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Everything posted by Takuuya

  1. Sin was thrown viciously into the wall and slid down as he groaned, ?Sneaky little git? they?re gotten a bit smarter, and faster.? The Werewolf advanced as Sin got shakily to his feet, then it charged at him full force and Sin ran forward jumped off his shoulders sending the Werewolf crashing into the wall. ?Incendius? Sin whimpered as his hands caught fire then he threw them at the werewolf and jumped back as it instantly ignited. ?Damn it Sin, I told you fire spells are harmful to users who aren?t flame-kissed? Reiver said appearing with Marcus by his side. ?Hold out your hands? Sin did as he was told as Reiver used his powers to heal them. ?Thanks Rei?? Sin said ?Just stay clear of fire spells ok?? ?REIVER we need you over here quick? Damo yelled from somewhere unseen. ?Here take Marcus? Reiver said at the same time he looked concerned and unsure. ?We?ll be ok together Rei don?t worry, Go? Sin said. Reiver nodded then ran off. ?Looks like you?ve seen better days? Sin said good-naturedly. Marcus groaned letting out a stiff chuckle ?Right back at you? ?We?ll get through this mate just hang on? Marcus gave a weary smile.
  2. ?Jerrod!? Sin ran toward J.B tackling him as a werewolf flew over them just as they hit the floor. They both looked up. ?Something tells me you didn?t plan on saving my life.? said J.B ?Nope? Sin grinned and J.B laughed as he got off the floor. ?Lucky me? Sin?s eyes began to glow his he pointed his finger over J.B?s shoulders. The werewolf?s head was thrown into the wall by Sin?s dark energy bolt. ?Well after this fight we should catch up mate? Sin smiled than ran toward the werewolf as it got up. Sin jumped into a flying side kicked that lifted the werewolf off the floor. A large shadow opened behide the Werewolf and both he and Sin went through it only to reaper falling from the ceiling, the werewolf went straight into the floor driven by Sin?s heel. Sin held out his hand, it started to be enveloped in shadow then it changed shaped into a claw which Sin drove through the werewolf?s chest then pulled out his beating heart. Sin took a huge bit out of it as he caught Ken?s eyes. ?Err..? Sin started glancing from the still twitching heart to Ken. ?Very rarely can I get fresh blood, and this is the only way I can get it from a werewolf, Mate? Sin gave Ken a nervous smile. ?I hate getting their mangy fur in my mouth? Sin made a face. Then tossed the half eaten heart in the air and watched as some vampires still in bat form swarmed around it. Sin made a noise and jumped back, ?Blimey, You lot are a hungry bunch?
  3. maybe you should let KG knw... cuz i like the whole idea of having conflict with a playable char :] makes things interesting
  4. Sin woke up to Zerif?s melodies and was instantly reminded of Louis. Before he had died they all had brief moments of peace in-between missions. Family outings Movie?s, dinning, hanging out, and music halls. Sin would never forget Louis?s words as the orchestra finished their soft balled number with the guest which was Jinx who had fought to peruse her singer career. [I]Sin and Nayomi were sniffling. ?Blimey?? Said Sin drying his eyes on his sleeve. ?She?s bloody brilliant.? Nayomi nodded wiping her eyes as well. ?It was so touching, Jinx really has a knack for this. Red had better let her go for her dreams. She has paid her due to this team.? Nayomi sniffled. ?Are you two really crying?? Asked Reiver trying to hold back a laugh. ?I mean yes she sang beautifully but?? ?Music can convey a infinite of emotions that cannot be spoken into existence by one?s lips? Louis cut in.. ?That melody combined with Jamie?s passionate voice grips at the heart of anyone with functional ears? Reiver sat in his seat quite still slightly embarrassed and Nayomi smiled then Sin looked up at Louis whose eyes were glazed over. ?I didn?t know you had such a liking to music Louis? Sin grinned. ?How can I not?? Louis blinked. ?Music?.? he said, wiping his eyes. ?A magic far beyond all we could ever do?[/I] Sin regretted not talking to Louis more, not asking him what was the hidden message behind his wise sayings? He regretted every unspoken word. Sin wiped his eyes now making a choice that he would cherish every moment with his team mates including the new ones. Time was something that he could never wastes again, they could die the next day and L?anseny did not want to have any regrets. Sin muttered a spell and a second later their were numerous multi butterflies of light all fluttering around dipping and ascending to the melodies. He then castled a shadow of two couples dancing at the front of the plane were everyone could see.
  5. ?Thanks a lot? said Zerif. ?Ehh, it was no problem mate? Sin blushed, scratching his head nervously. His childish curiosity almost got him in trouble he hoped he didn?t give off the wrong impression. Sin made a mental note to work on that as he returned to the seat near Damo. ?Sin?? Damo waved his hands infront of his face trying to snap Sin back to reality Sin flinched and then gave Damo a confused look. ?You were staring in to space man? L?anseny, are you sure you?re ok with this mission?? Sin hesitated and Damo added, ?Look, I know when something?s bothering you so just tell me. Is it the queen? I won?t let her turn you Sin? ?She couldn?t turn me if she wanted to.? Sin said. ?I was born with pure Vampire blood not someone who turned into one, that?s impossible. Pure vampires are true demons which means they can reproduce unlike people who were sired or turn into vampires who are considered the living dead? Damo?s faces begin to contort into fear? ?But you don?t have to worry about that? Sin quickly said. ?You were alive when I bite you, you would have had to been drained of blood and very dead to have been turned into that kind of vampire which are called Dhampirs. ?Wow? I didn?t know that. So what you?re telling me is she can?t bend you to her will unless she?s bitten you?? Damo asked ?Well yes? But that?s only if I were full human. If she bites me now it wouldn?t do anything. Dhampires ? ?What about the people the Dhampirs feed on?? ?Same thing happens to them only difference is they all answer to the Queen, since she was the one who bite person A who in turn bite person B.? Sin explained. ?Ahh?? Damo nodded showing that he understood. Then he looked a bit worried ?Well Sin if I?m not a Dhampir? what am I?? Sin ran his hands backwards through his hair. ?Ya know? I?ve not the slightest idea Damo. You see? A Vampire, demon and Dhampir has ever biten anyone for any other reasons besides to feed? But that was not my reason mine was to save you. Some how I knew it would keep you from dieing? Damo face faltered Sin turned around fully to face him. ?Damo you?re special and very lucky?? Sin said with a smile. ?I believe you have remained human only with a boost I guess.? Damo nodded saying ?It doesn?t worry me that much I know who I am? He smiled and there was a long pause. ?So if it?s not the queen bothering you then what?s wrong?? Damo asked. ?Oh? Err.. Nothing mate I really just want to get this over with quickly, And I?ve always wanted to see the queen? She?s one of the oldest living Vampires? ?Are you related?? Damo asked ?That?s possible but I wouldn?t know? Sin said turning around in his chair as a few heads snapped back to the front. ?You think they heard us?? Damo said a little trace of worry in his voice. ?Probly, but don?t worry about it? Sin lowered his voice in a whisper ?I?m pretty sure you already spoiled your chances with Symphony anyways, this wont add to it? Sin smiled and turned around. OOC: the Dhampir term is a real one.. only thing is i switched its meaning lol.. i didnt want sin to be in the same Category as norm vamps.. lol hope that was ok
  6. Sin clapped his hands over his mouth trying to hide his amusement and then throwing Damo a ?You are a complete idiot? look but smiling. Sin scanned the room taking everything in. The new girl Symphony was a looker but Sin thought she gave off a aristocratic vibe. Sin?s eyes found Marcus who seemed to be smiling inwardly yet still looked out of place. ?If Red would bloody rush things along we could be off and then properly welcome the new comers? ?That sounds great I?d love some of that cake? said a voice in Sin?s head ?Damo!? Yelled Sin. ?Stay out of my-?? but Damo?s eyes were solely on Symphony it couldn?t have been him. ?Over here? Said the voice. Sin looked at Ken who grinned. ?Finche we all know you and Damo must have an intense love affair but I?m sure you will survive the momentary separation.? Barked Red, Who getting frustrated at the outbursts issuing from his best elite force. Sin tossed his head back leaning in his chair and laughed whole-heartedly. ?O-my g-god? He tried sniffling a giggle. ?Me and..D-Damo? Please Commander, you insult me. I have taste sir? Sin laughed then Nayomi gave him a look indicating that was mean. ?You know I?m kidding Nay, I wuv my ickle Domokins? ?Well if you?re done making a fool out of yourself we have businesses to discuss? Red said glaring. ?Who took a wizz in your cereal?. Ah, don?t get your knickers in a bunch Sir? Added Sin when he saw Red contort his face in anger about to retort. ?Just carry on Commander,? Said Duke diverting Red?s anger from Sin. ?I think everyone?s just a bit?excited? Duke looked at Damo and Sin, Sin gave a weak smile. ?This is our first extreme briefing since? you know? well anyway this sounds like an important mission and the faster we get briefed the more time we?ll have to plan and make preparations? Said Duke, Nayomi smiled at her husband?s take-charge tone. ?Right...then, Lets begin? Red said and then a holographic grid came to life in the middle of the large table. OOC:High tech-y
  7. Sin was reminded of mother wolves carrying their pups by the skin of their necks as he squirmed to get free. “Aw c’mon Nay we were just fooling around” Said Sin. “Yeah, and Sin started it.” Damo wined. Nayomi smiled. “That’s bullocks!” Sin put on a look of shear innocence. “You don’t believe him Mum, do you?” Sin was made his bottom lip quiver. Nayomi burst out laughing. “That would have worked in the past pup, but not now” Nayomi dropped them both. “Now you two get changed and meet back in the briefing room, only this time don’t get lost. “I rather like the classy look” Sin said pulling at his tie. “I guess you can leave it on then” Said Nayomi walking off. “Well I’m changing… damn suit is uncomfortable” Damo said loosening his tie. “Aw, but you look so dashing Momo” Said Sin reaching up pinching his cheek and shaking him. Damo chomped his teeth at him glaring. “Ok ok… no need to get feisty mate” Sin laughed. “Well you better hurry up Damo, we don’t want to make a bad impression on that new bloke and any other new additions that might be waiting for us” Sin walked in the direction the group was going. OOC: yeah… he’s british
  8. “Bloody hell, Red couldn’t have waited until after the little party we were going to have?” Sin whispered furiously to Damo. “God that cake looked soooo good.” Sin eyes were glazed over with hunger. “Not to mention Nayomi and Duke will have to postpone their honeymoon” “Complete bullocks it is, I mean what could be so bloody important?” Said Sin then almost slipped on the well polished floors but Damo caught him. “These shoes are slippery” Said Sin with an embarrassed laugh and Damo chuckled. “No you’re just a little klutz” “Anyways to answer your question, I think we might be getting a mission, along with new members as well.” “Hmm… That should be interesting…. Damo w-where are we?” Damo looked around Red , Nayomi, and Duke were no where in sight. Damo groaned. “Great Sin just great” “What the hell? Don’t you dare blame this on me I was following you.” “Yeah but you were distracting me” “Rubbish, you mean to tell me you cant talk and pay attention to where you’re going at the same time?” Damo let out a long sigh “Oh whatever just fallow me.” “That’s how we got lost in the first place, I’m leading” Sin began to walk off but Damo pulled his hair which was pulled back in a long ponytail. “Oye!!” Sin exclaimed “What are you doing?” “I’m sure the briefing room isn’t in the lab.” Said Damo, pointing at the neon sign. “Oh right,” Sin grinned “Well I guess you can lead the way then”
  9. i was fun... im ready to jump into it now !!! lol
  10. Name: L'anseny Finche Age: 28 Ability: Dark magic/Shadow Conjuring & Manipulation, Demonic powers (Half Vampire) “Well that’s not creepy at all.” Said Sin, [I]‘Not unless he’s good loo-‘[/I] “SIN!” Damo threw him an angry-annoyed look. “I was just attacked and all you can think about is whether or not he was ho- Hmmp!” Sin had thrown a pillow at Damo’s head. “Stay out of my head damn it!” Sin said blushing but still looked mad. Sin could hardly keep his thoughts away from Damo now, whether it was due to Damo’s powers advancing or the fact that Sin had Sired him forming a never ending bond between them… whatever the reason for Damo’s intrusion Sin didn’t like it. Sin began sweeping up the glass when Nayomi motioned him to move. “Reconcilio” she said wiggling her fingers at the shards as they illuminated then flew back to the window mended, and shining like new. “Damn him coming in here like that” Duke said, “Great timing as always” He said groaning then walking out the room. “Well, There’s nothing to fear from that guy, He did help us before and I like his ‘protection’ regardless how weird it is” Said Nayomi. “You two better wash up and get ready to eat” She walked out and headed back to the kitchen. “Hey Sin do you think you could get that chair for me?” “Bite me” Said Sin, Damo gave him a weird look and they both laugh. “You’re a git you know that?” Sin said playfully then walked pass Damo bumping into him. “Hey shorty I can take you” Damo called after him. “Yeah yeah..Whatever you say” yelled back Sin halfway to the kitchen
  11. “D-Damo…DAMO” Sin was running toward him he had finally shaken off the mind control half do to being free of Kuma’s tainted blood,. Sin jumped into a tackle but just as he touched Damo they were coming out of the ground near the back of the room, Sin maneuvered so he was holding damo’s limp body, and he landed on the ground softly. “Damo I’m so sorry please forgive me…please...” Sin wiped the blood trickling down Damo’s mouth. Sin bite Damo on the neck... “Damo you will live, i promise…” Sin looked around everyone still fighting Kuma. “He wants the gate open well… that’s what I’m going to do.” Everywhere went dark then back to normal but Kuma and Sin were in front the door Kuma didn’t know Sin was free of his control yet. Sin was muttering furiously in some odd language then a wall of earth rose to the ceiling cutting the others off from him and Kuma. “I'm ready brother” Sin said swaying slightly, since Kuma’s blood had been drain from him he no longer had the power boost he received from it, Sin looked and kuma’s arm his was also bleeding Sin’s blood would soon drain from Kuma leaving him unable to throw shadow bolts and possibly escaped what Sin was planning. “Good…good” Kuma looked down but Sin hung his head, his hair hiding his eyes. “Let us go then” Kuma lead Sin through the door to a place that couldn’t be connected to where they just came from. They were on a tower of some sort and a large circular arc ‘like object was facing them. There was a seal just in front of it. “Stand there,” Sin did as he was told, he felt ancient magic run through him, but he resist it drawing up a look of confusion. ”What’s wrong” “I..I cant do it by myself I need help ..Brother” Kuma looked confused as if thinking it should have worked with only Sin standing there, he shrugged and walked forward. Sin grabbed his hand tightly. Then concentrating on the gate “somewhere cruel,harsh and teaming with beast, some where cruel harsh and teaming with best” Sin was thinking hard then there was a rush of air and the portal started to open. Kuma’s eye grew wide with happiness. “Yes…Finally the world shall kneel to- wait a minute…” Kuma had notice there was something odd at the other side, it was not where he wanted the gate to open. “Sin this is no-“ Sin had stomped his foot then jumped smashing his head on Kuma’s. “Your life ends here, you bastard… turning me on the only people whoever loved and cared for me…You will pay.” The last words came out through gritted teeth. Kuma had the most infuriating look on his face, “You half blood wretch!” Kuma stood up fast but Sin lurched his hand forward into his wound, Kuma howled in pain. Then he stabbed into Sin’s chest with such force that his hand came out on the other side. At that moment a long purple tongue and entangled itself around Kuma’s leg he withdrew his hand from Sin’s chest trying to get free. Sin fell to the ground with a faint painful smile as the tongue pulled Kuma closer and closer to the portal.....
  12. Sin crumpled to the ground gagging as if he were going to throw up, traveling at near light speed didn’t sit well with his stomach. The Tall man pat Sin hard on the back “Ha, that’s it kid let it all ou-“ Sin had grab his hand, twisted him and pined him on the ground, his fangs just above his neck. Suddenly Sin was pined, both hands behind his back and the larger male’s knee holding him down. “You’re fast, but I’m faster” Sin’s eye shone with a dark violet light and the shadow of his aggressor came up from the ground and pulled the man off him, Sin jumped to his feet ready, and the shadow close by his side. Sin snapped his fingers and the shadow charged at ‘Speedy’. Thinking that would keep him busy Sin started to run towards Kuma then suddenly stopped hold his arm which Nayomi had bitten, blood and a mixture of sickly black stuff was dripping from Sins arm the black ooze could be the taint of Kuma’s blood mixed with Sin’s. Sin staggered holding his head as the room began spinning, he held fast to the rough wall for support trying to focus on saving his ‘Brother’ He ran from the wall, Damo turned to meet him. “Out of my way” Snarled Sin, Damo made a punching motion and Sin flung backwards then into a hand spring landing on his knee still skidding to a halt, he placed his hands on the ground drawing a seal with the blood that was still running from his wound. “Shadow Summoning… Accio Arieto” a large wispy-shadowy ram formed from the seal and charged at Damo Sin ran right behind it as Damo sent a flurry on force punches to it and the Ram finally dissipated but in its smoke emerged Sin’s foot which collided with Damo’s face . OOC:can anyone tell that I’m enjoying this too much? (Btw, The spells I use are simply latin fyi)
  13. “N..Nayomi” Sin eye’s returned normal. “What’s going on?!” Sin kneeled down next to her. Picking her head up he whispered a minor healing spell over her wounds “Please come..come back to me Nay.” Kuma cursed and sent another wave of power to Duke then turned around and held up his now scarred hand in the direction of Sin. “I’m going to have to increase my hold upon him, their influence is strong but not stronger than my power” Sin gasped and stood up. He looked at his hand the gash had healed but it wasa sickly black color and was going up his arm toward his chest, Sin eyes turned black. “Brother I need you” Kuma put on a look of helplessness and Sin was at his side in a flash. Kuma stood behind him, draped himself on Sin’s shoulder whispering in his ear… “I know your hungry little brother, this one’s blood must taste divine don’t you think so?” A growl escaped Sin’s lips as he parted them showing his fangs. “Snap out of it twerp! We’re your family and..we..We love you! Sin come back to us!” Duke yelled with pleading eyes. Kuma stood up placing his hand on Sin’s head. “Get your damn hands off of him” “And what are you going to do bleed to… Ugh!!” Kuma yelled as a fireball grazed his back. “Next time I wont miss” Jinx said. “Little one, you take care of him, whilst I squash the firefly. Feast on him and drain him dry” Sin made the motion an uppercut simultaneously a giant shadowy fist knocked Duke straight up in the air. Sin teleported just above Duke then flipped bringing his heel down on Duke sending him crashing to the ground in an instant Sin was on top of him bearing his teeth.
  14. Kuma got on his knees on the side of Sin’s throne grabbing his hand, he released a fraction of his influence. “My sweet, Dark Prince” Kuma purred, “We are not that different, you and I.” “Really…?” “Oh no, little one not at all. We’re both shunned by human and demon-kind alike. Never to be accepted by the humans because they simply fear us and birthed from fear is hate which leads the way to cruelty.” Kuma showed Sin a long scar running up on the inside of his arm. “Look upon this, my Prince. Why would they do such a thing? And the so-called ‘Friends’ you surround yourself with aren’t that different…besides that fact that they are witches which only increases the harm they can inflict on us.” “It’s not fair” it was barley a whisper, Sin seemed to be talking to himself more then to Kuma. “Your right little one.” Kuma smiled. “We must stick together, I could protect you better than they have or ever will. Sin’s eyes caught Damo and Duke descending, “I’ve always wanted friends” Said Sin sounding more and more like a hallow shell. “And that I will be, and more little one.” Kuma glanced at Damo, Duke, and Nayomi. How about brothers? Sin sat up straight, he wore a look of happiness still his eyes were still trance-like. “Do you really mean that?” Sin said his voice returning… Kuma stood and pulled Sin up. He then pulled out a sharp looking dagger. “From this day on...” Kuma cut the inside of his hand then Sin’s then clasp them together. “We are blood brothers” “L’anseny!” Damo yelled “Stop! Don’t do it!” Damo had throw himself with his powers over the spikes toward the throne. Sin held out his free hand sending a dark bolt of magic toward him, Damo stopped midair waved his arm deflecting the bolt which went crashing into one of the cages. Sin heard something like a geyser hitting the cage then a scream of “Ew Duke, I’m drenched!” “I’ll take that as ‘thanks for saving my life Duke’…” “Sin plea…” Damo started. Kuma pulled Sin close to him. “See, They wish to tear us apart… you wont let them.. right little brother?” Kuma said with false pleading eyes. “Together we can make a new world order just for our kind. There would be to killing, and unfairness at all… just love and peace. You want that right?” Sin nodded. “Then our genocide must start here… With them.”
  15. :OOC got carried away.. Sin met Damo’s and Jinx’s stern eyes. He would expect this from Jinx completely he still had yet to get to know her but Damo? No… Not Damo he felt like they clicked being the ‘Babes’ of the group but the look in Damo’s eyes was that of cold maturity. Sin was instantly reminded of that look… the look of apprehension and accusation… the look from Demons and Humans alike. Sin walked off not saying anything blinking back tears. Before Sin escaped through the Gate to this world he lived with his mother, the demons of her court…hell the Vampire Demons of their region hated the fact that a bastard blood-ruined brat was in line to the throne and the duty of guarding the shadow gate. They would treat him horribly but never in the presence of his mother. At the age of 5 his father escaped to the mortal realm after realizing this was no place for a child especially a half breed child to be raised, since his demon lover had changed into a cold being… her blood lust causing her to expand her nation. Once on the mortal plane Sin was then ridiculed by his father’s people, the humans. The witches who knew his father and his…sin did not want anything to do with him. Living on the streets until his father brought him to the institute in Britain. Things didn’t change much….. Still an outcast, feared, and hated. “I can’t blame them for being angry… It is my fault…” Sin climbed on the kitchen counter wiping his face. He truly didn’t know what those hounds wanted the only thing he had to offer... Was… “No… How would THEY know” Sin thought. “They’re not demons they couldn’t possibly know about the gate” Some demons can exist on the mortal realm only through a host but if they were to come through the Gate they would be at full strength in no need of an ‘Anchor’. “And if they did know, why would they want to get to the nether realm anyway?” Sin let out a sigh in frustration, and then he got down and walked to the last room in the hall since it was unoccupied. He sat on the bed than fell back and breathed heavily and closed his eyes. “Lucesco Papilio” Sin whispered as soon as he said it wispy purple orbs of light came from his mouth forming little butterflies, Sin blew more out so they fluttered around the room leaving a pretty glittering trail of magic behind them. Sin smiled apathetically at his spell… He had always liked butterflies. He closed his eyes falling asleep under the glittering magic.
  16. OOC:Trying to get things running again... “I find it hilarious that this bloke appears out of nowhere and passes judgment on Nay like that, as if we trust him.” Sin said but felt guilty at the same time because he had moved away from Nayomi. “Well” said Louis, stroking his chin. “He does have somewhat of a point. We don’t know what to expect from her. Her whole DNA has been altered and there might be more change to come.” “But there’s a chance she won’t change entirely, I mean come on.. so she’s supposedly a werewolf now that should not change the way we treat her.” Sin stood up and walking to Nayomi’s abandon slice of pizza. “Hey.. look at me not only am I new to the group but I’m also half demon, and you guys have welcomed me right…?” A few heads nodded “Well why should it be any different for Nayomi, her being your leader and all?” “You’re just as worried as we are, Sin. We’re in the same boat” Said Jinx with a look of agitation. “Well yeah… I must admit It’ll take getting use to but at least I’m willing to try. I just hope you lot are. Think about it… She’s probably just as afraid if not more then we are about this whole ordeal.. we need to be there for her, not isolate her. Sin left the group with that to think on, thankful they didn’t know what specie of demon blood ran through his veins because if they did that speech would have fallen on deaf ears or that’s what Sin thought. Sin proceeded to walk to Nayomi’s door knocking on it. “Nay?” OOC:work with me people lol
  17. Sin began panting, his nerves on edge. “She couldn’t have send those… wolves.” Sin thought franticly to himself “Whats going on here…” Sin looked up and everyone averted their gaze. “They probly think its my fault..” He thought. Sin pulled out the nearest chair and sat in it. “Sin…buddy it’ll be ok” Damon started trying to sooth Sin.. Sin looked up at him with watery eyes… “Are you off your rocker mate?” Sin yelled “ Those aren’t paper cuts Nay is sporting innit!?” Sin stood up. “L’anseny calm down” Jinx said “How can you say that? The commander is dead and headquarters is overrun with those bloody beasts. We’re all low on stamina, and..and.. Nay could die.” This was the breaking point Sin broke in to tears. “It’s all my fault, where ever I go darkness follows.” Sin swore and punched the wall,the lights flickered.
  18. OOC: lol porn? Sin was torn from his bloodlust like state with the events that unfolded in front of him, Sin wore a look of sheer amusement then pity etched across his face as he saw Reiver stare disgruntled at the exit which Nayomi had taken Duke. ?Poor bloke? Sin sighed as Reiver walked out the training room. ?Well at least I?ll have the room to myself? Sin pressed a few button and pulled some levers and panels in the room below opened up and hot water came cleansing the room clean of blood. Sin then dimmed the lights in the training room and he turned the lights off in the control room he was in. Sin face contorted in concentration and he allowed the darkness to consume him and he then emerged in the training room. Sin sat cross-legged and uttering a spell, he levitated off the ground.
  19. Sin awoke from another violent dream much like the one before, only this time he ate them whole. He rolled off his bed standing, then scratched is belly flinching as he snagged his piercing. Sin took off his shirt and walked to a mirror across his bright colored room. He checked if he were bleeding, which he wasn?t so he just took himself in. He went to tied back his hair putting a rubber band in it, some of the blonde parts which were in the front fell loosely in his face Sin held it back examining his face. ??Blimey? Sin exclaimed ?Bruises all gone? He said smiling, great part about being half vamp-demon, quick regeneration. Downside? you needed blood at least every other day to survive. Sin turned to his backpack on his bed and rummaged through it then let of a sigh of relief pulling out a glass flask less than half full of blood, animal?s blood of course. Sin frowned slightly, he drank his share of human blood during the mission only because he had to but compared to the animal?s blood Sin wished for a cult member to break in his room. He shook his head trying to rid the thirst for blood. ?It would make me the same as pure demons?feeding off humans..? Sin thought to himself as he downed the last bit of the blood. It would eliminate the difference between him and his mother. ?Mother..? Sin thought on that word ?Nayomi would make a loving and gentle mother? Sin thought to himself and smiled. He really believe to have a real family and it almost filled a gap he hadn?t notice was in his heart. Sin put on a rather large long sleeved red and green striped shirt which almost went pass the shorts he was wearing since he sort of outgrew them, Sin shrugged then suddenly tensed up. A sweet smelling aroma nearly sent him off edge.. ?That?s.. Fresh blood? Sin croaked in a trance-like state, ?And a lot of it? Sin began to walk out his room and before he was aware of himself he was standing in a room separated from the training room but there was a glass window that allowed to let people seen into the it there was also controls and a mic there. ?Blimey?.? Sin said transfixed on what he was seeing.
  20. OOC: i got excited... Sin sat on a throne clad in royal silver and black attire boredly flexing his claws. The great hall doors open and in came a few demon solders with captives. A demon clad in dark green and silver lead the way. It was he who spoke first. “My lord, tis luncheon time, we picked the fairest maidens and the most dashing men from the outer realm.” He made a hand motion signaling the solders to line the captive people in front of the platform the throne was on. Sin stood up and in a flash of dark violet and black ‘light’ he was in front the first captive…Louis who stared blankly down at Sin. Sin’s black wings moved ever so slightly bringing him to the larger mans height, Sin leaned in and brought his clawed hand to his face and ran his finger down the man’s strong chin drawing blood. Sin licked his face. “Laced with pure arcane power” Sin snarled” Delicious” The voice that came from Sin’s mouth was not quite his it was deep and raspy and lacked his accent. Sin’s bright golden yellow eyes shown with hunger and in that instant he sank his fangs into Louis’s neck, drinking his blood. After Sin was done he motioned over one of his solders. Sin held out his hand and the Demon licked the blood clean. “Burn his body, decapitate him, I don’t care but make sure he does not turn, he would be a threat.” Sin moved to Jinx who spit in his face. Sin let out a menacing laugh. “You’re feisty and bold. Your very soul burns with an unyielding passion.” Sin paused and licked his lips. “I bet your soul is delectable” Sin grabbed her hair pulling her to his lips and kissed her. It was if time increased, her hair turned grey she began to shrivel up and her skin became dull as her life-force was sucked from her. Sin threw her across the throne room. Sin hovered to his next meal, Nayome who glared at him with such hatred and anger. Sin made to touch her and she bared her fangs and broke away from the demon holding her she then tried to kick Sin who simply backed up and brought his hands up as they pulsed with dark purple and wispy black energy, Sin held his palm in front of her, “Shadow bolt” It was barely above a whisper but dark energy surged from him and collided with nayome sending her crashing into a pillar, she slide down lifeless. “Too vicious for my taste” Sin laughed and his court did also until he cleared his throat and there was utter silence. Then came Damo, Duke, even Reiku… then JB. But something strange happen JB changed into….Sin’s mother. The world around Sin melted away. “You can not escape what you are my darling Imp, and you will never escape my love son” She wrapped her arms around Sin. “You think these mortals will love you? Care about you like I do? No Imp… not ever. They will hate you for what you are. Your demon blood will take over and you will devour them…. I know you don’t want that. I will save you from this fate Dear L’ansiny” She pulled away from him looking deep into his eyes. “I will give you a choice, come home or I will send for you.” Sin looked up shaking furiously. “Burn in hell.. I will never be apart of your domain and if you know what’s good for you will keep your kind away from this realm. She laughed in his face, “My kind? MY KIND? You foolish child how can you deny what you are? You cant run from your heritage, I will not allow it.” Her form contorted into a great beast which pinned Sin to the floor. “Let me go… stop no” thud Sin was tangled in his covers drenched. He half cried in pain, not from the fall but from the pain in his throat. It felt as if it were on fire. “I’m so…. Thirsty.” Sin got up shaking, feeling weak. “Ugh..” Sin walked out his room and headed to the kitchen.
  21. The cathedral doors open, A man entered, well Sin believed it was was a man or the silhouette of one. ?Innocent, prepare to die? Sin snarled then he lunged from the pillar he was clinging to at the ?Innocent? The man moved with such swiftness Sin didn?t know what happen. But he was dangling 3 or so inches of the ground and being held by his shirt collar. ?What was the purpose in casting a dark spell when you just alerted me of your position, BEFORE you attacked, I mean at least gloat after your adversary is on the ground? The mans voice was in a mocking matter-of-fact tone. Sin flailed then a growl escaped his lips. ?We?ll see how smart you are when I?m draining your brain out through your neck? The man uttered a spell and the darkness began to dissipate as if it where a fog. ? Sin gasp looking into the face of J.B as he was let on the ground. J.B cocked his head and looked at Sin with searching eyes ?Um? L?anseny, What did you mean by that com?? J.B was cut off when Sin held fast to him. ?Je?Jerrod..I..I?m so glad it?s you? Sin sniff ?I was scared out of my mind? J.B awkwardly patted Sin head. ?It?s ok.. It?s ok,? a minute passed and Sin pulled away wiping his tear and blood stained face he looked at J.B?s shirt and mumbled ?Sorry bout that mate? ?It?s fine, as long as you and the kids are safe? J.B looked around. ?Where?s the children?? ?I told them to hide in the back because I thought I heard cultist men outside? Sin said. ?And Kai?? ?No idea?? ?Ok well first things first, we need to get them out of here? J.B said and started towards the back. ?It?s the door to the le?.Mmp? a painful gasp came from Sin ?To the what?? J.B turned around and looked at Sin, his eyes were wide and he was trembling slightly. J.B?s gaze lowered and he saw a arrow protruding from the middle of Sin?s chest the tip dripping with green poisonous looking stuff and blood. Sin dropped to his knees. J.B saw three men standing at the door one with a cross bow, another with a claymore, and the last a great axe. J.B cast an incantation upon himself and bent over Sin ?Be still I?ll take this out? Even if you hadn?t blink you still would not have seen J.B snatched the arrow out of Sin and a second later he was thrusting it in the archer?s throat but the largest man with the claymore grabbed him then the Innocent who held the axe punched him in the face. ?Stop it!? Sin yelled shakily getting to his feet, just then The door where the girls went to find the bathroom open. Rebecca and the bigger girl shrieked in unison. ?Get out of here you two? Sin managed to say, his eyes still on J.B and his aggressors. ?Retrieve those girls, Arnon, I will handle this one? Said the man who held J.B who was trashing about wildly like an animal ?Sin take the girls and run? J.B yelled. ?I?m not leaving you, Jerrod? Sin was barely talking but what he said everyone heard. ?What do you expect to accomplish?? Ask the brute holding J.B ?That poison is pure and it wont be long until it kills you? ?Not only do I need blood to replenish but now to flush out this poison? Sin thought franticly. ?But I must get us out of here.? ?Out of my way shrimpy ? Said Arnon he threw his axe down. ?I wont need this for you child? He started to run to Sin, his huge mammoth fist raised. ?L?ANSENY!? Yelled J.B somehow he had flipped the claymore wielding man over his shoulder and taken his weapon. But it was too late. Sin held out his hand summoning all the power he had to put up a shadow shield and Arnon brought his heavy fist crashing through it. The shield broke as if it were glass and it sounded as such, before the pieces hit the ground they vanished. Arnon?s fist lifted Sin off his feet backwards but Sin recovered in the air twisting acrobatically and landed in front of the two girls then dropped on one knee. Arnon advanced to him and he a flash came crashing down upon the floor, J.B had embedded the claymore in his back and pulled it out dripping with blood. ?Are you all right Sin? J.B was breathing hard but concern was written on his face. He helped him up. Sin motioned the girls to him. ?Let?s get out of here, the others or in the back there should be an exit somewhere back there.? ?And if not? said J?B holding the claymore, ?I?ll make one?..Hurry I hear more men coming this way?
  22. OOC: ha..I just stole someones idea. thanks. “It’s ok guys please don’t cry.” Sin tried to calm the children down. He could not blame them though, they were taken from their parents then they witness a bloody massacre, and they have just emerged from the floor through shadows (no doubt they felt a little sick from that feat, Sin even stumbled as he materialized). “I know you are afraid but I swear I will protect you with my life, and it wont be long until the rest of my team comes to save you” Sin said reassuring them but highly doubted it. He heard everything that was happening to Nayomi and Damo. Sin felt a tug at his leg, it was the little girl he gave Lan to. “Mister… Mister..” She said Sin winced inwardly realizing how J.B must have felt when he had call him sir. He smiled putting his hand on her head. “I'm not that old little one, just err.. Bigger” He grinned cheekily. “Ok..Bigger kid” She said returning half the smile. “I have to go pee” Sin ran his fingers through his hair standing up, his knees buckling “I feel so weak” he thought he shook the feeling off and held her hand. “Ok... Um…” Sin looked around him for the first time. The chapel was huge and had a circular ceiling with paintings of angels there were great pillars at the each side near the walls and a sea of pews stretching to the alter far in front of them. There were two doors to the left and right of the alter. Finding the bathroom in this place would be difficult… But a incantation could clear this mess up. Sin scratched his head thinking of the right words. “There’s no spell I’ve learned to find the restroom, I'll have to wing it” “Uhh.. Iris, Goddes of luminous pathways and Mercury, God of swift and safe travels …. I beseech thee… for the path of the loo to be unraveled” A strange seal appered below Sin and a light yellow line began to flow from it to the front of the alter going left. “IT WORKED!?” Sin exclaimed. Some of the children shock by his out burst and other the witchcraft they witness. The little girl grew wide eyed in awe . “Ok, Can one of you gals help this one to the lo… Potty room?” Sin said, sure they wouldn’t understand his slang. A girl slightly older stepped forward. “I’ll do it, Come on Rebecca” She said holding out her hand. “Ok..well just follow that line it will lead the way” Sin said then he stomped on the ground and the light shone brighter. He swayed slightly, the holiness of this place was draining him slightly due to the fact he was half demon. As the girls followed the line it dispersed behind them. “Ok kids sit tight and get comfortable we’ll be here for some time. Sin heard the door open and closed. “They must have found it, Haha” Sin laughed at his make shift spell. “Not bad.. Not bad at all.” “Find the sacrifices!” Sin heard a voice outside. “Split up and search every building or face the wrath of lord Jin” “Shit” Sin cursed and the children gasped and began to panic. “We’re going to die “ “You said you’d protect us big kid” Said one boy “And I will, everyone go hide in that room to the right, Now” Sin said pushing the crowd of kids to the front of the alter. “Be quiet “Sin said. Sin then turned all of the lights in the chapel with shadow magic. Whoever came through that door would be in Sin’s domain. “I am ready”
  23. crap... so what am i to do with those kids lol
  24. Sin teleported behind another Innocent sinking his teeth into him. He had been taking most of them out this way because he would need energy for porting those kids that long of a distance. ?Kill that Evil, Vile being!? Shouted of the cloaked men ?You kill these little children for a far fetched cause and you call me evil?? Sin yelled back at the horde of men advancing towards him. Sin was glad he was cut off from his other teammates. ?I?m going to have to rely on my demon powers greatly for this? he thought. ?It?s good they won?t see me.? Sin?s eyes shone with a bright yellow light. Sin thanked the powers that be that it was night; Sin would be at the peek of his powers. The men started to close the gap separating them from their ?prey?. Sin placed his right foot behind him and held his left arm out and put stretched his right hand to the left just below his chest. As the men got closer Sin yelled ?Shadow zephyr!? Sin brought his right knee up and his arms in front of him but bent as if he were holding a beach ball, all this in a spinning motion to the right on the ball of his foot. Dark energy began to swirl around Sin, lifting the cloaked men from the ground along with their swords. Sin put his hands up in an arc causing him to spin faster. Screams could be heard as swords collided with their owners but in a lethal way. Sin stopped on a dime, feet together and stretched out. ?DISPERSE? The men were thrown far in every direction crashing to the ground and the swords that weren?t lodged in a body were wedged in random cloaked men. After dispersing the bulk of the group surrounding the kids Sin ran to them. They all cowered from him. ?I?m here to help you lot, don?t be afraid? Sin pulled out his rabbit from his backpack and went to the smallest girl and gave it to her ?I?m here to protect you little one? She took it, Sin felt a pull at his heart. It took a lot to give Lan to this girl but he needed to show them he could be trusted? ?Can you protect him for me? She held fast to his leg in response. Sin motioned the other children to him. Sin focused on the chapel in the distance, a black circle appeared below them and they sank in it.
  25. When Sin, J.B, and Kai appeared in the back of the mob they got surrounded and they filled up the bulk of their rank towards the back where the kids were. “Sin you need to get those kids to safety right now. The moment we can completely eradicate the Innocents is when those kids are out of harms way.” J.B said “I passed a chapel coming to meet you guys earlier, it’s a few block up. Do you see it the building with the spire” Kai pointed to a building in the distance. The guys both nodded. “So there is the safe point for them Sin, in that chapel. I will not ask you whether or not you think you can do it because I know you can.” J.B smiled and then gave Sin a weird look and pushed him back saying “See you on the other side” Sin fell through his shadow only to rise somewhere in the back of the mob. He heard shocked men then the pounding of feet toward him. He was surrounded. “Hey” one said, “He’s only a child not much older then the children of nirvana.” “Perhaps this one has come to surrender himself to us.” Said another. “And what a fine sacrifice is he. A few of the men chuckled but no one chuckled louder then L’anseny. He doubled over holding his gut then rose up again and tossed his hair back. “I welcome you to find out the difference between your prey and I. Sin had to take the superior role. If he could instill at least a little fear in this men he’d have something to play on. They would be weaken if but a little with fear. Sin racked his brains for something when it hit him… The first guy smirked and ran towards him, sword raised “We shall benefit from your blood child!” He yelled. “Mate you have it all wrong. It is I who will benefit from yours.” As the Innocent came to Sin the cloaked man jumped into a front flip bringing his sword down upon Sin who brought his hands up crossed and through them open above his and a dark shield appeared stopping the sword Sin then grabbed the mans wrist and twisted it and brought his leg over the man’s arms and kicked him in the head. Sin twirled the sword stepping back and then thrusting it into the large man’s abdomen. He fell clutching his stomach Sin stepped behind him and cocked his neck to the side then biting his neck. The man screamed in agony as Sin sucked his blood and spirit energy at an extremely fast pace. The other cloaked men made noises of alarm as thier comrad's body fell limp on the ground. Sin stood, blood dripping from his full lips he licked at them smiling. “The difference is those kids will not fight back, yet I will.” Sin laughed. “ You innocent blokes and I have something in common kind of, you need their blood but I..” Sin grinned showing his small yet sharp bicuspids. “Need yours” The men charged at him yelling… “The other similarity is that we both are afraid… We’re even now.” Sin thought to himself
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