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OOC:whats your idea?....and no we arn't following the story as far as the Eva's go....
[I]Zack rides foward hard faced..He pulls out his spear[/I] Zack:...if you do go evil...I will kick you again till you come back...again... Nabashi:knew I could count on you.... Zack:..... [I]The two emerge and see the group of trolls converging on Amber, she has her bow drawn and has wounded one of the trolls badly, Zack pulls out a piece of flint and a rag, he pulls the rag over the edge of the spear and lights it on fire[/I] Zack:remember trolls will only truely die from fire...so you wound em and I will finish em.... Nabashi:right Wolf Leader [I]As they get in range Zack hurls his Spear into the serverly wounded troll. It lights on fire and quickly becomes a pile of ashes. Æon rushes foward through a gap in the trolls toward Amber, He skids to a hault and faces the trolls. As Æon skids Zack lets himself be shot off the wolf, In midair he grabs his spear and yanks it out of the ground, while flipping himself over. He lands on his feet his spear at the ready, in front of Amber.[/I]
OOC:.....not exactly how I pictured Zack...but it works....*laughs* Zack:...so are you heading for the war? Magnus:yeah Zack:....whats it like being famous?... Magnus:wouldn't know....I satyed on my residents almost all my life.... Zack:....well you can expect what I did to you...heh wanted to see how you would react...lets start over...I am Zack Mansfield... Magnus:Magnus Gallant Zack:ahh of the Gallant family...your father the grand war heroe? Magnus:...yes.... Zack:my family gained noblty throuh the war...now I am being sent to this one...sometimes being a noble is a pain...like my girlfriend...she is a commoner...and everyone disapproves...but I don't care...my family rules the land justly...and I will make what ever friends I want regardless of rank.... Magnus:..... Zack:..... Magnus:will the other Nobles treat me like you did at first...? Zack:the ones that want to be seen with you.... Magnus:what about you?... Zack:you seem like someone who might make a good friend...but I could careless how important your father is...if I didn't like ya...you would know... [I]Zack looks back at the road[/I]
[I]Zack walks out of the training circle...his father quickly following[/I] Sir.Mark:good boy...you finnally bested me in combat... Zack:thank you father Sir.Mark:Zack I am going to send you to join the army fighting the ogres... Zack:...I will do as you wish.... Sir.Mark:HAHA Zack you are the one who has been most eager for adventure...this will be your chance.... [I]Zack nods[/I] Sir.Mark:Zack you will be representing our family out thier...make me proud... Zack:I will father...when do I leave... Sir.Mark:now...what you will need for the journey has already been packed...along with a letter from me to the commander and some gold... Zack:then I shall take my leave father.... [I]Zack walks into the house[/I] Odessa:so you are leaving Zack? Zack:I am mother.... Kenna:where you going? Zack:to join the war.... Kenna:so you really will be leaving me alone?... Zack:...I will visit.... Kenna:....ok brother...but you better promise to come back... Zack:I promise... [I]Kenna runs up and hugs Zack[/I] Odessa:you better be carful out there boy...don't want to make your mother worry do you? Zack:no mother.... Girl's Voice:ZACK MANSFIELD WHERE ARE YOU!!! [I]Zack grabs his traveling pack then walks outside. He sees a young women of about his age with brown hair that goes down to the bottom of her back. She has crystal blue eyes[/I] Zack:Hey Christian:hey Zack....why the traveling pack? Zack:....going to the.... Christian:not the war!!! Zack:.... Christian:but...you could die.... Zack:I could...but my family are nobles...we have to send someone...and I want the adventure... Christian:Zack this isn't a game!! Zack:....I know it isn't.... Christian:.....I...I need to go Zack.... Zack:....as do I....good bye Christian...I will return... Christian:you better.... [I]Zack walk down the road as Christian turns and walks in the other direction..to the town that was nestled in the land Zack's family had earned...[/I]
[I]Zack stretches in his chair and yawns...he was finnally finished...since Siren was out of the room he looked out the window...the sun was still high in the air...Zack walked out into the hall and up to the library[/I] Zack:.... [I]Zack sees Criag's weapon and then sees the 3 katanas[/I] Zack:...I am finished... Lupos:good...Zack you look exhausted.... Zack:I am...you guys should rest too...I doubt tonight will be easy on yall... [I]Zack turns and walks back to his room...and falls to the bed and stares up at the ceilieng, thinking about all that happened in the fast few days...[/I]
[I]Zack looks at Sephiroth[/I] Zack:so whats going on?... Sephiroth:....I have a mission Zack:...ok...We won't do anything to horrible while your gone... Cianait:yeah just party.... [I]Zack laughs a bit while Sephiroth looks at her[/I] Seph:just keep the place clean... Zack:we will... [I]A car was heard pulling up and Sephiroth walked out to it[/I] Zack:..... [I]Zack sits down on the couch as Ciarnait turns on the tv[/I] Zack:wonder what his mission is....
OOC:your going with Emcew.... [I]Zack watches the girl walk off with cold eyes[/I] Zack:...she ignores the pact... [I]Zack leans against a tree and watches Sere, Diamoon and Nabashi all talk cheerfully about old times. Leona also watches quietly[/I]
[I]As the voice dies away Zack hears another voice in his mind Lusafer:Zack this is your teacher...Orianna told me you are watching her pupil for her...stay there...I will come get you... The voice disappeard and Zack decided he had better listen..he turned and walked into his room ..Asuka looked up at him[/I] Asuka:so? Zack:lost her...did you hear?... Asuka:yes...what should we do?... Zack:my teacher told me to stay here...with you and your sister...so I guess we should wait.... [I]Zack stood and looked around again nervously[/I]
[I]Zack, Nabashi, Sere, and Leona come out of the forest...Zack looks on at the two riders sitting their...and notices one...[/I] Diamoon:halt riders... Zack:.... Sere:Hey Diamoon!! [I]Sere walks up followed by the other three...Zack trailing behind[/I] Diamoon:Sere, Naabshi...good too see you two...I see you brought two new.... [I]Diamoon trails off as he notices Zack's uniform[/I] Diamoon:....why is that one wearing...but that can't... Zack:it is... Skee((to Diamoon)):that dosn't feel like him... Zack:it is me.... Diamoon:.... Zack:hello Diamoon...see you have been doing well for yourself...Æon please come and tell them it is me... [I]Æon walks out of the woods and talk to Skee[/I] Skee((to Diamoon)):it is him...but he has changed... Diamoon:...hello Zack...how have you been?.... Zack:...ok...we need your help...will you honor the pact? Diamoon:....I will... Zack:...and you friend?...
[I]Zack sits quietly and plays with Sirus, training him[/I] Zack:so we are going to destroy th sword... Sirus:I guess so... [I]Zack nods then continues trainging with Sirus[/I]
[I]Zack looks up from downstairs watching them[/I] Zack:....you guys need to learn how to keep from bickering so much...between that fight, your screaming, and the constant threats...it's a wonder the Tristies havn't found you guys allready.... [I]Zack shrugs[/I] Zack:so would you guys please keep it down...some of us need to work... [I]Zack turns back to the hall and a moment later, through the silience, work can be heard being renewed[/I]
[I]Zack watches as each rider present mounts their monster and pledge themself to the pack[/I] Zack/Emcew:the pack is honored... Zack:Emcew Nabashi went and scouted...the dark ones are returning...in mass... Emcew:what!?!.... Zack:the path to the sanctuary is blocked bu legions...we will have to go the old way.... Emcew:yeah...but we need Skee and Diamoon to unseal that way... Zack:...then we shall have to find them... Emcew:I will take half and go secure the entrance to the old path....it will proubably be lightly guarded.... Zack:right...Leona, Nabashi, Sere....you three come with me...We will go find Diamoon...Be Safe Emcew [I]Zack climbs onto Æon and takes off into the west...Diamoon had gained much fame...and last Zack heard he was in that direction...and Zack knew Diamoon would have made is way to the summoning...even if he didn't show himself...as was his way...[/I] Zack:Spread out...Nabashi you know how Diamoon is...he has proubably been watching this whole time...he certantly watched us for a long time in the old days... Nabashi:he proubably didn't regonize you Zack...phsycially or emotionally...last he had saw you was before...you got captured... Zack:....spread out but stay in yelling distance...he is proubably near by...move... [I]Zack takes off into the nearby woods, keeping an eye out for the tell tell signs that Diamoon was nearby[/I]
[I]Sean gets back to his feet and faces the Dark Lord...he notices Liam[/I] Sean:...Liam...get the lighting gem...I will handle the dark one... [I]Sean has morphed back into a human and the gem is flaoting in front of him. Sean puts the gem away as Liam turns and runs down the hall into the deepest parts of the temple, Sean moves between the passage and the dark lord[/I] D/L:so you think you can stop me?... Sean:..... [I]Sean raises his hand and it sears into the shadows...the shadows quickly disappear and a man of avarge build and looks is showen[/I] D/L:so you penetrated my first defense...good good... Sean:.... [I]Sean raises his daggers and rushes the Darklord. As Sean rushes forward a dark radience shoots out...Sean stops in midtrack and notices as light is sucked into the center...Sean relizes what he is...or rather not seeing...The Dark gem...[/I] Sean:so thats how you came to power... D/L:yes... Sean:....... [I]Sean watches Liam race by, the lighting gem in his hands...Sean wonders how they will form the sword...then remembers....the sword can be formed missing one gem...it won't be at near full strength though...Sean stares at the Dark Lord[/I] D/L:so you got your precious gem huh....good bye Gaian...we shall meet again....if my minions don't finish you first... [I]with that the Dark Lord disappears into the shadows, Sean turns ad runs out onto the battlefield where he notices the others are completely sourounded...[/I] Sean:HEY!! get to the temple..!!! [I]Sean raises his hand and completely incinerates one of the warriors, then begins to guard the entrance to the temple as the group fights their way down[/I]
[I]Zack stares at the group of adventures for a second as they walk out of his camp[/I] Zack:...Heaven...I won't be coming along.... Heaven:why? Zack:....because I have a rebillion to lead... Heaven:wha... Zack:geez you guys are dense...you've been sitting in the Death Corpes camp all night and never relized it... Heaven:but what about the just king?... Zack:he is still a monarch...someone who thinks he is noble...be it the just or the evil one they are both monarchs...we don't want them for our leaders...because of them they have torn our land assunder for a throne...good luck on your adventures... [I]Zack and his men pack up their camp and are gone 10 minutes later...they begin setting up for their ambush on the convoy in the moutin pass[/I]
[I]Zack stands to walk to the door[/I] Asuka:where are you going? Zack:well your still sick...but you want to know what Orianna i up to right?.. Asuka:yeah... Zack:and since your sister is sick here...someone has to stay... Asuka:and because I am sick it should be me right? Zack:exactly... Asuka:...but... Zack:...no but's...your not comming... Asuka:...fine... Zack:be back soon.... [I]Zack turns and walks out the door...at lot less nervous once outside the girls room. He turns and runs down the hall hopeing to catch up with Irina...as he gets close to her footsteps he slows his pace...he turns a corner...and nothing...he notices a door and tries it...but it is locked...Zack leans against it to see if he hears anything...and nothing...Zack finnally turns from the door and walks back toward the dorms[/I]
[I]Zack quitely Entertains the Guest[/I] Zack:so what are your storys?....My own is that I and my friends are militia of the local villages...we are fighting for survival... Heaven:I heard a rebel group was being led out here...will we have to worry about them... Zack:depends on your alliegence...if your with the just king then their is less of a chance then if your with the dark.... Heaven:ahh... [I]Zack entertains them throughout the night[/I]
[I]Treme walks into his house wearly[/I] Treme:war...I don't want war...but I won't let just anyone rule... [I]Treme sighs and crashes into his chair...he stares at the roof deep in thought[/I]
[I]Treme nods[/I] Treme:sure...I am going to rest for a while...see you later... [I]Treme walks out of the command center and to his home[/I]
[I]Treme smiles at Bryan asleep...then turns back to his sword...He had studyed everything he knew about where he was going...which wasn't much...and he was also practicing with his sword...he hadn't fought since the Hope Guard had been trained...he was a little rusty...[/I]
[I]Zack nods to Nabashi as he rides off...Emcew leans over to Zack[/I] Emcew:where is he going? Zack:to scout... Emcew:taking no chances? Zack:no... [I]Emcew stands back up as the next person steps foward[/I]
[I]Treme looks up at Bryan[/I] Treme:never seen you move like that since...never... [I]Treme Laughs[/I] Treme:the festival will begin as the sun is almost below the horizon...good work Bryan...
[I]Zack looks up from Neil[/I] Zack:are you all technologicaly imcompetent or what?... Neil:.... Zack:actully dosn't surprise me you havn't seen this stuff...human blackmarket...most of it is advanced tracking equipment....jaming equipment...tracers...etc etc...and that thing their... *Zack point to the gadget Siren just unscrewed* Zack:that will get us what we want.... Neil:and that is? Zack:the Tristie Witch colony... [I]Siren hands Zack the "summmoner" and he looks at the wires inside...he snips a few and hooks them up to the tracker[/I] Siren:what now?....this only took a few hours.... Zack:now we run test, counter test, reconfigure it about 10 times and then give it a go... Siren:will it work? Zack: proubably... Siren: proubably?... Zack:don't worry it will work...has any of my equipment failed before?... Siren:y.... Zack:don't answer that...and remember my offer Siren...this should only take a few more hours...then we should all get some rest... [I]Zack turns to the machine and begins performing Test[/I]
OOC:I would post...but I am suffering from my first serious case of WB...NOOO!!!....
[I]Zack looks around nervously...this had been the first time he was in a girls room. He made sure to touch nothing, but examned everything while keeping an eye on Asuka[/I]
[I]Zack stares at Leona with Cold eyes[/I] Leona:what are you up tight about? Zack:..... [I]Zack continues to stare expressionless...as if his mind has driffted elsewhere...which in fact it was...He was remembering the days he had been captured...the days he had been exposed to horrors he had not imagined...and the day he had been forced to chose between death and survival...he had choosen...but sometimes he wondered if the cost was worth it...He knew that she had forgivin..even thanked him...but sometimes...sometimes he still wondered[/I] Leona:Zack!?!... Zack:..... [I]Zack returns to the present and stares at her...still with cold eyes[/I] Zack:nothing bothers me...Nabashi...we are going to head to the sancutary... [I]Zack stands up[/I] Zack:but first...all here must agree to the pact by which you were summoned...Emcew... Emcew:yes... Zack:You where all summoned here because something threatens the land.... Emcew:you were summoned because a dark force threatins the people... Zack:in accordence with the pact, I Zack, Wolf Leader of the Riders of Gaia, request and command you honor the pact to defend the land Emcew:and I Emcew, Talon Leader of the Riders of Gaia, request and command you honor the pact to defend the people Zack/Emcew:Step foward and honor the pack. Emcew:Sate your name, your animals name and who you pledge yourself too...((OOC:to the land or the people...lets try and make it somewhat even please!!...))