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Dawner?s head was throbbing as Dean picked him yet he still gave a reassuring smile saying he was fine. ?Have everyone meet at the square? Dean said. Dawner contacted every one relaying the massage, ?Alright team lets regroup at the square? ?Do you think Malachia will show himself Dean? Dawner said wanting to hold his side as they ran towards the center of the town. ?It?s hard to say? Dean said not phased by running and talking at the same time? ?Vampires have it so good? Dawner thought.
Dawner ran towards the familiars and using his telekinesis he propelled himself toward the largest of the three. Dawner had kicked him with so much force that the familiar was throne out of the window. Dawner threw a vial of ink onto the floor, as it smashed he used his powers to form a glyph. This was a trick he perfected just for occasions like these where he couldn?t take his time with chalk to draw magical symbols. This way was quick and quit flashy. ? Athena, Goddess of war, brandish your sword. I wish my enemies no more.? As Dawner finished his incantation a brilliant yellow orb of light was released from the glyph. Dawner raised his hand and the light went soaring up out of view, just as the familiars began charging at him he brought his hand down pointing at them and the orb had came down in the shape of a giant sword of light. The light sword fell upon the monsters with a crash and flash of hot light, when the blinding light subsided all that was left was a smoking burnt spot on the floor. Magically drain Dawner stumbled and grab hold to a pew to keep from falling. ?Come on, pull yourself together Dawn? He told himself shaking his head. Dawner turn toward Dean sensing he was in trouble he began to run to him but was cut off as the redheaded vampire jumped in front of him. Suddenly Dawner felt this immense pressure all around him and his head felt as if it would explode all this a result of the Vampire trying to telepathically crush Dawner?s mind. Dawner fell to his knees in pain screaming. ?I?ve come to far to die like this? he thought as the Vampire approached him slowly, fangs bared. ?Not far enough little one? the vamp answered out loud. ?Get out of my head? Dawner said through gritted teeth. ?GET OUT? As he screamed these word he unknowingly but by his strong will created a psychic blast that repelled everything that was in 20 feet of him. The vampire and his familiars including Dean were thrown back, some tumbling on the floor and others smashing into a wall as did the Vampire. Dawner got up slowly and shaking after he found his balance. ?Oh no? Dean? Dawner started to walk towards him but his legs gave out. ?Damn it? Dean had been thrown near the alter. Dawner began to get up again still shaking but able to walk he went to Dean only to be cut off by the Vampire again. ?You will not stand in my way? Dawner said venomously his eyes showing such fury they had a faint glow of arcane energy. Dawner saw past the vamp and looked at Dean who was standing making hand gestures behind the Vamp supposedly trying to relay a plan.
?Well at least we know the innocents are not in the church,? Dean said before running his sword clean through the belly of a familiar and then ferociously thrusting it up splitting him in two. ?They would not have come out here so fast and in such a great number leaving their food supply unguarded? Dawner took off his top hat and taped it with his wand. ?Incendius Lupinion? instantly a roaring fire exploding from the hat in the shape of a canine like fiend but with rabbit-ish long ears. It charged at a group of familiars. ?Or they?re just the weaker ones sent out to fight, the stronger guards could be protecting the? livestock? Dawner finally responded. ?You could be right Dawny? Dean said using a pet name Dawner hated but before Dawner could retort Dean grabbed him in a quick spinning motion avoiding a lunging familiar who met a swift in as Dawner shoved the stake with dead mans blood through his head. Dean laughed, ?That was not it?s intended use but quite effective, kudos.? ?Why thank you kind sir? Dawner grinned bowing slightly. ?We?re going to need a distraction to get in the church and do a quick search? Dean said wrinkling his brow in thought which made Dawner smile inwardly at Dean?s intentional charm. ?Leave it to me? Dawner repeated his spell summoning two more of his fire fiends. ?We?ll need to be quick, it wont hold for long and I?m starting to get drained from these advanced spells.? ?You should really start using your telekinesis it?s a great offence, I never understand why you don?t rely more on you psychic powers? Dean said thoughtfully as Dawner groaned, now was not the time to go into this again. Dawner didn?t trust his psychic abilities as he did his arcane talents. Witchcraft was a bit simpler and had rules and text and laws which Dawner had always been comfortable operating in. He had always been book smart. His psychic powers on the other hand were out of control telekinesis was good on some days and off on others his empathic power was such a curse he never could turn it off only suppress it. ?Hello!? Dean waved his hands infront of Dawner bringing him back to earth. ?Now is not the time to space out, lets go? Dean said taking control of the situation. He grabbed Dawner?s wrist and nearly lifted him off his feet as they rushed in the church
Dawner looked as if he would burst into laughter at the facial expression Dunan was making. ?And unfortunately this is Karyn, I think one of the maids let her out of her cage.? Said Dawner wiping the rest of the pancake of his face. Karyn chucked another at him but he was ready, in an instant his wand was out as he uttered ?Fracta!?. The pancake exploded instantly splattering everywhere. Then he pointed to the stack of pancakes Karyn was hovering over. ?Omnis Frac-? He stop mid-word as Sile shot him a stern look. He hastily put his wand back in his waistband. Dawner sighed and leaned back allowing for the other to further question Dunan. His eyes began intently gazing at Dunan, his story was so sad, noble and quite interesting. Dawner was even able to pick up feelings of sadness and remorse for a brief second until he was shut out again, but in that mere instant he believed Dunan could be trusted completely. ?He?s telling the truth, Dean.? Dawner said in a distant yet sure voice. His comrades exchanged brief looks (all except Karyn who was stuffing herself) of secrete understanding. ?Excuse us for a second Dunan, as we make our decision.? Said Dean as he concentrated on a certain feeling which Dawner clearly picked up as he jumped then got up to follow them.
?Maybe I should not have yelled at Karyn like that? thought Dawner as he made his way back to his room. It was not Karyn?s loudness that woke him up it was her strong emotions of excitement that shook Dawner of a peaceful sleep. Once he realize it was not naturally his emotion he got angry, it was way to early to be so excited. ?I?ll make it up to her later? Dawner said as he slipped back into his bed. He owned the little amount of sanity he had to her. She was the first he took to when he came to the mansion a year and a half ago; it was so hard to be happy around the others some time. They were so gloom and doom which in turn affected Dawner due to his flawed empathy powers. But Karyn was a little ray of sunshine her cheery mood ignited Dawner naturally boyish elation which is why he loved being around her. Yep indeed he was going to make up yelling at he. As Dawner closed his eyes to sleep he shot bolt upright as a strange feeling came over him. ?Someones here..? he never felt such an mixture of confusing emotions in a person.. ever. He grab his wand and stuff it into his waistband, then got string to tie his hair back as he walk out his room. Dawner didn?t know whether to tell someone or not but he had to make sure of this entity before rising alert, He manage to get to the front door and open it just as a man was about to knock. ?Uh? Bonjour ? Dawner put on a wary nervous smile as he tried to keep his nervousness contain yet his feeling swept through the mansion. OOc: and my char... [IMG]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j61/takuuya/Flyff_Artoki__d_by_Artoki.jpg[/IMG]
Vael franticly racked his brain on ways to penetrate the illusion field, but to no avail. ?Since we cant break through maybe we should find Ursula and-? ?And what? Kill her?? Interrupted the Acolyte . If it were that simple why would I have assembled you all here to fight her?? he said roughly. Vael whip around glaring daggers at him. ?You don?t have to be so ill tempered with her, she?s a child, and she only wanted to help.? The acolyte ignored Vael?s outburst and dawned a look of interest to the illusion sphere. ?Strange, Ursula is a powerful demon indeed? to have her illusion focused over such a great area at once.? ?That?s it? Vael jumped up with realization. Maia perked up sensing a breakthrough. ?She must be using some sort of weapon or totem to amplify her powers so she can cover such a vast range.? ?Perhaps we could destroy it? Maia added. ?Again, we alone stand no chance against her? Said the Acolyte dryly. ?How much work would it take? It?s the only option we have as of now besides once the item is destroyed so is that damn dome of illusion, which will free everyone in time to add us.? Vael picked up his sword ?Hold on a second? The acolyte stood stopping Vael. ?We cant rush in without a plan Vaelurideen.? Vael scoffed, ?Well what do you supposed we do?? OOC: Yay!!!! we live :D
Vael helped Maia into the chariot and sent Acolyte a death glar, he leaned into Maia?s ear. ? Maia-Chan how much do you know about this man?? Maia fidgeted uncomfortably in her seat making a concentrated look. ?Hmm. Well all I know is that he?s revived all of us to complete a task for him.? ?All of us?? Vael perked up a bit in his seat? yes he could sense his brethren not far from where they were. Acolyte climbed in and threw Vael an oversize fish print kimono. Vael laughed slyly. ?Does my nakedness make you uneasy sir?? The acolyte turned his head as Vael sliped on the kimono and tied it loosely at his waist. He could not time if the man was blushing or not. ?What is your name Sorcerer?? asked Vael. ?You may call me acolyte? Vael groaned. ? Aren?t you selfish one. What gives you the right to awake us, then task us with an errand and not even provide your name?? The acolyte did not answer whether it was because of Vael?s forwardness or simply because he chose not to, Vael was not sure. ?Well until you provide me with a name I shall call you Lyte? At this the acolyte laughed. ?Why do you seek familiarity with me ?? Vael shrugged then smiled. ? How can I serve a master I do not know?? The Acolyte sat quietly oviusly thinking to himself. Vael had begane his confusing conversation merely as a coverup to read the acolyte but it was hard. It was as if Lyte had mental barriers. ?This will take time? But I must find out what he wants from us and why.? Following this man blindly disturbed Vael a great deal. Even Natsu-Kun had given reason to his orders. Vael sighed. ?Well at least I?ll get to see everyone again?
[I][COLOR="Indigo"]It was almost peaceful? yet he was tired so tired..and drained.. ?Let me rest? I beg you.? But something still shackled him from reaching the light. Something embedded deep at Vael?s core.[/COLOR][/I] ?Brother of seven Return!? It was like the voice of a booming, thundering god which called down lightning itself? It gave Vael strength it gave him Life. Vael pulled the sword from his abdomen with amazing quickness. As the tip of the blade came from it?s sheath, the hole became whole and healed. Air rushed to Vael?s lungs leaving him a coughing heap on the ground. He felt so many emotions fear, surprise, but most of all he felt was anger. ?Those? Damn.. smelly canines.. ambushed? It was a struggle to even speak after being revived and then he made a grave mistake?. He tried standing only to fall on his face. ?Argh!? He groaned tossing his head back looking into Maia?s eyes ?M?Maia!, To what god do I owe such great fortune!? Maia-Chan has come to my aid? He lunged at her picking her up and whirled her around. By this time many of the villagers had surrounded their once holy tree which now lay in a splintered flaming ruin. ?The water dragon lives!? One wolf demon woman screamed ?That halfbreed child has stolen our lands source of life? yelled a furious elderly wolf demon. ?What abomination is this child? Why have you wroth destruction to our lands?!? Said the village leader. It was then that Vael took in his surroundings. The wolf demon tribe had been living off his life force for so long everything was green and plenty He could even feel the life-force of the creatures in and surrounding the village land. ?You damned fool? How dare you use me for you?re power sorce. What right have you?!? Maia had jumped back from Vael in pain since she was still holding his hand when it started to charge with electricity. The villagers began stepping back yet the Chief stood his ground shakily. Vael?s eyes glazed over. ?V..Vael We must go?? Maia whimpered ?Snap out of it? ?Leave here at once whilst you still have life!? The chief said. ?You speak so boldly yet you?re deadly afraid of me?. As well you should be.? Vael?s voice was cold and distant as he walked naked and shaking with fury towards the leader. ?Before I depart I flood your village with the blood of it?s occupants... You made the mistake of making me a tool? it will be your last.?
Name: Vaelurideen ‘Vael’ Age: 18 Appearance:[url]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j61/takuuya/2nd.jpg[/url] Human form [url]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j61/takuuya/deluge.jpg[/url] Personality: Vael is a a bit sensitive, very loving and caring boy and a bit of a air headed spaz, yet he can be surprisingly wise sometimes. All this combined with his curiosity equals a trouble. But he believes all full breeds are out to get him whether they be human or demon… they both share hatred for half breeds like Vae. The Band is the family he’s ever known. Only they can call him to himself after he gets into a crazed frenzy which sometimes happens. Weapon: A simple Lute and the sword named Drizzt’s Edge [url]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j61/takuuya/DrizztsEdge.jpg[/url]. He also has a huge water container on his back fasten with a sash. Much like Gaara from Naruto. Power: Being half water dragon demon he has power over water, ice, and lightning. He also is connected with nature and the living things around him. Such a sensitive connection has given him empathic abilities. He’s able to feel others emotions and he can amplify that emotion or he could push what he’s feeling into a person… bad thing is most of the time it’s accidental. Masterly skilled at any instrument. How did you decide to join the group?: It was after Vael’s tribe was slaughtered. He cant remember if it was by Humans are demons but it didn’t matter because the tribe had suffered from both parties numerous times. But this time he was the last to remain alive. The band was lured to the ruins by a ominous yet calming melody Vae was playing. For it was his duty to perform a “Sending of Spirits” ceremony for his fallen people. At first Vae struck out at them viciously but was paralyzed by a needle from Natsu. Later Natsu told Vael to fallow him if he wish to live. What other choice was there? If Vae wanted vengeance he would have to be alive to obtain it. He’s been with the Band for 7 years since that day. Natsu Had sent Vae on a mission to retrive the sword called Drizzt’s Edge. Natsu felt the sword would put Vae in more control of his powers. but on the way back from getting the sword he was overpowered by a horde of wolf demons… Luckly for them Vael was not an ordinary victim, water dragon blood ran through his veins and the Shamans of the wolf demon tribe knew this. They bond his body to a great tree in the middle of their village with the very sword he was sent to retrieve. The tree fed of his life-force but the sword kept him from fully passing on so the lands around the village are lush and full of plenty because of this.
bump... calling all kights. we're still alive. i didnt want to post before the rest of the kights got a chance to... i wait a bit more but then i'll post... Get on the ball :D
After Brimlith had told the rest of the hiding villagers it was safe to return home he headed out to do the same. His cottage was on the east of the village the only wide space for incoming merchants and there carriages… or a small infantry. Brim felt extremely guilty about Grum’s solders making it in his village without him knowing. “If I had been home I could have stop them then and there…. And even if I was not there I should have been able to sense them.” So many years living carefree had somewhat dulled his senses. Giving the current situation and his recent obligation he’ll have to strengthen those senses and train. Brimlith sighed, “Maybe I was hard on the boy”, He chuckled. “And he called me a kid. Sometimes I forget I don’t look my age… thank the gods, other times I forget my age.” He groaned this time. “I guess it’s time for some materiality, which I’m way overdo-“ “That’s the spirit” Merlin’s face had appeared in the puddle Brimlith was side stepping. He kneeled down to get a closer look. “So… I believe its safe to assume you’ve accept the task I gave you?” “More or less…” Brim replied moodily with a pout. Merlin’s watery face looked stern. “Brimlith it’s a yes or no, don’t be a brat”. Brim gave a dramatic gasp. “Hold your tongue, you old goat.” He sat down cross legged and put is hand on the ground behind him as he tossed his hair back. Looking at the sky. “You I’m joking, of course I have Merlin, But what a task it is. A dark-touched child, a hasty brute barbarian, a unstable loony, a Female knight living in fear and charades and a ill-fit leader. You couldn’t have given me better misfits if I had asked you to.” “Well… you always liked challenges and who would be the better teacher to them than the king of misfits?” Brimlith touched the puddle with his finger a it froze solid at the same time a gust blew leaves around him and then kicked up dirt forming a strange Merlin-like dust shape in front of him . “If I didn’t think they weren’t capable I would have never endowed them with my power, and if I didn’t think you were capable in teaching them I wouldn’t have sent them to you. Please believe in them as I do in you, DawnLight. We will speak again. Walk in light my friend and be well.” The wind died and Merlin vanished. Brimlith smiled evenly, in ancient tongue his name meant Dawn’s light… strangely Brim felt that was the best time to start the day. Brim got up and made the rest of his way home to prepare for the task at dawn. He would send a message to the knights in the morning.
?Hmm? Brimlith thought to himself. ?They?re not bad not that good ether. Lack of strategy, teamwork, proper communication, and battle tactics, and to top it of a completely oblivious leader? but they have drive? Hmm? He shifted his weight to his othe leg and leaned on the wall. ?They respond very well to sudden circumstances, These knights would be a joy to work with, too bad I can not help them.? ?Oh yes you can, and shall? Merlin?s voice rang crystal clear and startled Brimlith. ?Ahh.. The fragments of your will reside in them. So in a way you?re still here? Very smart Dear brother, very smart? Brimlith tried to maintain a calm voice. ?Flattery will get you no where, this back water town is not your place. You have done everything you could do for these people and more, if I dare say too much. The longer you stay the more cripple and dependant they will become. Camelot as a whole needs what you can give these knights. You must Brimlith, or eventually calamity will strike and if Camelot falls so does this town?. Could you live with such guilt?? Merlin?s spiritual presence evaporated from Brims mind. Brim was sure if it had stayed he still wouldn?t have been able to answer that question. Merlin was always talented at sending Brimlith on guilt trips, for right reasons, and good intentions yet it was still a cruel thing to do? or that?s what Brimlith thought. The officer of Grum?s army began pouring his energy into some sort of crystal in the middle of his chest plate, ?It?s some sort of summoning relic? Brimlith raised his hands in the air and his staff drop out of sparkling lights of visible magic. ?Whatever he summons will be huge and a treat to the town?. I will not allow that? He broke out in a swift run, leaving the shadows he was observing in. He got on his knees with his back almost flat to the ground sliding out the way of a well aimed swipe from a solder. Brimlith, still sliding bent back and shot over his head at the solder, throwing him into a wall with Mage-Light. He jumped up and continue running towards the leader, as Brimlith neared him he jumped and drove his in the chest of the preoccupied Solider canceling his summoning and breaking the crystal.
[COLOR="Teal"]“…And we listen to Nature, who grants us serenity. Especially to those who come with humility. With the power of Gods, we face all odds and conquered our enemy” It had been close to four hours of singing to most of the children of the town and yet Brimlith’s voice range true and clear and the children still seemed to be spellbound after such a long time. Songs of adventures and the like usually effects small children that way, which is another reason the older folk urged their kids to seek out the singing wizard. Brimlith was the remedy to the parents headaches caused by overactive children and Brim loved kids so it was a win-win situation. “Forward we march t’wards our dawn, with sword in hand and love in our hearts we carry on. Regardless of how hard it se-..” “Milord Illedilon, Milord!” Brimlith jumped so violently at being called ‘Milord’ that he struck a sour note that in turn made the children snap out their trance. A young woman came haltingly to a stop in the middle of the half circle of kids, Brimlith got up and caught her as she started to sway. He recognized her as Dallan’s sister, a lad who never missed Brimlith’s little concerts. “Whats wrong Dillia?” Brimlith held her steady looking intently in her eyes coaxing her to be calm by pouring a steady stream of strength into her. “Men of Grum’s army came and took Dallan, they said they were going to make an example out of him and then claim this town as their own. Milord he’s only ten years of age please save him” “Stay here with the children, you’ll be safe here. Don’t worry about you’re brother, I will return him. As for those bull brained barbarians I will take care of them.” Brim picked up dirt from the ground then clasped his hands together. “As earth meets sky grant me wings on which to fly, take from this location towards my destination” Brim closed his eyes and sent thousands of tiny little mind treads in search of Dallan a second later he found him with his mind in panic. ‘I better hurry’ Brim flung the now blue shining dust in the air and it circled around him as he dissolved into a darker blue dust and then the substance shot off in the direction where a battle was unfolding. After Brim had sneakily moved Dallan to a safer place he went back to the action. A few of Grums knights some conjured beast and…. the royal knights of Camelot? ‘No it cant be… I didn’t think it would be this soon, I wonder how they’ll fair.’ Brimlith stuck to the shadows ready if he should step in and not sure if he would need to. The villagers had all scurried away to their homes so that was less of a worry, thankfully because this would require his utmost attention.[/COLOR]
Name: Brimlith Illedilon Age: Unknown, Appears 18. Personality: Brim is a lighthearted kind soul but has a temper which can cause random explosions of arcane energy. He may have seen a lot in his years yet some times his wisdom fails him. he can be a bit bumbling at times?.. Maybe it?s old age or a youngster?s folly? Most think of Brimlith as a air headed wild mage but he is still very much respected in Shal, as he is they?re protector. Appearance:[url]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j61/takuuya/Prince_of_butterflies_by_PrincessEl.jpg[/url] Weapon(s):[url]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j61/takuuya/Magical_Bard__s_Lute.jpg[/url] [url]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j61/takuuya/Fantasy_staff_by_gapipro.jpg[/url] Powers: Rivals that of Merlin but lacks control Biography: It was in the Wizarding shool back in the lands of Highjorhn where Brimlith created the immortality elixir it took so many tries but finally he had success and his classmate and close friend praised him for his accomplishment but refused to drink it, which angered Brimlith so much that the paper he wrote the final ingredients on burst into flames, he was never able to recreate the combination. What was Merlin?s reason in refusing it? He said ?Death should not be feared, but respected, we all must die at some point? but only because someone must live in our place? Of course Brim didn?t understand his riddle Merlin hoped one day he would. After graduating at the top of their class Merlin and Brimlith went their separate ways but remained in contact. Brimlith wandered the earth aimlessly trying to find a place where he belong until he stumbled upon a little village who opened their arms to him for all he could do not only that but for his kindness they begged him to stay and protect them which he has. Brimlith became the advisor to the Chief of the nomadic/merchant village and his offspring and he was their guardian. Life was grand until his heart breaking message from his old pal.
Sin ran his hands through his hair. ?Damn it, I just don?t know anymore.? His eyes began tearing up. ?How could they just abandon us like that?? Damo started to walk towards Sin, but he just grabs Damo?s hand. ?We need to get out of here? Sin tried to focus on the upper floor but he couldn?t. ?Ken, that bloody git, my powers are still sapped.? ?I guess we?re walking? Damo said, then 3 werewolves were rounding the corner towards them. ?Not until we finish them? Sin said getting into a fighting stance , damo stretched his hands to the fallen werewolves calling the daggers with his mind the shook feebly then soared to him. He gave Sin one. ?Thank god for weapon training? Damo said, Sin was the first to start at one, he ran as the larger one went to tackle him he jumped off his head and on the shoulders of the other werewolf who slashed violently around afther Sin plunged the dagger into his neck, the werewolf left a huge gash in the face of his companion. ?I don?t think this was a good idea? Sin said hanging on for dear life. ?Damo get me down, I think I?m going to-? Sin threw up in the larger werewolf?s face as he was advancing him. Damo made a face, ?Ew??
Demi followed Lyu’s directions to the kitchen. As He and Fritz entered that shiny paradise Fritz made a high pitch whistling sound. “Yeah buddy I like it too.. not a grim stain anywhere to be found. Well lets get started Fritz we gotta earn our spots here.” They both set out to hunt for ingredients which they found and in less than a hour later the kitchen was filled with exotic smells. ooc i messed up badly. sorry for the short post... wont happen again
“What the hell just happen?” Damo had panic stricken across his face “I believe Nayomi and Duke have gone… rouge” Even as Symphony said it she look skeptical. “And Red expects us to capture them?” Damo ask in dubiously “Well we won’t do it. I refuse to…” Sin said his fist clenched so tight his knuckles were paling. “Red gave direct orders tough” Ken said reluctantly. Sin spun around and glared at him. “Rubbish!, Damn Red and damn his bloody orders!” Sin yelled, Damo put his hand on his shoulder as Sin got an idea. “Damo grab my hand.” “Huh..Why?” Damo pulled back a little “With your minds eye combine with my powers we can go directly to Nay and Duke and find out what’s going on… So grab my hand.” Damo hesitated.. “Bloody hell!!, Damo stop being a wanker, we have to go to them. Symphony, Ken could you guys please make a distraction? I know you only recently joined but you know enough about Nay and Duke to know that there has to be a logical reason for this, don’t you?” “Go, now.” Symphony said with a serious look on her face, Sin kissed her on the cheek and Damo gave him a dirty look. “Bless you Symie” Sin grasp Damo’s hand as he went into a slight trance merging his and Sin’s mind together. “Got’em” Damo and a moment later they were being consumed by shadows
?Ow? ?Damn, Let me get that? Sin took the suitcase Damo was struggling with. ?I?m no invalid, damn it Sin give it back? Damo exclaim grabbing for the bag. Sin just melded into the wall behind him and exited a few feet ahead of Damo. Damo groaned and Symphony held back a laugh. ?You?re a little Imp you know that?? Sin was not sure where or when Leif came but ether didn?t matter, Sin was beginning to like Leif regardless of his creepy entrances. ?I bloody well try mate? Sin said smiling broadly. He glanced at Leif with an inquiring eye. ?So you coming to see us off then?? Leif shook his head smirking good naturally. ?Nope, I will be accompanying you? If Sin wasn?t trained to mask his emotions he would have dropped the bags he had and? yeah it would have been bad had he not been properly trained. ?Oh really...And how does your queen feel about this. ?I rather not say? Sin laughed, ?Not so happy, huh?? Sin lost his footing and if you would have blink you?d had missed it. ?Ha, reflexes like a cat?. Still Leif had grab his arm. ?Er..? Leif withdrew hastely ?Well.. You might want to take this up with Nayomi, I can guarantee she want be dandy with this but I?ll have your back mate.? ?Much obliged? Leif smile curtly. ?So why are you wanted to come with us?? ?Well to make it short, You.? Sin looked apprehensive at first but Leif smiled and continued. ?I want to learn from you.? ?Bullocks, mate. What in blazes do you expect to learn from me? If it came to tooth and nail you?d be a very good match for me? Er fighting wise.? Sin blushed. ? That?s not true? You have something to fight for, a drive that I lack. And giving that you?re so close to those humans is what should weaken you yet it makes you strong? I want that strength, I need it? Sin frowned slightly, ?So you?re coming to gain power?? ?I have? Other reasons? Leif Stop walking. ?Well I will meet with you later, I?m going to find Nayomi? Leif jumped and vanished into thin air. ?Show off??
“Hey Fritz can you take this plate to table 7 and these bowls to the bar please?” “Crrzzztz” Fritz monitor displayed a pixilated smile as he took the orders from Demi then he walked out the kitchen. “Demi” Shouted the owner, “Hurry up with that Curry lad, I don’t pay slackers” “Ha” Demi laughed and yelled back, “Even with your six arms I still can cook circles around you Brutis, And we’d be better off without those lazy waiters you pick off the street” Demi groaned chopping up a mix of herbs and spices then he abandoned that task to pick up a plate walking out the kitchen door. “Who ordered the curry? Hey get your grimy hands off him!” three burly men were prodding and shoving Fritz around a little ways in front of the bar. “Where’d you get this heap of junk Brutis” Said the shortest one “We could fetch a good penny for this scrap metal” “You unhand him now” Demi stood furious with the curry still in his hand. “How bout you make me twer- Ow!” Demi had kicked a chair at the man who had Fritz then he chucked the curry in the face of the shortest one who screamed in pain. “That was my hottest dish” Demi laughed, then caught the last guy reaching for his gun but Demi was too fast. “Argh! You little brat… What the hell is this” He clutched his stained hand blowing on it. “Rubber bullets that melt on contact from being fired from my gun. You better get gone now, or I’ll use live ammunition next time.” Demi eyed them dangerously, his hand hovering over his other gun at his side. “You heard him” Said Brutis cracking his knuckles all 24 of them. The man standing helped his buddies up and they all scampered out the bar. “Brutis I can not take this anymore” Demi said tending to Fritz “Why didn’t stand up for your self? You’re no ones toy Fritz” Fritz made a beeping sound and made a frown hanging his monitor… head low. Demi turned and looked up at Brutis. “I quit” He said firmly. “What?! Anther I saved you from the streets? Fine, be on your way than. I can hire someone for half the pay and more the skill. You ungrateful twerp.” “Yeah, good luck with that.” Demi turned to Fritz. “C’mon lets go get our things”
Name: Demetrius Xanderz (Demi) Age: 18 Personality: despite his parents being killed he is very goofy and good natured. Kind hearted and a bit sensitive, easily trusting. But lately he puts on fronts to protect himself. Working at a bar where scum come and go will do that to you. Will at least he’s picked up a good trade in cooking… besides that he’s a bit of a engineer. Appearance: [IMG]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j61/takuuya/vampire_by_sh7n.jpg[/IMG] Weapons: his duel GlitBees [url]http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa12/Glitterbabyfhc/YunasGun.jpg[/url] and his hands and feet… Growing up in a bar you learn a few tricks. - Demitrius's Parents, Lorenne and Adrian Xanderz were killed when Demi was 13 because they refused to add the growing robot empire with their advance knowledge of robotics and engineering. All Demi had left was the robot he’d built with his parents Fritz. Demi roamed the streets with his companion looking for shelter until he found the Silk Fox pub… the job was easy, the pay just enough, and he could live there. Things weren’t so bad but he wanted something to do with his life… something worth dieing for…. Like his parents did. FRITZ : [url]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j61/takuuya/Canti_by_Cyber_Ghost.jpg[/url]
Ok guys... I know we've been idle for some time but we?ve struck a bit of momentum yet we need all of you to participate and help us keep it going :DD
?Double-crossing blood traitors? the queen hissed loosening her demeanor. I never truly trusted that flaming dun heap but you Leif?? The queen turned clutched at her chest. ?I turned you myself, you were so willing to receive such power. My child why have you forsaken me?? ?I have done no such thing, my Queen. Forgive me but this was a fool?s game from the start. How can we seek their help and leave them in the dark?? Nayomi snaped her head to the Queen. ?This is an extremely dangerous game you?re playing Integra, we are not your pawns? ?Please, tell them they must know Blood Mother? ?I will do no such thing, damn filthy humans? Or should I say misfits and oddities? Nayomi made a sudden move but Sin was faster he open his hand at a random vampire and a dark ball appeared covering their head, he closed his hand making a tight fist then opened it again and the vamps head was nowhere to be seen then it dropped to the ground and turned to dust. ?We came here of our own free will sincerely to help you. Integra I do not enjoy being some ones pawn? Sin began to advance toward her as dark energies started to crackle around his shooting off randomly disintegrating random bystanders. ?I will not be used again? Sin?s eyes glazed over as he pointed directly at the queens head. Leif suddenly was in front of Sin and grabbed his hand firmly both gently with both hands then he yelled in pain as negative energies ran trough him like electricity. ?Please?? he gruted falling to his knees. Sin bent down to help him, his eyes back to normal. ?You bloody buffoon why in the hell would you do that Leif?!? ?Please? My queen she is slow to trust outsiders she was not always like this we really need your help? All of you please.? Leif pleaded. ?Look, We want Damo back and you want your King put down? Duke said walking toward the Queen. ?Tell us what we need to know? ?No? Nayomi cut in. ?Tell us everything?
“New York’s pretty huge” Sin sighed kicking his feet back and forth as they dangled over the top of the building he was on. “The queen sure has herself establish in this world” Sin said thoughtfully “Her own tower, Vampires sure have come a long way” “From hiding in the dark, like scared ani-…Whoa!“ Sin had Leif pinned to the ground before he could finish. “You’re fast” Leif blinked, chuckling. “What do you want?” “I come in peace brother, I swear upon my blood mistress.” Sin got off and helped Leif up, then backed up a few paces. Blood was dripping from his mouth and hands, Sin shuddered. “So… What do you want?” “Well I just came back from feeding and I saw you up here by yourself, figured you might want some company” Leif said with a genuine smile despite his blood stained face. “And why would I want your company?” Spat Sin. “You’re a feisty one” Leif laughed “Well maybe I wanted yours” “Why would you want something as dangerous as that hmm?” Sin said crossing his arms. “I want to understand you” “Huh..? what do you mean” “You know Why do you hang with those mea-“ “If you called them meat bags I will have your throat” “Ok Humans, why? You can have the world yet you tag along with livestock” “They’re my family, My people rejected me” Leif scoffed and Sin walked briskly closing the space between them. “Smell me” He demanded, A look of hunger surged through Leif’s eye and it was gone just as fast. He bent down and inhaled deeply then looked Sin in the eyes searchingly. “Am half blooded, my people shunned me, hated me, And when I came here most witches feared me. I had no one until those ‘Livestock’ you speak of. I owe them my life.” "You are very strange, A half blood with so much power yet bound to humans. What is my Queen up to" "That’s what I’d like to know" Sin said as Leif jerked up alerted. “Seems I am being beckoned” Leif frowned “I guess we’ll talk again then” “I shall look forward to that brother.” Leif vanished into the shadows as Sin heard yelling from below near the rooms. “Bloody hell now what” Sin started to sink into the darkness below where the rooms were.
After Sin got undress and settled down in his bed he began to worry about Damo. Something was?off about Jinx. ?Damo??? Sin called with his mind trying to find that mind link bond, he and Damo shared. ?Can you hear me Da-? ?Yes Sin, Loud and clear?.Everything ok?? Damo?s mind voice answered. Sin felt the room fill up with a telepathic presence? obviously Damo was using his mind?s eye. ?I?m fine Damo, but there?s something really off about Jinx? ?Huh? Sin felt a that if he were looking at Damo right now he?s eyebrows would be raised. ??Well of course, She has changed obviously? ?D? It?s more than that I cant put my finger on it just yet back just thinking about her makes my hair stand on end, something?s wrong? ?L'anseny? Do you realize what you?re saying? Jinx saved your life once?hell even more times than that. Nothings wrong with her Si-? ?Damo please listen to me? ?No? Came Damo?s mind voice laced with raising anger with a tinge of annoyance. ?Look I understand you?re scared right now, being here and everything but don?t let fear cloud your judgment Sin you know she would never hurt us? ?But? why is she working for the Queen, Doesn?t that seem the least bit odd? You can?t tell me you bought that ?Queen?s Bodyguard? rubbish. You should know her better than all of us mate. Jinx wouldn?t give up her dreams to be some dark queen?s lackey that?s not her at all? ?Are you seriously telling me I don?t know her?? Sin jump at how loud the disembodied voice was almost as if Damo were right next to him.? ?No I didn?t mean it like that I ju-? ?You?re being ridiculous right now Sin. I think its best if you go to bed? maybe you?ll make more sense in the morning? ?But Damo-? ?Goodnight Sin I?m done talking about it? The psychic energies pooling into the room dissipated in a less than a second, And Sin couldn?t feel Damo even more. He tried calling to him using that bond but winced as pain shot through his head. Damo was in no mood to talk? obviously.
Name: Daer Byrder Age: 17 History: Daer was a traveling bard who fell in love with a young Acolyte which angered the high Priestess, she forbade the Acolyte from seeing the bard, but he disobeyed her so the High Priestess hunted them both down. She shot her killing arrow imbued with overwhelming spiritual power at her young apprentice but the bard knock him out the way and the last thing he heard was the cry of his love as Daer was pinned to the tree behind him. At Present: all Daer can do is …exist and hope his love got away, that his death was not in vane… Being a bard there’s always music in Daer’s head… even now in death..or whatever you call this place. But this melody is different… it bekons him, but from where? And why? He has yet to find out Abilities: He can bent the earth to his will… even speak some dieing plants to life. Personality: Music is the gateway to heaven or so they say… But here it keeps Daer sane and somewhat happy. He has no regrets the shear fact that his beloved didn’t appear in this land gives him a smile yet he is sad sometimes because he is alone and the thought that his love would move on tugs at his heart yet still Daer remains good-hearted and accepts his fate