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Everything posted by Anti

  1. [I]Zack smirks at this statement[/I] Zack:thats perfectly fine with me... Siren:.... [I]Zack walks out of the house and sits on the roof waiting for the others to arrive[/I]
  2. OOC:I feel through the trees?....mmms...what ever... Zack:Hi...why are you guys here? Pumer:we are going to fight a battle.... Zack:ahh....well good luck... Pumer:arn't you going to come?....wern't you summoned also? Zack:I was summoned...but I am not ready to be running off to a battle...so I will pass... [I]Zack turns back to the tree and climbs up it back to the top[/I] Zack:GOOD LUCK!! [I]Zack watches the group walk off in the direction of some moutins and Zack turns back to watching the stars and moon, deciding what to do[/I]
  3. Anti

    Riders RP (Story)

    [I]Zack ran through the woods along side his wolf Æon...He had felt a disturbance recently...their were many of those but this one had felt different...even Æon looked alarmed when they felt it...Zack wasn't sure what was about to happen but he knew something was...and he was going to be there for it[/I] Zack:Æon, what do you think is happening? Æon:grrr *ruff ruffowlll* Zack:yeah I don't know either...did you hunt last night? Æon:ruff ruff...((ok I will translate into man speak...but only I can understand him)...yes we have plenty of meet at the cave Zack Zack:good... [I]Zack rounded a tree and there was his home. true it wasn't as manigfasent as the city's that man used to live in...but it was home. Zack ran inside and begin to prepare for a long journy, He got his spear and dagger. all the spear heads he would need in case this one broke, His riding mask and riding clothes. many humans feared riders, so he wore a mask to protect his face...earlyer that day he was spending time enjoying the secrets of the forest...but then the disturbance had happened, Zack also packed all the dried meat he had, in case he didn't have anything to hunt and also took a canteen of water[/I] Zack:ready...lets head for the old rider meeting point...maybe some of the other felt it... Æon:but that will require traveling across the plains...we will likely run into humans Zack:I know...but we need to get more info... [I]Zack pulled the leather and stone mask over his face and changed into his riding clothes, he put everything but his spear and dagger into his traveling bag, starped his dagger into it's sheath on his belt and held the spear at his side[/I] Æon:you look and smell ready... Zack:I am... [I]Zack climbs onto the back of his wolf, one of his few friends and the only one he saw on a regular bases. they were partners in battle and in hunting. Zack locked his legs onto the animals side, one hand on the fur and one holding the spear, he crotched low to keep from causing as much drag as possible as the wolf ran through the woods then burst out onto the plains...running with all it's speed it sped across the plains in the direction of the old gathering point. When the riders had fought in battle together.After the battles though Zack had returned to his lonely life in the woods occaisonally seeing the other riders...any human that did not know him though didn't enter the woods for all feared him...because of his mask...and one time he had caught a poacher...sense then rumors had spread of the forest being inhabited by a goblin...which obviously wasn't true, but Zack protected the forest and that ment keeping humans out...so he kept the rumor alive by keeping the humans out...because of that he never saw any other humans unless it was in battle...[/I]
  4. Anti


    [I]Suddenlly behind Hajime a command comes flying across the room[/I] Zack:Hit the Deck [I]Hajime and his men hit the floor as 5 guns begin to fire off, the Rancors drop to the floor, Hit in every one of there vunerable spots...as the rancors die 6 soldiers appear from behind some ruins, each one on the shoulder of there shirts has a green and black skull. They all look like they are in their late teens, 3 are carying assult rifles, one a pistol and the other a shotgun. The one with the pistol steps foward, gives a signal and the troops spread out, then walks up to Hajime[/I] Hajime:who are you? Zack:Zack, leader of the Death Corpse...you looked like you needed a hand there... Hajime:yeah...thanks
  5. Name:Zack Mansfield Age:19 Main Skill: Leading Fav L.R.:Pistol Fav S.R.:Sword Appearance:wears a black t-shirt and jeans, hair in a pony tail. Dark Brown hair with grey-blue eyes History:As a young man he was trained to lead troops. He latter created his ow mercanery group, which quickly became elite, but after the rancor attack he moves from rebel group to group helping them. Team:Death Corpse, an elite mercanery group that moves from rebal group to group
  6. [I]Zack sits up and shakes his head in the forest[/I] Zack: oww...where am I!?!?.... [I]Zack looks up into the sky and sees two moons. he turns and almost falls out of a branch, he quickly regains himself and leans against the main part of the tree. He looks foward and below and notices he is in the top of the tree and the ground is a good 200 ft below him[/I] Zack:...ahhh...my head...it's throbbing with pain...where am I? [I]Zack looked back up at the stars and found a couple of familier constelations, this made him fel better for if he was still on Earth he coud navigate by the stars...but he knew he wasn't on Earth. He remembered a tunel...a dark tunel of light, and he remembered seeing other in this tunel. Obviously they weren't in this tree so they must of been seperated...but he also remembered something else...a voice...imploring him for help...[/I] Zack: one minute at home getting ready to go to school...the next on an alien world... [I]Zack remembered what the voice said clearly now...It had asked him and the others to help save it's planet from an evil force...it had told them it had used the last of it's life force to draw them to this planet...to save the people of this planet[/I] Zack:...but why me...I am just a normal kid... [I]The voice had something about each of them having powers that would be important to helping revive the world from the dark wizards grasp[/I] Zack:...I have no powers...all I have are my daggers... [I]Zack reaches into his backpack and pullsout a pair of steel daggers, Their blades shimmer in the moonlight and the edges are razor sharp. Zack looks at them then put them in a pair of sheaths and attaches the sheaths to his jeans, he dumps his books out of his bag[/I] Zack:those will be useless here...just slow me down... [I]Zack leans against the tree and stares at the double moon[/I] Zack:I guess I will stay here for tonight...then try and find the others... [I]Zack stays awake all night watching the stars and moon. One is white similar to luna around either...the other is bright orange and many times smaller then the other. They both seem to rotate around each other while around the planet.[/I]
  7. [I]Treme nods as Siren runs up[/I] Treme:hey...welcome back...you to Ken [I]Treme nods to Ken as he walks up[/I]
  8. OOC:and now why Siren dosn't go insane ---------- [I]Zack and Siren come out of the woods into a clearing, Akira is standing there breathing hard[/I] Akia:Zack I didn't know you had two swords.... Zack: one is the sword of destiny... Akira: oh give it to me...it's mine Zack:no Akira:give it!! Zack:Akira can't you feel when yur holding the sword that it tugs upon your soul...fights your commands? Akira:.... Zack:the brood's gaze does the same thing...between the dease of the brood and the sword you would go insane...you arn't getting it back... Akira:fine...
  9. Zack:I am fine... Siren:.... Zack:just becaue I was nearly mortaly wounded and kept it to myself last time does not mean I am lying!!...I'm fine!! Siren:fine fine Zack:all it did was scare the fricken daylights out of me...my bullets work [I]Zack smirks[/I] Zack:it was under that safe...wonder what in it... [I]Zack and Siren hear a car pull up outside[/I] Zack:guess we will have to wait...come on lets go back downstairs...
  10. [I]Zack holds and stare at the sword for a second[/I] Zack:I don't think the brood was the only thing that drove Akira's father insane...I think it was also this sword...I can feel it battleing with my will for control... [I]Zack just kinda stares at the sword then sheaths it and takes off into the woods following Siren, even catching up with her[/I] Zack:come on...he might still be alive... [I]Zack runs with all his might slowly pulling ahead of Siren, he hears a rustling ahead[/I] Zack:he is running out of breath....we are going to catch him...
  11. [I]Zack smirks as Siren kicks the door in[/I] Zack:she didn't even see if it was locked...oh well.. [I]Zack walks to the door in front of him and follows suit, kicking the door in...he gazes inside for a moment waiting for his eye to adjust then steps in[/I] Zack:....nothing...more debry...whats that?.... [I]Zack walks to a weird looking object, in a pool of liquid underneath a metal safe in the wall[/I] Zack:The top thing is a safe...but what is this...?.... [I]Zack looks down and gets his face close to the objects face...[/I] Zack:...dead...mayhap one of the witches... [I]Suddenlly the things eye's open, glowing red, it's hands move up and grabs Zack on the face.[/I] Zack:SHI*!!! [I]Zack slams his sword into the creatures arms, hewing it off with its razor sharp edge and jumps back. He raises his pistol and shots the thing twice, once in the head and once where he think the heart is. The witch withers in pain on the floor then just melt away[/I] Zack: [I]Breathing Hard[/I] oh...SHI*...reminder...never puts face close to unknowen objects....never again...not if nightwalkers are involved... [I]ZAck stares at the pool of blood and the skelton, now lifeless laying on the floor[/I]
  12. [I]Zack smiles[/I] Zack:it's ok... [I]Zack looks down and sees Creed out in the open...as if he wanted to be seen[/I] Zack:well either Creed is one stupid dragon...or he wants us to find him... [I]Kaii begins to swoop down in circles[/I] Kaii(Dragon):he wants us to find him...
  13. [I]Zack smirks[/I] Zack:has the possiblity of my weapon not working ever stopped me before? Siren:no... Zack:has it ever got us into trouble...wait don't answer that... [I]Zack turns back to the staircase and walks up them, he looks around the cornor,seeing that all is clear he pauses[/I] Zack:nothing there...maybe in one of the rooms...
  14. Zack:...Kool you watch after Marcus...me and Siren are going to hunt down Akira...if the arrow hit where it should have Creed won't be able to stay airborne for to long... [I]Zack scartches Sirus[/I] Sirus:you riding me...but your too big... Zack:Sirus you fly along side I am going to ride Kaii Sirus(sadly and jealously):ok... Zack:Sirus I will ride you once your big enough...right now we need to move fast... [I]Zack and Siren get onto Kaii's back[/I]
  15. [I]Zack looks up at the roof as a drop of blood falls[/I] Zack:I wonder...if one of them...isn't up there... [I]Zack walks to the stair case his pistol leading[/I] Zack:.....
  16. Anti:why me!!bah!... ---------- [I]Zack pulls out his bow and levels it on Creed[/I] Zack:.... [I]Zack looses an arrow, it lodges itself into one of Creed's wing[/I] Zack:...he is out of range...we need to catch him... Siren:yeah...but what about him? [I]Siren point to Marcus[/I] Zack:...danm....
  17. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    OOC:*laughs*... --------------- [I]The light crystal continues to float in front of Sean.Sean stands their watching as the next wave approaches[/I] Sean:I hope Liam survives...we won't survive for too long with so many against us... Cyad:what don't trust our skills? Sean:of course I do...but their are too many... [I]Sean and Cyad turn back to back as the wave of Darkclansmen flows over them. Sean slices parrys, slices,, gets hit, slices again, parrys, slices, rinse wash and repeat. guts fall to the ground from the enemy, limps fly. Seans own wounds consist of many stabs in his arms, a deep gash in his gut and another gash across his face[/I] Sean:hurry Liam...we won't last much longer...we need that last gem...
  18. OOC:you seem to suffer from that quite often... ---------- [I]Zack looks around the other rooms, they all look similar[/I] Zack:thats a good question Siren...well we should wait till the others arrived...we have "secured" the inside...the others should proubably secure the outside [I]Zack looks down at the stacks of paper and begins flipping through them[/I] Zack:....mostly buisness papers...
  19. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    lol well post what your doing in the battle...if we can save this then we might be able to play it through to the end...
  20. OOC:poor poor Siren Zack:****...err Akira...give me the sword... Akira:why? Zack:have you forgotten...broods eyes make you insane!!
  21. Zack:no their not silver...they are regular bullets so far as I can tell...but grandpa said once they have an essence in them...wish I knew what he ment... [I]The car pulls up to Luposes[/I] Zack:guess we should go... [I]Zack climbs out of the car and walks up to the door[/I] Zack:guess we should just go in like ussual... Siren:yeah... [I]Zack and Siren walk into the house[/I] Zack:wow they were thourogh.... [I]Zack looked as every...everything had been ripped to shreads or opened, papers were everywhere furniture was destroyed, walls had holes in them, Zack was surprised the place was still standing[/I] Zack:....
  22. [I]Zack smirks at Andrew[/I] Zack:ready? Andrew:yeah [I]The two puts on their packs as the drop bays open...the first group of men jump, Zack amongest them...Zack falls through the air and opens his chute at the last minute, he hits the ground rather hard but is up quickly and signaling the next jump, his men begin to set up a paramiter[/I]
  23. [I]Treme looks up when he hears the scream then sees Ken/Orion in the air[/I] Treme:....sounded like Siren screaming....nah it couldn't have been...although Orion seems to be carrying someone.... [I]Treme watches Orion fly into the tree then comes back to the ground[/I] Treme:mmms.... [I]Treme jumps over the wall and walks towards where he thinks Ken is going to land[/I]
  24. me and some of my friend occaisonally make pen and paper rpgs...
  25. [I]Treme stares at the rising moon and listens as the nely trained Hope's Guard were filling into the mess hall for dinner[/I] Treme:....come back soon Siren and Ken...you guys will be missed... [I]Treme fiddles with the angel feather[/I]
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