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Everything posted by Takuuya

  1. ooc:Dean&&Dawnie or the main one's going toes to toe with fabe...fyi :catgirl: Fabian gazed at his son not menacingly but strangly lovingly then it was replaced with a stern look. ?You?ve grown into a fine young man Dawner, I mean how could you not with such a strong father figure like Sir Dean.? He said gesturing to Dean who only glared back with pure hatred. ?But now you must choose to serve by my side or die here. What will it be son?? Fabian was visibly pushed back by some invisible force he dug his staff into the ground to gain some sort of holding. ?First of all don?t you refer to me as your son, and no one will die here but you.? Dawner said. Stepping to Dean?s side. ?Such arrogance?? Fabian chuckled. ?Just like your human mother, Well since by MY rod you were born I guess it?s only fitting you should die by my staff.? Fabian said. ?Is there any last dieing words, or questions you always wanted to ask your dear ol? dad?? ?I always wondered what would I say when I finally met you, how I would try and get you to go to the light and repent. But right now I don?t see that happening. You?re actions brought you here to this point, justice will be serve Fabian, father or not.? ?Then come with it you preachy little bastard? ?Dean? I need you to take him down, are you up for it gramps?? Dawner joked and Dean smirked. ?Lets? Dean?s answer was short and sweet? Fabian let loose a crackling bolt of lightning towards the duo. Dawner and Dean jumped into the air and Dawner cause Dean to rocket towards Fabian. Dean?s sword was pointed straight at Fabian as he was spinning like a drill towards him. Fabian let fly fireballs which got caught in the wind now circleling Dean only powering up his attack. Fabian?s shoulder was singed as he dodged the attack. ?This will be interesting?? Fabian said before gathering himself.
  2. -sigh- Inu, Babe. dont agree with the whole anti-Christ coming in a UFO and all that jazz nor do i believe ANYONE can predict when Jesus will return. Because the bible says he will return when we least expect it. and right now everyone is on the edge of their seats awaiting him like rain after a long drought and i believe we have some time left on this earth to redeem ourselves. but anywho.... in somethings she said held truth. And you are right, being gay is not a choice... nether is loving someone... you can fall for anyone... thats beyond control. but where is the sin in this? it is within our action to act upon the lust of the flesh, meaning to sleep with the same sex yeah that?s basically the sin? only becomes males cannot bare children. them doing the actions in take to create life with another male as you would a woman is the sin. But hey we are all born in sin? We all have the want to lie, steal, maybe even kill? but having those thoughts is not the sin? acting on it is. God loves us all? just not the sins that we do, it?s as simple as that. In the end god should be the judge and is. Inu Please don?t harbor bad feelings for her? I?m sure she didn?t mean to atk you, she only wanted to try and ?save? you but she needs to realize you cant make a person change if they don?t want to. I think you need to make that plan to her. Cheer up, please.
  3. ?My time is almost here? A distant voice called to Dawner? in his sleep. ?Who are you? ?I am the endless power that rest within you, evil incarnate. Basicly I am the true you? ?But I am not evil? Dawner said, he began to feel as he did when he killed Tamara?this entity that frightened him like no other? ?Oh but you will be, you will be. Now that your human side has died, so shall I live? The dark voice laughed and Dawner felt a searing hot pain in his head. Dawner yelled and shot straight up. ?Dawner, babe what?s wro-? Dunan started before he wore a confused look? ?W-why are you looking at me like that?? Dawner asked feeling his face thinking he at grown something that shouldn?t be there. ?Your hair its? changed?. That?s new..? Dunan said getting a mirror from the nightstand. Dawner took it and gasped. His hair had grown longer stopping just below his shoulder blades and it had turned a blood red color but his ends were still blonde, Dawner?s eyes had become a honey golden color. The mirror shattered and bits of glass cut Dawner, but they healed quickly. He got up. ?Sweets, where are you going calm down love? Dunan said moving after him. ?No just stay back, please.? Dawner eyes welling up, he was not in control with his powers at all and it scared him completely. Had his father planed this? Taking away Dawner?s magical abilities the only thing he could control, leaving him with wild untamed psychic powers? Being turned increased the problem also, it had to be some unseen scheme. Dawner picked up Dunan?s leather jacket and started for the door, Dunan was before him in an instant. ? Sweetheart, just calm down, I can let you go out by yourself right now?you?re pretty?unstable? Dunan said trying not to say the wrong words. ?Dunan please I just need to get out alone? to think please.? Dawner begged but Dunan wouldn?t budge. With a quickness Dawner hadn?t process before he moved to the window but Dunan was too fast and cut him off. Dawner?s fangs protruded and he out a low hissing noise. ?Move Dunan, now? His eyes began to glow, he never was a angry person especially towards Dunan but right now he was on the verge of snapping? deep within himself he felt someone chuckle?. ?You are going back to bed even if that means I have to tie you down? Dunan said moving toward Dawner but Dawner sent a pulse of telekinesis from his body, everything was repelled from him and shot against the wall? Dunan was thrown out the window being as the blast was directed to him. Dawner screamed as Dunan sailed away from the building he then stormed out of the room disgusted with himself. Dawner ran down into the bar then out the back door attracting some people but most of them shrugged it off, being drunk they easily shrugged the distraction off and went back to their drinks. Dawner continued to run until he was in the forest the sun just beginning to rise. ?It?s almost dawn but I?ve never felt such darkness around me in all my life.? Dawner with tears in his eyes laughed at the irony of his own name? ?What am I becoming?? ? Dusk? don?t you think that?s a fitting name?? Said a voice.., Dawner shook his head. ?Get out, get out, get OUT!? and nearby boulder exploded as Dawner fell to his knees crying.
  4. Dawner felt somewhat renewed from the healing properties of Dunan’s blood but he still wished this mission were over. ‘It will be, and I will not loose anymore of my family.’ Dawner stopped at a large tree and put his hands on it a heart wrenching sob escaped his lips. With all the fast pace action and the whole ‘trying-to-stay-alive’ thing going on, the realization of Sile’s demised just struck him like a tons on bricks. “Oh S-sSile.” Dawner groaned after a few minutes. “You will be avenged” Dawner started running again. “I swear it” Dawner started to approach a huge cave, “This must be it.” Upon getting closer to the mouth he hit a barrier and was flung back, he flipped in the air, recovering and landing on his feet. “Sorry, but Fabian wants to destroy your companions before starting on you.” A female werewolf said she was shrouded in the same blue aura that blocked the cave mouth from which Dawner could clearly hear a battle. “I’ll be damned if I let that happen.” Dawner said glaring at her as she crossed to stand in front the cave. She was stunning, tall, with beautiful red hair she wore black leather pants and a flimsy black shirt showing off her busty-ness, the last thing that caught Dawner’s eyes was the black choker that adorned her neck. She laughed, “ That would have intimidated me but we both know you’re blowing hot air or your friend would still be alive” She let out a shrill laugh, Dawner was mere seconds away from punching her, but she had acted quickly. Her aura pulsed before expanding into a dome around her throwing Dawner against a tree, but he was up the next second, a large branch started to fall and Dawner caught it with a psychic grip and lunged it towards the werewolf. The branch smashed into the shield braking. “Hehe, My name is Tamara, better know as your undertaker” Tamara giggled as she grabbed a whip from her hip and let it fly at Dawner who rolled out the way then sent a psyblast hurtling towards Tamara only to be blocked by her shield. “There’s no way you or your projectiles will get to me.” Tamara laughed again, Dawner could feel her sheer excitement and feelings of victory and it made him sick…. But more importantly it made him realize how clueless he was. Dawner smiled, “Why don’t we just end it already you top heavy whore” Dawner began to run towards her and she twirled letting her whip fly at him, Dawner let the whip catch his leg and she slammed him to the ground. Dawner rocketed a boulder at her which made a thud sound upon contact with her shield and she flung her whip at it making it explode into pieces. “You’re a bit slow, don’t you realize there is nothing that can penetrate my shield?” She said walking towards him. “This was too easy” She said laughing but then she started choking. “And you are a bit stupid…” Dawner said getting up his eyes were pulsing with psychic energy. “I’m not as slow as you think, I realized upon feeling your emotions of early triumph that there IS in fact one thing that can penetrate your shield, do you know what that is darling?” Tamara made a gargling noise. “Um… no honey that was not the answer, but close. The answer is thought. This is where my psychic abilities come in, all I had to do was force something inside your shield to harm you. Quite elementary, if I do say so myself.” Dawner caused her choker to squeeze tighter as he got to her kneeling down just out her reached as she tried to grasp him. “Tch tch tch” Dawner shook his head. Tamara started to grip at her neck basically clawing herself but she couldn’t get hold of the choker. Dawner smiled with animalistic pleasure. He had been consumed by an inner power that just enjoyed the pain he was issuing her. “Poor thing, lesson for your next life; Don’t challenge someone out of your league.” Tamara collapsed, dead and bleeding from the claw marks on her neck. Dawner picked up her whip and fastened it to his belt. The field around the cave dispersed and Dawner began walking towards it he tried shaking the bloodlust feeling he had. After Tamara died the alter ego began to reced. ‘I felt as if I were someone completely different….’ Dawner thought. ‘This misson has become too tiring, the sooner we’re done here the better.” Said Dawner letting his fear go. “Father, I’m coming.” Dawner entered the cave and started to run to where the battle could be heard.
  5. ?Sile?. You?re okay, I started to worry because I hadn?t seen you for a while? Dawner said, his hands behind his head as he tried to catch his breath. ?Yeah I was trying to find Dean and a bunch of those vermin wolves came out of no where.? ?But obviously you took care of?em? Dawner gave her a wide smile and started towards her, he wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace. ?But like I said I?m glad you?re okay? Dawner said squeezing but Sile being the motherly woman she was didn?t squeeze back, her embrace was vacant of the tenderness Dawner always felt from her. Dawner stepped back slightly he looked at her up and down.. ?Sile are you okay?...? ?I?m fine Dawner? Sile smiled. But that was the second time she had called him ?Dawner? and not Dawnie? Dawner was always taught to observe his surroundings and the people he surrounded himself with? Sile had taught him that herself. Ether she was under some spell or? it was not her at all. ?Dawner behind you!!? Anya exclaimed from a tree, Dawner didn?t take the time to look around he grabbed Sile and levitated in the air as a black cloud came under him. ?DROP THAT BITCH RIGHT NOW YOU TWIT!! THAT ISNT SILE!? Anya screamed, before Dawner could react ?Sile? stabbed him in the same spot the magical siphoned dagger had once been, she twisted it and Dawner yell in pain and dropped her in the black fog. ?Hurry and change back Reaper!? Screamed Sile franticly as she was swallowed by the fog. Dawner began to fall too, but Anya quickly caught him and jumped to the other tree. ?Only Dunan would pick the most dumb blonde he could find? Anya said groaning. ?Y-you?re s such a?bitch? Dawner coughed. ?Aw..well at least you?re okay? Anya laughed. ?You don?t sound too happy about that?? Dawner managed between coughs. Anya faked a sighed, ?Well some wishes don?t come true I guess, next time I?ll find a brighter star?
  6. [SIZE="1"]ooc back in my other post dawner's magical powers were stripped from him a wolf is bringing the dagger to fabien just to in form u guys[/SIZE] ?For so long I tried to keep my psychic powers under check rarely even use them but now it seems they will have to save my life? Dawner thought, he didn?t know why His father sent wolves to take his magical abilities from him he didn?t know that was even possible. All that mattered was now and how he would silence Damien for good. ?So do you always have your lover?s fight your battles?? Said Damien, his fur was all matted and his ear was torn. ?Well it looks like my lover sure did a number on you? Dawner laughed, he reached out with his empathy powers he felt Damien?s anger. Damien growled and started at Dawner. Dawner thrust his hands out repeatedly sending out waves of kinetic energy every time missing Damien narrowly and he was getting close each second. ?Damn I don?t know if I can best him hand to hand? Dawner thought franticly then he picked himself up with his power, Damien crashed straight into the tree behind Dawner. Before Dawner could determine what became of Damien he was tackled to the ground. ?You die here and now weakling? Snarled Damien as he straddled Dawner hold his hands down. ?Weakling you say?? Dawner head bashed Damien straight in the nose, he jumped off Dawner and yelped in pain. Dawner stood quickly, almost falling over he dove into a roll then pushed off the ground with his hands kicking Damien upwards, Dawner threw himself upward with his telekinesis and bear hugged Damien he began to spin with such velocity that a whirlwind picked up Dawner tossed Damien into the air and his body spun and twisted bones could be heard breaking in the psychic whirlwind. ?it ends here? Dawner stretched his hand to the fallen tree and made it soar above Damien then he brought in crashing down upon him there was a unrealistic splat and Dawner was not able to sense Damien at all anymore. ?I?I did it.? Dawner couldn?t hold himself up any longer and he began to fall just before he hit the ground he mustarded up enough energy to slow himself down. Then he felt a pain so severe he almost blinded him, the pain felt as if it would ripped his heart to shreds Dawner quickly realize this pain as heartache, somewhere Dunan was suffering greatly. Dawner began running towards Dunan was?. Where exactly he was unsure but his empathy powers picked up Dunan?s strong emotions and Dawner would let that be his guild. ?Please stay alive love?
  7. Payton walked into Kristopher?s room after taking his turn on the watch. Kristopher rose up instantly. ?Are you done with your shift?? He asked rubbing his eyes Foxxy rose from her sleep and walked to Payton apparently she had been watching Kristopher. ?Yup? Payton smile leaning on the frame of the door, he stretched and yawned. ?What are you doing?? Payton asked as Kristopher began to get up. ?Going to keep watch, that is what you were going to tell me right?? Kristopher said about to put on his pants. ?No, Draco is doing the last watch? Payton said walking towards the bed. ?Then?why did you come in here? ?I wanted to sleep with you,? Payton said rubbing his eyes ?W-what!?? Kristopher almost fell over. ?I gave Jamel my cover, he was shivering in his sleep? I could not help it. I didn?t think this would be a problem..? Payton keep eye contact with Kristopher awaiting his answer. ?Uh..sure why not? Kristopher threw a white beater and pink pj bottoms with teddy bears all over them to Payton. Payton raised his eyebrow. ?These are quite sexy? he laughed. ?Just thought you?d like to get comfortable and out of those dirty clothes, the bathroom?s just across from my room. ?Much obliged? Payton said and went to the bathroom he called for foxy. ?Might as well clean you up too girl.? She barked and wagged her tail excitedly. After a half hour Payton was clean and Foxxy was dried after he managed to catch her. Payton braided his long hair into a single braid he looked in the mirror cabinet and found a simple red ribbon which he used to tie the end of his hair. Foxxy barked her approval as Payton looked in the mirror, all the dirt and blood gone from his body and hair he looked a new person. They walked back to Kristopher?s room who had fallen asleep, Foxxy curled up in a corner while Payton got in the bed and snuggled up against Kristopher seconds barely pasted until he was asleep.
  8. ?I?m only hoping zombie cheetahs are slow? Said Tahlia after sipping her drink. ?Undead? lions and tigers and bears?? Payton started.. ?Oh my? rang Tahlia and Kristopher. Everyone burst into laughter. ?But seriously? Jamel said afther a while, ?how the fuck are we s?posed to outrun undead cheetahs?? ?Just think about it, Why would there be undead animals running about? No one was there to let them loose so what are you people freaking out for??? Said Lance ?You?re half right Lance, but sometimes the virus has a chance of greatly mutating it?s host making it stronger, faster and smarter. These are the animals that would have broken free from cages.? Said Draco ?I so did not want to hear that? Payton put his head down rubbing his temples and groaning. ?Well suck it up Goldilocks. We must be prepared for the worst and that means taking everything into consideration even the possibilities we don?t want to face.? Draco picked up his beer and gulped. ?Knowledge of possible danger should not cause you fear, it should empower you to knowing that you are prepared for the worst? Draco said ?Amen to that? Kristopher said and other nodded in agreement ?Well Toto, it seems we?ll have to put on those red heels and stride onto that yellow brick road fearlessly? Payton joked playing with Foxxy. ?You ready girl??
  9. The wolf raised her wand then brought it down making a slashing motion, Dawner recognized the move as a slashing spell which required no words. “Pretego!” He shouted and there was a clanging sound like a sword hitting a metal shield. Dawner had block her spell with a visible shield of blue light but she kept making the slashing motions until Dawner drew circles with the tip of his wand at the same time bringing his arm back then he thrust straight forward the shield shattered like glass but the pieces shot at the werewolf cutting her. She yelped in pain. “I mistakenly underestimated you…” “Your mistake just might cost you your life” Dawner said getting into a stance, with left hand beckoning her forward and his right bent over his head pointing his wand at her… he resembled a fencer. “As you wished” She accepted his wordless proposal of a duel. She got into her own position. “Venis illdom” a green ooze shot from her wand and took the form of a cackling skull, as it past over the lush grass it left brown and dead grass behind it. Dawner rolled out of the way and the spell hit a tree and it turned black and crumbled into a decaying heap. Dawner twirled as he got up from his crouched posited and pointed his wand straight up as he kept spinning on his toe. “Succendo” the ground beneath the Sorceress Wolf cracked open as fire erupted from it. “Ascendus” she screamed, Dawner saw her fly straight up from the flames just her tail on fire. He took off his hat and tapped the rim of it twice and multi-colored ribbons shot out guided by his wand. The wolf did not notice because she was patting her tail putting out the fire. The ribbons circled her body then bound her arms to her sides and legs together and she hit the ground face first. Dawner walked to her and bent down, she stop struggling when he put his wand to her temple. “Now… tell me where is Dean” Dawner said quietly. “We bout know that’s not the person you wanted to ask for” “I couldn’t care less where my father is all that matters is Dean, if my father has teamed with you then so be it, he will be dealt with accordingly. Now answer my question” Dawner pushed the wand hard and twisted it grinding the wand against her temple. Her face contorted in pain. Still no answer… “Don’t make me repeat my-“ Dawner was cut off as he was picked up by a large werewolf. “Sarah, you should have known better than to take on Fabian’s own flesh and blood alone.” “Put me down you mangy mutt” Dawner flailed about, dangling in the air his wand on the ground. The wolf backhanded Dawner hard. “Is that the least you got?” Dawner manage as he saw stars. “Feisty little firecracker” He barked then raised his hand to strike him again. Dawner used his psychic powers to pick up his wand. “oh no you don’t” The wolf put his hand over Dawner’s mouth preventing him from casting a spell. “Watch out Damien! He can use wordless spells!” Sarah shouted still struggling with her bindings, but her warning was too late. Dawner made the slashing motion as Sarah had in the beginning, a large gash was made on Damien’s face starting from his chin going across his left eye. The werewolf howled in pain then threw Dawner into a tree. “The both of you are complete fools” said a lean werewolf. “Not only did you underestimate him but you failed to remember that he is a skilled sorcerer and a psychic though I’m not sure to what extent…” the wolf twirled a sinister looking dagger in his hand Dawner’s eyed it then he looked very afraid. “Damn it Trevor just get over here and untie me.” Sarah yelled. “Just a moment…” Trevor began walking to Dawner. “I believe you know what this is lad.” Dawner struggled to stand up but was shot down by a now freed Sarah who stood by Damian who had one of the ribbons bound around his bleeding eye. “Of course you do” Trevor continued “The dagger of sealing, which is wrongly named because it takes the magical ability from its victim.” Dawner was about to aim his wand at Trevor be he was too late. “Damn…you” Dawner said in pain as Trevor sheathed the dagger in his chest. Dawner felt a burning sensation then it all went away as soon as he felt it. Trevor yanked the now glowing dagger out of Dawner’s chest. “ How fitting that there is only 3 daggers in this world and this particular one happens to belong to your father.” Trevor Howled and a werewolf jumped out of a tree and took the dagger. “Make sure you bring this straight to Fabian as he ordered” The werewolf nodded and dashed back into the forest and Dawner made a mental note of the direction he ran to before he doubled over coughing. “Now to finish things” Trevor said as his companions surrounded Dawner. Before they could deliver a killing blow they were knocked back by a strong force. “Who the hell said I was finished?” Dawner said rising to his feet. “Whilst I still have breath in my lungs so do I have the power to end you all.” The air around Dawner pulsed with psychic energy, He was angry and his psychic powers were responding to his emotions. The trio got up, Sarah was the first to try to attack. “Incedio” Fire shot at Dawner who simply waved his hand, the spell hit one of the wolves who were fighting Dawner’s teammates. Damien was next, he was inches away from Dawner who hovered above him just in time while Trevor tackled him Dawner repeled them both before hitting the ground. “This will be quite the battle don’t you think?” Sarah said as she helped Trevor up. “Indeed, though he must be handled with…care” Trevor stated. “And tact” Finished Damien as he stood joining the others. Dawner took his hat and coat off and tossed it to the side. “A hurricane will still cause destruction no matter how prepared the victims are.” Dawner stated. “Today you will die, end of story.” He said narrowing his eyes he could feel their emotions now only Sarah was slightly frightened, Damien was just angry but Trevor remained impervious. “Well come at it then.” Dawner said growing impatient. He the quicker he dealt with them the faster he’d be able to get to Dunan. [COLOR="Red"]OOC feel free to take Trevor and Sarah off my hands lol[/COLOR]
  10. [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"](OOC just a post to get me back in the game..you guys are hella active lol)[/COLOR][/SIZE] ? Volt?estra ? Dawner shouted putting his wand to his said then thrusting it forward like a knife. Lightning shot out his wand and caught a wild that was getting to close to bar where innocents were hiding. It knocked the wild into a tree which toppled over right on him. Dawner looked around not seeing any wild but hearing the gruesome battle his team mates were in. Dawner jumped from the tree he was on and ran to the clearing which was now a battle field, upon seeing blurs clashing into each other over and over he could make out the figures so he reached out with his mind and felt that it was some wolf and his Dunan. Dawner didn?t hesitate and stared to run towards him but suddenly he felt a spell heading straight behind him Dawner jumped and twist his torso to turn in the air, the spell almost clipped his head, he landed facing the back and the person responsible. ?You?re quick? Said a woman a bit taller than him, she had blonde hair, her tail swished from side to side in excitement. ? I should expect no less from Fabian?s son? Dawner felt his heart jump, Dawner never heard his father?s name before but he knew this was his father. ?Where is he?? Dawner asked trying to keep his cool. ?Probly killing your leader as we speak? She said tossing her hair back. ?H-he wouldn?t do that, he a good man!? Dawner yelled back. The werewolf tossed her head back a let out a fiendish laugh, ?Is that what your human filth of a mother told you?? She said then cocked her head to the side Dawner?s spell missed her by an inch. ?Don?t you dare speak ill of my mother you wench? Dawner said threw gritted teeth, rasping his wand so hard his knuckles began turning white. ?Ooo? Someone has a temper.? She teased. ? But I guess I would too if my life was nothing but a lie. Not only did your father abandon you but Mommy dearest filled your little head with lies and butterflies, allow me to fill you in.? she smiled happy that she could get at Dawner?s emotions so easily. ?Your father did not leave to fight some heroic battle against a great evil, your mother was nothing more then a fling a mere easy fuck and when daddy got his fill he left. It?s as simple as that, Fabian has been working with us for years now. So whatever fantasy you had in your head about your ?Father? dismisses it.? ?Lets say I believe you, I mean you could be right or wrong but it matters not? Dawner said willing himself to calm down. ?All that matters now his you being in my way? ?Big word from such a little boy, I guess mother didn?t teach you manners.? She readied herself, her wand in hand. ?Allow me to?
  11. Dawner felt as if they walked for what seemed like hours but was merely minutes. He was nervous with anticipation. So much was running through his This mission might lead him to clue about where his father is which would be amazing and terrifying because it meant he was in trouble or causing it. Dawner didn?t know much about his father besides the fact that he abandon him and his mom or he assumed that because she would always get really upset when talking about him. And then there was Dunan?s proposal?. Dawner felt I his heart that he should but fear of what he?d become scared him completely what if he couldn?t control himself and hurt someone? Plus there was the whole being dead thing? Dawner already had a slightly pale complexion anyways? did he really need to add to it? Dawner audibly sighed; Dunan squeezed his hand holding it. ?Penny for your thoughts,?? He said. ?Only pennies? ?Didn?t know I was so cheap..Hmmp? Dawner sped up in walking to add affect to his little joke. ?Hey you? Dunan grabbed his hand, ?That wont work on me silly, now what?s bothering you?? Dawner sighed again, ?Well? lets just say I want to get this mission over with so we can get back to us and your? proposal.? Dunan fell silent for a bit, ?I understand completely, and remember you don?t have to rush coming to a decision love.? They held hands in understanding. Dawner felt almost complete and safe not to mention comfortable. Not too comfortable as to not sense a few werewolves coming there way. ?Hey guys, we have company? Dawner sounded to the front of the group? Why did these lesser wolves stalk them, didn?t they know they were dealing with professionals? Dawner chuckled. Blasting one into a tree and cringing as Dunan ripped his throat out
  12. Payton downed the rest of his coffee, and made a face. HE normally didn’t drink the stuff but he knew he would need it. “A zombie killing nurse, two umbrella agents and a boy and his dog…” Payton said absentmindedly stroking Foxxy. “What a band of misfits, do you think we can pulled this off?” “We have to” Said Tahlia. “We must” “I believe we can pull it off” Said Draco looking out the window at the roaming undead. “What about you Kris?” “Hmm..?” “Do you think… we’ll survive” Payton asked. “You aren’t scared are you” Said Kris smiling. “I guess I am, I mean up until a few days ago my biggest objective was finding my next meal… I don’t know if I can handle all this.” Said Payton looking down. “Of course you can, or do you not remember the stunt you pulled out there? Just because you aren’t a train special ops doesn’t mean you don’t process the skill to survive you have proven you do out there.” Said Draco. Payton looked up. “That goes for you to miss” Draco called to Tahlia. “Everyone in this group has their own strong points and when utilized as a team we will survive, there’s no doubt about it.” Payton smiled and Foxxy barked and licked him as if she were agreeing. “Yeah… maybe we’ll be fine” Payton said tossing Foxxy a donut. “Hear that girl? Me and you are going to make it out of here just fine.”
  13. Payton and Draco were about to walk down the stairs when Draco put his hand in front of him. ?RUN! NOW? he roared there was a look of panic on his face as he pulled Payton and ran the opposite way. Then Payton felt it. The earth vibrated and then there was a loud crashing noise and the sound of a train breaking through the entrance to the subway. Payton and Draco jump behind a corner of some building. Payton got up and looked to draco who was already up and peering around the corner. ?What the hell??? Draco mumbled. Pay crept under him to see, one of the cars from the train manage to rocket into a store a little ways ahead of the entrance. ?Come on, there?s a good chance whoever?s in there might still be alive.? ?And what chance is that? It must be in the negatives? Payton said following Draco?s stride which broke out into a run as he saw a group of undead going towards the train car. ?Oh god damn it? Payton heard come from the car as he saw a figure stubble out. ?Oh my god? he survived?? Payton dropped the bag he was carrying and started running faster. ?Stay girl? he told Foxxy who whimpered but obeyed. Payton shot 3 rounds dropping 2 of the targets he was aiming for, then he jumped into a flying side kick which slamed the third zombie into the wall of the car, Payton gain footing and and swung hard with his right fist punching the zombie in the head. ?Fuckitty Ow!!? He scream shaking his fist as the zombie fell but started to get back up.. Payton recovered and shot the man in his head. He shuddered even though they were dead already, Payton couldn?t help but feel wrong putting an end to the corpse?s existence. ?How could the umbrella co. allow this to happen?. What kind of experiments were they doing?? Payton shook his head and made a mental note to ask Draco these questions later. ?W..who are you?? Said the frighten looking man. He looked like he had been fighting a war, but he was still alive which meant he was winning. ?Ooo just someone who just saved you? Payton grinned and stuck out his hand to help the boy up. ?My name is Payton Rogers, expert thief and modern day Robin Hood and rencently appointed zombie killer? Payton explain grinning madly, he was happy to see another face, maybe there were other fighting to stay alive? and he would help find them. ?Im Kristopher, Kristopher Fuller.? He said grasping his hand. ?HEY YOU TWO? Draco shouted. Payton and Kristopher turned to see Draco aiming the gatling gun at the horde of undead that appeared suddenly surrounding the car. ?Take cover? ?Oh shi-? Payton grabbed Kristopher and darted into the cart. The gatling gun mowed down most of the infected once human creatures. ?Hey there?s a opening to that store? Said Kristopher.? ?Okay on the count of 3 we make a run for it? Payton said he reached for Kristopher?s hand who took it after looking puzzled. ?One, two, THREE!? The bolted for the store. Pulled open the doors and ran in. ?What about your friend?? Kristopher asked. ?Hmm? Oh the chief can handle himself.? Payton said? he opened the door and whisled. ?Come on Foxxy? he called. The German Shepard ran in the store with the bag Payton was carrying. ?Good girl? Payton petted her. Moments later Draco came running towards the store Payton covered him shooting some mangy Zombie dogs that were chasing him. ?What the hell was that Goldie!?? Breathed Draco. ?Looked like zombie dogs... I dunno what breed though.. It?s sort of hard to tell with all the flesh rotting off?? ?Not the dogs you ditz, I mean what the hell were you thinking rushing in like that you could have been killed.? ?I?m sorry there was no time to think, I had to do something?? Said Payton backing away slightly. Foxxy barked. ?You had no plan, you let yourself get surrounded and you endangered you life as well as his? He said pointing to Kristopher. ?Look I know you had good intentions but if we are to stay alive we have to be smart about it okay?? Payton avoided eye contact, looking like a child being scolded. ?Okay?sorry chief? He said scratching his the back of his head. ?But you got to admit I kicked ass out there right??? Draco groaned and rubbed his temples? ?Riiight Chief?? Payton repeated.
  14. ?Alright lets go? Draco said roughly. ?Hold on?? A pair of fighting gloves with metal knuckle guards caught his eye, along with some black combat boots. ?These look nice?? Payton said putting on the gloves. Draco chuckled ?You?re just like a kid in a candy store.. hurry it up though we gotta move? Payton was done lacing up the boots? they looked so heavy but they were light and wouldn?t way him down. But something felt strange? Payton clicked his heels together and sharp blades protruded out out the boots. Draco looked a little wary, ?You sure you can handle those?? Payton looked up from his boot with a big grin. ?Honestly, I don?t know?. But it?ll be fun to try out? He clicked his heels again and the blade retreated. ?Okay lets go, stay alert goldilocks? He teased. Payton made a face, he hated that nickname even though his appearance called for it. He was 5?7 long, curly, blonde hair stopping just below his shoulder blades and green eyes. If he wasn?t dressed so scraggly he would actually be considered a ?pretty boy?. ?After you big chief ? Payton bowed slightly and made a hand gesture Draco smirked and walk out with Payton and foxy in tow. They were heading to the front door when something caught Payton?s eyes. Just to the side of him was the mauled body of the cop who said he would come back for him. Foxxy whimpered. Draco saw what Payton was looking at, he observed Payton face and pretty much assumed the ovious. He walked over. ?There?s nothing you can do for him now, lets move? Draco said clasping Payton?s shoulder comfortingly. He then bent down and took the tie off the officer?s neck. ?You should tie your hair back, it?ll become a hassle when trying to aim correctly.? Payton did as he was told. And they left the police station. ?Okay, we need to get to city hall.? Draco said stroking his chin in thought. ?What about finding survivors?? ?City hall is pretty far from here it?s past some zoo I believe, but there are tons of places be fore that.? ?Meaning we have a lot of ground to cover? Said Payton finishing his thought. ?And more chances of finding survivors.? ?Well lets go then the sooner we start the quicker we?ll get this nightmare over with.? Payton said nervously looking around, undead randomly rooming the street. Then something occurred to him. ?Doesn?t it seem they they?re heading towards the subway?? Payton pointed out. ?That?s? odd, I would think that?d be on te surface. No one alive could be down there? ?Maybe that?s it? Someone or something is alive down there? Payton said. ?Whatever it is, must be making quite a ruckus? Draco said starting for the subway entrance. Payton had to jog alittle to catch up. ?Did you really just say ?Ruckus?? asked he was side by side with Draco. ? And if I did?? Draco asked, not even looking in his direction. ?Er?nothing? I guess old people are entitled to their slang? Payton retorted.
  15. “Look kid there’s not much I can do for you right now.” The officer said impationly looking over his shoulder. “Yes there is, you could let me out…. Don’t leave me here please” Payton begged. “I will as soon as I get back I promise, everyone here has been called to dispatchment all over the city if I let you out they’ll have my head.” The officer could not look Payton in the eye because something deep inside him told him he wouldn’t come back for the boy. Payton turned from the bars and went to sit on his bed, defeated. “Here kid” the officer tossed him a hand gun. “It isn’t loaded but if by some chance you’re able to get out the armory is not far from here.” He whistled and a red colored German Shepherd came bouncing out of nowhere. “This here is foxy, she’ll keep you company.” “You’re leaving some dog to guard me?” Payton was on the verge of laughing and the ridiculous notion. “Hey, she’s not some dog… Foxy is extremely intelligent” “Oh yeah?” Payton said walking over to the bars. “If she was so smart she would have brought food for her prisoner.” Foxy barked and scampered off. Payton and the cop stared in direction of her retreat. “Yeah…that’s exactly what I thought.” Payton said as he was turning around he heard Foxy come running back in. “Good girl, foxy.” The officer took a bag of chips from her and threw it at Payton, who only stared in shock. “She understands completely, just try and be polite with her okay? Dogs have feelings too.” “Understood…” Payton got on his knees to pet the dog, and he smiled when she licked him. “Well I best be going, kid. Be safe okay?” “Thank you officer.” “And don’t worry about those dead freaks… we’ll lock up the station so no one can enter but us.” “ HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL HE WAS INFECTED WHEN YOU CUFFED HIM!? HIS SKIN IS FALLING OFF” came a distant but loud, angry and slightly scared voice. “I’m sorry sir I didn’t kn- Ow! Son of a bitch, bit me” “I better go see what’s going on” The officer left and moments later there were gun shots and screaming which lasted quite awhile. Then there was silence… lastly there was shuffling. A groan woke Payton out of his stupor.. He kept replaying memories in his head. “Wake up girl,” Payton whispered urgently. Foxy’s tail waged and then she rose up. “I think something’s coming, hide quickly” Foxy ran to the end of the hallway and hid behind some crates. Payton got under his bed. Why hide when he was in cell? Well he would not be able to escape with a horde of zombies in front of his cell. Payton hoped it was a dead police officer then he could easily get the keys from him and escape… but that’s only if his luck would change so far all the wandered down here were random corpses and the front desk receptionist. OOC: it was only long because i waned a dog lol
  16. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]OOC ooo the drama makes me giggle... what nxt a love triangle? maybe even a love rectangle?[/COLOR] They’ve been sitting on the edge of the bed in silence for sometime now. Dunan opened his mouth to say something but no words came. “I’m sorry if I hurt you Dunan I never meant to brush you off I swear. It’s just I joined this team for many reasons but finding my father was my main goal along with helping people. And Dean knows that which is why I felt I had to get to him first.” Dawner said, not sure if he mended Dunan’s wound or deepened it. Dunan faced Dawner looking intently into his eyes, Dawner felt as if his very heart was being read. “Do you trust me?” He asked in a quite voice. “With my life.” Answered Dawner promptly. “Then please, please allow me into your life Dawn. I guess the closeness that you and Dean bothers me because I have yet to know that side of you. All I ask is that you let me in a bit more Dawner and consider my feelings.” Dawner’s eyes felt so heavy and full, he wiped his eyes with his sleeve. “I never meant to disregard your feelings” he sniffled. “I feel horrible, I promise I’ll never do it again Dunan. Can you forgive me love?” Dunan kissed him full on the lips then kissed his tears away. “I already have” “Well I guess we better head out to the living area” Dawner said. He stood up and offered Dunan his hand. “Shall we?” He said in a mock gentleman’s voice. “..Lets” Dunan said taking his hand. They both walked out the room and Dawner clung to his arm tightly, happy that their problem had been fix… now if only he could fix the problem between Dunan and Dean… ‘Its best not to think of that right now I guess’ Dawner thought.
  17. Name: Payton Rogers Age:18 Occupation: thief Starting point: Raccoon City Police Department Infection status: - Bio: Payton was really a good kid just had bad tendencies, grew up in a bad neighborhood. His father was a karate teacher but that never paid the bills his mother did what she could after he died. They stole things not a lot just enough to survive on. They were experts at what they. After his mother died from starving herself so he could eat, Payton was left all alone. Payton was hotwiring a car to flee the city but he was too slow and got caught. It?s been almost a week and he?s still stuck in jail. At least there was a tv facing him and to his horror he knew what was going on? luckily he knew what he had to do. ?Come on.. there?s got to be tons of weapons here.. now if I could only get a officer over here?
  18. Dawner was afraid, no terrified… He check each and every room of the castle but all he saw was blood soaked bricks, broken furniture, a unfamiliar corpse here and there… but not what he was looking for… Finally he reached the dinning hall and there he was.. Long blood red hair twisted into a braid, he was was taller than Dawner. He’s attire black and he had a whip in one hand which he cracked at the numerous werewolves yelling orders. A Large werewolf possible the leader of the pack, came out of the shadows with others in tow. They all were dragging bodies… the bodies of his motherly Sile, Hot headed Calil, hyper Karyn, adorable Draco, honorable Dean,…. And his lover Dunan.. “Father no!” He sat straight up and looked around every item was spinning in the room and Dunan was stuck to the ceiling, the next second everything that was caught in Dawner’s psychic whirlwind dropped. “Don’t you EVER scare me like that again” Said Dunan from the floor. He got up and went to Dawner’s aid. “Wha…what happen are you hurt im so sorry..” “It’s fine I’m… fine.. By the looks of it you were having a nightmare and when I tried to wake you all this happen..” Dunan gestured to the wreckage of the room. “I gotta see Dean..” Dawner began to get dressed. “Wait why? What happen? I heard you say ‘father’ what was that about?” Dunan grab Dawner’s wrist. “I’m sorry I’ll explain everything when I get back. But I believe my father has teamed up with the werewolves or maybe he’s commanding them I don’t know… but Dean might.” After Dawner finished he rushed out the door in search of Dean.
  19. Dunan let out a hearty laugh as he rolled over Dawner to the side next to him, “That… was.. so cute” Manage to say in-between giggles. “What’s so funny!? “ Dawner pouted after he had recovered from round four. “That was the cutest face you’ve ever made” Dunan stifled a laugh. “You.. you mean when i.. er, when i..” By the second Dawner began to grow redder and redder. “Yes that’s exactly when you made that face.” Dunan sat up, facing the still blushing youth. “It just made me feel like even more of a cradle robber.” “As you should, offering me candied treats so I can go to your room. Despicable old man” Dawner got on top of him and kissed him tenderly. “OOo feisty little fox ready for round five?” Dunan cooed. “Oh no sir, I believe I’m drain.” Dawner smiled. “If we were to go at it again all that would come out is a stick with a white flag” They both laugh. “Well I will be right back… going to grab a stack..” Dawner pushed Dunan back down. “No need to follow love, I’ll bring something for you too.” “Why don’t you just conjure something?” “I’m starting to hate the after taste of magic…” Dawner made a face and shivered at the thought. “Well be quick babe, I’ll miss you…” Dunan said sincerely and Dawner was so touched wheter it was a joke or not Dawner took it to heart. No one ever looked at him so loving and wanting like that… Dawner nodded, and left the room, closing the door behind him.
  20. "We have to make up time we lost in that damn meeting love bird." Said Dunan rushing to his room with Dawner in tow. " “Dunan, let's slow down” Breathed Dawner, their quick pace left him quite flustered. “Oh dear, you’ll have to keep up if you want to dance with me.” Dunan said almost lifted Dawner off the ground as they rounded corner. “Dunan we need to slow down…” Dawner said panting. “Okay, okay” Dunan slowed his pace then stop to turn and look at Dawner, after a minute he spoke. “Are you alright now?” Dunan touched Dawner’s cheek. “Ready to go” “That’s not what I meant… I mean this is to fast, us I mean… we’re moving too fast..” Dawner stammered looking at his feet. Dunan looked disappointed for a brief second then it faded away. “Well we can slow down then I guess.” He smiled reaching out for Dawner’s hand, he pulled him close putting his other hand on the small of Dawner’s back. Dawner put his hand on Dunan’s chest to create distance, “And you better stop trying to seduce me damn it. You and your red, hypnotic, beautiful eyes” Dawner kissed Dunan lightly on the lips. “ Since we’re on the subject, have I told you, I love the brilliant shade of your green eyes, they’re the most loveliest emeralds I’ve ever seen “ Dunan said returning a kiss. “Are you sure? I’m certain you’ve seen more than you let on… how can I compare?” Dawner pouted, though there was a bit of playfulness to his banter he really was nevous about feeling like he was just another fling in Dunan’s life… “No, I’m positive. You are truly a beauty, Dawn.” Dunan said convincingly. “Mhmm, But for how long?” Dunan smirk, “Yes, for how long indeed?” Dawner punched Dunan in he arm, “You’re horrible!” “I’m just teasing” Dunan laughed. Dawner turned sharply and began to walk off. “Oh don’t be like that,” Dunan grabbed him from behind and blew on Dawner’s neck which sent him shivering and melting into Dunan’s embrace. “You’re so cute when you pout” Dunan said close to Dawner’s ear. “Hopefully I am long enough to keep you interested” snapped Dawner. OOC: your first night at the manor and you want to get in Dawnie's pants?! what kind of char do you think he is? Perv lol
  21. Dawner blew his hair out of his eyes. ?You are just too adorable? Duncan grinned. ?Oh shut it,? Dawner swated at him and Dunan dodged. ?Too slow? He stuck out his tongue. ?You are so cocky, I can take you. Don?t be fooled sir, I may be human but I can hold my own.? ?Oh really now?? Dunan stepped closer leaning in closely. Dawner kissed him emitting a spark of magic through his lips then he lightly bite Dunan. He pulled back. ?I bite too.? Dawner grinned. ? Come on I want to show you something? Dawner grabbed Dunan?s hand and walking towards the garden area. ?Where are you taking me sweet heart?? ?Somewhere nice.? They turned on a pathway close to the house, a horde of fireflies danced in the moonlight. ?These flowers are beautiful.? Dunan said. ?They should take pointers from you? Dawner said squeezing Dunan?s hand. ?Well aren?t you charming? Dunan smiled. There was a slight change in the air, after a quick pause, Dawner looked at Dunan square in the face. ?I hope you will allow me to get close to you Dunan, all I want is to give you less reason to unhappy. I only want to ease your pain. I?m sure Vahn didn?t bless you with life to live it alone.? For a brief second there was a hurt look on Dunan?s face then he quickly gain composer. ?I suppose you?re right? he said looking the other way. ?Damn it why?d I have to bring him up, he obviously has some sort of feelings towards him still.? Dawner thought. ?I?m sorry, I should not have sai-? Dawner started. ?It?s okay, but you are right I cant drown in my sorrows anymore it would be tainting the life he gave to me. Thank you Dawn.? Dunan kissed him but this time there were unspoken words in his kiss.
  22. OOC : sorry i've been moving and its hard to get a signal out in ass fuck egypt lol.. Dawner had to think for a minute. He had always been drawn to the arcane arts. “Well you know how limited my control over my psychic powers are Sile, But I have more control over magic because it’s mostly about guidelines and texts, which I’m good at” “I see” said Sile thoughtfully. “But you must try to get a hold of those powers Dawnster, Especially your empathic abilities.” She shot him a crooked smile. Dawner knew what that was about, whenever he felt a certain powerful emotion his epathy powers would go out of wack and cause everyone around him to feel what he was feeling. Sile called them involuntary mood swings. “I’m trying I swear.” Dawner pleaded. Sile laughed, “Don’t worry I have fate in you, you’ve come a long way since coming here. That reminds me, What do you think about our newest addition?” Dawner blushed and yet he didn’t know why, who are we kidding yes he did. “Well I believe him to be quite interesting, and he’s a great fighter with such a pure heart” Sile stopped walking and faced Dawner, “You know that’s not what I meant” she frowned. “Don’t keep things from me.” Dawner started to feel bad he never had any problems talking to Sile, she was always his comfort, and secret keeper, his own secret squirrel. “SO!?” Sile waved at him bringing him back down to earth. “Stop spazing out” “Oh sorry.” “So is there anything between you too?” “I’m not sure, well I am it’s just. I genially like him and want to get to know him a but he’s extremely flirtatious.” “And you want to know if something serious could be between you?” Sile finished his thought. Dawner hoped he wasn’t projecting his feelings again… “Yeah, which is why we’re meeting at the water tower to talk things over.” “Well I hope things go well Dawn.” Sile smiled, “And if he tries any funny business you blast his ass off that tower understood?” Sile put her hands on her hips, her knockers swaying. “Yes ma’am, I’ll tell you how things go when I get back.” Dawner smiled cheekily, and Sile patted him on the head before he walked out the back door.
  23. Dawner used his power to throw himself forward at the same time turning to catch Dunan. Dawner caught Dunan but the force he was thrown with plus the fact that Dawner was smaller than Dunan sent them both to the ground. It didn?t matter Dawner was glad to have broken Dunan?s fall. ?Dunan? Dawner whisper bending down to his ear, he was not breathing. ? Wait, Vampire? living dead? duh?. Vampires didn?t need as much air as humans so it was hard to detect breathing. Dawner reached into his vest pocket and pulled out a pink vial of liquid which was slightly glowing. He tipped it into dunan?s mouth. The hole in his chest began to close while Dawner muttered a spell to help the process. Dunan shudder then coughed up blood and Dawner held him up. ?It okay, Shh.? Dunan blinked then frowned? ?That bastard..? He coughed again as he tried to get up Dawner held him down. ?Stop it you need to take a break, Ever since you got here you?ve been pushing yourself like you have something to prove.? ?Aw let me up I?m fine, they need my help?? Dunan tried again, but this time Dawner flicked him in the forehead. ?The best way you can help right now is to rest a bit while I finish healing you, now stay still. Please just let me help you.? Dawner pleaded.
  24. The energy stealing vampire, Huey rushed Dawner, just as he hoped. Dawner backflipped onto his hands and pushed off ascending into the air at the same time spinning. Being raised in a circus really helped when your mother was the leading acrobat, Dawner was very light footed and agile. Dawner pulled razor sharp cards from his sleeves and flung them at th pining him down on his back. As soon as Dawner landed he was overcome with pain as electricity shot through him. Dawner would have screamed but the slender vampire?s mute spell was still active. He dropped to his knees. He heard the crackling sound of electricity and he dove out of the way, a small crater where he once stood. ?You wont be able to evade me for long little fox? Hugo said menacingly. Dawner looked him straight in the eye waiting for him to move the next move when he heard a groan from behind, Huey let out a fearsome roar as he broke from his bindings. ?I?m going to drain your life force dry.? Huey began walking towards Dawner, his hands twitching. ?If only I could get them to touch each other, Huey?s energy powers would draw Hugo's electric powers and they would kill themselves?? Dawner didn?t have time to think more on his plan as he jumped to late and was hit with a bolt from Hugo. ?You?re going to die now? Hugo said, motioning to his brother. ? Drain his life-force then we can feast on his blood? ?I don?t think so? Dawner sent a blast of telekinesis soaring toward Huey, it was only visible because it tore up the earth as it moved. As Huey was thrown in the air, Hugo shot another wave of energy at Dawner, but this time he was ready, redirected it towards Huey who screamed in pain as he was impaled by one of the earth spikes. ?You bastard,? Hugo?s body began charging with so much electricity his eyes turned a glowing blue and his figernails glowed red with heat. ?You will pay for that.? Dawner readied himself for the retribution that was coming.
  25. Dawner started towards Dunan to help try and snap him out of his berserker like stage; suddenly he was knocked off his feet to the opposite wall hard. There was a giggle then a man stepped up to Dawner followed by a taller, slimmer man who looked slightly crazed. ?Where do you think you?re going little Red?? the taller man said, ? Hugo, this one doesn?t look much of a fight.? Said the shorter guy, who had place his foot on Dawner?s chest to keep him down and it was very effective. Dawner felt as if a truck was sitting on top of him. ?G.. Get of me? He struggled but to no avail. ?Oh no Huey, I see fire in his eyes he has spunk? Hugo said ?I?ll show you fire? Dawner aimed his wand at Huey?s face ?Incendio? Fire blast the man a couple feet away. Dawn windmill kick his way onto his hands and brought his legs down standing up? being in the circus you learn a few things. ?Ooo? witchcraft, and strong magic too. Very nice.? Huey said standing up, he had a gapping hole in his mid section. ?Brother you best regenerate? Commanded Hugo the elder brother. ?Yes brother.? Huey took off the gloves he was wearing and Dawner could see the strange aura shrouding them. Dawner held his wand up. ?That?s enough out of you? Hugo said, ?Sel In?mute Len?cea? Dawner?s throat felt as if it was on fire, he tried to scream out but no words came. Huey picked him up coking him, and as Huey tried to squeeze the life out of him he was stealing Dawner?s life force and the hole in his chest began to seal up. Dawner focused with all his might then released the energy around him knocking Huey and Hugo on their butts. This time he had no magic, just psychic abilities, and wit. ?This is going to be hard? He thought to himself.
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