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Everything posted by Metalcore501

  1. [COLOR="Indigo"]Heard some greats, here are myn Jimi Hendrix- the man who brought me to guitar his music hypnotises me every song from purple haze to redhouse. Stevy Ray Vaughn- I love his music I dont know what it is about it I just do... Dimmu Borgir- ((sp)) Not only does this man play guitar with a thrashing passion but he plays all of the other instraments in his songs, I love his music.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR="Purple"]Resident Evil 1, 0, 3, and 4- Loved all of the games most of the other games in the series I havn't played long enough yet. Guitar Hero 2- Umm whats to say the game is obsessive!! Pokemon Pearl- Another addicting game![/COLOR]
  3. Yeah its a fun game, but I think and real guitarist would tell you they like the real thing compared to the game as I do. I agree with you totally on rock the 80's but I can't wait til gh3 comes out myself!!!!
  4. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]I've got a few that have been given to me there's Pizza Roll- this was given to me by the preps at my school, 1 because i have acne, and 2 they think my hair is greasy. Haku- My girlfriend Missa gave it to me for some reason IDK why but it stuck like glue. Tubo- I'm a big boy leave it at that XD Wiccum- My grandma can't say my religions name right so she calls me a Wiccum. Goat****er- Gods I love my father, the first thing he called me and still does when I told him my true faith. I probably have more I just can't remember them at the moment :D[/COLOR]
  5. [quote name='Premonition'][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Well, if you have any books, rip em' out. That's your first step. Also, it would help to read some manga and get an idea of what you'd like to draw. One good manga is FLCL, it's simple to draw charactera using that artist's style, then start the harder stuff. Don't be a wimp at all, just do what you gatta do and don't be afraid to go into uncharted territory. Find an artist or two, and idolize. That's all I got for you. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]I thank you for the input on the subject and advice, but i don't think I'm the person to idolize and copy mangakas' styles I like to go with my oun style, thats what many liked about my old work not all but most. I have a few books but they're burried away somwhere and can't find' em trust me I've already tried, and have no cash to buy any new ones.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Ok for a while now I've wanted to get back into drawing manga but I can't draw worth crap anymore, now everyone of my friends who draw as well say well you got to practice practice practice. But I dont even remember basic ****, so any advice help or links would be greatly appreciated. :catgirl:[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR="Purple"]Craig watched the battle for a while but soon became bored, he sighed and looked a Skyler then back at the battle. "I'm going to head out Sky, hope it's ok I call you that. But I want to get some practice in with the murkrow I caught earlier, hopfully the guy will enjoy accompaning me." Craig smiled once again and walked to the end of town. "Ok Murkrow..." Craig said holding up the pokemon's pokeball, he enlarged it and spoke again "Come on out!" he opened up the pokeball and Murkrow appeared on the grown and began rustling its feathers. Craig nelt down to the pokemon's eye level and smiled "Hey Murkrow, nice to meet you I'm your trainer Craig. I hope we can be friends one day!" he said with a smile, Murkrow looked at Craig for a bit "Krow Murkrow...(Your too giddy...)" Craigs faced dropped a bit but soon regaind confidance. "I can tell your an agressive one" "Krow... (duh..)" Murkrow replied with a cold stare, "Well that's good, we'll become the best team and defeat anyone who stands in our way!" Craig said raising his right hand in the air Murkrow turned with eyes of determination "Krow! (yeah!)". "Lets go then!" Craig said standing up Murkrow nodded and perched up on craig's shoulder and kept a stern face as they began walking back to the academy. It seemed like a shorter walk to the academy than it had just to walk to town, but Craig was glad to be back on campus and ready to train his new Murkrow.
  8. [COLOR="Purple"]I'm proud that I choose to live, I'm proud that I'm not afraid to be myself even if I get critisized or discriminated against. I'm proud that I do things that are right even if the law says that it isn't, so you could say I'm proud I follow morals. I'm proud that I'm an active practitioner in a highly misconcepted religion, and that I can help people see that it isn't as most make it out to be. I'm proud that even though I may not be compleatly stable I can still be there for me friends, even if I have no one for me. I'm proud of the preserverance I have when a problem arises, and the friends I have to back me up. I'm proud that I don't like my country and government. I'm proud of my book collection. And I'm proud of my intellegents, even if im not the best in school all of my teachers have told me I was smart. I can think my ways out of many situations, and have many solutions to problems. [/COLOR]
  9. Ive got a Phillips 1gig mp3, but I can only record music with the voice redorder. My computer is obsoleat Iv'e got a 98 and the system requirments is a windows XP :animedepr
  10. [quote name='John']Guys, come on, [I]he just might be right[/I].[/QUOTE] [B]THANK YOU![/B]
  11. Then why did Amy Lee and the others cut him!? No doubt there stuff is good and im not saying they suck I LOVE their music, but I was just pointing out somthing that I noticed about their music.
  12. [quote name='Sandy']That is highly debatable. I found the characters irritating (except Cliff and Albel, mmm...
  13. Ehh... But it all sounds the same as in his pattern and drums he uses over and over again.
  14. Well, I guess we watched some special feature that talked to the cast and crew. The director and screenplay writer both stated that this was a true story, and did alot of reserch on demonic posession etc. I just wanted to say that because I know some films that say they are true such as the Blair Witch Project.
  15. ((Thanks Grameil, I wasn't sure when he'd get on.)) [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Skyler, Cody, and Craig walked into the book store together. "Wow!" Cody said looking at all of the books "Yeah I was here a couple of days ago with my dad, I guess there's a section not allowed for the students." Craig explained pointing at a door with a sing that read 'Teachers Only!'. After looking around for a bit in the store and collection the books they needed they approched the counter. "How may I help you?" said a huge man he looked much like that hagrid fella Craig had seen in that harry somthing movie. Craig placed his books up first the other two soon after him, "School book." he said with a sigh "Very well, take good care of them!" he exlcaimed putting them in seperate bags. He handed them their books and left the shop. "I guess the next place we need to go is-" Skyler interrupted "The Pokemart!" the boys laughed for a moment and walked off to the mart.[/COLOR] ((I love to keep my posts open ended, either Blayzerman finish this or Grameil :D ))
  16. Now I was starting to notice things, like how when I was a Kid watching power rangers I wanted to know karate and used to fool around with my cusin fighting. Now as a kid you imitate things you see hear etc. because your mind is growing, but now as I get older I notice that certain things like Movies things people do etc. affect me in different ways. Like watching a movie now depending on the film will get my mind racing, if it's about religion my mind goes religious crazy. Or if I watch a gory twisted film like Saw or Hostile, it makes me think of nothing but torture etc. So this convorsation is about why our minds do this, and how other things affect us.
  17. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]skyler stood up quickly "Sure!" he said collecting his thing, "Excuse us" Craig said as he stepped to the side of the girl, letting them both out of the room. The two boys exited the dorms and quickly arrived on the main road, "So.." Craig began holding his hands on the back of his head. "What pokemon do you have?" he asked him, "A torchick, had it with me for a while." "Really I guess opposites really do attract! I have a Turtwig!" he exclaimed sure he was going to make a new friend. "I just recently caught a Murkrow today too." Skyler was surprised that he had caught a Murkrow "Really I didn't know they were on this island, let alone appear in the daytime!", "Yeah thats what the guard said too.". The two boys walked a while more as the sun began to set, when Skyler began to speak "So, what are we getting in town?" he asked Craig "Well," he said taking out his school list "It says on here that he need to get Anceint Gyphs for history, and Pokemon Basic Care for well pokemon care. and for cooking we need Poffins and Berries For All." Craigs eyes widened at the next part of the list "It says here that for Battling stratigies we need, Type Basics, approx. 10 potions, and 15 full heals. And besides all of this I want to get more than all of this, my father and I are studying the Ruins on the island and need more history books. They arrived in town close after they finished reading off their supply list, "I think we should head to the pokemon center!" Craig exclaimed in awe of the large town. Skyler nodded and they walked into the center, It was full of people and there were three Nurse Joys instead of one. They walked up to one of the woman "Hello, how may I help you?" she ask happily "Can I get you to heal me pokemon please?" Craig asked, she nodded and he handed her his two pokeballs. In a matter of moments she arrived back and he took the pokeballs back before walking out of the center with Skyler "I guess we should head to the book shop now." he said to Craig, he nodded and walked off to the shop. [/COLOR] ((Finish it up when you get the time ok Blayzerman, I would also like to say there is a new update it the underground thread. And would like you all to go check it out.))
  18. Metalcore501


    ok I'm wondering what armor fossils can do, can anyone help me out on his?
  19. ((nice post Grameil, I like the way you handled it)) [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Craig smiled at Skyler "I'm a newby, my father sent me here to keep me out of trouble at the archeological site.... well thats what I think" Craig was shocked a bit at seeing the girl pop in so suddenly "Hi.." he said with a short wave. "Well hey!" he said looking at skyer "Im going to town for the rest of the day, I want to get some supplies before classes begin tommorow." he rose from the bed "You want to come along?" he asked getting ready to go.[/COLOR] ((Not to long but I think it'll do.))
  20. well for now it's just the sand tombs but if anything comes up ill post in the updates at the top of the page.
  21. I think that it's your oun judgment that tells you to have sex or not, well no I'm not sure what im trying to get at but I had sex not because I was smart or dumb but I just wanted to. I don't think this is a laughing matter it seems that every time you turn around my town some teen is pregnant, I believe if your gonig to have any type of sex you need to be safe about it. There are girls around here that believe that oral sex is not sex at all and if you do it you are a virgin, now technically that is true their vagina wasn't penitrated but you were in a sexual act. So what are your views on this?
  22. [quote name='Metalcore501']Ok guys, this is where ill be posting all of the updates for the rp. As well as discuss things that arise in the rp. July 29. 07- Roleplay is opened, Sanctuaries are opend to the student body to catch only 1 pokemon a day! they will provide you with pokeballs at the gate and check you afterwards for 1 pokemon only. Also would like to add classes will start next monday, so it gives me some time to make the scheduals and teachers.[/QUOTE] July 30. 07- Ok guys second update, make sure you all stop at the reception area for your maps. And also I would also like to inform you all that going into forbidden areas are well forbidden. SO DON'T GO IN THEM! Aug. 3. 07- Update! Recently Iv'e had rpers asking me about evolutions, here is how it will work. If you want your pokemon to evolve you need to either battle 4 trainers or 8 wild pokemon. I'm also working on a timezone for this roleplay if anyone would like to help with future updates just drop me a pm.
  23. ((great outcome guys, and I ask if you havn't already looked at the underground thread to do so please.)) [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Craig walked up to the receptionist, happy to see an older student he could talk to later and asked her "Excuse me, but could you tell me where the road to the sanctuary is?" The woman smiled "How about this.." she said handing him a paper. "It's a map of the island, Mr. Ketchum told us to hand them to every student. " I have also been informed to tell you, that soon to stop back here when the Poke'tch app. will be out of the map" Craig nodded and walked back outside. He studied the map for a moment and swiftly put it in his bag, "ok, turtwig come on out!" he said throwing his pokeball . The pokeball popped open and a red light flashed out reveiling his bestfriend turtwig, the pokeball returned to his hand as did the pokemon return to his head and began biting on it. "Ok ok Turtwig!" he said laughing as he took his trusty pokemon off of his head, "I missed you to, but we have to find us a new friend!" Turtwig jumped "Tur turtwig!" he said in Happyness.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Craig and Turtwig arrived at the sanctuary gate soon after walking down it, and were surly let in with a smile from the guard. "Here are 5 pokeballs use them wisely." the man said to him, Craig nodded and walked into the zone. after walking a ways and recording numorous pokemon data he sat down by a tree, "So" he began as his pokemon sat next to him What should we look for?" he asked him Turtwig looked up in the tree above them and saw the mukrow from erlyer! "No Turtwig, it's a flying type!" but his Turtwig didn't listen and shot out a razor leaf, the pokemon was hit and fell out of the tree. The Murkrow stood up and caaad at them, "Ok turtwig if you want to, use another razor leaf!" the small pokemon shot out more leaves at the other pokemon hitting it once again. "Wow... It seems so weak...." Craig looked around trying to find a way to pin down the pokemon, "Ok turtwig charge at the Murkrow with headbutt!" Turtwig nodded and charged. Just as craig predicted the pokemon flew up and Turwig smashed into the tree knocking down a coconut smashing the murkrow as it rose into the air knocking it again to the ground. "Turtwig headbutt!" Turtwig shot from the tree into the murkrow sending a loud shreik as it fell to the ground, "Great job!" he said to turtwig as he threw the pokeball at the pokemon. It hit against the KO'd pokemon and sucked it up with a flash of light, it sat on the ground and toppled about 5 times before pinging. Craig picked up the pokeball and left handing the guard the remaining 4 pokeballs, "SO what'd you catch young man?!" he asked in a cheerful tone "A Murkrow.." Craig replied aweing in the guards size. "Oh you caught a rare one, not many of them are on this island and even less appear in the daytime..." craig explained the encounter to the guard the hole time paying attention to him. "Yes you obtained a rare Murkrow young man no one on this island has caught this pokemon, you make sure you treat it well..." Craig nodded and walked off back to the academy. Craig arrived at his dorm room and walked inside hearing two boys talking, he closed the door behind him and saw a boy on the top bunk and another below "Umm hi.... you guys roomies?" he asked them sitting on his bed.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"][SIZE="1"]I hate to have to say this to you the second time in the same thread: do not double-post, use the edit button instead. - Sandy[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. Ok guys, this is where ill be posting all of the updates for the rp. As well as discuss things that arise in the rp. July 29. 07- Roleplay is opened, Sanctuaries are opend to the student body to catch only 1 pokemon a day! they will provide you with pokeballs at the gate and check you afterwards for 1 pokemon only. Also would like to add classes will start next monday, so it gives me some time to make the scheduals and teachers.
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