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Cool, this is the latest cafe or lounge or I forget what that massive thread was called when I joined up...
I'm personally in it for the music, Ive liked every episode so far, but there are a couple of segments that were completely awesome!
[media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=du5wRPeQlnU[/media] Short, Simple and Sweet
Nothing specific(yet?) aside from your in the milan refugee camp etc etc.
Name: Peregrinus Gender: Male Age: ? Appearance: Pausing a moment from his preparations for the days journey, Peregrin peers into a sheet of glass he had not noticed in the room the night before. Peering back is a dark haired man, about 6 feet tall, clad in a dark brown cloak. His face while not fair, was not unpleasent to look upon; the most distinguished of features being his deep set blue eyes under heavy brows. The whole of his features had a weathered look to them, betraying of his long journey. "What's this?" Peregrin laughed at himself. " Has Echo's' Curse come over me?" Shaking his head Peregrinus scolded himself, having more important things to do then fawn overhimself in the mirror like some narcisstic noble. Within short order his preparations were complete, and he was on his way. Profession: 'Scholar of Lost Arts' Skills: Alchemy; basic engineer Snippet: [B] Salerno [/B] Peregrinus paused, looking back toward the musket line. The entity was not long behind him, however it looked like the men of Italia had decided to take a stand at last. Observing the surrounding area his curiosity overtook him, he had to know how this would play out. He dismounted from his horse, and found himself a vantage point outside the city. Securing the horse, he left it to graze and pulled a letter out of one of the pouches under his cloak. Toying with it for a moment it occured to him that he did not have time to waste, but he quickly chased that thought off. He flicked the letter one more time, then carefully tucked it back into it's pouch and began pulling out a number of small tools, and vials full of various substances. Hours would pass, but he did not notice, going over his supplies making sure nothing was broken. He took note when the fires started, but continued his work and only came out of his reverie when he heard the 'thunder' of musket fire. He like everyone else had heard the hushed whispers of a meance from the East, and even a bit more from his Order, however this was his first time to see it. "What...kind of Magik spawned that?" Peregrinus frowned. There might be ancient Orient Arts that could spawn a demon of that sort, but he did not know them. As the first line of Muskets retreated he quickly packed his supplies and checked his horse. If this was something ancient, he had little faith in man's vaunted technology. He watched closely at the second barrage of musket fire. Saw it's ineffectiveness. He didn't need to see more, he had no more time to spare for a sealed fate. His hand slid inside the letter's pouch which he patted, remembering his duty, and remounted the horse. He spurred it on as fast as he could away from the battle... [B] Milan [/B] Peregrinus sighed as he awaited his addmitance into the Doge's Court. Though he was here to serve the Doge himself, he had to do the court dance of going through a Count or Duke or somesuch noble. Proubably fancied himself a Natural Philosopher or Alchemist too. Peregrinus Sighed. The journey had been long too, but he had made it at last. Never far enough ahead of the front to rest, but far enough to be out of harms direct path. No thanks to his horse throwing a shoe as he fled from Salerno. NOW he had to do this dance without even a chance to rest. These nobles and there need to play games, even in the face of such danger! Cursing his luck once more, Peregrinus fished the letter from his order to The Doge out of it's pouch and began to fiddle with it between his fingers while he waited. Extra: Peregrinus belongs to The Order of Lost Arts. Members of the Order pursue two goals. Natural Philosophy, and the preservation and restoration of the magiks that came before it. Members of The Order also serve as agents to those in power, providing the services of the 'Arts'.
not that I particularly care...but Smurf, your being incredably atagonistic...I find your assualting Fasterisk and then preaching it to be icredably irrelevent crap, as you put it, to be quite instructing on your personality. I thank you for the lesson. I liked Faster's first post personally because it brought up an idea that is central to all philsophy... it's not knowable, nothing is, except what we expiernce directly. Even then it might be solely expiernced by us - each our own universe, no? - and thus the answer I see to the question posed is simple - it might make a sound, or noise as you choose to phrase it, but in the end we can't prove either way. It's unkowable, we can only apply common-sense, aka, the lowest common denominator of belief, and assume that is what happened...or maybe your reality is more closed then that and that's fine too. Interesting to see what can come of a single...thought. PS.Make way for the town fool =)
A tree falls in a forest, and nothing is around to hear it. Does it make a sound?
So, I have an idea for a banner (or flag) in my head and was hoping someone would attempt to draw it. ( I have done so myself...but for an example of Anti's Art work, glance at my avatar, grimace, then wipe from memory.) Here it is: On a blue blackground, toward the upper end (upper 70%) there is a Star (or Sun..). Large enough to be spherical in shape...and from it extend rays. Toward the lower edge, the ray becomes a straight blade, comming to a point above the bottom. Upper becomes the Hilt. (think Longsword?). In the 'Pommel' (the star..) is another, smaller blue circle (Gem =) ). Offset from the center, In the lower right or left side. Like it's blocking out the 'light'...or in orbit... There may, or may not be other 'rays'. Whatever looks better. The Star/Sword is white. Background is Blue...and so is the 'gem', Preferably the same color. Thank you. If this is insultingly simple. I understand. But, as mentioned before hand, It is beyond my abilities. :animeswea For those of you whore care...This is gonna be the Banner (Battle-Flag) for House Tsrif, which is going to conquer the world. *wry grin*
[B]Mid-Afternoon, July 31st.[/B] Zach walked down a dirt road accompanied by his platoon sergeant, Kenneth Reinbach, whom was talking to Zach about the recent patrol. The road they were on led from 'Inner Nadine' (Inner refers to the highly developed areas of Nadine in the immediate vicinity of Aesir district...) to the outer edges of the districts, then belted around the outskirts. They happened to be in Godheim and were moving toward the West, heading for Dominion. Zach's platoon had arrived in Nadine that morning and were settling back down, most in the barracks provided, some like Zach and Ken heading toward home. Ken was tall, stocky, a long beard, shaggy hair and a grizzled face looking to be around 40. He was also an Altered, on the battlefield he often appeared to be incredibly fast, but that was just a trick of the mind. Instead he was seeing a few seconds into the future, seeing when harm was about to come his way, and reacting right before it happened, however the ability was weak; he could only detect danger immediately to himself, and only a few seconds into the future. Zach nodded his head in agreement with Ken, only partially listening. "Any thing else?" "yeah, while you were reporting in there was a racket as another delivery of the Model M's." Zach perked up at this, his platoon had recently been brought up to full strength, and while he hadn't gotten the weapon's squad he had been hoping for, all in all he decided he was much happier with the long-range recon squad. Especially if they netted him a couple of Model M's. "Hopefully we can get a few...You think we can arrange the shifts so that everyone spends a little time learning how to work them? If we manage to get one or two, I want someone to be able to operate them, even if Anders is off achieving other objectives." Ken's eyes glazed over for a moment as he pondered, then he shook his head. "You know, that would be a hell of a lot easier if we weren't forced to babysit politicians while on break." Zach allowed a flicker of a smile to cross his face. "Yes, it would be. But if they allowed you to [I]actually[/I] relax then you might get a bit to comfortable, and we definitely can't have that, you guys get comfortable enough as it is on patrol." Ken made a show of grimacing. "There goes my hope of a nice long siesta once your up top." They both laughed for a moment. As they did, they entered a small village - a small cluster of houses around the road. Ken stopped and turned toward Zach. "I will see what can be done, but as things are the men will only be getting the minimal free time." Zach frowned, even though this was a [I]break[/I], one didn't get to relax and rest when on Aesir duty, not with all the bigwigs around. "Hum...I will get one of the buildings put onto someone else's plate. The commander of C toon owes me a favor." Ken nodded, again his eyes momentarily glazing over. "That should free up a shift for each man, I will split the shifts between working with the Model Ms and some extra free time. Good?" Zach nodded, then returned Ken's salute. Ken turned and walked toward his home, while Zach resumed his walk down the road. The Sea breeze in his nose, he was now officially in The Dominion. Home was only only a couple more miles away, might even make it in time for a late lunch. Zach's thoughts paused for a moment, thinking of home, and the sea. As he thought of home, his brain shifted gears, and he began to think of clan matters. Mother would of course bother him about not having a mate...He didn't think he had the time, but Terra and Sea were already expecting third-gens. The clan was still weak on that count, but so was most of Asgard. Each House had 2 'Elders', first-gens...and on average, each house had three children on average, but all of the first-gen women were to old to breed now, so that mantle fell to the second gens. Fortunately every child born to The Clans was an Altered so far, whatever other research the [I]Lab[/I] had done, they had seemingly turned the Talent gene into a dominant one. Unfortunately Sea's youngest daughter, Calypso had a fling, and gotten pregnant, with a seemingly random stranger. Zach didn't care about that, if He, or any other clans man or woman, went off; impregnated a girl; disappeared for 9 months; returned and took the baby and then never saw her again the entire clan wouldn't give it a second thought and even support him if she made a fuss. However, he agreed with his father in that the stock should be known, and he had no intention of randomly breeding. Thankfully though, Zach was not expected to marry like the [I]princes[/I] of history were. Marriage didn't fit into the Clan's system. Children were raised by one, or both parents if they decided to be partners, and the houses they belonged to, until it's powers manifested (some do immediately, some not until puberty) and then it would be given to a house*, which it would belong to for the rest of it's life. If a none Altered appeared, it would belong to the house of it's mother (or father if mother is not a clan-member). Even if two clan-mates choose to become partners, they remain in the house they were born into, and none Altered are considered clan-members for only as long as they are partnered with a Clans-man. Zach blinked to himself in surprise...It dawned on him, that his father wasn't House Star-Wind, but his mother was...and now that he was an adult, he was, of course**. This realization changed nothing, just a momentary epiphany. Shaking his head to himself, Zach decided that he would try to find the time to find a mate. Preferably one who would support him and be life-long, like his parents had been so far...However one thing was for sure, she would have 'Talent'. Zach looked around him, coming out of his thoughts, and realized that he was entering Wind-lands, and he picked up his pace, turning off the road. According to the City Databanks, The clan owned around 6400 acres (10 square miles) of land, stretching from a small rocky beach to about 6 miles inland and curving south to a small series of cliffs. The houses were scattered around Wind-land - Sea was directly on the beach, Terra was as far inland as possible, Whisper was nestled in a small forest north of Star, Dark outside a series of caves about a mile away from Sea; which had served as clan-home until things settled down. In the 'center' of Wind-land was a open clearing, surrounded by a forest. House Star was located here, as were the 'commonlands' - the buildings which were used when the houses gathered. Rustling and Twilight were in the north, Storm South and East, and High located along cliffs to the far south. Zach was now passing between Storm and Terra, he could see both Houses in the distance, but he was taking a bee-line to Star. The last patrol had been long, and even though he considered his toon as a second home, no place was like 'The Clan'. Zach glanced once more at the sun, it looked to be about 1600, then he amongst the trees. As he approached Star-House he could hear voices, mostly younger ones, so more then just Star was there. Near the edge of the woods a girl stood, her back toward him, staring toward the clearing. She was about 5'6" and was wearing a forest-green hooded cloak like Zach's, the hood was pulled up. [I][B] Welcome Home. You have missed lunch, but are in time for tonight's gathering and Dinner.[/I][/B] "Hey Neandra, how are things?" Nea merely turned and smiled to him, lowering her hood. Nea was probably Zach's closest friend, along with her brother. Closer then even his family were. This stemmed from the fact that they had been born shortly after Zach, and with Whisper so close, were near constant companions. [I][B] Things are well. Been worrying to much about girls have you Zach? She won't let you off this time.[/I][/B] "Hey! don't go prowling where you aren't invited. At least pretend to have the discretion your father and brother have." [I][B] Don't give me that. You aren't exactly blocking me out.[/I][/B] [I]I have nothing to hide.[/I] Zach thought to himself, deciding to stop wasting his breath. [I][B] I know. [/I][/B] "And Neas is fine." Nea finally spoke in a whisper, responding to his thoughts now without implanting her own. She seemed small and frail because of her voice but Zach knew this was a mis-perception, She, along with her twin, was an heir - and strong, in some ways, stronger then Zach. "Your last patrol was long, how many weeks has it been?" They turned and headed into the clearing toward Star-House, which also served as the 'city-hall' for the clan. Within the clearing were a number of smaller houses, unoccupied, formed in a circle. In the center of the circle, children were playing and adults were gathered around a large 'campsite', talking. Star and Whisper, and often, a few other Houses came together for Dinner, to hold meetings and pass the evening hours till bed with company. If the weather was good, it was held outside. If it was bad, inside Star-House. Though clouds were brewing, a storm obviously coming, the weather was still nice enough to be outside. The last for a few days. "There was some heavy skirmishing for a while there...We were on the fringes of it, the platoon came out whole. How long till your term is over?" Zach smiled [I] thank you for letting me speak.[/I] Nea smiled again to let him know she heard him. "It ended shortly after you left. Now I only have caretaker duties. None to soon. Why are you so happy to hear me speak?" Zach blinked, taken aback for a moment, and wondered if maybe he had been to long away from the clan. [I][B] You have. [/I][/B] "Whisper has such beautiful voices, they could easily be minstrels if they wanted..."[I][B] WE DON'T![/I][/B]"...yet because of their Talent they rarely speak. Shouldn't I enjoy it while I can?" [I] and I wasn't away for to long, you just missed me after I came home from the Academy.[/I] Zach frowned for a moment at her reaction to his minstrel-joke. The Whispers, also due to their Talent had a tendency to never leave Wind-land unless they must. Within the clan they were around people who were open to them, who hid nothing to them, and so they felt comfortable, free to use their Talent, outside of the clan those who found out about their Talent usually feared them and the complete lack of privacy they represented. Zach also knew that unless it was a threat to the clan none of Whisper would ever speak of what they 'felt' to others. [I][B] That's right.[/I][/B] So Whispers 'job' was to watch over Wind-land, patrol it, and tend it; in return they never had to leave, except for the required SDF service. This was 'caretaking'***. Zach grinned and Nea moaned before he even opened his mouth. "What will the clan do if you guys breed out of control?" Zach laughed at her moaning, and the mental image he received of him being slapped around by Nea. As they entered the inner-circle, Zach's face lost it's mirth and he grew serious. His eyes flickered over each of the gathered Houses, not really registering what he saw. [I][B] What's wrong?[/I][/B] [I]There are expectations.[/I][I][B]What expectations? We have no expectations. We know you. [/I][/B] Zach staggered and for a moment struggled to retain his concept of self, overwhelmed by the Whisper House intruding on his consciousness. When he was in control again, he noticed 4 sets of eyes focused on him, aside from Nea these included her Father -Tyler, Neas - her twin, and Zera - their younger sister. [I] OUT! [/I] As Zach shouted this to himself, he began to put up a mental barrier, feeling himself surrounded by a field of energy. Wind-Clan had found that all Altered had the ability to put up a mind shield that could interfere with mental abilities, it wasn't impenetrable, and useless against those which manipulated physical conditions, but it was better then nothing. They shared this secret with no one, Ace up the sleeve. After a few seconds, Whisper turned their eyes off Zach and he allowed the barrier to drop. He felt now instead the light touch that Whisper used on groups - passively reading but not actively imposing, except for from Nea, The light touch was comforting to him where all 4 actively imposing on him had been overwhelming. [I][B] What's wrong?[/I][/B][I] I don't need the distraction right now. Stop looking so hurt, it was just overwhelming...[/I] Nea winked at him then ran ahead and joined her twin by the fire. Aside from being broader in the shoulders, Neas was identical to Neandra, and so far as Zach knew, the two were basically one mind. [I][B] Not quite, but maybe we should be.[/I][/B] Male this time; Neas, He nodded to Zach, then returned to listening to the Clan. As Neas nodded, Zach felt the presence of the clan shift. Now they were aware of him, and although they had individually been aware of his presence, the attention of the group was on him. Zach shivered, The last time he had been home it had been a small affair, only home long enough to visit his family for a day, and only Whisper had attended that 'Gathering'. He had never had such attentions on him, ever, as a child. The children grew silent and watched, sensing the change. Zach finally stepped forward, and as he approached the edge of the circle, it opened. The Prince had come home. He couldn't help but feel that this was to much, even for how long he had been away, and as he entered the center of the circle he glanced at each House again. All members of every House was here. Sean motioned for Zach to stop, the only empty chair his own on his father's right. "Welcome Home." Sean said as Hannah nodded to Zach. "Thank you...Is something wrong...why is everyone gathered? Did you know I would come?" "Yes. Pacifica located you and we decided to call a Meeting." Zach merely nodded, and kept his eyes locked on his fathers. "Zacherai Star-Wind, as an SDf Officer, what do you think is coming to Asgard?" Zach blinked, but he was not entirely surprised, he had been meaning to discuss it with Star anyway, so discussing it with Wind was no big deal. "War." "Why?" "Arcadia has stepped up her shipment of Military supplies, We have more small arms then Cadmus has thieves. Enough ammunition to supply them to the end of the world. New vehicles seem to arrive everyday. Patrols have increased, and my platoon has been brought up to full strength, something which looked like it would never happen. I can't say when however, maybe tomorrow, maybe next year." Sean merely nodded and the gathering remained silent. "Wind has long felt that the current state of affairs could not remain. What do you think the chances are of a successful resolution?" "I don't know the numbers, but Cadmus has always been larger then Nadine, so it's safe to conclude that their military power is equally so. Also Cadmusians, according to Nadine intelligence, operate largely as mercenaries - the adults who aren't in the Cadmus army isn't because of a lack of skill. We are better organized and are used to operating in group operations on large scale, we also have standard issue equipment instead of having to provide our own. This doesn't answer your question, but their are to many factors." From behind Zach a voice called out - Zach recognized it as Emery, Head of Dark. He was unaltered. "Do you doubt Nadine's ability?" "No. Nadine has it's limits however. Sometimes I can't help but wonder if to many Naturals are at the top of the current administration, and the current Colonel does not seem to fully understand the power of Altered." There was a murmur from a couple of Elders. [I][B]Innocents.[/I][/B] Nea and Neas... Sean waited for it to quiet down. "What of the Militia?" "I suggest it be put on stand by. If Nadine goes through with this war, Chaos could come. We must be ready." Zach watched his father's eyes light up, and Zach knew he was fulfilling the role needed for House Star, serving as a rallying point for something which had most likely been debated amongst the Elders. "You may sit down now." Zach moved to his seat at his father's side, and this time looked over each of the Elders faces slowly. Whisper was passive, observing, listening. Zach would almost bet money on Tyler feeding Sean on how the other Elders were feeling. Twilight, Sea and Rustling were listening intently to Sean. High and Dark were scowling. The anger from Emery was almost palpable. Head of Storm, Matt, was grinning broadly, seemingly in anticipation. "We shall do as my son advises and put the Militia on standby. However, unless Nadine is herself penetrated, it shall not act." Now a scowl from Matt. "Nadine has the SDF, with our clan's men in it, to protect her. That should be enough." Small murmurs began to spread as Sean sat down, inner-House talk, but then.. Hannah stood up. This was so rare that their was silence once again, Nature herself seemed to become silent for her. "We are all forgetting something...or rather, someone..She is still out there...We have all read the file..." Auburn was the Head of Twilight. She worked within the Council building, a secretary. She often brought tid bits of information which would be useful to Wind. "..It revealed nothing we didn't know or suspect...Nadine knows little so it is our job to contain her..." Matt growled. "Wind has grown, why don't we just remove her?" Hannah shook her head. "...Even Wind...would be lucky to survive...We all have seen what she can do...Half of us remember what she has done...Memories we don't want...Our only fortune is that she may not wish for [I]our[/I] blood..." Zach was in a state of personal shock, though his face didn't show it. These were more words then he had probably ever heard his mother say at any single time. She sat down after asking that question, not expecting a response. Sean just stared at Hannah for a moment, then took it upon himself to respond. "She is right, we have forgotten her. Nothing in years, nothing since before our children have been born. But we remember. If she appears, then we may have to mobilize." Sean took a breath and stood up. "Wind, if you encounter her, especially you in the SDf, do whatever it takes to get out. Do not engage her. Even if you must defy your superiors. If you are forced to remain, make it clear who you are, that may be your only defense. [I]DO NOT ENGAGE.[/I] This is Wind Law." those last words were not uttered lightly, for they were the highest decree Wind could pass down on her own. Violating 'Clan Law' was tantamount to suicide for any within Wind. It meant expulsion from the clan, and shunned, no second chances. As far as Wind became concerned, you stopped existing. The only other 'Clan Laws' involved treason onto the clan, namely, murdering a clan-mate. They had never been violated. Zach was not so sure of his belief in her existence, but if that was the decision, he would obey it to the later. His platoon would not engage her, ever. If they were forced into a position he would move out to inform her of who he was, and hope. "If we must fight her, we will do it as Wind." Sean sat down. For a while, the clan discussed other practical matters, mostly in regard to it's militia and school. Then Hannah along with Whisper and Sea went into Star-House and began moving plates of food out to everyone. As they began to eat the serious form of the meeting subsided, and cheerful stories began to ruminate around the circle, Children began playing in the twilight again. Zach smiled and conversed, telling a few stories from his patrols. For a while, he watched the children playing, apart of him finally realizing that that was no longer his world. He shrugged it off, it had never really been his world anyway, he had never played like the kids before him were now playing. One of them was his sister, Rhiannon, 8 years younger then him, chasing Zera around in some game. Zach didn't even know the rules. "Miss it?" "Miss what?" "The game your watching...oh wait...you never played those games. Always to busy. Always willing to show us who was strongest though." "Eric..." Zach turned and stared at his younger brother. "when does your term start?" "...." His brother glared at him at mention of a term, it was answer enough, he still hadn't signed up. He had already graduated school of course. "Go play with the children. It's where you still belong." Zach turned away from him and heard him walk off. "That wasn't nice." Zach shrugged as he heard two more walk up to him. "You could at least attempt to be diplomatic." "He's still my brother, and he's still a child. When he act's like an adult, I will treat him as such." "Well then, [I]Prince[/I], shall you also shrug us off?" "Of course not. Neas, your term is also finished?" "Yes...but I may renew, especially if war is coming." Zach faced them and could almost see Neandra arguing with him. "So this is what you meant by not completely of one mind...If you need a toon Neas, you know me. If not my own I can find one that is more...friendly." Nea straightened and glared at him. [I][B] Don't you encourage him![/I][/B] When he just stared back, she turned and walked off. "Sensitive subject?" "She didn't have pleasant experiences, neither did I for that matter...especially being separated for so long, that was probably the worst." "I understand..." "Do you?...Well, I better go and appease her before she makes to big of a deal out of it." "...well, the Clan will need you Caretakers in War, especially if Cadmus starts poking around more." Neas smiled as Zach said that, knowing he was basically telling him to not renew. [I][B] Later. [/I][/B] Most of the other second-gen came up to say hello to Zach, and discuss minor matters with him. They respected him, even supported him, but were not particularly close. They would follow his commands, sought him out for advice, especially regarding Talent. Zach did not mind the lack of friends, it was his place in the world. [B]Later that night[/B] Zach found himself summoned to his father's study. He entered seriously, and stood waiting to be addressed. "Zach. Take a seat, you did well tonight. Sorry to spring that on you so suddenly." "Thank you...and it's no problem. Does she really exist father? should we fear her so much?" "yes, she does. and yes, you should. What are your plans?" "We have a couple weeks break, babysitting in Aesir, then more patrols I imagine. Tomorrow I am going to report to the council. Ive been summoned. We were sent closer to Deadwood then usual, scouting out the road." Sean nodded taking it in. "very well, I won't keep you to long." He reached into his desk and pulled out a small file. "Read this before you leave tomorrow. Memorize it if possible." "Yes Sir." "Also Zach, try to get along better with your brother...Your mother saw you two earlier and wanted me to say something. I know he provokes you but..." "...I will...what was wrong with Emery?" Sean's tone changed, sounding angry. "Those [I] Demons [/I]. Jason was on patrol...I guess reconing like you were, and they got ambushed. Jason has returned to the Winds." Zach was stunned for a moment. It was the first time a Wind had died to a Cadmusian. Until now they had survived every encounter without direct injury. "I...see. Now we have a direct wound to repay them..." "We've been lucky till now Zach. Nadine has suffered, and now we share in the pain the city has known for 30 years. It may of been bound to happen, but those demons will be purged eventually. It should have been taken care of during the revolution. Now it will be the job of our children." "Then we shall have to see that job done." Zach stared his father in the eye. "...So...when is the next Game?" "Not until your gone I'm afraid. To bad, I was hoping to see how you operate. Think you can take on Clans-men now that your out of the Academy huh?" "I would like to try. I probably know a few tricks now that you don't." His father laughed at that. "Ive been in war, you haven't. And you aren't ready to take my position yet." Zach frowned at this, which only made his Father laugh more. "As a kid, you always wanted to participate in the Game, and now you are off playing with real soldiers, not good enough for you? I know I know, you want to prove yourself to the Clan. You will have your chance." He smiled again then turned back to the file in front of him "I will talk to you later. Sleep Well." Zach left the room, dismissed, and smiled at his Mother as she passed him, She smiled back, then stopped. "Zacherai..." "...er...yes?" "...When are you going to find a mate?" Oh shit, Zach had completely forgotten with the night's council. "...Well...I don't really..." "Don't say that, If nothing else..should treat it as one of your duties." Zach winced as she said that, of course, she was right. "...Even with the war?" Zach wasn't particularly fond of this subject...Although, his mother never failed to mention it. "Especially." She smiled at him, Zach couldn't help but find her eyes a bit menacing as she said this. Giving it a [I] or else [/I] feel. Meri, the pregnant Terra-Wind, was about seven months along now, and Zach could tell his mother felt that Star should be moving toward a third generation. Rhian, the youngest of Star, was old enough to bear a child. Which meant Zach was lagging behind in his Mother's eyes, he was Eldest, he should be first amongst the House, since it was to late for the Clan. Zach dug around in his mind for something to say, one of the augments he had prepared earlier; "I will...do my best." To this she smiled a smile that she saved only for her children who had pleased her. Zach momentarily reminisced about working hard to earn that smile when his abilities had manifested, then meandered toward his bedroom as she entered the study. Now he didn't work for smiles, but to keep his place in the world. To be worthy of being the Heir. When he entered his room, he began reading the file, learning it. An hour later, he set it aside, rubbed his eyes, and laid down. It felt like forever since he had been in his own bed. He was asleep however, before this thought even fully registered in his mind. [B]The next morning...[/B] Zach made a token approach to his brother. His brother accepted it, a show for the family, and told Star that he was going to be signing up today, along with David Dark, probably his best friend. Good, Zach thought, about time he fulfilled that duty. His sister was gone about as soon as she finished eating, Zera waiting for her. Zach smiled, enjoying seeing another Star so closely tied to Whisper. All was well in The Clan. As Zach prepared to leave, he glanced up to see his mother with the same glint in her eye from last night. "Ok Ok, I get it!" His mother merely nodded, and his father glanced him, not expecting his outburst. "Get what?" He asked innocently. "My duty." He looked toward Hannah, whom Zach was staring at. Then understanding seemed to dawn on him and he smiled, returning to his food. Zach left that morning after having read the file again, and was surprised to see Nea waiting for him. "Not with Neas?" [I][B] He's gone to Storm. He has the east border today. Thank you. [/I] [/B] "Well...I...couldn't have separated Twins." [I][B] Liar.[/I][/B] "Guess so..." Zach went about imagining taking Neas, and tossing him into a meat grinder "Gotta do my butcher duties." [I][B] Don't even joke about it! [/I][/B] He felt a strong wave of hate. Not directed at him, but at the idea. "..." [I][B] And don't you start with duty. We do our duty, to the Clan, Nadine can be damned before she takes other-self. [/I][/B] Zach paused, staring at her, not thinking anything, just letting it seep in. His tone became formal. "As is your right, Caretaker." Nae reacted like he hit her with a sack bricks. Stopping in her tracks and glaring at him. [I][B] Don't get formal with me! I know your contempt for them![/I][/B] "They are necessary..." [I][B] I'm not going to discuss this with you.[/I][/B] Zach sighed [I] I know. I have no right to pass any judgment on you or yours. Let's just forget it ok? [/I] [I][B] Agreed.[/I][/B] They walked on, heading in a general North-Easterly direction. Zach stumbled in his mind for nearly 10 minutes, trying to decide on a way to get her talking again...then realized...she was listening to all his thoughts. "... ... Having fun?" "Yes." she smiled and seemed on the verge of laughing. "the Prince makes an ass of himself again huh?" Nea laughed as he was saying this. "I would never phrase it that way, but it might be accurate." He got a picture of his face imposed on a Donkey. "Well, since you seem to deem me worthy of being spoken to, why don't you sing me a song?" He grinned as he said this, imagining her singing a song dressed up like a bard. Her face contorted as she slowed to a stop. [I][B] I'm not a minstrel! All your imaginings aside! [/I][/B] "Well... maybe it's better that way, all you probably know are drinking songs from the SDF and those..." Zach and Nea shuddered simultaneously "...things Rustling calls songs." [I][B] I doubt my voice could even simulate that, yours on the other hand...This is the edge.[/I][/B] Zach paused and turned to Nea, he had just noticed she had stopped walking. [I] Edge?[/I] "Your off Wind-Land." [I] Know the borders down to the last millimeter huh? [/I] "Yes. I will see you tonight." "Ok, later Whisper-Wind, may your voice never Rustle." [I][B] You feel safe cause your out of reach, but I know where you live! [/I][/B] She was already walking back west, mirroring the border exactly.[I][B] Fair Winds.[/I][/B] Zach could feel her keeping track of him, knowing she was merely doing her job, but grinned [I]Miss me that much?[/I] [I][B] Go away.[/I][/B] He almost laughed, her response it's own answer, but he had entered the neighboring village. He seemed to just then notice it was pouring down rain. He pulled his hood up, covering his face and turned down the road, heading for Aesir. Clan matters suddenly took backseat, and Zach reviewed what he needed to get done. By the time he entered Aesir he had on a poker face of seriousness. He flickered to the Sergeant he passed, knowing everyone would be in place, and on time. The secretary in the lobby looked up at him. He lowered his hood. "Ive been summoned by the council, Zacherai Star-Wind." The secretary glanced down at a computer screen, then an elevator opened. Zach stepped in, and in a minute he was 50 stories up. Stepping off the elevator he hoped that the council would be quick. He wanted to go and snag a Model M or two, and he had to track down C-toon's commander. He knew it wouldn't be. Zach turned and waited for his time in the Council, staring out the windows into the storm. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Each House is considered to govern a different set of Talent. Here is the list: Star - Vitiakinetic ( Most often thought of as Remote Healing, can also work to the opposite.) Whisper - Telepathy Twilight - Electrokinetics (manipulation of the Electromagnetic Spectrum. Exp: Bending light, or remotely operating Electronics. ) Sea - Clairsentience (Ability to extended the senses beyond the body. Limited past and future perception.) Storm - Psychokinetics (Manipulating the movement of Molecules. Exp: Telekinetics Remotely move objects, Pryo and Cyro speed up and slow down their molecules, respectivly.) Terra - Biokinetics (Manipulation of one's own celleur strucutre. Exp: Growing extra internal organs, shapeshifting.) High - Teleporation (Both physically teleporting Self, and Out of Body.) Dark - Quantiumkinetics (Manipulating atoms to form physical objects. Exp: creating a knife out of thin air.) Rustling - Aberrant (physical Mutations.) - Currently a Large Cat/Human crossbreed. ** As of yet, all partnerships have been life-long. However the clan decided to do away with certian concepts during the education of thier children. Marriage for example does not lend itself to the Clan Houses, and could even create 'ties' to outside the clan that were unnessacery. *** Shortly after the forming of Nadine, there was an episode involving Whisper (Tyler) to have a nervious breakdown within Aesir district. After this event, Tyler refused to leave Wind-land. This effectivly left the Clan supporting Whisper without it contributing. After a week of near continious debate - due to the usefulness of Whispers abilities it was decided that they would be allowed to contribute to the clan in other ways. Namely, Caretaking.
Name: Zacherai Star-Wind Age: 22 Gender: Male/Next Gen Altered City of Residence: Nadine, Offical Residence is The Wind Clan-Lands in The Dominion. Loyalty: The city of Nadine, and in so far as it 'assist' Nadine, Arcadia. Job: SDF Officer - 1st Lieutenant Abilities:a Strong Vitiakinetic, or using ESP to heal the body and mind - Mainly focused in Algesis, the ability to turn someone's body against itself (ranging from the minor ability of causing inflamation, preventing one's body from being vulnerable to other Algesians, to causing major lacerations and the lungs to collapse) he has also learned enough of the 'positive' effects to heal minor wounds and/or stop excessive bleeding, against major wounds however, all he can do is numb the pain and hope the real medics arrive in time. He has standerd Military training in hand to hand combat and marksmanship, but is only avarage, his main focus in the academy being on how to lead. Weapon of Choice: uses a standerd issue Imperial Assualt Rifle in the field, and is rarely seen without a imperial pistol on him. He's also been seen to carry a pair of long knives, though he has never explained why, though he obviously treats them with great respect. Appearance: Zach is about six feet tall. He has dark brown, almost black, hair that he wears in shoulder length ponytail. His eyes are blue-grey and green, and over time they will slowly shift from one to the other. He has no other remarkable facial features, and is he is of a slightly skinny build, appearing to have long legs in particular. He most often wears his SDF uniform, which consist of: A large forest green hooded-cloak, with silver Lt insignia on the shoulders, a sleeveless dark brown belted tunic, forest green shirt, long brown pants, and combat boots. His pistol is holsterd on his belt, as are his knives when he carries them. Personality: Zach's life revolves around two subjects, his duty as a soldier-citizen of Nadine and his duty to his clan. He is 90% of the time thinking about how he can fufill his various responsabilities. He has few friends, most of his relationships can be described as commander-subordinate, and in most situations he is reserved, though less so with clan-mates and close friends. When he does allow himself to converse socioly, most people walk away with two impressions. An air of superiority, or arrogence, toward 'naturals'; and unyielding loyalty to his clan and Nadine. Militarly, Zacherai focuses on an emphasis of mobility and is a proponent of using the Armored Vehichles in the form of Calvery, however one of his greatest wishes would be to one day see the formation of an Asgard Navy. Biography: Zacherai was born to Sean and Hannah the Star House within the Wind Clan, first-born of three. Sean was an Innocent who was fiercly patriotic toward [I]Homeland[/I]. His outspoken nationalism earned him more then one enemy, and so he was not entirly suprised when he woke up in a cement cell on Asgard. During his time in the prison, he associated with like minded Innocent. They took on the viewpoint that Asgard would be the home of them and their ancestors, and eventually renounced all former ties and formed into a new family - The Wind Clan. Due to his vocality, and willingness to defend his viewpoints, he was looked to for leadership, and was granted the first house of the clan as it's 'chief', Star. The clan also consist of the houses of Whisper, Twilight, Sea, Rustling, Terra, High, Storm and Dark. A decision during the early forming of the clan was to solidify the Clan's safety by forming close ties to many Altered - and all the clan innocents eventually married an altered with the purpose of propogating those genes. The clan wandered the general area of Nadine City during much of the chaos, until the Nadine Revolution, of which they were active particpants. After the Nadine Revolution, the clan settled into The Dominion area, The Altered members demanding to be close to the sea, and owns enough land for a small village - the land divided amongest the houses. Dark-Wind house is the only house within the clan that is not one of the origional innocent-altered parings, instead formed by a Guily and Altered. The house was on probation for many years - little trusted - being stumbled upon and adopted during the chaos, however after the Nadine revolution it was granted full 'clan-ship', and is now treated like all the others. After the forming of Nadine, Sean Star-Wind took up his old ways of nationalism, and preached a black and white view about Nadine, supported by fellow clans-men, to the children and citizens alike. To Sean, Nadine became Heaven on earth, and he places emphasis on loyalty to Nadine, only after loyalty to the clan, and all who oppose either are Demons. These traits - Duty and Loyalty, Clan then City - were the largest impressions left upon Zach by his father. Hannah Star-Wind contrasting Sean was very reserved, scared like so many other Altered from the test performed upon her. She fufilled her duties to clan and children, and her life consist of little else.Hannah's Viatakinesis was passed on to all of her children, who are even stronger then she is - the after effects of the experiments. The only time Zach rememebers her 'comming to life' was during the periods when she was teaching him or his siblings about how to use, train, and strengthen thier abilities. During these periods, Hannah often expressed her disdain for all natural's who did not regonize the 'superiority' of Altered, one of the few exceptions being the naturals in the clan. He has inherited this mindset from her, and firmly believes that the Altered are the future of all of humanity, looking down upon naturals as being 'unblessed'. Growing up within the clan, Zach is regonized as the heir to the head house, and was raised to one day take up the mantle of leading the clan. Growing up amongest the clan has also lead Zach to focus on devolping his 'talent', amongest the younger generation expecially, being a sign of strength. He is not particularly close with his Siblings, Rhiannon and Eric, being often praised by their father, or his 'generation-mates'. Despite this, he commands, and recieves, both respect and obediance, not only as the Heir, but for his ability. The clan, not entirely trusting the budding Nadine with their children's education, setup a home schooling system until the age of 16. The school put an emphasis on subjects such as the practicual applications of 'Talent', Math, and History (esspecially Asgard's). At 16, clan children are sent to acadmies within Aesir, in order to 'expose them to Nadine society'. They are also required to serve at least a term within the SDF to be regonized as a full adult of the clan, partially to protect Nadine, but to increase the chances of survival should chaos come once more. Zach followed the standerd plan, and served as a 'model' for the clan, At 16 both his school electives were Oofficer Training Corpse for the SDF, with the intention of having a military career. It was with this intent, that instead of focusing on the healing aspects of his abilities, like his siblings and mother had, he chose instead to focus on their other applications, only training in how to heal enough to ensure most wounded he came across would survive until real medics could assist them. At 18 he entered the Imperial Military Academy. There he excelled in his studies and showed himself to be an adept leader - though he also felt one of his weaknesses. At 21 he was commisioned 2nd Lieutenant. Due to Zach's personal beliefs, many naturals have problems 'dealing' with him. He never presents a problem to naturals above him, regonizing their authority, but many who serve under him chaffe under his holyier then-thou attitude. Shortly after he was commisioned, most the naturals under him requested transfers, which he was all to willing to allow as possable. In return he quickly built up a platoon consisting almost entirly of Altered, many of whom partly agree (if not more) with him. both during his school and as an officer he has often been chastised for such bearing, and as such has become further reserved. However despite his limitations, shortly before turning 22 he was promoted to 1st Lieutenant due to his platoon's outstanding performance during regular sweeps and military games, which he, privately, attributes in part due to the Altered superiority of his platoon. His platoon is currently on a 'rest' cycle, and he is on leave, visiting home during the cycle.
mmm... Martial Arts is a wide range of areas, styles, techniques, cultures, and philosophys...in short the word defines itself...Martial - Military Arts. Most of what we practice today was devolped in various temples around china...the most famous being Shaolin Temple - Shaolin Kung Fu, and Wudan Temple - Tai Chi. Most other Oriental Martial arts can be traced back to china - as for most of history china has been the cultural center of Eastern Asia, although their are a number of martial arts orientating from various parts of the world but believe it can be agreed that the most widely practiced are the various oriental styles. Martial Arts in and of itself is msotly thought of as the external styles - Kung Fu, Karate, Taekwon Do..to name a few..although internal styles - Tai Chi, Baqua, Chikung, Yoga (also to name a few) are becoming more and more popular, esspecially amongest the elder or injured... but it for many centuries was a way of living and thinking. The Martial arts aspect to such a world was merely one faucet, physically training but also training yourself to become disciplined and to learn to quiet your mind (what do you have time to think about when you must fully focus on holding a position even though your legs are screaming for you to stand up and move around?). After many years of discussion with my father (who himself is a 21 year student of Shaolin Kung Fu - the majority of the time spent doing My Jong Law Horn , or Lost Track Fist.) I am inclined to agree with his point of view that the Arts themselves are merely the begining, to deeper mysteries and learnings, which were origionaly why the monks began to learn such arts...aside from defending themselves. Can I say what they are? a few..Discipline is the most obvious one and can lead to many other things - Discipline gives us the chance to act with clarity, even in the face of raging emotions. Discipline also teaches us paitence, Waiting for the appropate time to speak or act. Martial arts also teaches humility - you are always respecting someone of "higher" status then you, even if its just the teacher and his/her assistants. Depending on your teacher it can also be brought to teach intergrity - Why fight when you already know the outcome, and know the discipline and restraint to understand that fist rarely solve anything...But eventually those with the option turn to the Internal styles - for though the external teach you to use your body and your mind to dominate your body, the internal teach you to channel your Chi...one's internal energy, for multiple purposes. This is where it can be said you esspecially start to delve into the real mystery and philosophy...for the very concept of these arts is a philosophy in and of itself, and to truely practice them you have to accept and understand them. After all this..I wonder how Martial Arts can be a debated topic on OB...regardless of which style you practice many of the teachings are the same, though some styles put more emphasis on certian things then others, and no one style can be said to be the best, for as you learn when practicing - all moves have a weakness, and can be countered or stoped. just as a side note...I practice My John Law Horn Kung Fu and have been doing so for 10 years, and have recently begun to dablle in Tai Chi and Baqua (which in our school is kinda a middle point of Tai Chi and Kung Fu, It is both external and Internal).
Pro-life Pro choice. Let's be mature, kay?
Anti replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
a neoseaker reject? Id say no but I don't know what that is, pm me sometime. oh, and by eating vegtables your eating a living, breathing, lifeform, and thus,killing something without gettings its permission. And don't act like such a victim QUOTE]I've met many people like you, you're a dime-a-dozen add easly forgoten. If God himself told you, you still won't change your mind.[/QUOTE] God/goddess/the radient IS gave us free will to do as we please, to see what truths we want to see, and to learn and grow and thus be alive, but thats another subject. couldn't resist checking it, though its nice to see someone who burys his head in the sand and tries a complex but ineffective word trick. Now as to this thread. First off lets clarify terms - "pro-life"? thats basicly the hard *** right wingist to propganda, being for o against abortion dosn't make you pro-life, it makes you anti-abortion. To be pro-life as a human is a dillusion, the only life we are pro is ours as a species, its how nature made us. You can't have a suicidal race though it seems like their are to many suicidal individuals soemtimes.... as to pro-choice, should be called pro-abortion, despite what these "pro-lifers" say they are also pro-choice, to not be pro-choice is to take away your "right" to do whatever the hell you want, and if your a christian (Id have to check the other docturines to speak on them, not as many buddist/islamist or other mass religions to comment on where I am.) "god's" own right to us is free will - choice, and every human, god or not, will always excert that right - the difference between the warrior and the victim is who takes responsibilty for that choice and who blames others or a god or whatever. Now that Ive done some clarifying from my point of view, as to abortion...first thing is that if the "pro-lifers" were really pro-life they'd absolutly under no circumstance make abortion illegal. that would kill more people then it would save. period. People would still get abortions, you can not stop them, the goverment can not stop them. Only with it illegal, theyd get abortions from grubby clinics or back allys or even the inexpiernced, and let me spell that out for you, disease, infection, death. period. my other thing to say is the goverment is not here to enforce your morals, it is here to provide you with the things you need to live a HEALTHY and SAFE life, morals should only be enforced by an individual on him or herself. You don't like something? don't read/watch/listen/see/participate in it, Censorship and other such tools of moralism are the first steps to dictaitorship, remember by imposing your morals your pushing us closer to becoming that dictaitorship. so yes, abortion should exsist, but here is the ever present BUT. Abortion should NOT be readly available to the evryday person. You chose to not wear a condom, you chose to not take birth control, you chose to not get a vivsection, you chose to not use a diaphram, and thus you are fully responsible for getting pregnent/impregnating, and you should act that way...Abortion should NEVER be a common form of birth control. Not when its so easy to prevent pregnation in the first place - its called responsibilty and education, which so many claim to have, well words mean nothing, show action. If your responsibe you will never have to get an abortion from everyday(or weekly, or monthly, or w/e) sex. so what should abortion be for? primarly it should be for rape victims. the girl did not choose to get raped, she isn't responsable for the impregnation (though she may be responsible for being drunk at a party she shouldn't of been at or similar scenerio) and thus is she chooses, she should be able to get a sterile, safe, procedure. without ANY kind of moral or other such incident from outsiders (albiet how inavoidable that is....). so in summery. Vegtables are living creatures to. Be responsible, through responsibilty we get power. Educations give us the knowledge to make intelligent and wise choices. Abortion should not be common birth control but should be saved for special cases. -
[I] Zaeon had blanked out from the world, absored into his compute, not even feeling the turbalance aorund him, a small wire extruding from his shirt and leading to his wrist computer. A rough up down in the automosphere ripped the wire out of his shirt, small traces of blood on it.[/I] Zaeon: **** [I]Ripping the wire out of his wrist comp his look clouded then returned to normal, as if comming out of a trance. He held his chest for a few moments then picked up the wire and began studying it fanaticly, after which thorughly checking over his wrist comp [/I] Zaeon:.... [I] Zaeon sighed as the load program ran and he changed into a druids outfit, running his hands over it and almost pulling it off to look at it...then stopping and returning to examine it, the look of suprise on his face more from the authencity then how real it appeared. [/I] Jonathen: Heads up! [I] Zaeon looked up jsut in time to clumsly catch the gun thrown to him...then watched as it changed into a long sword, he wieghing it in his hands and glad it was none to heavy or he may not of been able to lift it, much less lug it around with him...[/I] Kathy: hey jonathen got a Whetstone? [I] Watching indifferently, then shaking his head slightly as she sharped then edges...if she had to use that as a slashing weapon then she would be in poor shape in any fight...he held his tongue content to let any defenders screw themselves over with misunderstood weapons and sheathed the longsword. Pressing an invisable button on his wrist, much like jonathen had pressed, and his comp became availabe, Zaeon continued his research..wondering if the tribe they were joining charged into battles without armor or clothing...[/I]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][color=royalblue]*looks up Pending in the dictionary* Oh. So that's what it meant. I've learned something new today... Question about the game: So this will be a place for every rper to come together from separate games....and chew the fat? Interesting.......or am I wrong?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] yeah...chew the Fat, and go on a few journies, maybe get lsot in afew other rpg planes, whatever comes up.
Here is what I think... Gays? meh, Im not one and Im indifferent to one, if a friend is, great for him, jsut know where the boundries are. Their choices, their consequences, not mine. I do find it amusing when people comment on things like bigotry, racism, equality etc etc...then turn around and demand more then equality is. Guess what? as long as the world is mostly one way then people ill shun the different, whats equality? and I won't take **** about people acting like cause they are a minority culture (there is but 1 race.), have a different sexual preference, or are of the opposite sex, that they don't commit the same **** (inequality to those that are different, unacceptance) jsut they are smaller groups. Anyone who says otherwise I say dosn't know humans, human behavoir, or does and is overly optimistic. If Homos(and we still exsisted as a race...)/Minoritys/Women were the majority do you think they wouldn't have discrimited and been bigots? they would have. period. They are today, period. Not all, but then again not all of the majority/opposires of the above are either. humans are social animals, where society exsist so does conformity, where conformity exist so does bigotry/culuturism (racisim if you prefere) /sexism/religiousism. So I ask rhetoricly (or pm me if you like) what is equality?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chaos [/i] [B]Gee, I KNEW this idea sounded cliched and repetitive. No WONDER. :rolleyes: Nice to see you again, Mr. God. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes I am a god, but who isn';t depending on how you think about it...and ~my~ idea has only been done once from me (and thus the only valid time.) Last I cheked one time wasn't cliche? ;p, plus their have been modifications (the town? a point? ;p) And why are you spaming my thread, post an app or wait till I start the rpg (or take it up in pm/sig/over aim =p)[I]shakes fist at the sky[/I] As of this moment all Applications are pending, Im going to wait a few (1-2 depending on my paitence) more days for any more apps before decisions are made and once that starts to happen then it will be a day before I start the thread. Please continue posting apps till this time
2 notes - first remember these are applicants, and not all applicants will be accepted...so try and make them impresive...and remember even if your not Staff your welcome to join in the rpg as a patron. 2nd note: this may remind some of a cafe rpg...called The Cafe...because that was mine to...any other cafe rpgs I don't know (or realy care much for)...
[I] Zaeon got his shots, possing himself with his computer while it happened and not relizing it was over...till it was over. He had then gotten suited up in the new suit, runing his own test of it, not trusting the incompents who had proubably tested it before handing them out. [/I] ???: that computer standerd issue? Zaeon: No. Ive already approved it for loadspace...[I] Zaeon looked at the one challenging him and shrged seeing who it was, pulling up a document sating his approval incase it went any further. He watched blankly at the Jonathens comment then shruged [/I] Zaeon: Fine. [I] Zaeon picke dup his end of the crate and helped load it on the ship and watched the big guy behind him follow suite, then took his seat, browsing information about Anciet Eireland. [/I] Girl: HI! I'm Leona! [I] Zaeon looked up at the girl and watched her for a second before returning to his data [/I] Zaeon(says distractedly):...hello... [I] Zaeon flips through more pages on his computer, ignoring the shaking of the ship as it prepares to launch and occaisonally looking up at late minute boarders[/I]
On a plane where all RPGs meet, there exsists a city, a city besieged by an unknown assailant. Within this city, there exsists only one road, leading from one gate of the city to its opposite. From both gates of the city warriors both new and old enter, leaving their perspective realms -- often for unknown reasons -- and appear within the city. The warriors each make their way down the road, each at their own pace. Around this road lays many darkened and dimly lit buildings, the varied faces within as varied as the architecture; in the alleys between them an occaisonal scamper or crash can be heard. At the dead center of this road, in the dead center of the city, lays the only bright spot in town. A medium sized Diner/Tavern and Inn. Towering above the Diner is a sign, which is visible from all but the most extreme corners of the city. From the sign reads but two simple words: "The Café". Below, The Café is the only sight and sound around that speaks of life and good times, people coming and going, -- some of them obviously adventurers on a mission, -- into the darker depths of the city. As one observes The Café, it is obvious that the town grew up around it. The building having the feeling of being older than everything but the worn road. Within a window of The Café, one sees a flash of movement below the "Open 'til the end of time" sign, a new sign appears, reading: "Now Hiring - Apply Inside". -------------------------------- The following Staff positions have bee taken: Host/Owner: Travis (Anti) Bartender: Ken (DeathKnight) Bouncer: Ken (DeathKnight) Head Chef: Bryan (Lalaith Ril) Head Waitress/Assistant Bellhop: Britty (goldange_Woman) The following Positions are open: Waiter/Waitresses "Mini" Bouncer Janitor Maid/Assistant Bellhop Assistant Chef ------------------------------- Applications will be looked over by all preaccepted staff- they can be charecters from old charecters in rpgs. Please provide: Charecter Name Description: Equipment: anything your charecter wears/wields Abilities:...skills/magic...keep the lsit short. (anything to strong will be removed at my discresion, remember your where ALL universes join so be creative.) Bio of Char: (feel free to use a charecter from an old rpg...post a recent/old bio...) ----------- Also people will be accepted on the basis of quality...and they need to be able to generate ideas for short adventures, maybe even lead them. All other "players" need not sign up, but can come and go as they please as patrons of The Cafe, are welcome to journy on any adventures and enjoy themselves meeting fellow charecters.
[I] Zaeon sighed and fingered his wrist computer...his own personal computer... then sighed[/I] Zaeon: great! back to the ancient days...little technology, no repair parts! [I]sighs[/I]...oh well...I get to see ancient man upclose! Nearby Techy: BAH! barbarians... Zaeon: in all liklihood yes... but maybe not. [I]Zaeon shrugs and looks around the room at the others gathered for the briefing...glad he took that small arms class now...He notices the girl in the corner talking to a techie he knows and chuckles, hoping she dosn't hook up with him...the sleeze. He continued looking around...noticing other members, marking thier faces in his computer and looking over information stored in the school computers about them, esspecially one large muscly guy...and remembering him in the small firearms class...how small the gun looked in his hands. [/I]
Jsu one thing, while such common sense things as women equality, gay equality, not killing people etc etc, seem like DUH! thats all persepective based on the morale code you were raised on. If you were raised under a society of a different morale code your view would be different.
Name: Eiru Elarium Gender: Male Age: 22 Appearance: Eiru has long, about mid back length, black hair that is speckled with patches of grey. His eyes are blue/grey, both side effects of his exposure to C-M radiation. When at work he wears a solid near skintight "spacesuit", one of the few "luxuries" granted his position, that in theory help protect against the C-M radiation, to keep him alive, and thus more useful, longer. In his few off duty times he wears his "rags". He has a thin, almost skin and bones frame and stands to be about 6'4". Also down his back is a long scar. Barcode: 1278453321567485 Skills: Eiru has above average intelligent, trained in the use of atmospheric and small interstellar craft. Location: Alloran Sector, Solar System 565, Tri Corporation Frigate Santiago, in a high orbit over the planet Torlas escorting freighter fleet Streaming Power: GO SUPER POWERS! Bio: Eiru grew up on spaceships, as a young child he watched his father pilot his master?s freighter, even as a baby he would lay nearby, watching. He only saw fleeting glances of his Tulkot master, always being sent to his room when he or his guards came around to give orders. On his 6th birthday his father gave him a special birthday present, and his child hood ended that day. Over the course of 6 years his father had aged 30, the C-M radiation beginning to destroy his body...the Tulkotin master realizing he was losing a freighter pilot listened to the fathers plea and took the son to train him to take the fathers place. So on Eiru's sixth birthday he saw his father for the last time, and tearfully went onto his master?s pilot training camp. Life for Eiru in training was by no means easy, if not as hard as that of a miner. A slight mistake would cause the teachers to beat the lesson into you; a sever offense would result in C-M exposure, just enough to hurt and amuse the teachers. Such offenses once committed, and thus learned, were never committed again. While training, students first took a general course in controlling ground vehicles, atmospheric planes, and atmospheric to spatial craft transporters. Those who survived then were assigned to more specific classes. Eiru put all effort forth into learning to pilot spatial crafts, wishing to make the few memories he had of his father proud. He lived, and thus succeeded long enough to be assigned to piloting spaceships. Thus he learned to pilot "fighters", for the vehicles he learned to pilot had no weapons but could be called nothing else, and much more importantly, freighters. With these training came knowledge in how to use the Tulkot jump drives, which naturally lead him to think of escape...but this thought was only carried out once. At age 12 he graduated and took up his now dead fathers freighter. At 15, while piloting a freighter on a cargo run he jumped without permission and tried to outrun his masters ships to the borderlands, where he hoped to hide...unfortunately when he dropped out of the first "jump" he found out just how superior his masters ships were to his ancient relic...and was quickly pulled aboard. In punishment a small C-M charge was fired off right above a strip of skin on his back, deleting it from existence. Eiru lay in pain for weeks and if not for his costly training would have been left to die. Thus before his wound was fully healed he was reassigned to piloting on a small mining planet. Years passed, after he "healed" he always showed full obedience to his masters, never showing a wish to leave, and thus appeared a broken animal. After 6 years of such action "his" freighter was returned to him with a guard onboard, the guard was shortly removed. He continues to this day to show that broken animal, never acting without order, though inside he still carries a wish to gain freedom, stronger then ever, but will not act unless he knows without a doubt he can succeed. A year ago Eiru met a "spy" of his masters, and was ordered by roundabout means to smuggle him onboard a mining station, understanding if the boy was caught onboard the master would claim both as renegades and have him properly punished. Eiru did and has done many times before, ensuring that when the man was caught it was always off his ship. A year later the spy approaches Eiru again, offering him a cut of the money to smuggle him to another station. Eiru agrees not asking for details and having just received orders to transport cargo to the requested station presumes it is another spying mission for the master.
Mods maybe arn't ment to be dictaitors, but the very nature of their job...to censor (maybe not the correct spelling but ca't member at the moment) what isn't "appropiate" otherwise knowen as "spam" is in nature a dictaitorial position and enforces their own interuprutation of a rule upon a person. [Edit] oh fine I am being a lil generalized...here is a lsit of unbad mods..uhh...DeathKnightv4...um...Finalflash wasn't ~too~ bad (at least he listened to people) Raiha is by nature bad (or evil? who cares)Rico was always nice enough in the old days...can't say I know now...[/edit]
no, you don't want to be a mod, MODS are bad bad people who enforce their points of view upon people. they also enforce generaly stupid (imo.) codes and then turn around and break (like the spam sessions in other areas of adventure arena) after strictly saying spam is bad to an "unoffical" thread created by none mods...MODS are BAD BAD people and technicaly this s all spam on a recruitment thread, Harlequin why are you allowing this? your being a bad/bad person. [Edit] Yes Raiha is and always has/will be a bad person. Modship or no. Yes Im enjoying pointing out this but if your gonna be a mod you gotta stickler to the rules...I honestly don't care but am enjoying poking at Raiha/Harlequin/Ken? =D [/Edit]