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Everything posted by Anti
[I]Zack sits in the front driving and listening to the group talk[/I] Zack:...could someone throw me a bottle of water... [I]Zack's head snapps forward and the suv swerves a little but as Zack feels something slam into the back of his head[/I] Zack:oowwww..... Siren:NEIL!!! Neil:he said to throw him a bottle of water...so I did... [I]Zack laughs and picks up the bottle of water, he opens it and drinks it thirstly[/I]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B] ooc:Cool...a general. Oh wait..Military Collage...*shudder*I don't know when that general thing happened, but...COOL! ic: Akira:Man, now I know good it fells to not have dragon wings poking out of my shirt. [/B][/QUOTE] OOC:One of my post advanced time ahead about 4 monthes...over that time I turned you into a general of the Hope's Guard, the normal troops, and the most numerous, thier are also the Star's Knight, the elite, and the Royal Star Paladins, the fewest and the paladins...number about 5 now...right now a festival is about to begin...and a war...KEN YOUR ALIVE!!!...THANK GOD!!
[I]Zack stares at Nabashi[/I] Zack:I am saying no such thing...the war cost us all a lot for victory...don't you think I know that?...and I would pay that price again and again for vicorty...she wouldn't let me do otherwise...this is another one of those times when we may all have to sacrifice something for victory...and we must all be ready for it.... Nabashi:...and what will you be sacrificing? Zack:...the last thing I have left to me...my home...with the goblin gone the people will move into the forest, or cut it down...
[I]Treme looks over at siren[/I] Treme:so this is Bryan's surprise? Siren:I guess... Treme:not that bad a surprise...you look beutiful... [I]Siren blushes slightly[/I] Siren:thanks....
Zack:...I won't risk it Nabashi...I learned a long time ago to not trust prophacy's...for their was also a prophacy amongest your people if I remember..."and two young men shall find the disk of beast and rise the people from darkness"...and though this came true...it came at a hefty price...
[I]Zack stumbles foward to the fire place and sits down, forcing Asuka to do so also[/I] Zack:they could be...but I doubt it...why would they give something to thier own pupils?... Asuka:good point... Atheana:....well what do you think? Zack:war... Asuka:what do you mean? Zack:while I was training as a knight...I learned two things that could explain this... Asuka:what? Zack:first was a type of poison...I learned of because of the books I read all the time...it was similar to this...driving a mages powers out of control... Athena:is it deadly...? Zack:not really...although thier are a couple of recordings of it killing people... Asuka:how do you give it to someone...? Zack:water or food...woulda been easy in a town like this....which leads me to my other belief of war... Asuka:what? Zack:tensions between this kingdom and the dwarfs have been on the rise...ao if they were preparing for war...cripple this kingdoms magic and it loses one of it's most powerful assest in a war...strong magic...
[I]Zack walks up to Nabashi as he returns[/I] Zack:..... Nabashi:...sorry Wolf Leader...I disobeyed orders.... Zack:so? Nabashi:....she dosn't wish to join us...you made a bad impression...she thinks you are all about this war... Zack:I have to be...our very survival depends on it...if she dosn't relize that then that's her problem...but Nabashi:..... Zack:I understand why you went out after her.... [I]Everyone looks shocked hearing this from Zack[/I] Zack:...anyway...we need to meet with Emcew...she made her choice...We will make ours.... Æon:so you still do care don't you? Zack:yes I do...but unless they are completely dedicated to the cause they area danger.... Nabashi:....what do you mean? Zack:...don't you remember what happened last time...we had a trator...the only person who wasn't completely dedicated to the war...was a trator...and that trator caused the deah of one rider and countless others... Sere:Zack...you didn't know...none of us did... Zack:but I should have knowen...he came to me all the time for advice and to consoul in me...in fact he even told me indirectly a couple of times...but I won't risk that again...if thier life dosn't depend on this war being victorious...they won't be dedicated... Nabashi:but they will relize...the war is only begining. [I]Zack climbs up on Æon and turns to follow the trail[/I] Zack:...we ride to meet Emcew...let's move Everyone:Yes Wolf Leader
[I]Zack sits up in bed[/I] Zack:ugh... [I]Zack leans foward feeling the...he couldn't describe it...[/I] Zack:...what happened? Asuka:you just fell over... Zack:my body it feels... Athena:hot one moment cold the next?... Zack:yeah...but different...I just feel...I can describe it... [I]Zack forces himself to his feet and to stand up straight, he looks very serious, because he is maintaining a lot of will to keep from just passing out again[/I] Zack:....sorry...I shouldn't have just passed out like that...
[I]Zack fell to the ground...they had finnaly defeted the beast...Zack had blinded it...then led it into a pass...Andrew had crushed it with a boulder...ZAck got back to his feet...woke Akira...then they set out to meet kool and her group[/I]
[I]Zack walks to the locker room with Oroko behind him[/I] Oroko:I think I like Sere...alot....stupid testing...interupted my dinner... Zack:..... Oroko:what about you Zack any girls you like? Zack:....dono.... Oroko:haha surely thier must be a girl you like Zack:havn't thought about it... Oroko:HAHA...surely... Zack:..... [I]Zack and Oroko change into thier plug suits while they are talking...then walk down to the entry plugs...they climb into thier entry plugs...and synch testing begins[/I] Man:wow...Zack is doing pretty good... Man2:yeah...so are the other three...
[I]Zack nods in admiration at Magnuses Skill, then rushes foward himself. He rolls out of the way of the ogre's fist as it slams down near him. As he drops to roll he slashes into it's fist. The Ogre sreams in pain. Zack jumps over the next blow, and rushes foward, driving his sword into the Ogre's chest. The ogre hits the ground[/I] Zack:.... [I]Zack jerks his sword out of the Ogre and raises his sword up in time to use it to absorb some of the Ogre's blow. Zack goes flying backwards.[/I] Zack:....
[I]Zack watches Danali dismount[/I] Zack:....thats good news... [I]Everyone looks startled as this was the first time Zack had talked for hours...[/I] Zack:.....we should meet with Emcew soon...as soon as Nabashi returns... [I]Zack said this more as a suggestion...but most people ignored that taking it for an order[/I] Diamoon:...Zack...I will honor the pact... Zack:...thank you.... Sere:...Zack...whats wrong? Zack:..... [I]Zack continues to stare at the fire...thinking...[/I]
OOC:Akira...your the general of one of the armies...hehe check back a page or two...one of my longer post...hehe good to have you back though...
((Boshi...with the way your charecter is...she is supposed to be hard to get...just from the way you have been posting I knew...and so does Ash proubably that you will be hard to get...)) [I]Zack chuckles as he watches the two[/I] Zack:so that the one the guy loves.... [I]Zack watches Ash stand thier for a while, starting at the stars[/I] Zack:...he is going to have a hard time winning that one over... [I]Zack shrugs and walks to a portion of the wall...and slides it open...He walks downstairs and looks over many maps, showing all the passages in the surrounding area...thier is also weapons, treausure and many other things in containers scattered around the room...this was his base of operations...Zack returned upstairs as he heard movement[/I]
[I]Treme eyes Bryan suriosly[/I] Treme:wonder what he means by that...oh well I will let him surprise me this time... [I]Treme walks happly behind Bryan...both being created by citizens that were also heading for the festival[/I]
[I]Treme looks up startled[/I] Treme:nothing Bryan.... Bryan:...you can't lie to me... Treme:well don't worry about it... [I]Treme smiles happly[/I] Treme:come on lets go to the festival...what have you got in surprise for me?... Bryan:who me?...surprise our grand leader...NEVER!! [I]Treme laughs joyesly and eyes him playfully[/I] Treme:I know your up to something Bryan....
OOC: ok picking up where I left off...lets see if I can't get those creative juices flowing... ------------------------------------ [I]Zack stared off into the woods...forcing himself to remember those days of horror.... Zack:Emcew I need to retrieve that egg... Emcew:I know Zack I know...be careful freind...the enemy will be numerous around there.... Zack:right...you will keep the rest of the riders and defend Alterone...? Emcew:I will...Zack we are just now begining to win the war back...partially in part to you...and to the pact we made... Zack: don't worry Emcew my friend...I won't be dieing anytime soon... With that Zack had turned on Æon and rode off. Zack rode many miles, avoiding the enemy as much as he could, occaisonaly dropping out of the woods ambushing a group he couldn't get around, He kept contact with Emcew and the other riders through a pigion. He soon reacher the Shrine...retrieved the egg and fell for a trap he should have relized was thier...after all he had been he one who invinted it...It was then the first time her thought he saw her...the only one he had showen his trap...he managed to escape the trap though...by grabing the egg and running like hell...he quickly raced across the country side...being chased by the dark army...It was in the planes of Albay that he was first spotted by one of the warriors scoouting..Diamoon...back then Diamoon was just a knight...but he had become friend with Emcew and Zack during the war...Zack at that time was barely in front of the pursueing forces... Zack: DIAMOON CATCH!!! [I]Zack chuncked the egg as hard as he could as Æon was shot in the leg, already wounded Æon tripped and feel, bringing Zack with him[/I] Diamoon:Zack run for it!! Zack:NO...I will protect Æon...I won't make it anyway...take the egg, you must protect it, Also find Emcew and tell him thier is a trator in our ranks!!.... Diamoon:ZACK!!! Zack:go now!! Zack picked up his spear, StarSpike, and turned to face the oncoming group...Zack rushed them , and through his spear into the first oncoming one at the last moment, He quickly unsheathed his dagger,Wolf's Fang. and lunged forward. He quickly stabed the next on coming warrior, but wasn't able to pull his dagger out in time and was knocked out...After that his memory came in and out...being tortured...seeing things that would drive him insane to remember again and being interogated...for another item...something that neither side had...something more powerful...he never found out exactly what it was...and her...She had been lost during the war...but here she was...One day she came into the dungeon...and released him...she gave him his weapons... Zack:...why are you doing this...? Christian:...because he control me... Zack:a spell?... Christian:...I am sorry Zack...I still love you... Zack:...then come back... Christian:I can't... She raised her weapon and suddenlly, recklessly charged him. Zack's natural reaction set in...he parried the blow...and removed the threat... Christian:thank you Zack...Æon is free...goodbye... Zack couldn't remember anything besides that moment...his survival set in...he escaped the place and got on Æon...and he rode...rode...but he was never there...his mind was stuck in that moment...seeing her dieing...because of his inability during hose times...he had caused the death of a rider...once he had returned...he was cold...he had lost everything...except his home...he fought the rest of the war to defend that home...then when it became threatened again...he left the knights and became the goblin of the forest[/I] Zack:..... [I]Zack siliently walks back to camp and sits down, looking colder then ever...[/I] Zack:where is Nabashi? Diamoon:...he went to get Amber.... Zack:..... [I]Zack stares into the fire, his eyes showing anger[/I]
OOC:Leona is with Diamoon, Nabashi, Kool, Danali, and Cara..they went to get Diamoon to open a sealed place...Zack and Diamoon are old friends...and he is surprised at how much Zack has changed...At one point Nabashi, Zack , Kool, and Danali went off to save Amber...afterwards Zack got pissed at something she said and they left her alone...now they are sitting around the campfire while Zack is off in the woods on his own...but you will understand more if you just go back and read the post...
[I]Zack sits downstairs with eahc of them asleep in his rooms, he looks up as Kool comes downstairs[/I] Zack:...can't sleep? Kool:nope...Zack why do you lead your men? [I]Zack looks at her surprised[/I] Zack:why? Kool:..because I have been made the leader of our group...and you lead those men...thought I might get some advice Zack:I lead them because they asked me too...because I like to lead people...and this is where I was needed... Kool:how do you lead them?... Zack:that a tough one...all you can do is follow what your morals tell you...try to cater to everyones needs...but always remember what the long term goal is...when you lead you will make sacrifices... Kool:...why do your men fight?... Zack:...because...putting one man in charge of a small group is one thing...putting him in charge of kingdom is another...and with the way we are lead...corruption is bound... Kool:what do you mean? Zack:...the light king may be just...but who says his kids or thier kids will be?...he can't guarentee that...so we need to find a way in which more then one person has power...so if one becomes corrupt...the others can remove him...and we fight to defend our land....both kings have destroyed the land in a fight for the throne...we don't want that anymore.... [I]Zack looks over at Kool starting to drop off from exahuastion[/I] Zack:...I will travel with you Kool...and help you lead if you wish it...but you need to sleep...go ahead and take my room...I have none others left... Kool:where will you sleep? Zack:I sleep very little these days...plus you are my guest...If I decide to sleep the floor is just as good as any bed to me...now go on... Kool:...alright...thank you Zack.. Zack:yeah... [I]Zack turns back to looking outside as Kool walks upstairs[/I]
Sia, you are a girl :P....j/k j/k j/k....mmmms I know who my vote is for GO GO GO GO GO GO!!! GOOOO ((censoring and extreme beating of Anti))...owwww...:blackeye:
Charceter Name:Zack Charecter Class:Human, Warrior Describtion:Zack was a human lost to the human world. He was in the forest when the seige upon the his world began...and during the ensueing attacks, Zack lost his memory of the human world...of all he had knowen. From that point on he fought against the "man-beast" to defend what he thinks of as his home. He wears a stone mask ashamed to look like the "man-beast". He carry's a spear and a self made stone dagger. He knows a little evilish from an elf that used to visit him.He wears clothing made out of animal fur.He is agile, relying on speed over strength. 16 years old, Grey-Blue eyes, and Dark Brown hair, grown out and pulled back into a ponytail with some strong vines. Hopes&Dreams:To defend his home from both man and the evil. To know his origins. Moves:Stealth Spear mastery Herbology((He knows all the cures and poisons of his forest))
[I]Zack's men had succesfully raided the carvan...and now were trurning home across the plain...when they saw the battle going on between the demon and the adventures[/I] Zack:...it is our duty to defend them...move!! [I]Zack and his men unload thier weapons and march across the battle field[/I] Zack:aim for it's eyes...we have fought one of these before.... [I]Zack and his men stop as the aura from Kool lights the creature on fire...unfortunetly it regains it's feet.[/I] Zack:Attack!! [I]Zack rushes foward, the 50 other members following. Zack barely dodges the stinger on the demons tail as he moves in close. He jumps over one of the pincers and unsheaths his sword at the last moment...He drives it into the creatures eye as the runes light up...The creature falls back in pain furiously trying to remove Zack's sword. As the runes flare to complete life the creature sends out a death scream...then hits the ground...ZAck retrieves his sword then walks up to heaven[/I] Zack:.... Kool:...thank you Zack:it was no problem...I think I will travel with your group Heaven..tonight would you join me at my village? Heaven:I am not the leader...Kool is Zack:then Kool? Kool:we would be honored too... [I]Zack's men walk back to the caravan and set off for the village with the group walking beside[/I]
[I]As Mia holds the sword a voice is heard comming from it[/I] Gaia:Mia of the Rabbit Clan,you are now the owner of the Omni Sword...to the other Gaians who helped to bring the sword...I will give each of you a gift to help defend you... [I]Zack watches as light begins to flow under him...as he looks himself up and down he is covered in armour...it feels like normal clothing to him...but it shines....Zack wills the glow to dissappear. It shows a pair of pants and a shirt, solid white...[/I] Zack:....
[I]Zack stares at Craig's assumption...if they had knowen where Lupos was...why did they go through him...Zack decided he would have to wait to find this out...[/I] Zack((writing)):ok lets go to the desert...I know someone who has...a home out there.... Lupos((Writing)):A home? Zack((Writing)):yeah...he lives under ground...good to have lots of contacts...even if they are mostly insane...I will go pack my equipment up... [I]Zack turns and walks to his room[/I]
[I]Zack turns and walks off into the forest with his bow drawn[/I] Zack:.... [I]Zack stares into the woods as Siren catches up with him[/I] Siren:...anything? Zack:this place hasn' seen animals in months...if not more... Siren:think we can find food? Zack:I saw some nuts and berrys a while back... Siren:...ok... [I]They walk back to the berry bush...Zack picks the berrys then looks up[/I] Zack:remember the time when we did this last?.... Siren:yeah...you used the bery's as... [I]Zack interupts her in mid sentance by takeing a berry and gently smashing it on her forhead, then spreading the conents out[/I] Siren:!!!...why I oughta.... Zack: oughta what!! [I]Zack picks up another berry and throws it at her playfully[/I]