm at least looking for 2 more people, and hopefully the original posters as well.

  4. Witches has become a series in my eyes lol. Now we have alternate realities ?! MOVE over XMEN!!... seriously someone should pick Witches up as a novel or comic book.

  5. bleh!! cheetos..... *gags

  6. i have awaken from my hibernation.

  7. all i got from this was nipple lasers... I'm so in.
  8. Where's the cake I was promised? ugh this is Aperture Science all over again.

    1. James



    2. Inuyasha Fandom

      Inuyasha Fandom

      I can has chocolate cake?

  9. welll that's good!... My car broke down like 4 hours ago soooo... i guess i'm taking a day off too!

  10. just keep swimming .

    1. chibi-master


      ~Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming~

    2. Allamorph


      And he will be my squishy.

    3. Inuyasha Fandom

      Inuyasha Fandom

      O.o squishy? but takky's MY plushie!

  11. I'm good ! I just got some free time for a while. i've been drifting here and there :] how're things with you?

  12. dont work TOO hard.

  13. i hope everything goes well with bootcamp and such!!!! <3

  14. aww hell. It sucks when you think of something that seems original only to find out it's been done before... many times over

  15. i want to make a RPG about a whore house / assassins....

    1. James


      I'm sure you'll get plenty of people signing up, but I think that type of RPG has been done a lot over the years here at OB.

    2. Inuyasha Fandom
  16. i think i'll work on my sign up early so i wont be late this time D:
  17. gasp* new witches in the works!?.. i want IN
  18. Luwein squirmed free from Ali's grip at the same time taking a dagger from her boot, Before she could ask him what he was doing he had cut his hand deeply. "It must be done" Luwein said after Ali gasped. "Marcus taught me a few Time runes and incantations that compliment my power." "Well whatever you're going to do, do it now! We want little to no civilian casualties" Demetri shouted as he hurled a wind bolt to one of the felines. Luwein had already sped up time time around his body and drawn the complicated rune seal, " I beseech thee, Cronus. Old God of time, upon the flesh of humans do these beasts dine, starting with the originator of their line....." Luwein place his hand on the ground as the seal glowed and grew smaller until it was now on his hand. "REVERT THESE FELINES !" Archon made a swipe at Ali, who nimbly dropped to her back and lunched the cat into the air with her feet, then flipped up and put her hands together and bend her knees just in time to assist Luwein in his assault. He jumped into her hands and kicked off as she pushed him upwards soaring towards the large vicious cat, there was a bright red light as his palm connected with the cat's belly and it let out a mighty angry roar that turned into a screech of displeasure from a house cat. It was like a chain reaction all the other felines that had turned beastly were now back to their original forms before Luwein hit the ground shakily. "DAMN YOU!" Baast Screamed, "What have you done to my precious Archon!" She stopped her assault to catch her beast turned kitten. Baast hissed and kicked off the ground onto the build and out of sight. "She's getting away!" Demitri started for her. "Wait..." Luwein was at Demitri's side in a flash, tugging on his shirt. "W-we have to regroup, that seal wont hold for long...she'll be back" "First we have to tend to that wound" Ali said sternly. "You're so reckless jas-" She held her hand to her mouth. "...A-alex, Do... we have the same parents?" Luwein asked cooly, or at least he tried. He was shaking slightly, was it do to him loosing blood or his nerves he didn't know are care. Ali didn't answer him but tore fabric off her attire and rapped it tightly around Luwein's hand. "I believe so, everything points to that it seems" She wiped a tear from Luwein's face, he didn't even know he was crying. His body reacting before his mind could. So many questions flooded through him, how was this possible, did his uncle know? why didn't his parents keep him, but kept Ali and Jason... did they love him, how would things be now? would they change? Ali gripped him tightly by the shoulders as she swayed slightly," Please.. Calm down Lu, this is the most emotion I've ever felt from you, it's making me ache...We will figure this out as soon as possible I promise, but right now I need you here with me ok?" Luwein nodded, and took her hand squeezing it. "Okay, lets find the others"
  19. "...then you tie this one like this right?...hmm and....Oh.. There we go, all done" Luwein heard Neos giggle with glee as he put the crown of wild flowers on his head. "And you can put this one on Sly" the animated toy squeaked as Neos held him up to be adorn with a reef of flowers. "Lulu, is so much better at making these now" Neos said delighted as he put Sly back down and giggled as he fussed with the flowers around him. "Well I have your sister to thank for that" Luwein smiled. Lately he had been spending much more time with Ali's children especially Neos, since Markus didn't come around to train him often if at all these days. The regularly scheduled time for Neos' training was now vacant and Luwein had volunteered to watch him. It was the only thing keeping him functional. "Do you want to go swinging again today?!" "If that is what you want, Neos I do" Luwein said and got up and dusted himself off as Neos took his hand and led him to the swings which were in a sand box. Luwein hated sand... for one walking on it messed with his balance and two he could not "feel" his surroundings, sand was just too unstable and loose to read vibrations through his feet. He inwardly sighed he did not particularly like swinging ether and constant motion made him feel a bit sick... hopefully Neos would want to be pushed. "Okay," Neos said suddenly stopping, Luwein had to hold on to the boys shoulder's to catch his balance. "You can go first this time" Luwein cursed in his head, "Are you sure you don't want to?" Luwein heard the flowers shake vigorously on the boy's head indicating he was nodding with enthusiasm. "Okay, then First I shall be" Luwein got in the swing and waited for Neos to push him. "Just... not too high, okay Neos?" "HI DADDY!" Luwein did not even sense Demetri coming,[i] 'damn sand'[/i]... he would have smelled him if it weren't for this flowers. "Hi Daddy's little man, Who's your little friend there? Is that your girlfriend..." Luwein tensed up, he always gets mistaking as a girl but even more so when he was younger. "And where's Luwein, I thought he was with you." "Hahaha, No Daddy! That' Lulu!" "Well It's time for Dinner Neos" Demetri said scoping him up, he walked over to Luwein. "Hi missy, where's your parents?" Luwein pulled his hair back and lifted his head up, "It's Me Commandant" Luwein smiled as he heard Demetri gasp. "Lulu... Luwein....!? H-how You... You look like- I mean you're a toddler !" "...well yes... Neos wanted to push me in the swing and I would not fit at my adult size so I... adjusted myself" Luwein gave A toothy grin. "I didn't know you could do that." Demetri shook off his surprise. "Well come on in, Dante and Lily made dinner." "I don't want to intrude." Demetri sighed it was hard speaking to Luwein like this he was a adorable kid and just hearing his monotone voice come from that little body threw him off. "You're family too, and right now... we really need to stick together." Luwein smiled in spite of himself, those words meant a lot. "Okay, if you say so Commandant" "Demetri.." Luwein grinned again and jumped on Demetri's shoulders. "Uhh... okay then." Demetri said and carried the young boys into the building. For a moment things were okay until... "Daddy when is mommy coming back?" Luwein felt his heart stop .... No one had told Neos what happen, every time he asked about his mother the subject was changed or someone did something to distract the boy but this caught both him and Demetri off...
  20. Dante had dropped to his knees sobbing uncontrollably and Luwein held the boy to him trying to comfort him. This couldn't be happening they had gotten home safely and with their target.... one tragedy after another. Evey time it seem there was a small triumph or speck of hope darkness came to swallow it, Ali's death had come unmercifully and unexpected it seemed. "This can't be happening" Luwein felt as if his heart drop, he had possibly lost a sister as soon as he gained one it all seemed unreal. That's when something stood out to him... "...unreal." [i] "Something is off...." [/i] Before Luwein could think more about it he heard Berserk behind him chuckle. "If you ask me she, she had it coming..." Luwein tensed up as he felt Dante shake with rage. "Prancing around her barking out orders like shes the alpha dog... serves her right. At least she got to be put down like the dog she wa-" Before anyone could blink Berserk was on the ground bleeding and looking bewildered as well as everyone around him. Power came off of Luwein in waves as he stood over him. "That that was the last time you disrespect her" Luwein open his palm towards Berserk and the energy that had sbeen radiating off him began to creep to Berserk like ghostly tentacles they wrapped around him rapidly ageing him. What are you doing to me!!?" Berserk screamed in panic shock at how frail his voice sounded he was already starting to look seventy years old his skin had grown loose and he had lost his muscle mass. "Lu.. stop you can't" Dante sniffed. "You'll be killed too!" Luwein's eyes started to glow but just as it started it stopped as Demitri squeezed his shoulders lightly sending a small electrical current through him waking him up from his rage. "She would not want you to suffer the same..." Luwein was shaking now. "He's dirt! I just wanted to dust him." Luwein said through clenched teeth. "Now's not the time...." Demetri said, sounding as if he were restraining himself. "But I assure you it will come, whether by Anomander or I." Luwein left Demitri and went back to Tank and held tightly to his shirt. "Dad...W-what are we going to do?" Dante was saying a second away from bursting into tears again. [i]"What is there to do after this but grieve..."[/i] Luwein thought to himself as tears rolled freely form his face
  21. Luwein felt as if someone had woken him from a deep slumber, forcefully. He didn't hear Tank call to him nor did he feel him grab his hand, Luwein did not even know his feet were carrying him as Tank led the way. All Luwein knew was confusion, he could not process this information so soon after his uncle's death which had left him almost mute and numb. Luwein thought back to when Mist was killed and his murderer had attempted to end him as while but fail thanks to Ali... His.. Sister. Luwein did not know whether to be angry, upset or happy. Maybehe was a little more angry that all his life he felt alone and abandon whilst Ali and Jason had time with his...parents, why was he given up how did he come to to only know his uncle who had apparently left him with strangers in the wilderness. Luwein eyes began to water luckily they were all focused on getting to somewhere safe to tend to Ali, he didnt have to try to hid his emotions. The thought of Ali brought him back to reality. "Just below this hill" He heard the woman called leech say. "...Watch your step..Err i mean" Tank gripped on to Luwein tightly. "Just hold on..." Luwein nodded, as they landed with a thud. Luwein smiled slightly as he helped Tank regain his balance when in fact he was the one guilding Luwein. "In here." Leech said, Luwein heard an old door creek open and he felt himself being ushered in. "Bring her in here" Luwein heard and felt everyone move to where the woman was, "Not all of you, the room is small just make yourselves comfortable, She will be okay." Luwein wiggled himself free from Tank and near what he guessed was a fireplace the warmth of it calling to him, he sat down the wood squeaking beneath him due to old age. "You two go" Jason said, Marcus and Demitri grunt a quick response as they followed Leech. Pushing away the confusions and feelings he had about his 'parents and ...siblings, Luwein steeled himself and hoped with all his might that Ali would be okay..
  22. Luwein sat in the large window sill hugging his legs to his chest he had thought maybe sitting in the sun would warm him up... why did he feel so cold inside. Was this guilt for the recent argument he had with his uncle.... which he never apologized for or was it loneliness complete and utter loneliness. It was both, Luwein felt the sob fight for release and Luwein willed it away. He got up and stomped his foot on the floor he felt something through the resounding vibrations... there was something in the corner of the room near the bed. Luwein walked over to it and felt a chair smooth yet dusty ... he felt around some more and there was a desk of some short ... this was a vanity he figured that out when his hands found a brush. Sitting down he started to brush his hair, taking the random braids out and some knots. The door creaked open, Luwein felt Ali's gaze on him and something else ... a presence floating around his head then going through him, he let his guard down letting her in. "When I started growing my hair out, Missael said I looked more like my mother rather than my father." Ali shut the door quietly and walked in the room sitting on the bed softly as Luwein continued. "For some reason that made me really....happy, and I never cut my hair again." She felt his walls come down and she sent out waved of comfort to him and Luwein shuddered slightly at the foreign but welcomed feelings. "It's days like this I curse my eyes for not working.... I wish I could see myself.... just knowing that I resemble ether of my parents makes me feel good." Ali put her hand on his shoulder and squeezed it lightly. Luwein stopped brushing his hair as tears welled up in his eyes he blinked and looked dazed, "I wonder if my Uncle resembled my Mother...."
  23. "Mist, you look hilarious" Dante chuckled, He was helping Mist with training Luwein. Mist frowned walking out of of the changing room squeaking from the heat resistant suit he had on, it was made of rubber in most places and bulky guards in other. "Hey! not everyone can turn their skin into steal, and I refuse to be burnt to a crisp by Lu's time blast" Mist said crossly. Mist had asked Tank to help him train Luwein, to add more difficulty to his training. Luwein had begun to get too used to Mist and would strike out in the air right after Mist teleported catching him as he reappeared. "Time blast ...?" Tank asked puzzled. "I've never seen Luwein use his powers, but I know that it's over time yet I don't see what that has to do with .... you wearing a fire resistant suit" Tank laughed again. Luwein was still getting ready, pulling his hair back into a messy ponytail and taking off his loose fitting white cotton shirt, he folded it neatly sitting it in the corner, Luwein then took his shoes off sighing as he could let his feet breathed and as he stood it became easier to 'feel' the area around him. He began walking to where Tank and Mist were. "....-So by rapidly speeding up molecules he can make the very air combustible, hence Time bursts... or thats what I've decided to call them until i think of a better name." Mist was saying. "Ohh wow, so thats why you asked me to help." "Can we start now?" Luwein asked flatly. "Are you in a rush?" Mist asked noticing Luwein's tone. "Well, yes I would like to go outside before the sun sets....I have not been outside all day, being in this metal confinement makes me feel suffocated..." "Oh yeah speaking of your outdoor activities, Please don't go out naked Lu...." "Why not!?" Luwein frowned. "I'm not harming anyone." Mist sighed pinching the bridge of his nose..., "It's just not appropriate , Lu." Mist said calmly, this was delicate.. Luwein was sensitive to anything and everything involving his personal time with nature which was frequent unless Mist dragged him inside or the others did by favor of Mist if he was back at the Northern base. He was too isolated as it were. Luwein felt his face getting hot, his temper flaring up. "You said when inside this horrible building I had to abide but the rules, and wear these ridiculous clothes but on my own free time outside I can do as I please" Luwein Had missed his uncle when he was gone but now he wish he had stayed wherever his duties left him and his ridiculous rules. "Lu... please settle down, and try to understand. Even outside you're still on HDF property and even if you were not, this is the real world and you cant just walk around stark naked like you've been raised in the wild... like like, a wild animal." "But thats is where I was raised in the wild!!" Luwein now shouting. Tank looked nervously at the young man, the time spent with Luwein had been short but during that time he was fairly quiet Tank never would have guess the smaller guy could be so Fiery. Mist looked at Tank for help who shook his head, he was not getting in the middle of this. "Listen.." Mist started sternly. "No! You Listen! I am so sick of this.... all this time I've been trying to please you and all you do is fault me and try to keep me locked up in this place and tame me. But like you said I'm an animal and I will not be tamed." Luwein turned to Tank and bowed. "I apologize, Dante.... It seems you have wasted your time coming here today." and with that Luwein turned away and started for the door. "You get back here now Luwein! That's an order." Mist yelled after him and stopped dead in the middle of his outburst as Luwein shot him a piercing look. "I'd like to see you try and stop me." he said coldly. "Luckily that won't happen since I'm blind and all." with that Luwien walked and turned into the hall, feeling a breeze come in from a nearby window he ran too it and jumped out landing gracefully on the ground. The blades of grass beneath his feet felt welcoming and soothing. Luwein then climbed the nearest tree and sat on the branch bathing in the sun, he decided to keep his clothing on just to appease his uncle who surly will be furious with him.
  24. "I...said I was sorry. What more is required of me?" Luwein said. Mist had taken him outside the door as the Vampire was being questioned, after hearing what his nephew had done he was quite... vexed with him. "For someone who is so 'Attuned' to everything around him you lack empathy." "I believe Miss Alex is the empath right?" Luwein joked, He knew his Uncle was not pleased with him so he tried to make the situation light... with.. [i]'what was it called?... oh yes, Humor'[/i] "Uncle, I was kidding...." Luwein said after noticing Mist was not the least bit amused. "Now is not the time... this is serious. Put your self in his shoes Luwein, The swords means a great deal to him." "...I don't understand...His comrade is dead, why is he still holding on to him, Emotions like those are so... crippling" Luwein said, he knew very little about the Warded Man but he knew what he had heard and well 'seen' since the last battle with team Alpha. Marcus' power seemed to be somewhat tied to his emotions such as Luwein's ...but why would he allow himself to be effected so much by them, as a matter of fact... everyone around him seemed to be the same way. Mist shook his head sadly, realizing what Luwein just said, the boy does not allow himself to ...feel certain things like anger, and lost and even sadness completely. Mist should have noticed this earlier by the way he talked about his own mother. "You will never be a complete soldier unless you allow yourself to feel.... nether will you be a decent human" Mist said sternly. Luwein stiffened at this comment. "I did not ask to come here, you dragged me into all this... I was.... happy where I was, I can not operate in your world and customs and FEELINGS!" He spat the word angrily. "Just as you are mad and hurt right now, Marcus was a thousand times more upset." Mist said, after getting a rise out of Luwein to try and make him understand. "What if someone had taken the black hawks feather your mother gave to you.... how would you feel?" "...Nothing, I would feel nothing." Luwein said and ripped the said heirloom from his hair. "I see what you're trying to do, But I'm sorry uncle I never knew my mother enough to love her where as Colonel Marcus knew and loved his friend. I'm Sorry if the way I deal with my....feelings displeases you" Luwein dropped the feather on the floor. "I'm sorry that I'll never be human enough to be apart of your family." Luwein walked off to the outside of the club. He was so frustrated, how many times should he have apologized to please everyone, and get this sickening feeling out his heart....[i]'Guilt... this is that feeling?' [/i] Were emotions really that important? All Luwein knew was duty.... and restraint and the laws of nature. [i]'Am I the one truly lacking?...'[/i] Luwein thought sliding down the wall to sit with his knees tucked in.
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