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Everything posted by Anti
Since my friend Bryan is grounded from the web I am gonna sign him up o.O, I know his char pretty well and so he will be an npc till he gets ungrounded, oh and Amby you were full human I think, can't member though o.O;;;, and you were a paladin Name:Bryan Age:14 Race:Human Job:Treme's Second Special:Teleknesis Special Move:???? Weapons:Sword Appearance:Ripped jeans, white muscle shirt, and a bandana Bio:one of the origional 7 of legend, Treme's second in running Star's hope, during the Star's Hope first war he defended the main city through a long seige till Treme and the remnents of his army lifted the seige and ended the war. Is in love with Amber((last I heard 'ny ways)). family lost during the apocalypse
can I join in? ^^ Name:Zack Mansfield age:16 Location: Dallas, Texas Friend:Tyler Subject: Computers/modern technolgy
RPG Revolutionary Girl Utena RPG(Deulists Tourtament)- Sighn Up
Anti replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in Theater
I will be Miki Kaoru....though I have no idea what I am doing...a piano playing fencer with intellegnce...errr anything else I should know?...maybe Tursi should fill me in o.O;;; -
OOC:ahh through numerous events,none of which I wish to elaborate on, I have finnally found the time to return to Oaku, I see you guys kept this rpg alive and well w/o me((*reads over this part again and relizes it might be taken the wrong way*, I mean it as a compliment))...it will be nice to be back ----------------------- Sean:....we will have to use armagedon, what do you think Liam? Liam:withthat number, yeppzies Sabir:and what will the rest of us do? Sean:what, at least you do best...attacks where the most confusion will be...I have an idea...Liam, see that hill...go up it and at the last moment before armagedon become visible...then we can do like Alpha and Beta are... Sabir:attack from a flank? Sean:exactly...whatever is left is free killing...but even after armagedon the enemy will still be formidable...so...we could always wait to fight such large numbers till we are in a confined space...
Name:Treme Age:17 Race:Human Job:Leader/adventurer Special:Leadership, *edit 2*Psychic*/edit2* Special Attacks: pistol sword combo, attacks with his pistol then rushes with his sword Weapons:His fathers custom made sword, and pistol Appearence:BrownHair, in a ponytail, warriors clothing((cloak, tunic, pants)), blue-grey eyes Personallity:Young, silient, serious, caring, reserved Bio:The son of a military leader, who rose to lead the survivors of the apoaclypse to the town of star'shope, when the demons arose to power he took over an underground movement in the hope of oneday liberating Star's Hope from it's new occupents, He is one of the origonal 7 of legend, who built stars hope from scraps built in the wasteland and turned it into one of the worlds largest city's, with the blessings of Ken, turned it into a nation. *edit 2*Treme has psyich abilities even though he dosn't know it...*/edit2* *edit* oh I decided to add this in before people went around slicing my sword to little pieces, it is a titanuim diamond tipped one handed long sword, the titanuim is reinforced, but was made in space...so it is harder and stronger then anything we could make on earth, yet lighter, ok all done ^^ */edit*
oh I am back in...been away from Otaku for a while...Ken im me with whats been goin on
actully it will be 6(wolf)-6(dragon)-7(Pheonix) Krillen joined Wolf so thats makes 6 in there...and we need one person to move from Pheonix to Dragon...which I will do if no one else volunteers...
[I]Zack walks through the cave cautiously, more Orcs woulda arrived by now[/I] Zack:.... [I]Zack heard the sounds of fighting ahead...he hoped Æon was ok...as he rounded the last of the cave to see the orcs locked in battle with another force...and falling to it[/I] Zack:Æon who are they? Æon: ones...who helped but were forgotten... Zack: one of the tribes that is Kin to Nabashi's? Æon:yes...but one's of the air rather then the earth... [I]Zack climbs on Æons back, he left the battle to the air warriors...they had sworn to defend this moutin chain long ago...and he was allowed to pass...plus it wouldn't be proper for him to join a battle they had started...woulda been suggesting they were weak and needed help, so Zack turned and head back up the path...he didn't encounter anything as he took another path that went around the fort...upon getting close to the fort he did encounter a patrol of orcs...and quickly and siliently finished them...after that he silient rode through the under brush...till he was far enough away to ride openly and swiftly[/I] Zack:think the others did as told?....or once again ignored? Æon:what do you think? Zack:....figures.... Æon:two approach...sky born... Zack:friends? Æon:sound like Skee and Shardy... Zack:..... [I]Zack skids to a stop as the two wing born approach him, his spear at the ready, Æon crouched to leap into the air* Zack:.... [I]As the two shapes take form Zack throws the spear at them, landing right in front of them[/i] Diamoon:Zack, its us... Zack:....stay back you two... Kool:but... Zack:I said stay back!...I have my reasons... Diamoon/Kool:..... Zack:take the flanks or the rear....just stay back...and throw me my spear back *one of the shapes takes the spear and tosses it next to Æon, who reaches out with his jaw then hands it to Zack* Zack:lets go *Zack rides foward solemly towards camp*
your a friend....and you were mad....I understand...it's no problem...I would accept any judgement you would pass....but only because you are a friend
*scowels* well at least these forms serve some purpose....can always find out what people think of you...I don't care about Asuka's judgement of me...she knows me...I will accept that as my impression onto her...but be forwarned to any of you who plan to pass judgement on me without knowing me...it will be ignored...I only accept the judgement of friends...of which are few and far spread...
yeah....he will start when ready...paintce is something much needed in life...and I think Kizu is aiming more for the out of the town, no luxery simple cabin/camp idea....the only luxery is running water...andd we don't hafta hunt ^_^....I think....in the end it is all up to Kizu...
think mushy thought eh?....*shivers* poor guy... Raiha::flaming: kidding kidding ^_^...
Heigt and Weight Amber....mmms we could have a fourth cabin ^_^....
OOC: Emcew is the leader of knight....geez you people ignore post ^_^....kiddin...but in the very begging I said emcew was the leader of a group of knights...o.O
This reminds me of an old D&D game almost....with a gamemaster and everything...hehe this should be interesting...
OOC:sounds interesting...I am game ^_^ Name:Zack Mansfield Age:16 Gender:Male...I think... job class:this is a hard one...well we need a range striker, Wizard Limit Break:Omega's Drain- In an act of desperation, Zack pours all his remaining magical energies into the strongest attack spell he can muster, he focuses the spell in his weapon, then attempts to strike with the weapon, releasing the concentrated spell at the same time hp/mp:70/60 Equipment:wearing a light rope and feather hat, carrys a rod to help focus his energies
ummm Akira...you need a cabin...
*Anti and Criag stumble into Otaku Social* Anti:wow....finnally away...Forte distracted him Criag:yeah Anti:oh...hey Britty...whats with the dog? Britty:umm...it won't leave me alone *sweatdrop* Domino:must...take over world, using chalupas! Anti:umm...ok...*grins at it* might make a good meal.... Criag:shut it up before a mod notices!!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillen [/i] [B]I have a better idea, i say we load the 2 cabins up until there is enough for another cabin to start, then we will know for sure. [/B][/QUOTE] and I will say it again since people like to ignore me...I am going to be in pheonix cabin...even if I am alone!!...ok now that that is clear...I will see if I can't get some more people to join
*blinks at Kuja* Anti:now about a free Kuja whacking session? yes? good! *whacks Kuja a few times with the blunt end of his sword* Anti:and finnally a ki blast to your gut... *kuja glares at him in his moderatorness* Anti:umm nevermind ^_^.... *grabs his sphere and runs*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]I'm afraid your terms aren't quite PC, Will. If you want to sound semi-correct, use mentally challenged...retarded is one of the biggest derogatory terms and I hate it. [/color][/QUOTE][/B] I have one comment, it is the medical term for that kinda situation....so his terms are fine... I would...Iono, ummm....really not sure...so I choose a random vote...I would proubably keep it...
*steps forward, reads the offical count* Anti: O.O...I...got...best rpger?...thanks ^_^...me feels honored...although I think Rico or one of the older gamers probably deserves it more... *Anti grins and takes his sphere*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D*Star [/i] [B] :therock: [COLOR=chocolate]Hmm...I see. What is the max amount of cabins? Now there's Wolf, Dragon and Phoenix.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] No my eyes do that in real life...they are mostly a grey blue...but sometimes they change to a green-brown mix...and you can always see traces of the other color in my eyes...it's cool...although they say stuff like that is linked to psychosis...wouldn't surprise me ^_^...and he said 3 cabins max I think
[I]Treme walks out into the field, his sword drawn[/I] Seifer/Ralvenar:WOW!!... Treme:...be on guard...more monsters have been around recently... Ralvenar:so where should we go? Treme:well...I once met a Zoro...in lake hyrule...but the Zoro are also supposedly the servents of the king...so we got a choice...Hyrule City...or Lake Hyrule...which would you rather see more? [I]Treme begins to walk foward, not waiting for them to choose[/I] Treme:and don't dally...we got to be where ever before sundown...else we will be dealing with the dead...