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Everything posted by Takuuya

  1. i totally... had a reason to come here... but i forgot once i started reading.. this lol. Dawner: *Backs out of the thread slowly* I seriously cant remember what i came here to say lmao..
  2. Dawner wiped a crimson tear from his cheek, ?Anya?and?D- Dean.. they?re finally back? It took so much to resist going to run and find Dean, but Dawner knew he had to take this puppet master out. Dawner took off his top hat, and shielded his eyes as he looked up at the building which held the one responsible for manipulating the people of Cairo. The sun was setting casting a beautiful glow across the sky. ?Hmm? lets get this over with then?? As Dawner entered the building he felt a eerie presence all around him. ?I think it?s safe to assume my presence is known? Dawner sighed? ?And expected ...? Came a low sultry voice. Though Dawner causally turned to face the direction the voice came from, the air around him rippled with energy? without even much of a blink Dawner put up numerous mental shields and defensive spells. There was the figure of a woman sitting in a circle of candles and holding a crystal orb, which gave off a fuchsia glow. ?Look, Sweet heart?.. I really don?t want to go through the whole good guy bad guy banter, I don?t care for it too much so lets get this over with.? Dawner said taking off his top hat, then removing his jacket. ?Don?t you want to know who I am or who sent me? ? You are pretty lax to be the professional I was excited to face.? Dawner realized the voice was in his head because the woman?s mouth (which was the only feature Dawner could see from under the hood) never moved. ?See when you?re as, how did you put it, ?Professional? as I am you can take information and much more from the brains of victims.? Dawner retorted, now pulling his scarlet hair back and rapping his untied bow tie around it. Dawner heard the shrouded woman chuckle inside his head. ? Victim eh?.. Well come and get it big boy? Dawner flung a fireball then had to duck when it ricocheted off the bearer surrounding the woman. ?Well that was smart of you, but there?s more than one way to get to you.? Dawner said sitting down. ?Free mind from body, and soul from shell, Powers that be release my spirit from where it dwells? Dawner?s body slumped over lifeless as a multi colored essence escaped his mouth and went flying past the shield into the woman forcing her spirit to leave her body. ??.aaah, A battle on the astral plane ?? The woman sounded amused yet nervous. ? Are you up for a battle of minds?? ??.Are you? By the way my name is Felecia.? ?By the way I don?t care, you?re still a nameless body count at the end of the day? Dawner?s essence took the form of a lion. ?Are you this rude to women all the time?? Felecia said taking the form of a dragon. ?We?re going to have to do something about that? OOC: any fans of the old school x-men know what im talking about?
  3. just so everyone's clear... what organization are you guys coming from? is it the twisted Red's faction or... Paris' Santuary ?? ... or your own?
  4. Dawner ran back to his position next to Dunan with a look of utter annoyance on his face. “Did you get all that?” “Yup, but my nose got it before I heard it from Calil.” Dunan said smiling then looked concerned at his mate. “What’s wrong hun? If you’re worried about me hurting the innocents you can rest assured that no … major harm will come to them” “No it’s not that” Dawner said solemnly, “It’s just really inconvenient that they’re being controlled” “Sweetheart, don’t you mean unfortunate?” Dawner cocked his head slightly. “Well, for them I guess, but for you and I… I’d say it’s both unfortunate and inconvenient.” Dawner said matter of factly. Dunan’s face shown with realization and he playfully scowled at his lover. “Do you mean to tell me you’re upset that you can’t feed on these humans?” “Aww… don’t reprimand me, Love… it’s just… I’m hungry and it’s my tummy talking” “Well I’m hungry too.. but we’ll just have to pull up our britches and get through this… innocent casualties free.” Dunan chuckled as Dawner pouted. Dawner pulled out a sinister looking wand about 9 inches longs. This casualty free thing was going to take very careful act of control… hand magic wasn’t going to do the job right since it’s more wild and powerful than spells done with a wand. “Immoblitzet Levi Corpus” Dawner aimed his wand at a group of humans that were trying to ambushed them, the purple light hit them and spread like electricity as it suspended them in the air, their hand were stiffly at their sides and legs were bound tightly together. “If one of them happens to break free and fall and hit their head on a rock… would it be in bad taste to lick the blood from their bleeding skull?” Upon turning into a vampire Dawner had developed a morbid sense of humor that Dunan found titillating but… Dunan was sure there was a hint of seriousness in Dawner’s tone… “…Very,” Dunan managed.
  5. Sin smiled as he handed Jerrod?s drink to him, Jerrod had always used Sin?s whole name instead of ?Sin? which is what L?ansey means in some demon language or another. Sin hiccupped and Jerrod eyed him suspiciously, ?How unprofessional, the bartender is drinking the merchandise.? ?Bollocks?.You call it unprofessionalism, I call it doing inventory? Sin laughed and his eyes lingered on Jerrod?s chest for a moment then he blushed. ?So, uh, how was your hibernation mate? I know your flight was long...sorry I couldn?t shadow warp you here? with saving those kids and all I was a little tied up? I hope you had a decent rest? Sin finished his flustered rambling short of breath and grinning drunkenly. ?What are you babbling about?? JB chuckled. ? Some things never change? ?Meaning?? ?You?re still so cute of course? JB tussled Sin?s hair. ?Oy!? Sin batted JB?s hands away. ?I?m not that simple young bloke you knew years ago? I?ve changed Jerrod.? Sin put his hand on JB?s ?Really?..I?ve grown up.? Sin added. Just then Nayomi crashed over a table. ?Er, wow? I better go help Nayomi, seems Duke's taking a bathroom break.? JB strolled over to Nayomi a little bit to fast for Sin's liking. Sin sighed? [I]?Hey what?s wrong? [/I]Damo?s thoughts were projected into his head, his mind voice tinted with concern. [I]?nothing mate, I?m fine.?[/I] Sin sent back? at the same time trying to shut himself completely down. [I]?don?t lie to me, I can feel what you?re feeling Sin?and it feels like you just had your heart-?[/I] Damo had gotten better with his telepathy that plus the special bond they had (due to Sin turning him into a vampire, thus becoming his Sire as it?s call) Damo and Sin had a strong mental bond. And sometimes this pissed Sin off completely?. Like now [I]?Damo! Bugger off! Just leave it alone? [/I]Sin sent his wordless reply with so much anger and emotion he knew it would give Damo a slight headache. Sin turned around and grabbed some random bottles of alcohol, then dissolves into shadows in the corner. Sin stumbled upon reappearing on the roof. Nayomi wasn?t the only one who couldn?t handle liquor . ------------------------------ [COLOR="Indigo"]?So that?s the jest of it Sir?? Fran had just finished briefing his commander on the situation with the foreign witches and Red?s corrupted organization. ?He?s a tyrant, this is just unacceptedble! I can believe we almost aided him in his twisted endeavors, Okay Fran, I want you to go back their and give those witches our full support? Fran nearly spit out his coffee, ?Pardon me?? ?Well, I sense whatever Red has plan will hold disastrous consequences on a grand scale. Whatever those Witches need to do will help prevent that.? ?But.. their leader is? quite the handful, I mean I don?t see her listening to us? ?We?re not going to tell them what to do, we?re simply aiding them? in fact inform them they can move into Sanctuary I?m sure I?ll grand facility will be much help to their endeavors? Fran?s jaw almost hit the floor? ?uh..S-sir or you sure ?? ?One hundred percent sure, and I want it done at daybreak, and I insist you persuade them to come, if not to stay here at least for dinner.? Fran groaned, Commander Reemit Bleu was the only man that unnerved François and could completely throw him off by surprising him with some crazy proposal? maybe it was because the man was slightly insane or was it because he was psychic? Fran had no idea but sometimes it wasn?t amusing? it was just scary and annoying ?Yes sure?? ?Okay, I?m depending on you, and I know you wont disaapoint me.? ?Lets hope they trust me half as much as you do? Fran said exiting out Bleu?s office.[/COLOR]
  6. Dawner chibi style :D lol dont you want to put him in your pocket? lol [url]http://www.tektek.org/dream/dream.php[/url] there's alot to choose from i'm sure everyone could make their character if they want to :]
  7. [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/34778075][img]http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1002/d14/2031/c48c362.png[/img][/url] lol, so i was bored and what not... and i stumbled upon this gaia avatar simulator thingy... so i made Dawner :D
  8. Still falling.. or in their case gracefully descending Dawner chuckled to himself, he loved the adorably dark tinted humor he and Dunan shared. Dunan was Dawner?s soul mate, the yang to his ying... Dunan could always bring out a dark yet beautiful side of Dawner and that was okay with him. Just below them a Demons were approaching the building. Dawner rained bullets on their unsuspecting skulls, which didn?t kill them but slowed them down. Upon land Dunan drove his fist into the ground causing a shockwave the clear room around them. Dawner began to wonder was their blood tasted like. ?You know what I believe I?m a bad influence on you,? Dunan chuckled, through their psychic link. ?And? I love it? Dawner twirled in the air and kicked a demon in the chest, He smiled at the sound of bones being cracked. ?Don?t start without me!? Dunan called, snapping out of his trance by Dawner. ?You have all night to catch up with me love.? Dawner winked.
  9. Excel, i thank i speak for everyone when i say thank you for updating us on Inu and seeing to him. We all care for him deeply and hope and pray that he'll get through this. send him my love
  10. I think my favorite quote from this rpg so far is: "She didn't want to ride the express to Vomitville" That was simply halarious Lilt. I'll have something posted later on today... both from Sin And the delicious Frenchness that is FrrranSwa...
  11. Err.. i'm just noticing we dont have a backstage thread.
  12. Has anyone read these novels? I am utterly hooked.... i find it to be a mix between harry potter and twilight... At first I did not like first book but it really grew on me all the plot twist and exciting turns... and the drama dare i say it's tinged with a little gossip girl lmao.... maybe not tht would be going too far.. I also feel emotionally attached to some of the characters, at some parts i even got all misty-eyed. There or very few books that pull at my heart strings.. i could go on and on about this series.... but am i alone in my ramblings? anyone else had pleasure of visiting the world of House of Night?
  13. ?Eeh Heem? Fran coughed, before he could blink the shadows around him moved eerily, -Hmm, that?s probly the work of that little red headed vampire?- Fran also noticed a man who had multiple but precisely placed lacerations on his arms, blood was encircling him and a slightly smaller female who had her fangs bared slightly ready to lunge at him. Fran smirked; he was dealing with professionals it seemed. ?I have not come here to fight, promise?? [I]the group behind the first one seemed less experience but almost as deadly.[/I] ?Then who are you and what do you want?? snapped the Female who seemed to be in charge. Fran could retorted the same thing but? he was an amazing people reader, and he could plainly see they meant business and that this woman was not in the mood for Fran?s?imprudence, so he might as well be straight forward with them, or at least ?Partially? Jensen piped in, ?He said he?s with some organization called Sanctuary, don?t worry I don?t believe he?s here to cause us any trouble? Fran nodded smiling, happy that the intensity in the woman?s eyes was gone but she still looked apprehensively at him, studying him? ?In fact? Jensen continued, ?He?s been helping us from a distan-? ?That still doesn?t answer my question? She folded her arms, with a raised eyebrow that said ?Well??? Fran gazed at her coolly. ?I am agent François Dublètte of Sanctuary, And I was sent here for several reasons, but before I get into that, pardonner moi.? Fran put his fingers to his lips and whistled strangely then a large number of people in orange coats came to his side. ?What is this!? The woman snarled this time both grouped got in a battle positions. Fran remained unruffled, calm and collected? ?Do you seriously think we can allow werewolf corpse to rot in our streets for the whole world to see? We can not allow this to reach the public especially the Non-witching portion. Our Erasers will clear this area of any proof of the Paranormal.? He snapped his fingers and the ?Erasers scurried about getting to work? ?Okay, now? I am here simply because YOU are? and it?s my task to find out why.? There it was short and sweet, Fran made sure to leave out the fact that It was their leader Red, who contacted France to hunt these witches down and hold them for questioning, but Fran?s boss Bleu (how ironic, Fran laughed inwardly.) wanted to know these witches motives first, which was wise of him, for he knew things were not as they always seemed? these so called rogues might very well be the good guys. ?You see, we were aware of your presence a while ago, and then again when you should up with this extra group of witches, so I was sent to investigate the reason why foreign witches would come here? and why were they using their powers so openly? and most important what are your motives.? Fran a waited an answer, he had been straightforward and hope they would be too, it didn?t matter though. As much as they were experience so was he, Fran would know if they were lying? And he would confront them, these were dark times and France didn?t need any extra problems.
  14. Jensen?s eyed Fran suspiciously, ?And what does that mean??? Jensen said with the blade still pointing at Fran?s throat who just smiled coyly at him. ?l'ami, je ne vous destine aucun mal.? Jensen looked at him strangly, ?English buddy.? ?I said,? Fran slowly brought his hands up in a surrendering gesture. ?I mean you no harm, friend?But? He open his palms freezing Jensen. Fran walked behind him then decided that he should step back a few feet, he made a back handing motion and unfroze Jensen. ?You really shouldn?t aim pointing things at someone you?re just meeting? that?s rude? Fran said his hands casually in his pockets. Jensen whirled around, ?How?d you do that?! Did.. did? you teleport?? ??Maybe? Fran said amused. ?Who are you and what do you want?? Jensen said angrily gripping his sword tighter. ?? I am Agent François Dublètte, of Sanctuary, We?re a organization much like yours but? different.? ?Different?? How?? Jensen said eyebrow cocked. ?Different as in murder is the last option we resort to when dealing with abnormal creatures?. Not saying that it?s your fault directly? ?That?s fine and dandy but what are you doing here?? Jensen looked as if he were getting impatient? was it due to Fran?s causal tone or what he was saying.. Fran had no idea. ?You seem to have brought chaos on our soil? which is my job to prevent?. So I think I should be asking you the same question.? There was a crash behind them Fran turned around and jump in time to dive out the way of a wolf, his arms bent when he made contact with the ground and Fran pushed off hard flipping into the air and in a swift motion firing off his twin guns. ?How rude,? Fran said as he landed gracefully. Jensen got in a battle stance. ?Guess we?ll have to get to the Q and A later? ?I look forward to it, Mon cherie? Fran winked at Jensen before running to engage the Berserkers.
  15. Sin made a hissing noise causing Jensen to jump. ?Get ready to fight, seems we?re not alone? Sin said as Berserkers appeared on the ledge. Sin?s eyes turned from green to red, his vampire fangs protruded and so did his nails Jensen stepped back caught off guard. ?You?re a vampire?? Sin heard him say, He turned to Jensen smiling, it was a warm comforting smile despite the fangs. ?Well aren?t you the brightness crayon in the box, keep that smart head on your shoulders and I?m sure you?ll make it through this alive.? Sin winked at him then Jensen noticed the shadows around them dance and contort strangely, they rose from the ground and took the form of a huge canine-like creature, there were 4 in all. Jensen stared wide-eyed as they rushed off and tackled a few Berserkers chewing through their necks. He looked back at Sin, who had his hands stretching towards to shadow hounds. Sin?s fingers were rapidly but gracefully moving at a face rate like a puppeteer. Sin closed his hands together and the hounds formed one shadow ball pulsing with dark energy, Sin guided the ball to the head of the last Werewolf and then he snapped his fingers, there was a crunching noise, the shadow ball blew away all wispy-like revealing a headless Berserker. ------- [COLOR="Navy"]Upon a distant rooftop? ? Mon Dieu!? François said looking at the battle the raged on the streets of his beloved Paris. ?What in god?s name is going on François!? We?re getting reports of a clan of werewolves in your area. I thought we were dealing with rouge witches!?? Fran flinched at his Commander yelling in his ear. ?Monsieur Bleu, I have no idea? But I know it is not the rouges fault, these werewolves began attacking them, Do you think Red man has set them loose in France to apprehend these Witches?? ?I do not know, maudire Américains.. ?? Commander Bleu swore. ?I will look into it, but You must aid them in eliminating those hostile werewolves at the same time remain unseen.? ?Yes Sir,? ?I?m depending on you Agent Dublètte? ?I wont let you down sir,? François began to notice the foreign witches means of deposing of the werewolves? it appears as if they were focusing on decapitating the werewolves. ?This must be Berserker werewolves? but here?? Clans like those resided for from France for them to migrate here was unnatural. Fran saw a Berserker sneaking around a corner approaching a young woman and two other males, they were distracted. Before the Werewolf could swoop in on them Fran focused on the berserker?s head with a hand gesture he caused it to explode. Fran ducked down as the three witches looked towards the headless werewolf. Fran chuckled to himself before relocating and picking off incoming berserkers[/COLOR]
  16. “I wasn’t in the mood for a Sundae anyway” Sin pouted looking less convinced by his lie. “Oh really?” Nay said amusingly, “That’s perfect, then why don’t you escort our hungry friends to that little restaurant you and Damo love so much, it’s just a two blocks away.” Sin and Damo exchanged looks, “ It would give them a good chance to get some air, but stay low at the first sign of trouble get here at once” Duke said tossing an earpiece to Sin. “Damo, I think you should go too” Sin made a face, “I’m not saying you’re incapable L’ansiny, I just believe with Damo being psychic and all he’d be able to sense someone with ill intentions before you can.” “Additionally I’ll be there to make sure you don’t get these guys killed” Damo grabbed Sin’s wrist as he was about to storm off, “You know I’m just kidding” Damo put his around Sin all chum like and began walking towards the door which he opened telekinetically. “It’s safe to walk on foot there. It’s tourist season so our group being as big wont be out of place in this part of town.” Sin said. __________________________ “They appear to be leaving the build as we speak, Instructions sir?” “Keep on their tail, Be careful Fran we don’t know what these people are capable of.” Fran Checked his twin guns then put them back in his thigh’s hoister. He counted the vials of potions he had in his pocket they could stun a full grow werewolf. In the beginning Fran didn’t know how to use his powers as an offence so he relied on basic witch skills, potion making and incantations which is why he felt prepared and confident. “Yes sir, I will…” Fran put his earpiece in his shirt pocket and watched the group intently while sticking to the shadows. OOC: My hiatus has made me fill so newbie like to everything lol… bare with me guys
  17. OOC sorry for the short post, just trying to get back into the swing of things. Gabriel looked dumbfounded still staring in the direction Calil went. ?You know what I think it?s best we get ourselves settle?? Dawner said called to Gabriel. ?How do you guys get things done with this? attitude that you?ll have time to do it later? as if tomorrow is promised to you.? Dawner frowned, ?Look, just give us some time to recuperate once Calil is done resting then you can brief us.? Dawner turned to Yuin and looked him over physically and noticed how beat up he looked. Dawner placed a plate stacked with food in front Yuin, who raised An eyebrow at him. ?Hey, you don?t have to explain anything right now, I?m sure you?re here for a good reason but we don?t need to hear it just yet? So eat up and rest? Dawner smiled warmly. Dawner turned and started to walk but stop suddenly. He quickly reached out with his mind to Yuin this time checking him over magically and psychically. ?YOU DON?T BELONG HERE!? Dawner held his head slightly and gripped the bar table next to him. There seemed to be an foreign entity with Yuin?. Whatever it was it was very possessive of the man?s mind. Dawner made a mental note to inquire about this later. ?First I must see to Calil?
  18. Character sheet is at the end... you want want to skip this part.:::: ?Sir they appear to be in Paris, though we are still unsure of their exact location. Should we send in the bloodhounds to retrieve them?? Red?s vein throbbed uncontrollably, ?No? If the rouge witches are truly behind this they?ll be ready? and this could blow up really big and fast, attracting unwanted attention.? Red walked over to his desk. ?We?d also be stepping over jurisdiction, since there is another organization that handles paranormal activities there.? ?Sir, should we ask for their help? Maybe a team of their witches could assist us, that organization might have detected them when they first arrived? Red shook his head? ?We?d have to share information, and I don?t want those people in our affairs? ?Excuse me sir, but I don?t think we?d have to them the whole story, maybe just enough to get them motivated in helping us get to the rogues and the almost-agents? Red looked as if he had the sudden urge to kiss his assistant. ?Brilliant! Yes?yes? we could do that, I mean those rogue witches are dangerous and to tell France they could pose a great threat to her people wouldn?t exactly be a lie so? yes this could work? ?Do you want me to contact this organization now sir?? ?Yes but keep the blood hounds on standby tell them don?t make a move just yet. I?m sure our friends in france will draw them out.? ?But how sir, With force?? Red shrugged, ?Force, false sense of security, it doesn?t matter but the sooner the targets or in our sights the sooner this nightmare is over. And we can do this with no questions asked. France will just be great grateful to have such dangerous witches off their soil.? ?I will contact them now sir,? ?And make sure they send me information on the agents they choose to assist us, as soon as you can? Encrypted Document from: Sanctuary, Europe?s Paranormal reservation and research branch. [COLOR="Blue"]Sanctuary Agent: François Leslie Dublètte Age: 22 Rank: Herald Witching: Time manipulation Witching notes: Subject seems to channel his power through his hands most of the time, and rarely his eyes. François can freeze most things within a limited area around him, though demons and spirits and beings from higher plains remain unaffected because they move outside our time. Since his power can move the very fabric of time he can cause a rabid flux around his body making his molecules vibrate at a alarming rate, thus enabling him to walk through solid objects, But if the wall was a charged electrical fence it would cancel out Francois?s phasing. This control of time can extend from his body as well. He can cause friction in the air to create a spontaneous combustion. He channels this power through his hands by opening them facing the target, which causes enough force to blow up a normal human head. Or he snaps and makes the shape of a gun this however is less affective but can blast his target away from him. His powers seems to affect his psyche as well. If the He comes into contact with certain people or even objects it can trigger a vision. He can use incantations to make these occurrences more accurate. Agent Dublètte Bio: Fran Came to Sanctuary as an orphan, and has been with us for almost twenty years. He is a charming and very flirtatious person, if he cant fight his way out of a situation be sure he will bat his eyelashes and try to talk his way out of anything, though don?t be mislead in thinking he?s deceptive. Fran is a warm and loving person but as calm and collected as he may seem he can be ferocious if it comes to it. Even with his 5 year old son still in a coma François is a dedicated member of this organization????? which is why we?re sending him to aid you in your endeavors concerning YOUR rouge witches. Sincerely, Bleu.[/COLOR] ----------- its a bit much, but if there's any promblem just telll me and ill fix it lol i know some times i can get carried away lol.
  19. [quote name='Knuckles' Girl']*gives Takuuya a great big hug* your always welcome little brother, if you havent read any of the thread already all of our old characters are in it. hee hee. But your more than welcome to join. *still hasn't let go*[/QUOTE] lol, i did read it... it made me smile lol.. and i'm quite curious as to how you'll mix the old and new together... i'll work on my sign up and it'll be post later today...
  20. Wow... Is it too late for me to get in here?
  21. Dawner still watched Calil?s retreating figure, his mind clouded and confused. Torn between right and wrong? on one hand He believe he could reverse whatever Penbrook did to Calil?s memory if he really tried, for being a strong psychic and a exceptional sorcerer it would?nt be too complicated but she he? Calil, could barely function with Dean on her mind? It physically hurt Dawner to be around her? Due to his empathic powers (the only thing he?s fail to master) he could actually feel Calil?s pain.. the pain of a broken heard. Dawner even picked up on thoughts of suicide, though he knew Calil wouldn?t dare do it but the fact that she thought about it scared Dawner. Maybe the temporary removal of Dean from her mind can help her focus more? ?Damn it..? Dawner groaned and put his face in his hands. ?I don?t know what to do?? He sigh and ran his fingers through his long red hair, ?Dean I?m so lost without you? I?m really trying to pull this team together but, I?m just not you? where are you?? Dawner sat up? ?First things first, Hey guys lets head out??, He called to the team, We don?t want to keep our new friend waiting??
  22. :/ hmm... should we just forget about inu and... excel? i mean im asking because me and fandom's plot were kind of intertwined
  23. EeP!!! so my cumputer was M.I.A. but it's fixed now... Im in im in!!!!
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