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Everything posted by Takuuya
?If you?re senses sparked that thought why should you question it? Snarled Sin fangs sprouting. Sin back away slowly. ?Look I escaped here years ago to get away from your world and the last thing I need is for you to ruin what little peace I have. So how bout you scamper off and be about your business and I?ll stay out of your way.? Sin was frustrated this wolf ? fiend knew too much. ?I just want to live a simple life.? He thought to himself. The wolf growled and the dragon snickered saying ?When do you feed and on what??. Sin closed his eyes concentrating on changing his fangs. ?Look why don?t you just bug off you lizard!? Sins eyes were starting to get cloudy. "What a [I]royal [/I]pain" Sneered the dragon ?Don?t you have any control over them? You could just silence them right?? Sin asked with pleading watery eyes.
Sin sat dumbfounded then his face contorted into a hurt and confused look. ?A right Git that one is eh?? His question directed at no one. ? So I guess he senses my demonic energy but not blood? Sin was pretty sure no one else would pick it up unless those damned demons open their maws or if he should bleed the wolf leader would pick up his weird scent. ?Maybe it was a mistake ever agreeing to that transfer? He mumbled ?What?d you say Sin?? said Damo. Sin looked up wiping sweat from his forehead. ?Nothing..Nothing at all mate. I?m going to my room for the night. Sin got up not waiting for a reply. His knees almost buckling this was the first time being in the presence of demons since he was in the other realm in his mother?s domain. It was putting him on edge. Sin walk into the hallway then looked up at the ceiling. Willing himself to the roof of the hotel. ?Anywhere is better than here right now?
OOC: I don?t know what happened but I wrote this earlier but I guess I didn?t post it correctly so please keep in mind that this is before Oberon?s post. I tried editing it to make it fall into what he?s saying? sorry again Sin came running through the front door gasping for air. ?Bloody hell, d..damo.. Why did you leave like that? I got lost.? he said in the hallway his hand on the wall. ?Plus I couldn?t keep up with your accelerated spe?? Sin stop dead in his tracks upon walking into the comman room. His body tensed up. The first thing he saw or sensed were the two demons sitting protectively by a young girl about his age. The dragon and huge dog demon made sniffing noises as soon as Sin was in the room. The dog snarled and in the back of Sin?s mind he heard a growling voice say ?An abomination? and another voice ?An interesting breed..? Sin winched ?Can I hear them because I am part demon?.. Damn it I hope they keep that bit of info to themselves.? Sin started to remember why he had been alone at his old institute it was because they, his team as well as everyone else there knew who.. or what he really was. These newcomers threaten his fresh new start. Here no one new he had demon blood. It one thing to be a host of a demon it is entirely and different matter to call a demon Mother. ?Sin? SIN!!? Damo?s voice rang tring to get his attention but Sin was in his own world of problems. ?First the demon world shuns me then the mortal realm, but now I have a second chance? ?What?s wrong with the kid? Said Jinx ?And I bet these demons are no better? and who is that girl? Maybe she is just as vicious as the creatures she host.? ?L?anseny,? said Louis placing his hand upon Sin?s shoulder. ?It?s impolite to stare? ?Right?right. Sorry? Sin mumbled. And leaned against the wall sliding down in to a sitting position. ?Someone should fill Sin in on the girl.? Louis said then turning to the small girl. "Perhaps you and I should speak privately. My quarters are available, and perhaps fitting for our discussion, If you would excuse us?" He directed that to Jinx and damo.
?Ow?? Sin groaned standing up still beet red from the incident back in the showers. Just then he saw Damo walking out the front door. ?Hmm? I wonder where that bloke is heading? Sin thought to himself getting up rubbing his head. ?He looks so sad? Sin began to wondered why such a change in Damon had occurred. Before their departure Damon was so live and full with energy now he looked as if someone killed his dog. ?Well I best put a end to that? Sin had a mischievous smile playing at his lips. He closed his eyes concentrating and ten he open them. Sin?s eyes were glowing yellow and the air around his was rushing up as if he were falling. The shadow beneath him changed into a circle and then he sank in it. He met Damo in the alleyway, but as his shadow. From where the sun was shining Damo?s shadow was on the floor behind him then it jumped on the wall slightly in front of him. Damo jumped a little as his shadow started dancing on the wall in front of him then realization dawned on him
OOC: Sin's british. :] "Yea, pretty awesome stuff! But it may be best if you don't do that again while we're in the air." Nayomi said with a small smile as she took her seat. Sin nervously laughed scratching the back of his head, the lifting motion causing his shirt to rise showing a pierced navel. He felt really dizzy and felt as if he’d toss his cookies but he shook it of as he saw JB excitingly motioning him over to sit down. “I knew you could do it” JB said grinning as Sin jump in his set next to him. “That was… a rush” Sin said breathlessly “I can’t wait to use it in combat”. “Well first you will need to practice more, so it doesn’t take much out of you.” JB looked Sin over frowning. “You look as if you’re about to faint” JB reached into his pocket and pulled out a chocolate bar. “Eat this” He said smiling. Sin’s different colored eyes grew big “Are you sure you want to give that to me, I tend to get a bit… hyper when it comes to candy. Especially C..cho … Chocolate.” JB grab Sin’s hand chuckling, and put the chocolate in them. “You can’t be more hyper than you are now” JB said turning around in his seat and buckling his seatbelt. “You better buckle up we’re landing.” “Aye, aye Cap’n” Said stuffing the candy bar into his mouth then doing what he was told. Already he could feel a sugar rush coming. During the journey from the terminal to the streets the group was bombarded with a million questions for the hyper freshly 18 year old. Questions along the lines of the pwers everyone had to what were they favored foods and colors. When they got to the hotel Sin ran in and spun around admiring their temporary place of residence. “I wonder where my room is” Sin thought to himself. He wondered around and walked into a mist filled room. “This is the biggest loo I’ve saw in my life” Sin said looking around and heard a laugh from behind him. “It’s the communal shower” Sin turned around and turned pink at what he saw. “SORRY..i didn’t know… I uh..Wow I mean sorry” Sin was backing up with is hands over his eyes until he sliped backwards toward the wall, He gasped and feel through his shadow on the wall into the next room not before watching Duke enter the shower room. He feel and hit the floor of what seemed to be the common room.
Sin sat next to JB then almost toppled over when he realized it was THE JB Jerrod Brookstone. JB just looked confused and quite concerned at Sin. ?By the Queen?s crown!? Said Sin turning fully to face JB. ?Do you know who you are? Wait of course you do, you?re you plus you know everything there is to know.? Sin was flustered, his cheeks bright red. How did he manage to overlook THE Jerrod Brookstone. Since Sin was left alone back at his old ?School? he took the liberty into hacking into the schools data bases just to look up other members to kill time so he knew quite a bit about Jerrod or at least he thought he did. ?You?re the most interesting bloke I?ve come across searching the schools data base. Not having any really active aggressive powers but only sheer muscle memory and smarts. It?s quite astounding if I do say so myself.? Sin was going into a hyper excited rush. ?Knowing over 48 different styles of combat and weaponry, Oh Mr. Brookestone you must teach me some of your favorite techniques and knowledge on everything you?ve come across? Sin had a look of awe in his eyes and was inches away from JB?s face awaiting his answer.
Sin stood by the towering man who brought him to his new team. [I]?These blokes are complete nut-jobs , I like it? [/I]he thought. Over mere nights his life had made a drastic turn, first his team barely past their final test. One was killed, another went mad. L?anseny himself barely made it out alive well, not without major bruises but they?re mostly healed by now, then after that ordeal he was told he would be better off in a more capable group that had graduated at a sister facility farther north. This was great news to Sin his group did not get alone at all and they directed most of their anger towards him being the youngest. Sin knew this group would be better he could feel the close-ness and somewhat harmony among these people. They greeted him welcomes and introduced themselves. Sin sat down on the couch, holding Lan, his stuffed bunny. Looking utterly disgusted at the weird pizza on the table, He just waited until it was time for the briefing. ?Ok team time to go? Came some woman?s voice Sin wasn?t familiar with everyone?s voice yet, but he knew it had to be the woman who had introduced him to everyone. As Sin got up he was knocked off his feet and headed to the floor but felt a invisible force steadied him. ?Sorry about that Sin? Said Damo with a silly smile. Damo?s eyes grew wide as he gazed over Sin and he took off running while shouting over his back ?First lesson Sin! If you mess with jinx, make sure you do it in a run, otherwise you'll need new shoes hehe" Sin gave a nervous chuckle as a woman ran passed him following Damo, she stopped and turned. ?You better hurry up kid there?s strict rules about being late. I?d hate for you to get chewed out on your first day.? Jinx winked at him unknowingly sending shivers down his spine. Jinx then ran for the door. Sin followed The briefing was a bore, Yet sin managed to understand the task at hand. They all boarded the plane he sat next to Duke, Sin admired his style greatly. Duke reminded him of his older brother somewhat. [I]"Why did he have to join that evil faction..? [/I]Sin was torn from his thoughts as he was offered dried?.meat, [I]"These blokes had the weirdest fancies for food"[/I]
Name: L'anseny (Sin) Finche Age: 17 Ability: shadow manipulation (he's part Vampdemon) “Arggh!!” Sin rolled over and hit the floor with a loud thud. A shadowy figure in the somewhat shape of a bunny was right at his side in seconds growling, with it’s glowing yellow eyes looking in every direction. “Bloody Hell!” Sin sat up and the shadow rabbit thing began to violently contort and the dark silhouette faded revealing a stuffed animal. Sin grabbed the bunny and held it close to his chest. “These damn nightmares are getting worse every night.” Well not exactly worse, it’s pretty much the same reoccurring nightmare. The dream would began somewhat the same little Sin is going about his day normally than out of no where night falls and strange shadows start to chase him. Eventually he is consumed by them. The divination professor told Sin that the nightmare was a manifestation of his fear of being out of (what little) control he had over his powers. The Professor also said that this fear should pass as Sin gains more knowledge and hold of his powers but what about the rest of L’anseny’s fears? They say that everyone at some point or another fear the dark, but what happens when the dark is just afraid of the people that fear it plus countless other frightening things? What happens is complete irony. Sin scratched his messy hair which was loosely pulled back into something like a ponytail. “Maybe it’s just all the pressure of graduation tomorrow, yeah… that’s it.” Sin got up and started towards his room. He had better get to sleep it was a big day tomorrow. Not only was it the final test but also his birthday. Sin was excited to see what his “family” would get him but in all honesty the best birthday present would be to actually survive the coming day. demon form [url]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j61/takuuya/Heartless_Larxene___KH_by_neofox.jpg[/url] (Only occurs under severe circumstances and is not aware of most actions might have to be subdued after treat is eliminated.) [IMG]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j61/takuuya/c8626625fc9b2ac8.jpg[/IMG] darn, i was too late. i hope something can be arranged.
wow... im thinking i should have read this first? sorry "new'' i thought bringing in a new power sorce was a bit much now... and i think i over steped my place but i really didnt know about this whole topic of for-thought but i think i was kinda implying that it really hasnt been used since it's just been found. gaaah... WHat do you think?
"What the..." the worker said with his heavy looking helmet gittering from the light the crystals were giving off, but he did not have the pleasure of completing his statement. Due to huge metal crate full of many crystals the was heading t'wards him, maybe he was blinded by the light the crystals were giving off or maybe he was just...and idiot.. He tried to move out of the way but his pants were snaged to the railings, i guess we can scratch the part about him being an idiot out i guess. "Help! please! I'm stuck, Somone ple- ARGH!!!" he was cut off as someone tackled him to the ground barely missign getting hit. "Uggh, OoooOooh. th..thanks Mr. Sinarst" The helmet wearing man said, then slightly shakeing his head to get some of the deep red hair out of his faced... that didnt belong to him.. The red head sat up now straddling the man. "Mister..." The red-headed youth felt around the neck of the man beneth him until he pulled his miner's I.D and glanced at it. "Alserts, First of all Mister Sinarst is my father, call me Sin" He smiled then tried to put a stern face on "Secondly, You should really pay more attention to you're surroundings and dress accordingly meeting the standers of the safety codes required by miners and all who work here" He said ... or rather recited. "Sorry sir.. Err... Sin, It won't happen again" Sin got off the worker and held out his hand, "Good, but you're going to have to go to the medic ward and chage into safety pants that are slightly shorter and more durable." he took it and got up dusting himself off....witch made no sense to Sin but he shruged it off. "Right away, And thank you very much sir." Sin now standing at almost haft the miner's height at 5'7 and a smaller frame but slightly muscle toned. "No prob, just be careful. We need this project done as soon as possible, can't affords casualties like these" Sin tiped his helmet let and few strands of hair out and winked. The Miner bid his farewell and head towards the elevator to the medic ward. Sin sighed and relaxed his composer. It was toughbeing a leader it was extremly tough for one so young and still playful but he knew he had to obey his father wishes and tend to the mine for him while his father was in the capital district. Yet it does not change that fact that this was a pretty big job for a 16 year old. [I]But father has taugth me everything i know, and i should be proud to be apart of something so great [/I] He was right..... this was a great thing that was happening they found yet another crystal mine very deep too, it was going to help the human race very much somehow these weird crystals contained a sorce of almost unyelding energy. And now that they've found even more of the unlimiting seeming power sorce they could do so much more and insure safety and maybe have a fighting chace for life of this harsh planet. It was still being debated on how they came into being mabye from the intense pressure and added affects of the great smog.. No one was really sure but they were very happy. [I]Yep I am glad to be apat of a gleming new hope to humanity[/I] Sin smiled at this. "But i can't wait to get out of here when father gets back" he said outloud as a hand slightly rested on his shoulders "Heh, thats why I'm here to take over until he gets back, you need a break buddy" Said an older man one of Sin's father's assistant... "Oh.. Hi Sir" He smiled and laugh slightly "So you're back? i guess father is?" "No, Sorry. he's still trying to fix things up there with the leaders, They're being very selfish about how to use the crystals and they want to keep it to themselve.You know your father won't have that, But hey you need to get out of this gloomy place. I heard there was a search team is due in for landing today, Think you might want to go check it out?" At this news Sin's duel bright yellow and green eyes grew big with excitement Sin had always likedthe ships they were so amazing and cool looking to him and he wish he could be part of the crew to find and save people it's what he loved doing, helping that is.. "Woah! Yeah I'll go and do that, I knew a few people that had gone there" He took his helmet off letting red wavy cascade down to his waist, Then gave the older guy the said helmet. "And they promised me cool stuff they might find, well i'm off" Sin took off waving goodbye. He took the elevator up and made used of the pretty long ride by cleaning his self up a bit grabing some of hair wild hair just about above the back of his neck and wraped long green ribbon tightly around until the very bottom where he tied it in a little knot but still leaving a bit ofhair out reminding someone of a lions tail or whatever the picture books called the beast. The rest of his hair was shorter and went everywhere but it fell in place and look quite nice like it was done that way on purpose. He unziped his hoody and unknowingly dust off his pants out off habit and he was done. "Right on time" he mutterd and steped out the elevator and headed toward the Ship Port district. near the front gate of the city.