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Everything posted by Anti
[I]Zack Shrugs[/I] Zack:I will lead a group...we can meet back up here...in a few days...
[I]Anti stands up[/I] Anti:ey boyo... Kyp:yeah? Anti:....we didn't have to save you you know...we coulda left you to die...so why don'y you just do as she ask?
[I]unit 00 falls to the ground...[/I] Zack:What about Seph?... Yuriko:go on and get to base...we will retieve unit 00 Zack:yes sir... [I]Zack walks to his launcher and is pulled back in...the other evas follow suit[/I]
[I]Zack stands slightly apart from the group[/I] Zack:I think we should split up...that way we can cover more ground and be less noticable...
[I]Zack hears the other rider approach but ignores it[/I] Zack:..... [I]Zack stares at Leona with his cold eyes.[/I] Zack:you can hate humans all you want...but we are going to deal with that now...I am human...I can see your hate everytime you look at me...so come on!! [I]Zack continues to stare at her[/I]
[I]Zack however felt the anger...and walked over to her[/I] Zack:....you are a rider.... [I]Zack point to her[/I] Zack:you are also human... [I]Leona's eyes flare up with Anger[/I] Zack:your anger dosn't scare me...you want to fight someone...then you do it now... [I]Zack drops his spear and dagger[/I] Zack:go ahead...I will even fight you barhanded...I fear no human...and since you are a rider you will join us...and I won't have you attacking any of the others...so comeon...lets see what your anger can do!! [I]Zack stands and stares at her. His eyes are also burning with anger but it looks like a cold Anger.He looks ready to move at a moments notice[/I]
OOC:Bu here are the Eva numbers....Seph is 00, I am 01, Ciarnait is 02, Sere is 04 and you are 03 ------- [I]As the Angel is on it's way to unit 03 ((Oroko)) Zack lunges into it his dagger stapping right next to it's core[/I] Zack: DIEEE!!! [I]01 pulls his dagger out again and slams it right into the core...it cracks but dosn't break...The Angel punches 01 into a building[/I] Zack: DIE DANM YOU!!! [I]Zack raises the rifle in his hand and begins unleading all the rounds...The Angels Core finnally shatters and the Angel falls to the ground[/I] Zack:ughhh.....got him.... [I]Zack in 01 slumb against a building. He is breathing hard and checking everyones signs[/I] Zack:....I...Got IT.... Yuriko:we see Zack....good job...all evas return to base...
[I]Zack turns on foot as he sees Leona walk through the bushes his spear in hand...Æon is growling[/I] Zack:...who are you?...why are you here?.... Leona:.... [I]Zack sees a dragon come from out of the trees.Zack's eyes open wide but he drops ready to attack at any moment. he now more then ever wishes he had his old weapons.[/I] Zack::... [I]The sweat tinckled down his face...whoever it was didn't seem to notice the Dragon...a new rider?...but their hadn't been another rider in years...why would their be one now...Zack kept his spear at the ready as Æon, NeoGeo and Ania interview Wind[/I] Æon:Zack she is a friend...and yes...a rider not of our pact... Zack:why is she here? Æon:even though she isn't of the pact...when she became a rider it applyed to her also...so the calling drew them here... Zack:which is why last time...when me and Encew accidently set this place off...all riders from everywhere came... Æon:exactly Zack:Sere, Encew...friend...I think...the dragon is anyway...the girl is it's rider... Encew/Sere:we know NeoGeo/Ania told us... Zack:I will talk to her... Encew:but your not the most humane of us... Zack:from the look in her eyes that is exactly why I should go... [I]Zack pulls out his mask and puts it on. He then walks out to Leona with Æon following him, Zack is still ready to move...hopeing his old reflexs still work and walks out to Leona[/I] Leona:I...I thought you were human?.... Zack:I am no such thing!...I am a rider and the defender of the forest....why do you intrude? Leona:I was summoned Zack:then you also ride...this Dragon? Leona:it's name is Wind... Zack:give me a good reason to not kill you on the spot... Leona:because I would kill you first? Zack:don't count on it... [I]Zack raises his spear and dashes foward suddenlly. Leona raises her sword and easly defects the block and quickly bring her broadsword around.Zack parrys the attack with the bottom of his spear and brings the spear point to her neck...Sweatdrops down Leona's face although she looks fearless[/I] Zack:...you answered my summons...I won't kill you...and you are a good warrior... [I]Zack pulls his spear away from her neck and quickly unsheaths his dagger and blocks a strike from her broadsword...his dagger and her broadsword lock together[/I] Zack:good good...you hate humans as much as I do...put away your sword...and I will let you live... [I]Zack stops applying presure to his dagger as she stops pushing on it. He puts away his dagger knowing that she won't attack him. He takes off his mask and she sees his face clearly for the first time[/I] Leona:YOU ARE HUMAN!! [I]She raises her broadsword but Zack's spear point is against her chest. He is looking very serious and this time hate shows in his eyes[/I] Zack:I am not Human...I am not the same race as those people who destroy the land for their own profit...I was human...I am now the Guardian of the Forest...I am a goblin...only am I human when all the land is threatened...so watch you tongue before it gets you killed...If you must call me something it will be Zack...or if we are on the field of battle then you will call me Wolf Leader...now come to the fire and meet your comrads... [I]Zack turns from Leona and walks to the fire. His spear by his side and looking very serious and cold. His eyes shine with anger and his hand is clenched firmly around his grip...as he gets near the fire he hears Sere and Encew talking[/I] Sere:yeah he beat her in combat... Encew:and it looks like she called him human...well at least if she respects no one else it will be him... [I]Zack walks to the fire and puts his mask in his bag without saying a word[/I]
Emcew:NeoGeo...he says that gryphons have dealt with this evil before... Zack:Æon feels it...he believes it is a threat to the land...I hope you two have your old uniforms...as soon as the other arrive and have changed...we will be collecting our old weapons...that sound good Emcew? Emcew:yeah... Zack:what ever we are up against we should be prepared...and we all may be a it rusty against fighting monsters...so they found out who you were eh? Sere...you know rides are always welcome in my home... Sere:even if other humans are not? Zack:so you've hear too?...rides won't try and burn, chop or pillage my home...others will...but I am not here for that...I am here because something stronger threatens what we swore to protect... [I]Zack pulls out his dagger[/I] Zack:what I wouldn't give to have Wolf's Fang(Dagger) and Star's Spear((Spear)) with me...you two better sui up...the other will be here soon enough...they will all uphold the pact...I think we all remember what happened to Zagog...when he turned on us...
[I]Zack stares in horror at the beserk Eva[/I] Zack:..... [I]Unit 02 and 03 come up behind Zack[/I] Ciarnait:what's going on Zack....Yuriko just said he went beserk... Zack:I don't know....you two move unit 01...get her out of the battle zone...make sure she is ok...I am going to move in and help Sephroth...if I can... Oroko/Ciarnait:right... [I]Unit 01 begins to move foward...he progresses towards the Angel and unit 00 swiftly but with caution[/I]
Zack:...same things I have been thinking... [I]Zack leans against the tree trunk[/I] Zack:I know it is to defend something...and I only heard one voice...maybe there were more... [I]Zack watches the moon sink into the horizon completely[/I] Zack:if that is anytimer...sun will be up soon...or it could be down for a lot longer...
[I]Treme laughs[/I] Treme:you are a paladin, Siren will tain you...
[I]Zack turns to Sere[/I] Zack:there is no need to be formal yet...I called because something wrong is happening... [I]Sere turns and bows to Emcew[/I] Zack:...it is good to see you again Sere...I see Anai is doing ok...how are you?
[I]Zack just kind of stares at her, siliently[/I] Zack:...are you ok?... [I]Zack looks back up at the moons one last time as they begin to sink into the horizon then turns his full attention to her[/I] Zack....?
Zack:does he know what it is exactly? Emcew:no he dosn't... Zack:*sigh*....as soon as the other riders get here then we should set out to reclaim our legandery weapons... [I]Zack digs through his bag...he pulls out an old uniform...[/I] Zack:I had hoped I would nevr wear this again... [I]Zack changes into the uniform...on the right shoulder it has a drawing of the planet and on his left shoulder it has a drawing of Æon on it. The unifrom itself is Black and Green. it is a longsleeved t-shirt and long pants...they "breathe" so he dosn't get hot and they have been enchanted to act like metal armour[/I] Zack:....now all I need is my old spear and dagger...then it would be just like the old days...
[I]Zack loks at her surprised[/I] Zack:HELLOO!?!?! [I]Zack pinches her then leans her against the tree and keep an eye on her[/I] Zack:...more then one voice...something is wrong...
OOC:Thanks.... [I]Zack leans against the wall[/I] Zack:so how has life been treating you?...you proubably know all about my goblin fiasco in the woods...less people have been threating it though...I hope it is still there when I return...
[I]Zack grabs her as she almost falls again[/I] Zack:maybe you should stay near the trunk... [I]Zack moves her close to the trunk of the tree and walks back out on the limps[/I] Zack:you say youv'e been here before?...did you hear the voice in the tunnel??
OOC:err well just adding story *smirks*...if you no like I can delete the post...*shrugs*....and sorry bout the N thingys..typo...I will go back an edit it...
Zack:...and you...it will be safer in the tree...so come on... [I]Zack turns to climb up the tree[/I] Zack:I will go first... [I]Zack climbs back up to his limp and looks up at the moons[/I] Zack:....so you are one of the summoned? Sere:yes I am... Zack:.....I wonder why we were called here...all I know is it was to protect something...the sky is different from back on Earth...
Treme:she is a paladin...she can train you.... Siren:who's a paladin? Treme:she is...Amber....Siren, Siren...Amber...Ken gave her the powers...she needs someone to train her... [I]Treme leans his back against part of the newly constructed wall[/I]
[I]zack stares at Sere[/I] Zack:I am Zack...and I might talk to myself...but I wasn't...some more people just passed by here...heading for a battle... [I]Zack shrugs[/I] Zack:I will be heading out to find them in the morning...would you like to join me?
[I]Æon runs across the plains with Zack on his back...he suddenlly slides to a halt[/I] Æon:Zack there is fighting going on up ahead...I can smeel the blood Zack:the fastest way is through that battle...we have done this before...lets do it again... [I]Zack pulls the mask over his face, it has war paint painted on it and look similar to an mask you would find in a museum..., Æon rushes foward into the fighting humans, Zack has his spear out to the side but is still crotching to the side, they rush right down the middle of the battlefield most the humans moving out of the way, one gets up a bit of courage and moves to attack Zack, Zack's spear's the man and without Æon even faltering, Zack shakes the man off his spear, the point still in one piece...they make it to the other side of the battlefield with little other incident...they cross the plains and reach an old stone site...in the middle is Emcew and his Gryphon[/I] Zack:.... Emcew:Hey Zack...you felt it to? Zack:I did...I am here to defend my forest and to join my fellow riders in battle... Emcew:as am I...well then now that you are hear...me and you the former leaders...we should raise the call... Zack:we should... [I]Zack jumps off Æon and pulls off his mask[/I] Zack:glad to see you still live...I have no love for most humans...but you are an old friend... Emcew: so you still prefere your forest to the human civilization? Zack:I do...and are you still a chapion for Armond? Emcew:Yes I am...you know you would be recieved as a hero their... Zack:I am fine in my forest...all I want is to be left alone... Emcew:I hear their is a goblin in the forest you live in... Zack:their is...it's me... Emcew:ussual...well don't do to much harm and I won't be dispatched to deal with you... Zack:you couldn't anyway...not in my own territory... Emcew:true...well lets raise the call then shall we?... Zack:yes... [I]Zack and Emcew walk out into the middle of the Circle and speak in one voice[/I] Emcew/Zack:We the leader of the riders of Gaia call upon our fellow breathern to honor the pact we made so many years ago, to defend our land from approaching evil... Zack:I Zack, ex first knight of Alterone, guardian of the gaian woods, co-leader of the Riders of Gaia command you to return to defend the land from this evil Emcew:I Emcew, Champion of Alterone, co-Leader of the Riders of Gaia comand you to return to defend the people from this evil [I]Zack and Emcew stand across from each other each extending a hand. An orb appears between them. It disappates and a flame begins, they both step of the disk in the groud and it turns into a flaming beacon.[/I] Emcew:...Zack...why did you leave the knights? Zack:...you know why...I choose to defend the land over the people...the forest was my home and they wanted to remove it...and I choose to defend it...as a knight I couldn't have done this... [I]Zack leans against the wall[/I] Zack:don't worry I know both are equally important Encew...I will lead the riders honorably...remember we first stumbled across this place...back during the dark days... Emcew:yeah...I was hoping we would never have to call upon the pact again Zack:I also...now we have to wait... [I]Zack pulls the mask off of his head and puts it in his pack[/I] Zack:for now I shall no longer be the Goblin Zack...I shall be Rider of Gaia Zack...so I won't need that for a while...I hope we won't have to seek out our weapons again.... Emcew:yes...but from what NeoGeo says we might.... [I]Zack keeps a hard face and leans against a wall ruin[/I] Zack:so we wait...
It is no problem...as I said you arn't one of the ones who do that ALL the time...oi so it is no problem, just thought I would let you know...hope I didn't come off to rude...oi....and I can type about 20-30 words a minute ((which is pretty fast...))
OOC: one flaw Kool...I am not with yall...oi sometimes I wonder if people read others post...err that isn't pointed at you...yet...just some people do that quite often...first time I have seen you do it though...and my name is ZACK!!!! [I]Zack feels the earth shake under his feet[/I] Zack:what is going on?.... [I]Zack cast a glance towards the moutin range and wonders if the quake came from there[/I] Zack:I will investigate in the morning... [I]Zack looks down as he hears someone shouting[/I] Sere:Human or not?!? Zack:HUMAN!! [I]Zack jumps down from his branch and lands in front of Sere[/I] Zack:hi