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Everything posted by Metalcore501
[SIZE="3"]Welcome to Crater Academy.[/SIZE] [COLOR="DarkRed"]The story begins 10,000 years ago when the legendary pokemon Groudon rose out of a lone volcano on the sea between the Hoenn and Sinnoh regions. While the pokemon rose out of the volcano the magma oozed down creating the island which is now home of Crater academy. Kyogre of course wasn?t far behind and rose threw the volcanic rock making the lake of Crater academy, a battle raged for months making the Island larger until it was only miles from Mossdeep City. The trainers of the time period and their beloved pokemon did all they could to stop the battle, but all failed. Then when there seemed to be no hope, a pokemon from the sky flew down from the heavens Rayquaza. The mighty pokemon silenced the battle with one blow sending the great pokemon back to their eternal slumbers. Time passed and natives moved onto the island making homes and monuments, and of course bringing pokemon which now inhabit the area. About a hundred years went by and civilization flourished, towns were built and a mysterious religion worshipping the 3 legendary pokemon the created the islands. More time passed and 2 large pieces of land broke off from the main island which now are the pokemon sanctuaries where trainers on the island go to catch pokemon and attend certain classes. About 5,000 years ago, a deadly disease struck the people of the island killing only few at first but soon killing hundreds by the weeks and thousands by the months until no one was left. Now in the year of 2007 an academy built only 5 years ago is accepting new students for the year to teach them to be not only pokemon masters but coordinators as well. Here you will learn not only about pokemon and how to raise and treat them but everything from ancient history of the island, to certain types of pokemon. So will you join the academy!? ((Sign ups are still open))[/COLOR] ((My first post I would like everyone els to start as if they have been in the academy for a day ro so and received all of there basic gear for school)) [COLOR="Purple"]Craig walked out of his dorm room, ready to start his new career at the academy. After the orentation with the dean Mr. Ketchum, Craig was filled with excitement for the future to come. He arrived outside and looked around trying to find the path to the sanctuaries, but had no luck. "I guess I'll have to check the reception office..." he said softly as he began to walk towards the academy, after a bit of walking he heard the cry of a Murkrow. "How strange Mr. Ketchum said pokemon don't often appear outside! I just wish I had a pokeball..." he said smiling as the pokemon flew promonantly threw the sky. He took out his pokedex and pointed it at murkrow, recording it's data before moving onto the academy central.[/COLOR] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Green"] Metalcore501, do not doublepost unless your word count exceeds the limit - and your posts aren't even close to that. You really should know this by now. - Sandy[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Ok guys Im starting the main thred you two are accepted welcome all to Crater Academy!
My rp is finally picking up and a much better turnout then on another site, all of you are accepted. I am going to wait 2 more days and see if anyone els is going to join before I start the main thread, I would also like to announce that once the rp is underway that you check the underground thread for the rp frequently for updates on the rp.
you are accepted
Anime Parents And Anime: Do They Approve?
Metalcore501 replied to Rachmaninoff's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='Premonition'][COLOR="Navy"]The busty women in anime/manga is to attract readers. I know the only reason I watch Bleach is to see Orihime's huge boobs. [spoiler] actually Bleach is cool because of the story, but her boobs are interesting too.[/spoiler] And a lot of anime like G Gundam and Digimon had those parts where it showed the tamers naked and the part where the guys in thr gundams put on that ugly spandex. Or Sialor Moon's transformation sequece, whcih is another naked transformation sequence. You see it everywhere inside anime.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Yeah I agre with Premonition, they do attract readers and viewers. back when the old yu-gi-oh was on tv the only reason I really watched it besides my obsession witht he card game was because of Mai :animeswea I was never really into DBZ though so I cant comment on that, But I watched a Sailor Moon movie once and couldnt get over those trasforming sequences :D . I think that the Japanies have some weird fetishs like that tentical hentai :wigout: I've also noticed in hentai that most of the woman have huge breasts, so even in hentai they draw them big probably to attract more viewers. [/COLOR] -
Pokemon: Crater Academy- T.O.C- 1. Story- 2. Rules- 3. Battle and contest info- 5. Sign up skeleton- 6. updates- 7. characters- 8.campus map- -------------------------------------------------- Story- The story begins 10,000 years ago when the legendary pokemon Groudon rose out of a lone volcano on the sea between the Hoenn and Sinnoh regions. While the pokemon rose out of the volcano the magma oozed down creating the island which is now home of Crater academy. Kyogre of course wasn’t far behind and rose threw the volcanic rock making the lake of Crater academy, a battle raged for months making the Island larger until it was only miles from Mossdeep City. The trainers of the time period and their beloved pokemon did all they could to stop the battle, but all failed. Then when there seemed to be no hope, a pokemon from the sky flew down from the heavens Rayquaza. The mighty pokemon silenced the battle with one blow sending the great pokemon back to their eternal slumbers. Time passed and natives moved onto the island making homes and monuments, and of course bringing pokemon which now inhabit the area. About a hundred years went by and civilization flourished, towns were built and a mysterious religion worshipping the 3 legendary pokemon the created the islands. More time passed and 2 large pieces of land broke off from the main island which now are the pokemon sanctuaries where trainers on the island go to catch pokemon and attend certain classes. About 5,000 years ago, a deadly disease struck the people of the island killing only few at first but soon killing hundreds by the weeks and thousands by the months until no one was left. Now in the year of 2007 an academy built only 5 years ago is accepting new students for the year to teach them to be not only pokemon masters but coordinators as well. Here you will learn not only about pokemon and how to raise and treat them but everything from ancient history of the island, to certain types of pokemon. So will you join the academy!? -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules- 1. No godmodding you will lose battles and win them. 2. Keep it Pg-13 everyone 3. No cybering, romance is encouraged 4. No legendary pokemon 5. You have to attend classes at least once a week 6. Swearing is fine 7. This is a semi-literate roleplay in 3rd person view 8. No ta1k1ng 7ik3 di55 9. I’m god you disobey you go bye bye. 10. Have fun! ------------------------------------------------------- Battles and Contests- Battles will have 10 moves per battle 5 for each pokemon, the trainers will pm each other on how the battle will turn out. The person who wins the battle will get 100 tokens which can be used on the island to buy pokeblocks and other gear throughout the island. Contests will be held every week and will be decided on how descriptive your posts are during the contest event. The winner of a contest will be awarded a ribbon and 500 tokens. --------------------------------------------------------- Sign up skeleton- Username- Name- Age-(Between 11, and 15, 11-13 meaning your a beginner) Gender- Region-(where do you hail from) Bio-(How did you get accepted to the academy) Description-(written id preferred but pictures are acceptable, if a pic make them in link form) Pokemon-(start with one pokemon, no evolutions. also include what the moves are 4 only) Tokens-(everyone starts with 100) ------------------------------------------------------- Username- Metalcore501 Name- Craig Alitime Age- 13 Gender- Male Region- Johto Bio- Craig was accepted into the academy after he and his father arrived on the island to excavate the area, his father is an archeologist and is there to check the ruins of the old civilization. About 2 weeks of excavating his father told him about the academy, Craig was sent there a week later. Description- Craig has jet black hair that comes into his eyes which are blue, he’s large for his age looking much older that he is with brad shoulders. He is big for his age muscular and a little on the heavy side, Craig is normally seen in a black hoodie gray baggy pants. He has custom painted pokeballs of black and white with a gold line in the middle. Pokemon- Turtwig- Razor leaf, headbutt, bite, toxic. Tokens- 100 ------------------------------------------------- Campus Map- Main building- Most classes are held here, this building also includes a battle arena and a contest stage. Sanctuaries- This is like the safari zone of the island, there are also pokemon battle classes held here. Dorms- There is a male and female dorm rooms, inside these buildings there are also a cafeteria and entertainment rooms. Groutkey- This is the town about a mile down the main road of the island, there are many shop here that accept tokens from the academy. Courtyard- Kids can hang out here and unofficially battle other trainers. Sandtombs- These are the only known remains of the old civilization on the island. ----------------------------------------------- I'll create a thread in the square once we have 4 more rp'ers
I started playing it again but Im stuck in the fire dungeon I've never beaten the game before so yeah can somone help me out.
Let's talk about drug addiction(very serious discussion)
Metalcore501 replied to FLCLrules's topic in General Discussion
Drug addiction is obviously bad, now my curiosity got the better of me for I have tried numorus drugs but have thankfully never been addicted. But most but not all drugs that are perscribed have a dependance that can manafest inside your body, I know my anti-depressents have a high dependance level. -
Preps, My school couceler shes to damn happy!, people who qoute stupid sayings peter says on family guy *hint hint*, People who lie about themselfs, Kids who think thta if they buy an instrament they think they can start a band, Math class, little kids, Most teachers, stupid shows on t.v, jocks, lockers that wont open, to much chat speak on the internet, people who use chat speak in real life, people who don't accept you for who you are, and much more.
I pull out my Gameqube once in a while, for an action guy I suggest every Resident Evil game on the GQ. The Metroid prime games, and you've gotta pick up the Zelda collectors edition!
I have to admit this isn't my favorite show but I do love it's comedy and randomness! I laugh in every episode no matter how many times I watch it!
Some of my friendsa and I have some ideas about the bible such as this: Now most of us know in the middle ages the monks of the church re-wrote the bible seperating the old and the new testaments, now at the same time most monks preists etc. were in fact allowed to marry and have familys. But soon of course the cardinals and pope found this wrong and made most of them give up their lives and go celebate. A group of monks rose up and began having homosexual sex together and protesting the roman catholic church, now when they were re-writing it who's to say that the monks didn't put those passages in to make people in chrstendom believe that Homosexuality is wrong.
I saw a commercial on them on the television, I think Ill check them out :catgirl:
Name: Craig Alitime Age: 13 Appearance: Craig has jet black hair that comes down into his eyes which are brown. He's of a muscular build and a little on the heavy side for his age, he has matured faster than most early teens with wider and brawder shoulders than most. He wears a black hooded long sleeve top, very baggy gray jeans, and gray sneakers. Personality: Craig normally keeps to himself and his pokemon with the dream of becoming both a pokemon master and coordinater. The only thing he cares about more than his pokemon is his dad which he hopes to one day beat in a pokemon battle. Bio: Craig was born in Goldenrod City in the Johto region, where he was raised by his father for his mother died giving birth. He and his dad formed a strong bond in one an other and never wanted to separate, and thankfully that didn't happen for the first 10 years of his life. When Craig was only 10 years old his father an archeologist had to leave for an expodition in the Hoenn Region leaving Craig with his uncle Joey a coordinator. 2 years past while his father was gone Craig grew at an amazing rate in both physically and mental maturity, he soon became fascinated with pokemon and would spend hours in the forest drawing everyone he could find. And for a while that suited him, but he soon became restless and wanted an adventure sneaking out by night and living a normal life during his days this is how he met his companion Murkrow. One night as Craig snuck into Goldenrod park he was confronted by 2 Spinarak and an Ariodos, the spun him up with string shot bringing him down to the ground before he had a chance to throw a pokeball. As the pokemon came closer to him he heard a loud shreik and a black flash went threw the air knocking the 3 bug pokemon into a tree, the 2 smaller spinarak fled but Ariodos stayed for the fight. A Murkrow came down from the trees next to Craig it's eyes a glistening yellow, the Ariodos attacked with a string shot but the Murkrow easly evaded it with a faint attack knocking the Ariodos out with ease. The small bird pokemon hopped over to Craig and cut the webs off of him with his beak, ever since that faitful night the 2 have been inseperable. Now 13 Craig's father finnally returned but not to stay to take Craig with his to a new mysterious region that was just recently discovered. Type Specialization: Dark Pokemon Specialization: Gym battles, and contests Starter: Murkrow Starter history: In the wild
[quote name='I'm Not Nomura'][COLOR="HotPink"][SIZE="1"]I dunno man. Copying the same beat is hard. Unless the beat is very simple. But if the percussion was sooo simple, then he wouldn't be the drummer now would he? I've got an old Far From Home DVD and I havn't noticed this dude playing anything that is exactly the same as the last. If that were true then all the songs would be in the exact same tempo.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] listen to the fallen cd almost every song he uses the same drum pattern, the only things that change are the tempo and maybe add in a bit of showing off.
I was never a cutter myself, but I have tried suicide many times. I have overdosed and jumped off the roof of my house, now thinking back on it I was foolish of course. Anyway back on topic I believe it isn't the safest way to deal with your problems and should seek some phyciatric help, I have known many cutters one has died from cutting to deep and another is in a phyc. ward getting help with her problem. It may not seem like the best thing to do (going to get some help) but it is the best thing for you...
[quote name='The Boss'][color=darkred][size=1] No. The only way for the virus to end is for either all the zombies to be killed or for all humans to be killed by the zombies and the zombies slowly fade away from decay. Point. Blank. Period.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] Damn.... the human race seems done for.....:D sweet I'm glad I joined this rp!!!!
I have a question and would like to know your views and thoughts on my past. I'm Bi-sexual and about 6 months ago my boyfriend and I broke up, know like any other relationship I took it very hard for we had been intamite with each other and he being my first it made it even harder for me. So time went on and he began saying things like "I was never Bi" and "I'm a homophobe", now many of his friends and I alike thought he was trying to cover himself up for what he did and get on with his life. I can accept that but what I cant accept is the way he had treated me afterwards, about 2 months after our break up he started seeing this other girl. He said he loved her more than anything els in the world, which of course tore me apart inside. None the less he and I tried to become friends, so I went over to his house to hang out and about 2 hours or so he and I were having sex! Then at school the next day he treated me even worse than before, now he and I are friends and trying to restore ouir friendship and I don't say anything to him about our past togeher well at least I don't try. But in my heart I still believe he is the same way. So what do you guys think?
Writing Metalcore's Works (With my Works)
Metalcore501 replied to Metalcore501's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR="DarkRed"]Here's some more poetry for you guys. Anger- The anger rushes in, like the water on a ship, It takes a while to compleatly fill, but eventually in will sink. Like with anger, it'll build up, slowly at first. But then when you least expect it, you'll blow up on everyone you love. To ruin every relationship you ever made, to blow away everything you ever knew. Falsly Accused- Why does love end in such tragidy? Maybe it is false love, Like the sustaining years of adolesince after the S.R prom. Losing their innocence in the elegant night, and gaining nine months later the one thing their not ready for, Parenthood. [/COLOR] -
Gods it seems like theres theres no place for the humans to survive, so my question is will the virus ever resolve and be riden from earth?
[b][i]December 14th, 2007[/i][/b] I made it to norfolk in a hectic trip of run-overs, but it all turned out well. Untill I arrived in norfolk, the small little town looked like a ghost town! Accept for the zombies everything els was lifeless. I drove down main street slowly to investigate the surroundings, zombies flocking around my grandmother's car. I was able to get threw the horde or creatures onto Jame's street, but arriving at his house was a torment for his doors were locked and my grandma's car quit on me! I had pounded on the door and was let in thankfully by James, now we are held up in his house trying to find a way out. I'll update later on our plans.
This is a thread dedicated to this t.v show, for those of you who have never heard of this show. It is about airborn battles raged in the sky mostly in World War II. Accept instead of black and white movies, they use C.G.I to bring the battles to life and cover every part of them. So are there any other fans of this show out there!!!
[quote name='Lionheart'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]This is a song my friend and I made. It's a short song, trying to make it longer. [B]Verse 1[/B] Looking down a path I once called my life sitting alone I couldn?t understand why I made this choice that set me astray staring at myself and how I got this way now it seems that everything is said and done I was young got fooled, used like a tool they came to me on my darkest hour what was wrong before feels so right [B]Chorus[/B] Why I can?t see? What happen to me? The darkness, engulfs my dreams. My regrets scream, of what I could be. Tomorrow, my ending is unseen. Why I can?t see? What happen to me? The darkness, engulfs my dreams. My regrets scream, of what I could be. Tomorrow, my ending is unclean.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkRed"]It sounds great! But I'm sorry I don't have any advice on how to increase the songs size, but when I am stuck looking for another verse I look back at the first and see what direction the song is going and try to make a story out of it.[/COLOR]
Oh yes! I have a dog who is afraid of cats! And a cat that is afraid of other cats! It creeps me out somtimes but it's oh so funny to watch my german sheperd run away from a small tabby cat! :animesmil
[COLOR="DarkRed"]Here are 4 of my favorite poems that I've ever written, this will be the start of the thread. Wait For Me- I wait to see you in me dreams, that day will never come. So I wait in dark sorrow, I wont see you tommorow, oh I weep with sorrow, For what I must say; your gone. So I bid you goodbye nevermore, untill we meet in heaven. Shadow- Darkness covers all I see and all I touch, no feeling of pain or sorrow. My hand loses grip on the life I once held, and turn to become a true shadow. My Goddess- The way she moves across the floor, so elegant. Gliding like the wind, with a red dress of dancing fire, black hair of a twirling tornado. So swiftly like a flash flood, and with the music booming and cracking, like thunder, it's as if she was sent from the heavens just for me. She is me goddess. I Still Remember- I still remember, the smell of the due, the feel of your skin. I still remember, the dark cold night. And I still remember, kissing you in the moonlight. I still remember.[/COLOR]