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[I]Zack is just finishing his dinner as the phone rings[/I] Zack:hello?... ???:we need you at nerv hq...testing and you have to be on call at all times...you must be ready to fight... Zack:ok...me and Ciarnait will be thier soon.... Ciarnait:who was that? Zack:Nerv...they want us thier... [I]Just as Sere and Orok are sitting down for dinner they recieve a similier call....Zack and Ciarnait walk out and catch the bus to the Nerv train station[/I]
[I]Zack walks off into the woods alone[/I] Zack:so Skee hatched...then...but why would the dark forces come to life for that?....I know the last war had many reasons...one major one being the protection of that egg...but...thier was another big reason...one less seen...I only know of it because of...then... [I]Zack stares off into the forest remembering all that had happened those days he was a captive[/I] OOC:I will continue this post later...don't have time to type a big long post
[I]Zack and Magnus run down the road as fast as they can...about an hour nd a few miles later Zack skids to a stop and faces the Ogres, He draws his long sword[/I] Zack:...huh huh((breathing))...no more running... Magnus:what are you doing? Zack:the Ogre's will catch us before we reach a town... Magnus:you suggesting we stop and fight? Zack:better then being run down from behind... Magnus:..... Zack:what ever you do choose quick...either get help or help me... [I]Zack drops into a dash stance waiting for the Ogres to get iwthin range[/I]
All these people that are going to see the movie without reading the book...you guys are nuts...I am betting the movie will be great but I can gurantee you this...many sences that you would see in the book...you won't see in the movie...it is impossible to fit a 600+ page book into a 3 hour movie...not without cutting out large chuncks....but I am still eager to see the movie...going to have great special effects...and they should do reallly really well...Leglios is cool...but I think my favorite charecter is either Strider((Also called Aragorn)) or Frodo...bah...I can't say anything else less I spoil a part of the book...hehe and also read the book first...or else you will hear the actors voice everytime you read the book...will be very hard to get your own mental image/sound of the charecters....but I am very very hyped to see the movies...I have read all the books on Middle Earth...Tolken created a whole world...a good book to read on what happened before the War of the Ring((The big war that is happening during the books)) read a book called The Silmarillion...very very good...
OOC:Raiha did you lose a lot of post recently?...wern't you over 2000 the other day....?....just wondering... [I]Sean quietly eats his meat[/I] Sean:...have you guys decided on who should carry the sword?... Everyone:yes.... Sean:I say Mia... Sabir:Mia Liam:Mia Siren/Cyad:....Mia.... Burn:Mia... Mia:.... Sean:Mia will you take possecsion of the Omni Sword? Mia:...Burn?... Burn:go ahead... Mia:...I will... Sean:...good then once we are done eating...you may take the sword... [I]Sean cuts himself a small portion of the deer and begins to eat[/I]
Zack:...here is an Idea for you...maybe the council is your fourth factor Lupos.... Lupos:what?.... Zack:maybe the reason teh tristies have gotten power is because your own council, your elders...are nothing more then traitors... Neil:are you suggesting full bloods would betray their kin?... Zack:yes I am...but we shall find out soon enough shan't we...you told me to get the location of the witches...I got it...you want to destroy thier colony...thats where it is... Craig:and how do we know you are even any good at what you did...? Lupos:he is, he has done many jobs for me Liam:me also... Zack:well...why don't you see if the witch can confirm anything I have been saying?...
[I]Sean pulls out some dried meat from his bag[/I] Sean:this should hold you guys till we can get some fresh meat... [I]Sean gives each of them some of the jerky, and begins eating some himself[/I] Sean:....
[I]Sean holds SabirSings hand and stares at Gaia[/I] Sean:Gaia...why her? Gaia:she is the only one who knows only love... Sean:what do you mean? Gaia:the rest of you..all seek vengence...you would become corrupt... [I]Sean wakes up from his sleep...Sabir still asleep beside him[/I]
[I]Zack smiles at Siren knowing full and well that should make him talk...but he starts to feel his own emotions boil over[/I] Zack:....WHATS GOING ON HERE!?!?! [I]Everyone looks relativly startled...Neil looks up from his meal[/I] Siren:what do you mean Zack?.... Zack:why not ask Craig or Neil...they should know... Craig:know what?? Zack:where the Tristie colony is... Neil:what's that mean...think we have been conspiring with the witches? Zack:yes...I have proof... [I]Zack pulls out his pocket computer...He pulls up the information[/I] Zack:when I was performing the trace...this is where the signal came from... Espa:but thats... Zack:...the room of the council of nine...so why don't one of you inform me why the signil is comming from there? Siren:Zack was your equipment working corectly?? Zack:100%...I checked it 10 times...and even ran a few test traces...no errors...so...Lupos...Liam...Neil...Craig...why don't one of you inform me why I would be getting the signal of the Witches at the Vampire headquarters in L.A.?
[I]Sean nods[/I] Sean:...it makes sense...but we shall see Liam...just sleep and we will solve our problem once we all have a clear mind... [I]Sean forces himself to Relax and enjoys the warmth of having Sabir by him[/I]
[I]Zack shots one as it approaches Liam[/I] Zack:....your ignoring the enemy...they are escaping... [I]Criag, Neil and Siren all run out of the room to catch the ones that took off...soon you hear the screams of the Witches as they die[/I] Zack:.....I also have information...once you got the prisoner secure and evryone is here I will tell it... [I]Zack walks with his pistol drawn as Liam carrys the prisoner[/I]
[I]Sean sits down next to her starting at the sword[/I] Sabir:you want to wield it don't you?... Sean:I would be lying if I said the power dosn't attract me...but I don't really want to...I will leave it up to the others and you... Sabir:...who do you want to wield it?... Sean:...if it were just for skill...Burn or Cyad...but so much more is involved with this...because of what it represents...I am not sure... [I]Sean leans against the stone wall staring at the sword as Sabir leans against him[/I]
[I]As the battle flares up Zack backs into the shadows...keeping the witches attention off him. He however continues to kill witches with his pistol, keeping them off the others. He watches as a witch comes up behind Espa...and it is dead before she even relized it was there...He also saves Craig and Neil once...which once they relize they were saved by him go into the battle looking extremely pissed...and Zack knew why...they owed him a life debt...[/I] Zack:that must really piss them off...knowing the owe a human a life debt...but... [I]Zack decides to forget what he had discovered until the battle wa over[/I]
[I]Sean watches Burn reach up to take the sword, and a barrier prevents him...Sean looks over and sees that time seems to stand still...[/I] Sean:.... Burn:why does it not let me?... Sean:I think we all have to agree on the sword barer...this is a powerful thing we will be giving the user... Burn:so you stopped me?... Sean:...I don't know what stopped you.... Sabir:we don't have time for this.... Sean:...time has stopped...look outside...everything has stopped...we have all the time we need...this is the embodyment of Gaia's power...I believe you would make a good sword bearer...but...I believe we all have to decide...or the sword won't accept the bearer...
[I]Zack stands back knowing he won't survive for long in meele combat, He raises his pistol and shots a Witch twice, once in the headn and once in the chect, it falls to the ground as it's flesh begin to be eaten away[/I] Zack:...... [I]One Witch rushes at Zack, Zack watches as with blinding speed the Witch rushes him, Zack stands there ready to take the witch with him, knowing he can't dodge, when the witches blade is deflected and Siren is standing between the two, her dagger blocking the witches blade[/I] Zack:.... [I]Zack moves in next to Siren and they both begin to attack the Witch. soon Zacks sword decapitates the Witches head[/I]
[I]Zack is downstairs...his tracking equipment working perfectly...suddenlly it blinks and screws up[/I] Zack:SH*T...come on work work!!!.... [I]Zack kicks one of the machines and it comes back online[/I] Zack:..... Siren:got it?... Zack:y...yes... Siren:what's wrong?... Zack:...tell you later...tell the others we got where the signal is orignating from...down to half an inch... [I]Zack prints out the information double checks it then stores it on his pocket computer, he shuts everything down right as his first tracking defense failed...Zack picks up his sword and gun and walks up to espa[/I] Zack:...... Espa:Zack I sense something is wrong... Zack:very....but first we will kill the witches...tell you when your life isn't under threat...and when everyone else is here... [I]Zack picks up his pistol and sword as he hears the first of the fighting begin[/I]
OOC:I think she meens the Omni Sword Liam.... Sean:right....Everyone...get out your gems...Sabir I hope you can handle the psychic gem,even though you are week to it...you have more psychic abilities then any of us...Mia take the Earth... [I]Sean pulls out the light gem and it hovers in front of him, Cyad takes the water, Siren the wind, Liam the thunder, Sabir takes the psychic but imdeaditly looks slightly sickened, Burn takes the fire and Mia takes the Earth[/I] Liam:...what now?.... Sean:...I am not sure... [I]Sean stares into the gem...and then it hits him...the way to form the Omni Sword floods into his brain as i he had knowen it all his life..Sean stares into the gem and it begins to revolve...quickly, he raises his hands and the gem floats up above him...the others are moved into a circle by thier gems, with one spot missing across from Sean[/I] Sean:focus your energy into it...feel the other gems...feel them combined....
[I]The four return to Diamoon and Leona, each dismounts[/I] Diamoon:where those two come from?.... Zack:they helped... Diamoon:and the one you went to save...Skee said it was Amber...where is she? Danali:he left her to fend for herself... Zack:she made her choice... Diamoon:...what happened to you Zack...you used to care about such things? Zack:....I met reality.... [I]Zack turns and walks off into the woods[/I] Diamoon:...what happened to him after I left...? Nabashi:...he was captured by the enemy...we don't know what he went through...but he was a mess when he escaped and finnally found us again...then he went cold... Diamoon:...so he has changed... Nabashi:...not completely...sometimes his old self peeks through...but those are rare moments indeed...and short lived...the old him is somewhere in thier...but it is sealed deep with in him... Danali:He seems cold and heartless to me... Nabashi:he has one...just it is buried deep within him...I would be willing to bet that descion hurt him more then you think...even if he never shows it...He cares for each and everyone that he commands...
Zack:thats because you have been around vampires a lot longer then I have...and so ignore half of what they say.... [I]Most of them jump as Zack speaks, not relizing he was there[/I] Espa:what do you mean? Zack:I only learned about the exsistants of Nightwalkers a day ago...you have spent a large portion of your life around them...you knew what to ignore... [I]Craig smirks[/I] Craig:I only speak the truth about you vermin... Zack:as I do you...but if you wish to continue being the wolves hidden amongest the sheep...you will learn to leave valuable "livestock" alive... Craig:what do you mean... Zack:I set up a Deadmans switch...your survival depends on secrecy...as long as I am around and I feel threated...the switch stays... Craig:a what?.... Lupos:it is a pretty safe means of protecting oneself through blackmail...it involves having information or a weapon so powerful that it's use threatens the survival of the person...it is often set up to where a code has to be sent or the weapon or information will automaticly be released... Neil:and what does this human have that threatens our survival? Liam:simple...he could destroy our secrecy...you know how the humans would react....they would all hunt us down...and over 6.2 billion against a million maybe two...they would win no matter how many we killed... Zack:exactly.... Neil/Craig/Matt:why you stinking Vermin we ought to.... Zack:better watch your tongue...it is already set up and running... Siren:Zack.... Zack:...I don't expect any of you to trust me after this...I would understand...but I had to ensure my survival...and my races... Lupos:what do you mean...what about the balance?... Zack:the balance works both ways...Humans may be yours to prey upon and keep in check...but the prey must also ensure that the hunters are kept in check... Craig:but we have to worry about the witches... Zack:they are your hunters...yet do you not also keep them in check?...do you not keep them from gaining to much power?...it is balance...and though you may trust your kin to keep the balance Lupos...from my view if some of your kin gained power they would destroy the balance completly...thus thier will always be humans watching vampires...though few...you may be wolves amongest sheep...but thier must be sheperds to ensure that the wolves don't gain to much power...it is a balance...where all must be kept in check by the other pieces of the balance...if any one gains to much power then it becomes corupt...no matter how just the one that gains power it will corupt...
OOC:That post of yours before mine is kinda late kool....the trolls allready left...and my last post is talkin bout Amber...was typing it while you posted bout the trolls....
[I]Zack walks over to Asuka and sits by the fire next to her[/I] Zack:.....soo...what do you think is going on?... [I]Zack leans backward and falls over[/I]
[I]Zack stops hearing her he jumps off Æon and walks up to her[/I] Zack:fine...don't join the pact...you did during the war...but apparently you are ignorant of how we will win again... Amber:.... Zack:Nabashi, Danali leave her...we have wasted enough time protecting those who won't help bring victory... Danali:but thats.... [I]Zack stares at her coldly[/I] Zack:this one will bring nothing but ruin...I won't be responsible for that...we can't afford to stretch our selves to thin... Nabashi:..... Danali:so you will just leave her for the next force that comes? Zack:she said it herself...she made the choice...we have more to save then just this girl that would prefer to be a danager to us and waste our time then help.... Nabashi:Zack.... Zack:Nabashi....these are the same people that destroy our home...are you going to start on me now to?... Nabashi:just remember all life is precious... Zack:every day you sacrifice one if not more lives to keep yourself healthy to defend your forest...well right now I am choosing the mass over the individual... [I]Nabashi nods and turns to follow Zack, Danali just stares at them[/I] Zack:you may not like my choice...but don't whine to me..you made a pact...I won't waste my time defending that which could get us all killed...we may well die anyway but if we do it will be defending a lot more then just this one that dosn't even care... Danali:....I will follow Wolf Leader.... [I]Danali and Kool also turn and begin to follow Zack, Zack sets his pace to as fast as Æon will go...and they are out of sight, in the woods a moment later[/I]
[I]Zack stares out the window[/I] Zack:something is brewing...I can feel it in my bones... Asuka:oh?... [I]Zack relizes she is looking out the hall[/I] Zack:hey...you should be resting...near the fire...getting warm... [I]Zack graps her gently and slowly pulls her to the fire[/I] Zack:I would have stayed anyway you know.... [I]Zack walks and gets a glass of cold water and gives it to Athena[/I]
[I]as Nabashi stabs the troll Zack sticks his Spear in the wound...the troll lights up...the last two trolls reatreat...Amber manages to hit them both with flaming arrows...Zack turns to Nabashi and Amber....Zacks eyes show anger and battle lust[/I] Zack:..... Nabashi:err someone's about to get.... Amber:..... Zack:Amber what have I told you about wondering off...I thought you had learned your lesson in the war.... Amber:but.... Zack: Danm it... Amber:Zack I'm sorry... Zack:.... [I]Amber turns to walk back to camp, Nabashi and Danali stare at Zack[/I] Nabashi:Zack.... Zack:we nearly lost her last time she ran off during the war...we could have very well lost her again...one reason we nearly lost the war was because we all had a tendency to do it our way...we also lost a rider..I don't want that to happen again...and to avoid that we must work as a team...if we all go our own path then we are already doomed.... Nabashi:...... Zack:I want you two and Amber to go meet Emcew...scout ahead...but avoid battle...I will go get Diamoon and Leona... [I]Zack walks over to Æon and gets on him, they turn and run back to camp[/I]
[I]Zack watches Nabashi slam into a troll and sees it's wound. Zack rushes foward and stabs his flaming spear deep into the wound, He slides backwards as he yanks his spear out and blocks the trolls return blow.As he regains his control and rushes foward, launching into the air, as he comes down he stabs his spear into the top of the trolls head. The troll dies almost instantly. Zack is forced to leave his spear in the burning troll and pulls out his knife as he jumps from the troll[/I] Zack:you ok Nabashi? Nabashi:..... [I]Zack having lost his spear goes on the defensive...Amber walks over and he takes her quiver of arrows and lights their tips on fire before she shoots them. Zack hands her the lfint as he notices the troll is done burning. He rushes foward to get it and barley backflips out of the way of a trolls fist as it slams down where he was. Zack thinking fast stabs his dagger into the Trolls hand, pinning it to the ground and uses his daggerto launch himself the last few feet to his spear. he grabs it and rolls barely dodging the other fist. He rushes foward and quickly stabs the troll three times being sure to keep from getting his spear stuck. The troll dies quickly[/I]