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Everything posted by Anti

  1. Anti

    Ok let's try this

    [I]Anti walks to the Catina[/I] Anti:hey whats wrong!?!?
  2. Anti

    Riders RP (Story)

    [I]Zack smirks at Nabashi[/I] Zack:she is not like us Nabashi...She is human...and hates them...or did...and for a while...you must also become Human again... [I]Zack sharpens his spear and daggers while the others talk[/I]
  3. Anti

    Riders RP (Story)

    [I]Zack looks up unstartled Nabashi[/I] Zack:good to see your still alive... Nabashi:you to Wolf Leader... [I]the others around the fire jump as they hear another voice[/I] Zack:their are many young ones here...Nabashi me and Emcew called forth the pack...seems many of our old comrades are no longer with us...but not all are here yet... Nabashi:how do you know? Zack:because I can feel it...though we may have to go ahead without them...we will give them till dawn... Emcew:reasonable...we need to find out more and act fast...before the dark time return... Zack:yes we do...Nabashi change into your uniform and be ready to retrieve your old weapon...
  4. [I]Treme walks up to Bryan[/I] Treme:no more work tonight...you look exauhsted... [I]Treme sits on the wall and stares at the newly returened Siren[/I] Treme:so when should we have our...festival in honor of the dead?.... Bryan:...maybe as soon as the first crops are harvested?.... Treme:that is a good idea... [I]The days pass quickly after that...The crops grow, a small militant is trained and most of the newly planned village is contrusteced...now their is a barrakes, hospital, housing for all, the wall finnally built. Another village was discovered...scouted and migrated into Star's Hopes...now a population of a couple of hundred. Each of the leaders from the night of the battle raised to a position of honor in the comunity. Siren became the leader of the Royal Star Paladins as 5 more were trained, Amber her second...Ken helping when he could take a break from his battle against evil.The Hope Gaurd became a force of 100 and the Star Knight's a force of 20. Bryan quickly became honored and both him andTreme was hailed as grand leaders.Akira became the leader of the Hope's Guard, and Kool was the leader of the Star Knights. All the founders were respected. 4 monthes had passed since the first migration...crops are almost fully growen and Ken is in the village...word has come of another city building up also. The giant Tree is the symbol of the paladins and a holy site of initiation for them. Each troop has a baner, The tree the paladins, A knight clad in Stars, the elite, and a man with light shing on him the Hope Gaurd's. Treme now spends most of his time in the command center...the old mess hall and hospital. The mills and Forges are powered by watermills on the river...farms have spread out on the fertil land...although it has expanded and now covers about a 40 mile radius around the tree...their are also a few more lakes as the weather has begun to return Earth to it's former watery self, also trees and forest have started to grow...small villages have been built close to Star's hope the furthest on the edge of the fertile lands...Star's Hope has become the capital of a small kingdom. A mine was also opened that salavages the runes for metal and mines ore in the local moutins. Treme stands in the command center with Bryan looking over the daily reports[/I] Treme:any word from the scouts?... Bryan:Akira says they havn't returned... Treme:and the harvest?.... Bryan:we will have more then enough food...it will be ready soon.... Treme:and? Bryan:as you know Ken blessed us again recently...with livestock...animals have begun to return... Treme:that is good...then we shall have that festival soon... Bryan:yes... Treme:good...it has been a while since the founders have gotten all together...it will be nice to see their faces...and to not be working at the time... Bryan:yeah... Treme:I heard that you and Amber started going out recently... [I]Bryan blushes slightly[/I] Bryan:tis a true rumor...though we thought we wern't being to obvious about it... Treme:well you know how it is...being a leader has it's downsides... Bryan:and what of you?...all you do is work, sleep and eat... Treme:I don't have time right now...anyway I am going to head home...tommorow we should plan the festivities...good night [I]Treme stands up from his desk and heads for the door[/I] Bryan:Treme you know just because you are leader dosn't mean you shouldn't enjoy yourself everynow and then... Treme:I know...but Star's Hope has been growing quickly recently...I just...havn't had time...good night Bryan...and tell Amber I said hello... [I]Treme leaves and goes to his house[/I]
  5. [I]Zack wakes up a few hours later, in his bed. At first he wonders if he dreamnt the whole thing...but as he moves to stand up he feels soreness al through out his body...which he hadn't felt since he had learned to use a sword...Zack slowly got to his feet and begin to move...remembering that moving would help the blood flow...even if it did hurt like hell...Zack looked up as Marcus walked into the room...although he definatly feels stronger...and as if he is full of energy and will power...((aka leveled up quite a few times...now level 5))[/I] Marcus:Hey Zack...that was great!! Zack:....thanks.... Marcus:it isn't often a student can defeat his teacher in a dual... Zack:he held back...he could have defeated me with a flick of his hand... Marcus:proubably...but it was still cool... Zack:I won't win again for a while I think... Marcus:dosn't matter...as long as you try your best... Zack:what bout you...who's your teacher? Marcus:oh my teacher is Limbrick Zack:one of the master black mages? Marcus:yeah...I show great potental and have a lot of natural talent... Zack:cool...I need to head for my classes... Marcus:after that they are still going to make you go?... Zack:proubably...might as well not risk it... [I]Zack walks out the room still sore...but feeling slightly better...he makes it to Faltor in no time at all and notices the kids in the hall way quite down as he enters...Zack shrugs it off as he hears the whispers around him...he finnally reaches a near deserted hallway and lightens up a bit...He looks out into the courtyard to see a teacher and student training...[/I] Zack:wow...that must the fabled power of telekinetics... [I]Zack walks out into the courtyard and watches the two train, knowing he is still early for his class...the teacher shows the student a few tricks with her staff then stops and looks up at him[/I] ???:Hello can I help you....? Zack:no sir...I am just watching you train...the way you are using your powers with your staffs is intriguing... ???:who is he Raith? Raith:Altara, this is the young warlock everyone has been whispering about... Altara:the show off... Zack:.... Raith:now Altara you must know his teacher choose that as a punishment for him...he wasn't showing off... Zack:....what gave me away? Raith:besides the fact that you are the only Sentronel student who comes to Faltor...their is a sword at your side... Altara:....I don't believe this warlock stuff...no offense Raith but I would like to see it for myself... Raith:understandable.... Zack:... [I]Zack unsheaths his sword and hands it to Altara...She immediatly feels the drain of the steel and attempts to use her telekintic powers...they don't work[/I] Altara:..... [I]Zack takes back the sword from Altara[/I] Raith:maybe you would cast a spell for us with your sword drawn?... Zack:yes sir...but I know only a few spells Raith:that is ok... [I]Zack holds the sword in the air and mutters the spell for Magic missle. The missle forms, Zack shots it toward the wall and as it leaves his hand it splits ino two missles, both slam into almost exactly the same spot. Zack blinks and looks on relizing what he had done.[/I] Zack:.... Altara:.... [I]Zack bows to both of them and sheaths his sword[/I] Raith:thank you Zack Zack:you are welcome Sir [I]Zack turns and walks down the hall to Orianna's class room[/I]
  6. Name:Zack Manfield Hair:Brown in a pony tail, Eyes Blue-Grey Clothes:Black and Green , Tunic, Pants and Cloak. Height 5"10' Weapons:Long Sword ((Get my special weapon later...if I live that long..)) Level:1 Bio:A newly trained swordsman. His family fought in the last great war and gained honor and minor Nobility during it...Born a few years after the end of the great war.
  7. [I]In a small village far from the woods a small band of rebels prepare[/I] Zack:...another convoy will be passing through...we own 7 towns and the land between now...we are starting to acieve what my father started so many years ago... [I]The men nod then pick up their arms[/I] Zack:we are going to ambush them as they enter our land...in the pass...the supplys will be useful...their is a forest above and around the pass...that is where we will set up.. [I]The army of about 50 men set out on a long forgoten trail through the plains and soon reach the forest. They quickly set up a camp near the pass and begin planning how to deploy themselves[/I]
  8. [I]Zack was awake starting at the moon like ussual waiting for his watch to be over...though he hardly slept nowadays...when he heard a noise[/I] Zack:.... [I]Zack unsheathed his daggers and hid in some pushes...when he saw something that looked human stumble foward...as if it were wounded. Zack stands up and sneakss up behind it and puts his knife to it's thraot[/I] Zack:Who/What are you?... Akira:a human...I mean no harm...and am wounded... [I]Zack lpulls his dagger away from Akira's neck. He gets a good look at the boys face and feels a mild surprise of schock[/I] Zack:I feel...as if I have seen you before... Akira:...me too... Zack/Akira:The Tunnel!! Zack:so you were in the tunnel also?...summoned? Akira:I think so...as to why I don't know... Zack:didn't you hear?... Akira:no...I didn't hear anything but the others... [I]Zack was not surprised at this...out of the others he had met so far none of them had heard the voice...or voices...that he and Sere had...[/I] Zack:go on to our camp...it is right over there hidden in the bush...I am on watch so tell the next person to come join me...it will be the only girl... Akira:...ok [I]Akira walks into the bush and a second later Sere walks out[/I] Zack:hey... Sere:so we finnally found someone.... Zack:yeah...and hew is like the others...seems we are the only ones who heard it...or them... Sere:...sometimes I wonder if the others think we are crazy... Zack:...mmms I doubt it...something brought us here...so why shouldn't we have heard it's command?... Sere:good point...but the others didn't... Zack:I wonder why...maybe it's power was weakining... Sere:maybe...well I will take watch... Zack:I will also be staying up... Sere:still can't sleep? Zack:nope...and neither can you... [I]Zack lays down on his back and looks up at the moon as Sere becomes alert for sounds...[/I]
  9. Anti


    [I]Zack pulls out his sword and pistol[/I] Zack:Battle Suited Rancor...position for high speed battle.... [I]Zack's men nod and position themself around the train comparment each with their weapon out[/I] Zack:be ready.... [I]One of the men sees the Rancor fly by[/I] Zack:Fire... [I]The 6 guns open fire simultainusly and they hear a loud thud...The rancor quickly gets up and begins coming after them again...[/I] DC1:Sir... Zack:I know we arn't armed for this kind of combat against a flying Rancor... DC2:we have one weapon that might destroy it... Zack:the grenades...ok here is what we will do... [I]The Mercanery's reposition and Zack takes a grenade[/I] Jayden:what are you going to do...wait!!... Zack:just hit the deck!! [I]The mercanerys pulls as far back against the wall as the other hit the deck. The rancor lands on the rear of the train, The mercanerys open fire...The Rancor hits the floor of the train, Zack quickly throws the grenade...as The rancor stands up the grenade explodes...Zack and the others hit the deck just as pieces of the Battle suit go wizzing by[/I] Zack:whew...close call... Hajime:wow...that was interesting... Zack:...we are going to DC headquarters...you are welcome to come along if you want... Hajime:where is it? Zack:not to far...stop the train... [I]Hajime hits the breaks and the train stops, everyone gets off but Zack. He restarts the train the jumps off after dropping 9 beacons[/I] Zack:come on we have to move through the sewers...they can't trace us down there... [I]The group climbs down into the sewers and takes a short break[/I] Hajime:what did you drop?... Zack:decoys...as far as the rancors know we are still on that train rocketing ahead at full speed...
  10. [I]Zack watches Seph smash the mirrior[/I] Zack:.....yo Seph Seph:..... Zack:....don't worry about losing control... Seph:.... [I]Zack shrugs and changes back into his civilian clothes[/I] ZAck:I am going to see Sere...you want to come?.. Seph:.... Zack: ok...see you back at the apartment I guess... [I]Zack walks out of the locker room...a short while later he arrives at the hospital...right as Oroko and Ciarnait leave[/I] Zack:....hey.... Sere:hi... Zack:...we wern't inrtoduced before...I am Zack Sere:Sere Zack:...sorry for not being fast enough against the angel...for not distracting it fast enough... Sere:it's my fault I should have dodged it... Zack:it got smarter faster then we expected...I guess we underestimated it at first... Sere:hai... Zack:...well...rest well, I should proubably be going... Sere:bye [I]Zack walks out of the room and outside. He catches the bus to the aparment.[/I]
  11. Anti

    Riders RP (Story)

    [I]Zack turned to the beacon[/I] Zack: please join the rest of us at the beacon... [I]Zack turned and walked back to the fire. He heard the foot steps of he others behind him. Once he returned to the fire he leaned against a wall.The others sat around the blazing beacon[/I] Kool:so why did you summon us?...and how? Zack:.... Emcew:First you must understand that not just anyone can be a rider...sure they can learn to ride a horse...but they can't get what others would call...monsters...to let them ride them...Riders are a breed apart almost...and all riders...once they become one... are bound by a pact it seems...a pact to defend Gaia... Kool:who summoned us? Emcew:Me and Zack did...this place is a beacon...a magical beacon...me and Zack discovered it when we were but knights in training...and one day during the dark period of time...apparently before many of you were riders...we activated it...by accident...after that we became the only ones who can till we die...and thus we became the Riders of Gaia...sworn to defend the land by a pact made between monster and rider...this beacon merely summons all that have this pact...surely most of you have felt a disturbence... Everyone but Zack and Emcew:yes... Emcew:well as we are the only ones who can summon the riders to arms in unison...we were the leaders of the old force...and we should proubably be the leaders again...apparently most of our old comrads have left this world...many of you wern't riders in the old dark days...or you would have been a part of the force...so unless you guys have a major problem with me and Zack leading...I am Talon leader...and Zack is Wolf leader...would each of you introduce yourself...as you all should now I am Talon leader Emcew Zack:I am Zack...Wolf Leader Sere:I am Sere...an old rider Amber:Amber, same as Sere Leona:Leona Dalani: Dalani Cara:I am Cara Kool:Kool...whats up with you Zack? Zack:... Emcew:he has a strong dislike for humans... Kool:but isn't he hum... Sere:don't say it!! Zack:I am only Human because of the disturbance...if this was under normal circumstance I would have already attacked all of you... Kool:hostile arn't you? Zack:humans threaten my home...I will defend it... [I]Zack leans against the wall and stares into the flames...waiting for the last of the riders to arrive[/I]
  12. Anti

    Riders RP (Story)

    OOC:oi so many riders that are "New"....need a few that remember Zack and Emcew... [I]Zack and Emcew emerge from the forest[/I] Zack:....they know we are here... Emcew:I know....one of the beast is a gryphon.... Zack:....guess we should show ourselves... [I]Zack and Emcew walk into the field of vision of Cara and Dalani[/I] Emcew:don't worry we arn't going to attack Zack:speak for yourself Emcew...they have been watching us for sometime...maybe they arn't friends... Emcew:Zack bequite...they would have attack while the others were sleeping if they were enemy... Zack:..... [I]Zack and Emcew both turn to the two[/I]
  13. [I]Zack wakes up the next morning to a loud thump besides his bed[/I] ???:time to get up boy... Zack:just another half a day...casting takes a lot of energy... ???:no up now...!! [I]Zack rolls over[/I] Zack:comeon old man ???:I said up and I ment it...eating will loosen the drain you fill from casting Zack:just another hour...please ???:up now!! [I]the oldman swings the blunt of his sword down and hits Zack in the head.Zack shots up in pain holding where the sword hit him[/I] Zack:alight alright I am up.... [I]Zack climbs out of bed and changes into his robes[/I] Lesafer:good boy good...we shall eat breakfast then you shall pay for yesterdays accident Zack:accident Lesafer? Lesafer:you know which one I speak of...in the streets...I keep my eye on you... Zack:umm....oh THAT accident.... Lesafer:ahh I see your memory is getting better...your punishment shall be sparring against me...I won't hold back boy... Zack:ugh...a basic mage against an master?...isn't that harsh Lesafer? Lesafer:for whininh we will also be using swords....now go to breakfast...I have till noon to teach you to light peoples robes on fire...then you will be going to Faltor Zack:yes m'lord [I]Zack dully walks downstars and eats enough food to regain his strength. He then walks to the courtyard...where much to Zack's bane many of the kids have turned up[/I] Zack:....why are they here?.... Lesafer:to see how the pupil Warlock does against his master...ahh I see you are already studying you enemy good good...for this day forth we are enemy's he is the only one you can learn from...if I am not teaching you a new spell then we shall be fighting... Zack:for one accident!?!? Lesafer:no for every accident you ever will cause...and to make you the best Warlock you can be... [I]Zack studyed the old man...Zack had only one advantage...speed and strength....his youth...if he moved swift enough he could win this easly....in a drawen out battle he had neither the skill nor the magic to win[/I] Zack:..... [I]Zack looked up rather alarmed as he noticed Faltor robes amongest other arriving...he noticed Orianna amongest them...Zack wondered if Asuka and Athena would be amongest the wizards then....Zack shrugged it off and cleared his mind studying his oppent[/I] Lesafer:Lets go boyo.... [I]As soon as the Warlock has drawen his sword Zack rushes him. Zack slams his arm right into the Old mans gut and follows with slamming the blunt of his blade into the old mans head...sending him sprawling to the ground. Zack retreates a few steps...then to his surprise the old man stands up[/I] Lesafer:good...I underestimated your speed and strength...never again.... Zack: Danm..... [I]Zack rushes foward again this time the Old man has a surprize waiting for him. out of the old mans hands shoot 4 magic missles which quickly slam into Zack sending him sprawling across the battlefield.Zack lays there for a moment breathing hard...he pounds his left hand against the dir and gets back to his feet.Zack looks up in time to see a fireball speeding towards him. Zack mumbles the spell Orianna taugh him and bends the fire into four stanrds which sear past Zack onto behind him[/I] Lesafer:good you are learning how to use attack magic defensivly... [I]While the old man was talking Zack murmed to himself two spells, Chromatic orb and shocking grasp...The orb shot foward before Zack and slamened into the old man knocking his breath out, Zack infused his sword hand with Shocking grasp. The metal of his sworld became a conductor for the elctricity. Zack slams the sword down on the old man. Electricuting him, Zack puts all his energy into that spell and the electricty intinsifies...Lesafer falls to the ground , his hair in the air and his nerves shooting off at random. Zack smirks at the old man...then falls uncouncious to the ground having spent the last of his energys[/I]
  14. Zack:I can do it.... Lupos:what do you mean? Zack:give me enough time and I can find anyone...esspecially people that hire me... Lupos:and whats the price? Zack:none, I am giving my hand for free... Lupos: ok but we will also go from other methods... Zack:understood but remeber I found you when not many others could have...Siren give me a hand? Siren:sure.... Zack:I need to get some equipment from my house...I will be back in a while... [I]Zack and Siren walk to his car[/I] Zack:so you slept with a witch just to kill him? Siren:yes... Zack:HAHAH Siren:whats so funny? Zack:just that... [I]Zack smiles at her[/I] Siren:grrr Zack:it's ok...we all do stupid things sometimes.... [I]Siren hits Zack on the arm and Zack merely smiles at her as they get into his car and head for his house[/I]
  15. OOC:Leave my poor spelling out of this :blulaugh: ------- Zack:....it looked similar to a suitcase...except it had jagged edges in weird place...where their shouldn't have been....like around where the handle was...besides that it shimmered in some spots...whenever the light hit it...like it has gems in it...besides that I am not sure....he pulled it under his cloak when he noticed I was examing it....why?....what is it?...
  16. Zack: ok Lupos...well first I want to let you know two things...first I didn't know who you were, that you were my boss and second I didn't kow that NightWalkers even exsisted when I took this job... Lupos:I understand...what job? Zack:well about a week back I was approached by a man in a cloack...He had some weird tatoos on him...and carryed a couple of weird gadgets on him...when I asked what they were for he said to fight the darkness... Lupos:A Tristie Witch? Zack:from what I know now...yes...I was running low on money at the time...he offered me enough to keep me living how I lived for well over a year...all for a simple tracking job...to track a Lupos and Espa...and so I took the job...and I tracked you...and your movements for about 3 days...it was simple since you didn' t suspect...after that I gave the witches their info and I collected on my money...but it is because of me you were even found...you had yourself burried in tons of useless information...only an expert coulda found you...from what it sounded like to the tristies they were getting desperate...as if they had tried before...but...I felt oblijated to let you know...if only to make myself feel a little lighter...
  17. Zack:sounds like a plan...my men will help with the special opps truck... [I]The men with Zack nod and follow Falcon[/I] Zack:ok Rufus...I guess we should prepare that bridge.... Rufus:right... [I]Zack and Ruus turn from the group of planning warriors and head for the each with a bag of explosives[/I] Rufus:Zack isn't this over doing it a bit? Zack:not at all...I plan to have a coupl of traps ready for that special opps vechile too....you have to remember I was trained as a vegan...I know their weak points... [I]Zack and Rufus reach the Bridge and begin planting it with explosives[/I]
  18. [I]Zack looks over Luposes shoulder[/I] Zack:hey Lupos that look interesting..is it historically accurate? Lupos:it is for my kind... Zack:cool...say when you found what you want do you mind if I read it? Lupos:interested in NightWalkers? Zack: or history of any kind...being a human though I do have to worry about the occaisonal NightWalker...but I am much more interested in the history...this thing dates way back...Siren I thought you said... Siren:so I lied... Zack:it's ok...the bullets have something else in them besides silver...I broke one down once...it has some I like to call D45 in them.... Siren:what's that?... Zack:my grandpa's "essence"...see my grandpa had a patch of what he called "vamp skin"...course we never believe it really came from a vampire...but he showed me what this stuff does...as he knew he was dieing he used himself versus that of the patch of skin...on his living tissue it didn't do much...caused calluses, nasty sores...and the skin it hit slowly destroyed itself...although my granpa never had any pain from it...but what it did to vampiric skin was much more interesting... Liam:what did it do? Zack:it completely incinerated the skin, muscle...most of the bone...in about 45 seconds...from what I have seen of your kind...and the witches...it is pretty deadly... [I]Zack looks at them quite serious[/I] Zack:...oh and Lupos...if I could talk to you alone...
  19. Anti


    [I]Zack's men spread out...they set up a bending and moving paramiter...The move constantly through the rubble, neer being spotted and never standing still long enough to be traced[/I] Zack:....so who are you guys?...another small rebal group I presume...tch...when will you guys learn that unless we can combine we are doomed to fail... Hajime:and I suppose you are just a shining example of that? Zack:....I move from group to group helping them survive so when the time comes we can unify...if we did so right now we would be crushed...again... Hajime:did you say you were...Death Corpse...wasn't their leader named Zack?... Zack:he is, that might be because I am him... Jayden:but your just a kid Zack:....obviously you didn't read up on us to well...or ele you woulda notice that when I started the group two years ago I was 17...plus our action speak louder then words...we turned the tide in many wars, won one of the few battles against the Rancors, and now go around saving people like you...and setting up communication between the Rebals... Hajime:have you encountered any of the new Super Rancors? Zack:yes...it killed one of my men...we had been tracking your group for a while....and that group of rancors...when we saw what they were planning we decided to act fast... Jayden:what do you mean....you didn't hack them did you? Zack:we did... Jayden:without being traced... Zack:we used their own technology against them... Hajime:what do you mean!?! Zack:the battle reports where never published...we won one out of the 2 victories against the Rancor...the other victory was when we caught them off guard with a tactical nuclear strike...that wiped everything out...we took their technology and learned how to use it...we are using their best weapons against them Hajime:and you survive... Zack:because no one but us knows where we are...and we would all kill ourselves before getting captured... Hajime:you said you killed one of the supers...it was after us? Zack:yes... Hajime: Danm it I wanted to fight one of those.... Zack:you would have lost... Hajime:what are you getting at... Zack: one of my men is worth 5 of yours...I am not trying to be offensive...but I am running a military organiztion...we have better equipment...stratigical planning, we are researching the enemy's weaknesses every moment, and we have better training...and most the men have actull battle experience...you are running a rag tag Rebal group...which is great...but it dosn't have the abilitys a full fledge organization has...oh and I suggest you pack up and move...I only brought those 6 men and though each one can take out 2 to 5 rancors...we can't while having to defend you...and I prefere not risk it...so I suggest you pack up and move
  20. OOC:yeah somehow...let me get one of those spurs I have been hitting all day and I will type a long post...and find you in the process...if you wondering what I am talking about check my post on Riders Rpg...
  21. OOC:I will bring you into the story Akira...somehow...
  22. [I]Zack looks at Matt hardfaced[/I] Zack:don't worry I killed it... [I]Zack shows him by leaning down close to it and even touching it[/I] Zack:it died alot like a vampire does when you kill one...
  23. Anti

    Riders RP (Story)

    [I]Zack looks up rather alarmened...followed by the other three[/I] Zack:more visitors....I will check it out... Emcew:why you? Zack:I am used to stleath...and Æon will be silient about it... [I]Zack puts on his mask and takes up his spear, and climbs on Æon. They slip off into the shadows and come around downwinf from the hoof sound. Neo Geo looks up surprised as he sense the presence of another Griffen. Emcew gets on and rides out to meet it. Zack comes around towards the horse rather siliently...he notices a human walking by...and relizes it is a Pegusas. Him and Zack appear in fron of it as it neighs to a halt relizing to late they are their[/I] Zack:Halt...who are you? Amber:Zack!!...Wolf Leader!! Zack: oh it's you Amber...you have felt the summoning then? Amber:I have... Zack:good...it is good to see you again...Sere and a new rider are already their...along with Talon Leader Emcew...but you already knew that from the summoning Amber:I did...so how have you been Zack, I have been hearing rumors about your neck of the woods...literally... Zack:good... [I]Zack and Amber return to camp to see Emcew gone[/I] Sere:He said something about another Gryphon, Wolf Leader... Zack:I see...maybe...we shall see... [I]Zack dismounts Æon who runs off with Shadow to the other "beast"[/I] Zack:most are arriving...soon everyone will be here...then we shall move to fight again...I and Emcew have summoned the Riders because an evil is falling across the land...as soon is everyone is here we will begin...
  24. Anti

    Riders RP (Story)

    [I]Zack stares at Leona...till she can take it no more[/I] Zack:.... Leona:.... [I]Faster then most eyes can follow Leona jumps to her feet and punches at Zack.Zack allows his old battle reflexes to take over and grabs her hand before she can recoil the punch. He quickly pulls her hand and sends her flying to him. He locks up her arm so she can't use it and waits for her next move.[/I] Leona:....I hate you all....!!! [I]Leona brings her other hand around and Zack quickly catches it...stares at her then lets both her hands go....When she punches at him again he lets her hit him.He stand their as she continues to punch him...she finnally stop exhausted...Zack's face looks pretty bad, lots of blood but other then that he is fine.Leona Collapses on the groun, her eyes looking less angry to Zack[/I] Zack:....feel better? Leona:yes...not many can take one of my beetings... [I]Zack shrugs[/I] Zack:...now why don't you join us, your kinsmen, at the fire?... Leona:.... Zack:a request...friends? Leona:...ok... [I]Leona walks to the fire while zack cleans up his wounds then follows[/I]
  25. Anti

    Ok let's try this

    [I]Anti smirks[/I] Anti:isn't it her choice?...plus she will be round you can keep an eye on her...
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