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Everything posted by Metalcore501

  1. ok i ll take this advice and use it, thanks and umm are you in liike cosmotology school or something?[INDENT][SIZE="1"][COLOR="goldenrod"][B]Metalcore501,[/B] please do not quote someone when your post is the very next one. Especially when the quote is more than four times the size of your post. Thanks! ~SunfallE[/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT]
  2. Recently I watched this with a few friends expecting to get scared, but it didn't scare me and by the end of the film it had opend my eyes and made me really think about Morality and if there was some type of Entity out there. So what did this movie do for you, I have a friend who didn't get anything from the movie so don't feel embarrasedabout your answer. [COLOR="Indigo"][size=1]Fixed the typo in the thread title for you. -Clurr[/size][/COLOR]
  3. I'm a Metal guy I listen to many kinds from death metal, to nu-metal. My favorite by far though is Black Metal, I'm not sure why exactly but I just.....do..
  4. Hmm, this is a hard one there is so many bands and singers I hate. Well to start every pop singer accept Jesse Macartney because I love his voice, Green Day I never liked them I don't know why they give me a bad vibe, Sum 41 I hate their lead singers voice!, Avril Laveign ever since she came out with that stupid girlfriend song I now hate her music terribly. Those are only my top of the list people and bands.
  5. On a later date I will post all of my short storys, personal lyrics, poetry ETC. But this is only the intoduction to the thread so if you want to have a nice read come back I garentee enjoyment! [B]~Metalcore~[/B]
  6. Hey my band got together too, and our bassist who used to suck has gotten much better what are the odds of that! :p
  7. Did anyone els notice on thier album Fallen that their drummer plays the exact same beat and alomst EVERY song! I was talking to one of my friends who is a Evenescance fanatic, and she told me that they kicked him out. So do you think that was the reason?
  8. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Character Name: Joshua Clark Age: 15 Gender: Male Physical Description: Shaggy black hair, bulky build and a bit heavy, wide shoulders, and brown eyes. Location: Norfolk, New York Living Style: Lives with his grandparents in a very rural enviroment, middle class has enough to get by and a bit more. Notable Possessions: Three guitars, guitar hero 2 game, resident evil game series, samurai sword. Special Skills: Plays guitar, has good aim with fire arms. Diary Entry: The past few days were good, my friends came over to spend the night but sadly that time came to and end as did the fun. About an hour or so after they left I turned on the news and saw all of the hype about some viral outbreak! I was in awe I always thought this would happen seeing as I am a Resident Evil game fanatic, but never in my wildest dreams did I think it would happen around my town! I knew that I had to get somewhere with many people because it's supposed to be safer than sticking by yourself, maybe if I was able to make it into norfolk I could see if James was still alive. So I'm heading there now Iv'e got my journal, my grandfather's pistol with every clip I could find, and my grandma's car keys to the van. [/COLOR]
  9. [quote name='The Boss'][color=darkred][size=1] I used to do that as a "courtesy" to the lady's I was 'with'. I am actually over due for a trim now. Use small scissors and cut low. Razors usually spell bad news because the risk of cutting yourself with a vibrating object is too dangerous. It might take longer, but hey, it gets the job done with a lot less stress. Pull hair, snip, repeat. It's that easy. Maybe not as close a shave as you'd like, but atleast you won't be visiting the doctor with any embarrassing injuries.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] Thanks guys ill, go out soon and get some scissors!
  10. Ok during the summer months I normally shave my private area to lower sweatyness. But recently I cut my penis and had to go to the hospital, I'm all healed up but my pubic hair is growing back and am having trouble deciding if I should cut it or not..... This may seem stupid to some but I really am having trouble with this help is much appreciated. ~Metalcore~
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