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Everything posted by Takuuya

  1. "Luwein can you freeze this whole room except for us?" Demetri said. "...I'm sorry commandant, I don't have that much control over my power to be selective like that." "Well, you can still freeze the whole room right? for how long?" "Considering the mast amount of people here... a few minutes" Luwein said, "But I'm going to have to be above them to cast the time stasis so it affects the whole room." "Ok...Well get to it Private, I need you to get ahead of this crowd and follow Ali, stay hidden.... do not engage unless necessary " Demetri said, A second later Luwein ran at him then jumped off his shoulders into the air, tucking his legs in and hugging them as he flipped in the air like a cannon ball. When he was high enough he opened up like a star emitting a time stopping wave that covered the room. Luwein landed lightly on someone head, running on top of the crown until he got to where Marcus was. He patted Marcus until he came upon an empty sheath. Luwein had no weapons expect his staff... which he couldn't bring because it would stand out too much. "Thank you kindly, Sir" Luwein Ran past the oncoming guards who were stuck in the time stasis. He stopped once he saw the shadows of the Vampire and Ali. Time should start up any second now, Luwein stuck to the shadows, and waited.
  2. !! come back to the theater D: !!!

  3. "We are unprepared and playing into this person's trap." Luwein said wiggling his hand free from Mist and stopped running. "What are you doing!?" "Shhh," Luwein stood perfectly still then jumped up as the ground beneath him twisted into a murky shadow, he thrust his staff down connecting with the would be abductor. "Not this time" the beast roared and emerged fully from the shadow, Luwein kicked off the ceiling lunching himself downwards as the Nightwalker jumped up to meet him in the air, the moment his outstretched palm connected with the nightwalkers face he speed time up at an alarming rate aging the monster until it turned to dust. "That was too much..." Mist said concern as Luwein wiped blood from his face. "I'm fine, but here's our opening" Luwein said sticking his staff in the closing hole, he channeled his time halting wave through the pole. "Teleport us through this" Luwein said breathing heavy
  4. "What about T.bomb?" Luwein twitched slightly."....T. bomb?" "Yes, Time Bomb it's the perfect code name... It explains your powers, easily.... You can manipulate the very fabric of time and that fire thing you can do." Mist seemed too pleased with himself, Luwein was grateful he was blind so he didn't have to see his uncles foolish grin. "That is such a violent name" Luwein frowned, pulling his white bear cloak tighter around him and putting the hood which had a nose and ears on it... "I would much rather be called by my name Uncle." Luwein said grumpy , kicking at the snow with his white boots. "Do you know how long it took me to earn my codename? and how happy and respected I felt when I received it?.... it means a lot... I hope one day you'll understand, Lu" Luwein sighed, it had been a month and a haft since he joined the HDF, Mist with his favor and rank had gotten Luwein to be assigned directly to him... Luwein had mix feelings about this. All his uncle did was talk about how much he would love it here and all the great experiences he could gain and all the good he would do, but the most excitement Luwein had was fighting.... well subduing a wild bear that was ravishing a nearby small town. "Who are we waiting for again?" Luwein cut in, not wanting to hear this same story again. "Alpha Team, We're to relay what we know about the area and assist in anyway we can...It has been a long time since I've seen them" Mist said . " They are a group every team aspires to be like, I wonder how much they've changed..." With Mist being a field agent and emergency only transport agent he unfortunately was out of the loop when it came to anything other than his tasks and training his Nephew Private Ouranos. Mist Turned to Luwein, "And I'm excited to introduce you to them" He beamed and Luwein winced ... "Uncle, strangers make me uneasy" "They are not strangers they're family" Luwein's heart skipped a beat..[i]... Family[/i]... Didn't he abandon his to be hear he wondered how they were fairing where ever they were. "Speaking of family, Uncle.... Have you any word from the tribe?" "Shhh..... I think I hear something, in the distance" Mist squinted his eyes through the heavy downpour of snow and Luwein expanded his senses to the area around them. He felt something.. things and large group of people fighting far ahead. Whatever or whoever this was Luwein was upset they had interrupted at the wrong time. "This way" Luwein was about to brake out in a run until Mist grab him. "I'll get us there quickly" Luwein felt the world around him vanish and suddenly he was in midair. "Bring us down easy, Lu" Mist yelled over the sonic booms he guessed where the Commanders. The group along with their predictors halted for a second staring up as Luwein and Mist gracefully landed on the snow. "MIST!!" rang a few voices. Luwein felt they seemed happy and even sounded as if they were familiar with his uncle. "Hello Alpha Team!" "You sure picked a good time to show up" came a low husky, but kind voice.... whoever this man was, he was a large sturdy man. Suddenly Luwein grabbed his rod, "Extend!" he yelled, it grew heavy and longer and in one motion he knocked one of the Nightwalkers a foot or so away from the man that had just spoken. "I don't mean to be rude, but I believe now's not the time for pleasantries, the Nightwalkers hate to be so blatantly ignored it seems." Luwein said then violently gesturing with his hand at the Nightwalker he had hit, before it could recover a small burst of fire erupted in front of it's face.
  5. "Hello Uncle, Missael" "How did you know it was me" Missael asked already knowing the answer. "You may have forgotten where you come from, but your body and soul remembers, you walk with a certain rhythm." Missael walked over to where his nephew was sprawled out on his back, barefooted and barely dressed with his eyes closed and sat down on the ground softly next to him, looking him over. He had grown a little since the last time Missael visited .... "Go on..." Missael shifted , his HDF uniform was comfortable but not for sitting on the uneven ground. "...and the land remembers you also, I can feel the echo of joy your feet make when it connects with the earth ... and you are also happy to be back, regardless of how brief your stay will be." "Luwein.... Have you thought about my proposal?" Luwein opened his pale eyes staring directly upwards toward the sun. "Uncle, how did you know I would be here....." "You are your mother's child, this was her favorite spot to sun bathed as well as star gazed." "I miss the stories you told me about her, all her adventures and....... misadventures. I truly wish you would visit more often... so you could tell me more." "Or you could finally come back to the HDF, you're more than eligible to be accepted. No documented proof of existing .....besides the information we have on you, plus I'm well connected there I could make sure you're well taken care of. We would see each other so much more.... and we'd be able to have conversations like this sometimes." Luwein sat up and crossed his legs, his back towards his uncle. " Agent Mist, that's what they call you there right?" "Correct" Mist said. "You know what they call me here?... Cronus, Skygod, De Hora, and other various names of reincarnations of Gods who's power was that of time itself.... There is one name that sticks out above all the rest, Protector." Luwein turn around and moved directly in front of his uncle. "My place is here, I couldn't do to these people what you and my mother did.... go off and fight things that go bump in the night... theres so many horrible things that torment us in broad daylight under the all seeing sun. Famine, Plague, invaders, and people who come to lay ruin to the land." "Protector .... more like prisoner, you know nothing of the world outside of this nomadic life style and that saddens me the most, you talk about protecting the land and respecting the earth, you cant respect what you do not know, you can not know what you have not experienced." Luwein held his uncles face in his hand feeling around slightly, "Your face has changed ..... this is to be expected, but not too much to where I cant recognize you. It is true the Missael, of the moist fragrant air, is here before me yet I can not see him." "Well you are blind, so that is not saying much." Missael snapped and regretted it as soon as he said it... Luwein reminded him so much of his own father, who was such a devote to what he believed in and what he felt his children should believe in... sometimes when he spoke to his nephew it took him back to the ramblings of his father. Luwein slowly withdrew his hands from his uncle's face, but Mist grabbed him by the hand and clasps them in his. "I am more aware of my surroundings then witches twice my age and 8 times my experience." Luwein answered calmly but still slightly hurt, not at his uncle's words but they're intent and the rough way he spoke. "Which is why i want you to come with me.... you are needed on a grater scale than this" "These people need me uncle, how will they survi-" "I can have them placed under the protection of the HDF, no more traveling around unsafe territory" "How do you know they would help and why now after all this time" Mist smiled, of course Luwein couldn't see it but he felt Missael's pulse through his hand, it had skipped in a slight way that just translated into....happy "Because they're all witches, basically homeless and untrained. The HDF owns a lot of land a lot of fertile land where they can call home if they refuse to become trainees....There was a shift in power the branch that should have been overseeing our tribe of witch nomads has come under new management." Luwein forcibly took his hands back. "You're so foul Uncle, you tricked me... you get me all worked up... when instead you could have told me this information first." "I had to get your attention .... Dont be angry with me" Missael whined. "This is a great opportunity, for everyone.... All i ask is that you join the HDF." "....On one condition, if you say your corporation owns all this land get them to buy this land... it would be unfair for our people to have to uproot from the soil they were born on." "That doesnt sound impossible, I'll see what I can do." Missael got up to leave. "I will be back to retrieve you once I get the O.K from my Superiors." Luwein rose hastefully to his feet. "..Uncle...Thank you" Missael nodded, not needing to ask what for.... Luwein would never openly admit to feeling like a prisoner by his own duties to his people, a task left to him be his late father this was ask close to that as possible though. Finally Luwein would have a chance at a decent life. And this way Mist would have him close by, the way that things are right now it's dangerous for someone with the amount of power Luwein has to be unsupervised. Mist would have to call in a few favors to get his nephew under the best supervision possible. '[i]One battle at a time[/i]' Name: Luwein Ouranos Age: 20 Appearance: 5'7 a light lean but muscular build. Luwein prefers to be wild haired, barefooted and half naked to be more connected to everything around him, but in a work setting he has to settle for something "respectable" he ties his long hair in something that resembles a pony tail he still wears beads and feathers in his hair when he can get away with it. ripped tight but movable jeans and a loose fitting tank top a few ear rings and a bangle which is a family heirloom . he tries to mix his wild nomadic normal wear with todays casual laid back style for the most part. Personality: Sensitive and sort of reserved. Extremely curious, ignorant but wise. Luwein is kind and gentile young man. Although people are drawn to his honestly and purity his completely innocent but blunt moments can put people on edge. Luwein always means well in the end, though sometimes people would think he'd enjoy the company of a fern over a person. He is quite the opposite Luwein wants to connect to people even though he knows his sudden intense devotion and quick attachment may be off putting to some he hopes it will some how show how he wants to be accepted as a peer, and companion. Luwein wants this more than anything, it's nerve wracking to be born with a purpose and having been operating in that expectation since birth and suddenly trusted into the world with no identity. Power: Time manipulation, Luwein can slow, speed or stop time this can be directed at a single target including himself or affect a small area, and within 4 walls he could freeze the whole room, however it's affects on powerful demons and witches is weaker. Luwein can cause air molecules to speed up, rapidly causing friction therefore causing combustions. being as this is not a common power no one knows how and if it will evolve further. Luwein's Grandfather was an Earth Master, he taught Luwein to be in tune to the earth allowing him to never be caught unaware when in his natural surroundings. Luwein is blind but with meditation and a close bond with nature his senses are supernaturally refined, to where he can sense dishonestly and moods just by a persons voice not to mention almost having a radar like sight when barefoot and connected to the earth. Weapons: Hand to hand, and a silver flexible pole that extends great lengths and retracts. sometimes he carries a large over sized mallet with him. (Yous guys are already on page two!!! waiiiit up ahahah, i hope this is okay if there is any changes i need to make please let me know KG :])
  6. D: I've been reading this, it's amazing
  7. Aww, I'm sorry well that wont happen again with out moments notice. How are you? and i've been thinking about that charmed rp.. and i need help the more i try to plan it the more complicated it gets.

  8. Bonjour! :] I'm fin I've just been so busy with moving and working... but everything'd calmer ...for now.

  9. damnit she beat me to it!! **angry fist shaking**


  10. :[ i was waiting for the others to post i didnt want to like... take control of them so thats why i set it up like that... dios mio
  11. This was going to take much energy. Simple fire balls and lightning bolts were not doing a lot of damage, this gigantic creature would have to be completely consumed by the holiest of flames. But first it had to be contained. Dawner snapped his fingers and mystical energies swirled in front of him, came together a Penbrooke stood before him in a daze. "Whaa..." His confusion turned into anger "Did you really just summoned me in the middle of a battle field?!" "You're here, so you might as well make yourself useful" Dawner snapped, He resented this man with everything in him which was out of character for Dawn but he couldn't help it Penbrooke just rubbed him the wrong way. Knowing that he possessed more magic in his pinky toe, than Penbrooke had in his body was not a comfort, for Dawner sensed a Desperation within the man along with a sly underhanded motive, he should be kept close and watched. "Yuin and Dean could you guys help me also? we need to surround this beast and use a containment spell then," He Turned to Calil and Karyn... "I need you ladies for a complicated fire spell" Dawner walked closer to Karyn, "You and Draco haven't.... had... intercourse have you?" Karyn turned colors. "N-no !!" She exclaimed "W-why would you as-" "OH! Great so you're still a virgin!?" Dawner exclaimed, and Karyn turned even more red. "Then the spell will work! See We will be conjuring the holiest of fires but I needed a pure person to help out with this or it would not work, I need Calil because she's also an adept in fire" Calil turned to him, "Are you trying to say I'm tainted?" Dawner couldn't tell if she was being serious or not. "Well err...uhhm...." He turned and ran back to the guys "We're ready, now lets surround this thing in a rough circle, I need you guys place your hands on the ground when i cast the glyph of binding, it will get this thing to stop moving. Then me and the girls will start the spell that will bring it down for good". [i]'I hope'[/i]
  12. I'm leaning to a yes. I dont think everyone who was in is active now.
  13. Elle flipped over the car and swung his clawed gauntlet at the bears paw ripping and exposing the mutated flesh. The bear roared in pain and staggered backwards. "Thank you for your assistance, Light" "My pleasure ma'am" Elle smiled, but inside he was shaking... or maybe it was on the outside to because Rose had asked if he was okay before Elle could answer he saw the bear coming back towards them. "Uhh oh, we better move" Elle tried to pick Rose up and but he just toppled over. The bear was almost on them, Elle pulled a explosive out his vest, bit off the steam a bit and struck it on his pants in what seemed like a blink of an eye... he then threw it at the bear's face. He made a move to shield Rose but she picked him up and ducked behind the vehicle which shook a bit after the explosion. Elle laughed "I forgot how strong you were" Elle said recalling the times Rose played with him as a child, his favorite game was when Rose would spin him around and throw him in the air only to catch him gently. "You two okay back there" He heard Sarge say. "Peachy !" Elle called back, half heartedly. This adventure was just starting and already he had a story to tell his brother when he got back, well thats if they survived that is.
  14. I like!!! and it sounds reasonable !!!.... i think everyone will agree
  15. D: I was censored !!! lmao. oh question!! Are we all on foot?
  16. Three days had been enough time to prepare for the big live but not enough to tell his Brother and Mother. Elle was sure his mother was still crying, but his elder brother assured him that they would be okay just as long as he promised to be careful. Hope even said he'd be on guard duty on the day of departure which was why Light was looking around as they approached the gates. "Over here twerp" Elle heard armor jingling and turned to see Hope running toward him. He saluted Sarge before punching his little brother in the arm. "No strike-backs" Hope said as Elle cursed. "Until you come home in one piece" Hope turned to Kaia " I'll have those gates open for you all right away, Good luck.... and look after my rock headed brother please." Hope bowed and ran off to open the gate. Elle Rubbed his arm and picked up the things he dropped. Hope was never the one for mushy talk but Elle could see right through that manly 'goodbye'. His brother was worried but would never say it, in fact he had encouraged Light to go on this mission... probably because Hope knew he couldn't convince him not to go. Light, waved at his brother upon exiting the bunker. "I'll come back... I promise." He called back as the gates were closing. "And I'm going to kick you in the ******* neck!" Hope's laughter was cut short as the huge gates closed. ~ "Woah..." Elle said blinking into the sunlight. "I guess that bright thing is the sun..." He said, not talking to anyone in particular. "It's HUUUGE.... and yellow... And kinda pretty" Elle went into is pockets and pulled out a pad, a thin charcoal writing utensil and yellow and orange chalk. He started sketching right away while he was walking, yes it felt awkward with moving and holding things but Elle just couldn't wait to get this down on paper. This great wonder wouldn't stay there for long.... would it? Elle shrugged off the question and kept his face down and feet moving drawing.
  17. [font="Arial Black"]Name[/font]: Light Zevvrn Ellswor'the or Elle by friends. [font="Arial Black"]Age[/font]: 20 [font="Arial Black"]Job[/font]: Demolitionist/Miner ( Though he likes to think of himself as an adventurer slash trail blazer ) and he is a very good artist [font="Arial Black"]Appearance[/font]: http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j61/takuuya/Chara/ccfe237c.jpg Most of Light's Hair is cut short except for the back with is long and braided with yellow ribbon.It falls just bellow his hips. Light is 5'8" and has a build like a gymnast surprisingly for a miner but sometimes his job requires him to be suspended in air and he has to be quite nimble and quick to avoid the accidental falling of rocks with trained reflexes. He likes to wear light clothing when he's not in the mines like... A green mesh tank top with is tight and fitted, over that he wears a dull gray vest with various pockets (which he keeps explosives and powers to make them). The vest is lined with black mole fur so is the hood of it, the vest stops just before his navel. He wheres neon green goggles that emits light. He has a utility belt along with suspenders that fall below his waist. One of the legs on his pants stop at the knee and he has a knee guard with a pointed deadly spike. On his pants on BOTH sides, right on his thighs is a rough strip that extends to his knee, he can strike fire to his explosives in a fluid motion. Elle wears leather lace up boots that stop just before his calves. [font="Arial Black"]Personality[/font]: Elle is the type of guy who still enjoys listening to stories told by the elders of heroes and tales of valor and adventure.... He lives for adventure. He's always thrilled to do his job discovering new caverns, expanding the bunker and finding sub animals, his notebook is full of sketches of maps and doodles of animals or minerals he finds. His room is slightly cluttered with gemstones and other things he deems as treasure. Light hearted and optimistic and so bubbly sometimes foolish and rushes in to things but he's a smart guy with a loving heart always helps where he's needed. Though most of the time he speaks before thinking he means well. He can be a sneaky menace at times. Curious like a cat and thirsty for adventure, some people look at him as a accident waiting to happen but they cant help but to be charmed by him. [font="Arial Black"]Weapon/skills[/font]: Explosives and a Terra Gauntlet on his left arm which can emit pulses to help him break stone easier and can deflect stray stalactite or other rocks. the clawed but slender gauntlet fits like a glove so it's not a huge hunk of metal that limits his moments or slows him down it also allows him to defend himself just in case he runs into any mutated underground critters. Since his brother was a military trained guard Elle is also good at hand to hand combat and can handle a few weapons and arms. [font="Arial Black"]Snippet[/font]: Elle groaned for the fifth time in five minutes. "Be patient lad, let me get these readings" Said a much older and burlier man. "You've been walking around with that scanner for twenty minutes Obion and we already know whats behind that wall... or at least I do" Elle was now pouting , he hated being scheduled to work with Obion. Yes He adores him and looks at him like a father but it was such a PAIN working with him. Obion was one of the Demolition and Mining overseers, theres not a stick of dynamite that goes off without the OK of a DAM Overseer. It was their job to calculate the effects of the explosion plus securing the location of the excavation site and a whole bunch of other boring crap that held up new and exciting discoveries ...well acording to Light Z. Ellswor'the. "Why are you so anxious to blow up the bunker?" Obion asked without looking back at Light, he ran his hands over the rocky wall glittered with sparkling crystals "Hmm..." He clicked a few buttons on his scanner. "They're fluoresites.... Those glowing crystals." Elle answered the unspoken question. "I've been studying the vein leading here and I'm a hundred percent sure that theres a huge deposit behind this wall, Obion." Elle was getting more impatient by the second. "And I already calculated and planed the demolition of this wall, lets get on with it already." "Ya know if you would just use the the Miners Mech for once, I wouldn't have to double check for safety because you'd be protected those armored babies." Obion jabbed his thumb in the direction of two Mechs huge and sturdy used for digging and such. Elle only used them to get to point A and B ... if they were far apart that is. "I dont like being in that thing it shuts me off from my surroundings, I like to [i]feel[/i] the earth around me... ya know be in sync and such." Obion groaned when he saw Elle flash him a winning smile. "Aww dont worry so much, I think you've checked enough." "Just let me run these calculations through again, then check out the surrounding area and ceiling struc-" "Ugh! Earth and metal!!" Elle exclaimed throwing his hands in the air... " Fine..." Elle kicked a rock toward the mechs behind them then smiled. He picked up another and threw it in the cockpit at an angle that made it ricochet within it. "Uh oh, Sounds like some pest found it's way into one of the mechs... Hmm, I wonder if it'll leave a surprise like last time." "WHAT!? Not again those damn vermin!" Obion picked up his pick and headed to the mechs. Elle took that time to light a few explosives and carefully place them at the wall. "FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!" He yelled jubilantly and ran for cover. "Damn it Boy!!" shouted Obion as he took a dive towards the mechs. When the dust and debris cleared, there was a soft glow of light that came in from the giant hole in the wall. Elle rushed to it and stood in awe, He saw mounds of Fluoresites bright and warm... This was a great find, this was why he had been so anxious and excited... this could possibly be a new source of light and heat.... and there was enough of it to be tested for a power source. The bunker would benefit from this greatly and that was all that mattered to him. "Well I guess the wall wasnt to thick, I probly could have broke through it with a shock wave from the Terra Gauntlet" Elle flex his left arm, then added "But the dynamite added a dramatic touch...dont you think so, Big O?" "Dont you Big O me ! this was against code and unorthodox and DANGEROUS!" Obion Said walking up to him then stopping when he saw the deposit, "Yet ... you were right lad, This is a great find" Obion squeezed his shoulder lightly. "You brother and Mum will be proud" "Aww shucks, Obion...sto-" Elle felt something hit his hard hat. "Look out!!" He shoved Obion out the way and thrust his arm upward sending destructive pulses to break up the falling stalactites. "Light!!" ----------- "Stupid, foolish, rock headed, boy" Elle heard someone mumbling, he didn't know who it was but he wanted them to shut up. Elle's head was throbbing something fierce, he groaned. "Medic! Medic, he's coming to" Elle recognized that voice with a groan and opened his eyes then cursed when the brightness of the room stabbed at him. "H-hhey Big O, Whats shaking ?" He managed along with a goofy smile. Obion just glared at his through misty eyes. "You're going to be the death of me boy, Ether you'll kill me in an accident or give me a heart attack. You took care of most of the rocks but one hit you so hard it knocked your hard hat off. " Elle looked guilty and sullen, "I'm sorry Big O, I should have been more patient..." Obion waved him off. "It happens lad, now I think we've had enough excitement for today" He squeezed Light's hand and stood up from his chair. "I sent word to your brother" Elle groaned, "He should be in here to check on you soon, I'm going to head back down to the excavation site and make sure you're credited for your find." "Thanks ,Obion." "You take it easy lad, wait for the medic to come in and check you out okay? I'll see you tomorrow" Obion pated his leg and walk out the room. Elle Laid there for about six minutes then kicked the blanket off of him, He felt his head someone had wrapped some white clothe like thing around his head, there was a little bump...and he had a few cuts and bruises in other areas "Nothing serious, I dont need to get checked out by anyone" Elle got his bag with his things in it and got up and preceded to leave the ward. "It's just so exciting" Elle heard a nurse say to her friend, " One of the people they sent out last year has returned with great news" "I wonder what he has to say, It must have been a dangerous mission if he's the only one that made it back." Said her friend. "Yes that part is truly sad, still... it must have been some adventure" The first nurse said. Elle's heart stopped, 'Adventure??!" "I feel jealous and worried for the new people who will volunteer at the council meeting" Elle heard everything he needed to hear he rushed off to the council hall. Light bumped into a crowd coming out of the building. "Sorry !!!" He called back at them still running into the building. The hall was empty except for an old official looking guy gathering up a stack of papers. "Oh no!! I missed it" "Whats that sonny?" The old man looked at him, "Is there something I can help you with?" "Was there a meeting here?" "You can say that, More like a recruiting of sorts" The Councilman looked him over... "You wouldn't want to volunteer would you boy? dangerous stuff this mission is.... quite the adventure one might say." "Of Course I want to!" Elle almost jumped put of his worn out but sturdy boots in excitement. "You don't even no the details of the mi-" "It's for the bunker right?" Elle interrupted, "If it will benefit everyone here then I don't care about the specifics, I would really like to go sir... if it isn't too late" The Councilman looked straight into Light's eyes and nodded. "Well then you best get prepared, you'll leave in three days with the others who volunteered. What was your name son?" "Ellswor'the,sir. Light Z. Ellswor'the" "Ahh, You're Hope's little brother... I should have known from the snow white hair. Okay, well I guess I'll see you in three days then, Light." "Yes you will sir." Elle Turned on his heels and headed towards home anxious to pack and plan..."Plan... hmm, Maybe i should have asked for specifics ...oh well"
  18. !!!! HEY

    I replied to you message, or at least.... i think i did.

    But im glad to be back!!

  19. I would love to join this rpg is it still open? *crosses fingers*
  20. Dawner: *warps Dunan back* Dunan: Whadahell?!
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