[COLOR="DarkRed"]Character Name: Joshua Clark
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Physical Description: Shaggy black hair, bulky build and a bit heavy, wide shoulders, and brown eyes.
Location: Norfolk, New York
Living Style: Lives with his grandparents in a very rural enviroment, middle class has enough to get by and a bit more.
Notable Possessions: Three guitars, guitar hero 2 game, resident evil game series, samurai sword.
Special Skills: Plays guitar, has good aim with fire arms.
Diary Entry: The past few days were good, my friends came over to spend the night but sadly that time came to and end as did the fun. About an hour or so after they left I turned on the news and saw all of the hype about some viral outbreak! I was in awe I always thought this would happen seeing as I am a Resident Evil game fanatic, but never in my wildest dreams did I think it would happen around my town!
I knew that I had to get somewhere with many people because it's supposed to be safer than sticking by yourself, maybe if I was able to make it into norfolk I could see if James was still alive. So I'm heading there now Iv'e got my journal, my grandfather's pistol with every clip I could find, and my grandma's car keys to the van.