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Everything posted by Metalcore501
What is your opinion on emo people?
Metalcore501 replied to HelloKittyLover's topic in General Discussion
Eh.. Emo kids tick me off, it seems to me like this whole thing came about from kids that didn't want to be labeled by their peers as a goth. There are alot of similarities between the two. Both were started by genres of music, and seem to take on ideologies of their oun. Then suck in the people that are unhappy and feel like their life is nothing but misary, gee sounds like a cult lol. I wear alot of black, and black make up, so I call myself a goth, I get alot of steryotipical bull now and again but I deal. Back when I was younger I had alot of depression problem, thats how I got into that look. I love the style, but I gotta say you get really hot in the summer. anyway not about goths, emos. I hate it when people ask me if im emo, and when the other emo kids ask me if im trying to be emo. I laugh and tell them to back up or ill cut them with my razorblade, I really can't stand the trend. But you think, hey, I'm the same way but in a different trend. Most of them are just social clicks which spread them through the school. In my school the preppy kids listen to alot of rap and hip hop, then they seem to mix up the emo's with the metal heads which seem to listen to alot of rock music. (I get thrown in with them, I think it's all the black) Seems like alot of people in highschool follow the crouds and the crouds are always centered around music. I think lives would be easier if people just accepted each other for who they are but alas they don't. I don't even accept others, I think it's because we don't feel confortable around others not like how we as in our personal self is. -
Thats a great idea by the designers, but I still dont like it. I guesws its just because im so used to playing games with in depth stories.
I bought the game played all the single player maps and loved them, I've gotta get xbox live now lol. But I had one downfall, there seems to be NO storyline to the games at all. I'm a gamer that likes storylines, other then that the game is by far one of the best zombie survival games I've ever played.
[quote name='Neko'][SIZE="1"]'bout $35. I'd say it was well spent, even though I don't play the thing. Gave me a healthy respect for people that keep the lights on when they sleep :catgirl:.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] now thats funny, but yes I have slept with the lights on before:animeswea I havn't played fatal frame 11 or any of them now I think I have to, what consols are they on? Recently I got Left 4 Dead and was blown away. I wouldn't say scary as much as jumpy it'll make your heart race, so its more suspensful and climactic pretty much 99.9% of the time. Thats just me a guy who has almost all survival horror games on my shelf, so I'm very used to stuff of the genre.
[quote name='Lrb'][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DimGray"]I've been playing this game so much lately that it drove me to create a music video of it. The very fact that I've been playing these same 2 levels over and over on the hardest difficulty has got me pumped for the full game. I don't think I'll ever stop playing it. :animenose [CENTER][YOUTUBE="Left 4 Dead Music Video by Lrb"]Za2yuAfAz00[/YOUTUBE][/CENTER] Click [url=http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/289237.html][b]here[/b][/url] to view on GameTrailers.[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] LOVED THE VIDEO and hey great choice of song too, perfect for zombies lol.
Yeah man it sucked! I was like :o you gotta be kidding, ive gotta say though it was a good play. I souldnt have rushed through the main quests...:animecry:
I got it and well I dont want to come off as an addict, but ive had it for 5 days and have put down 42 hours of gameplay. The game is absolutly addicting! I've noticed a glitch on the 360, whenever I get into immense combat the game will unexpectedly freeze up. I'm not sure if its the game or my system anyone else have this happen to them?
O.O wow you know so much.... :animesmil I watched a the E3 presentation on the net a few days ago I was ASTOUNDED!!!! Constant gunfire way different the resident evil. Now Sepiroth can you explain to me how the 1player mode lacks, because I dont play online as of yet.
well I don't have devil may cry 4 but my friend has it and I was told it takes up a crap load of memory. Ninga geiden sucked for me, I'de go for assasins creed. And if you liked the halo games you'll like the thrid one, its just a basic repeat of the previous *yawns* it doesnt amuse me, but the fanatics do lol. I'de go for fall out 3 for a FPS, its AMAZING!
no problem, I just never really liked the arcade pakage, but if your just a casual gamer then yeah probably get it. And so you know the games in the system suck balls their obviously arcade games. now as far games what are you looking for?
The external hardrive gives you obviously more memory for things like games music movies etc. Its a definate must for me at least, I think its better you get it in a pakage then having to spend 170 down the line is all.
To me vampires in a sense are real, Ive dated a girl who sucked blood, and ive tried it myself. But as for the old lore of them I dont belive, I walk in the daylight and show up in mirrors if I didnt I wouldn't be able to do my make up lol
Yeah back on the ps2 they had online for the outbreak files. But I didnt read anything about online play for the game thats sick! I hope this sephiroth guy gets here soon lol.
[quote name='Europa'][COLOR="Blue"]................................................wow. Do you ever wear bright colors? Like maybe green or orange or sky blue? I really don't understand why people wear baggy jeans. I mean, what if a dog chases you and you trip over your pants? I sometimes wear kinda baggy jeans, I guess. Only army ones. When i was 12 I had an obsession with army clothes. I do have the jeans in which the bottoms are so long that you end up stepping on them, therefore making the ends of them look bad but in a cool way. I love those jeans.:animesmil[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Lol thats how my pants usually are, and I have been chased by a dog and tripped lol XD I dont like bright colors but my jenes that are blue are more of a sky blue I find they go good with black. The chains on my tripps can get a nerve racking as well they make me sound like im an escaped convict, one thing my friends used to say when I arrived at school was "Have a fun get away?". I like army style clothes too, if your talking camo, I wear urban camo you know white and grey once in a while. I remember one day my teacher asked me to come into school in comlete white shed give me 10 bucks. I did and she didnt have the money XD
I cant wait for this game to come out, ive been reading on it in game informer magazein for a few months. Does anybody else have info on the game?
Your going to want the 60 gig if its the elite pack it should come with the external harddrive which for me is a plus, I got the pro pack which came with it. If you get the arcade version youll have to buy an external hardrive which is 170 bucks. I've heard the elite system is better so I say buy the Elite system.
The games that scared me... I'ts hard to really decide, I play so many survival horror games not much even gets me to jump. But back when I first got the Resident evil games for the gameqube I jumped quite a few times. The silent hill games scared me because of the anbience of the levels, I mean have you played homecoming yet! It's so damn dark you can't see your character half the time lol. But I have to say the most scary game I've ever played to date is Condemed 2 bloodshot. The game gets you freaked out just by how short it takes for you to die. What is it that gets you freaked out in a game, I ask this to everyone? For me its always the ambience of the game, how it sets the mood is key for me. Lots of akward silence, running for your life etc. Like the part in condemed where your chased by that huge grizzly bear, my heart was pounding the entire time.
Fail- Let me fail, I'm in failing mood. Let me go far away. You always seem to say, "Your going to fail Josh, Get your butt in gear!" But im already failing, I have no fear. I've been failing for a while now, Falling farther from myself. The life I once had, Has gone down to hell. The innocence I had, Gone. My cockiness, Gone. My happiness, Gone. God let me die, Let me die, Let me fail life's test.
ever since I returned I have thanks james.
The story begins during spring break, 4 freshmen in college head off to Cancun for some fun in the sun. They were like many party animals in college, used to staying up late doing drugs, drinking till they couldn?t stand etc. Little did they know these habits would lead to a catastrophic epidemic. On break they got word from a friend in the states that there was a man the sold this herb that gets you higher then hell, not being able to pass up new experiences they found the man and bought a huge load of the dark purple plant. The only warning he gave them was to not smoke it all at once, they didn?t do that as they smuggled it in back to the states. Life returned to normal for them parties, sex, but one thing began to change the drug being used on campus what they nicknamed the blood flower. the science lab took great interest as they began testing the plant. It showed that the chemical released into the body from smoking the plant had small parasitic organisms in it, the parasite would eat it?s hosts organ tissue away until there is nothing left to eat. At the same time the parasite would replicate increasing the rate the body would be eaten. Once the parasite hits the sex organs it would be possible to spread through sexual contact, and considering most drug users would smoke this plant more than once, the parasites would already be in a mass amount. So that seems bad but the worst of it all is that the parasite would not give in and it wouldn?t die with the body. All of the nutrients it takes in from its feeding keeps it alive after death to continue feeding not on the corpse but others, literally turning them into zombies. This news from the science lab came a bit too late, it had spread like wild fire through drug use and sex all throughout the campus accept for a select few, who are now trying to escape the locked down campus. So the question is do you have what it takes to survive? Can you fight through not only the physical aspect but the mental one as well, it?s time to test your skills and survive the first chapter of the outbreak. ---------------------- Rules- Skeleton 1. This roleplay is going to be long, this is only the first chapter. 2. I am god, if you don?t follow these rules your outa here! 3. This is supposed to be as realistic as humanly possible 4. If you wish to quit the roleplay notify me and I?ll remove your character from the roster. 5. You are not a superhuman you will get hurt and be affected by the elements around you. 6. No infinate ammunition you will run out and when you do you?ll have to find other means to protect yourself. 7. I have the right to change any of these rules depending on the situation. So here is how its going to work, every obstacle that is standing in our way will be posted in the ooc thread. I?ll post where we start and where we end, and different things that will be standing in our way, everything from puzzles to boss battles. I?ll also post up where certain items are in the area that could help you in puzzles, as well as healing items or ammunition and weaponry. ------------------- Skeleton- Username- Name- Age-(remember your in college, the acception is if your a professor or staff member.) Weight-( this will affect your stamina levels) height-(could determine life or death, if you need to reach up for a ledge etc.) Place of Origin-(Where your from could affect how you handle situations) Major-(What you major in could give you an advantage in knowledge of a puzzle etc.) Occupation-(What you do for a living off campus) Items-(These include normal everyday items, too many things could affect stamina) Weapons-( from guns, to melee weapons like bats, remember the more you have the more you get weighed down. Melee weapons can break, and guns can jam or run out of ammo. Remember to tell how you came across the weapon.) Ammunition-(Nothing to extravagant, keep it in a normal range) Bio-(this will define your character, its past can greatly increase or decrease it?s rate of survival write wisely.) -------------------- Character roster-
Ok, I've been on other forums and I see one thing that always sticks out to me. They call it a chat box, it's like a mini chatroom for the members of the site that just want to chat instead of post. I don't know if these things cost money or how to get one, but I'm sure some others would like this as well.
Most of the time you'll see me walking around in a plain black tee shirt with a pair of tripp jeans (those really baggy pants with the chains on them) and a pair of army boots. So just imagin a guy about six foot, in complete black, they call me the black glob at school. As for make up, I use a small amout of white cover up to pale out my complexion, use black eyeliner usualy, sometimes a dark blue. Black lipstick once in a while, if I feel like it, and black nail polish. Now if Im not in the mood to get all dressed up I'll usually throw on a black tee with some black or blue jeans but their ALWAYS baggy, Im a guy for baggy clothes. Since I don't like to lace up my boots half the time I have my black DC shoes that I use when I go skateboarding.
This band is very good, I love their guitar riffs, and drum beats. They've certainly made a good name for themselves in the metal world.
New Members: Introduce Yourselves Here
Metalcore501 replied to Charles's topic in General Discussion
I missed this place, and said it's time to come back. I may not be on 24/7 but im going to try and stay involve in the otakuboards. Anyway it's good to be back everyone! -
Sorry about my spelling and grammar, I've never been good at either one :animesmil But anyway Jake could you recomend any black metal bands? All of the ones that you guys have posted in the previous posts, I've mostly heard like Venom, Immortal, and Darkthrone.