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Everything posted by Anti
Im jsut gonna say one thing...First the avarage morals of this country is based on christian code, whether you like it or not, and thus the (mostly) moral battle of gay marrage is based on religious morals. Dosn't matter if you, me or that person over there dosn't like it, its how it is. Also this country is by and large religiously christian, one sect or another, and as long as we have religious polticians passing laws on a religious moral code, then this is a religious fight, period. no matter how much you like or dislike religion. All this "oh this isn't religious, or oh America is religiously free" got news for you, it isn't. ALL of us who interact with AMERICAN society are interacting with the base christian religious beliefs that this country was founded on. Freedom of religion was meant at first within a christian religion. - Now I know msot of that is off topic but Im tired of staring at ignorant bubbles, if your gonna talk about gay rights, understand your talking about what many consider to be a moral battle, false morals (which is what I think..)or not. Don't like it? get over it or change it. Aerica is far from freedom of religion and so is american society, we may now be more tolerant of none christian religions, but things such as "equality" and indifferentce to religion will never exsist in the goverment as long as we have religious people in goverment, for they will make decisions based on THEIR moral codes, which are largly influenced by their religions. As far as gay marriages go, Im indifferent, not my problem, their choice not mine, I don't much give a danm for marriage in general so why should I for a group of people Im generaly indifferent to? Your choice, your consequences.
Liam, the void on none rpging calls you! return to the void with your rpgs! hurry! before these wannabe devils consume you!
Due to popular reuqeust...ok only Kens request, Ive returned!...this sounds interesting... Name: Zaeon Age:22 Appearance: He stands about 6'4" with long flowing black hair, down to his lower back. He has a thin frame and deep set - grey/blue eyes. He gives off a serious aura and almsot alwyas looks dead serious. Bio: Zaeon is a computer tech. He works with on and in computers. Devolping computers and trusting to them with almost every need. He has also specilized in using the super computers and technology used to remove rifts. throughout his work he has learned to use small firearms but mostly relies on higher technology. He first joined the task force to study more closely the technologies of the past and when assignment he often gets sidetracked on this very thought of mind.
*pats Cloricus on the head* Its ok! one day youll be alright.
[I] looks at the one holding the shovel [/I] I don't take kindly to any whod attack my clansman. [I] shrugs [/I] good 'ol insulting Raiha, thank ye for the compliment. And a new mod...hope its better then some of the old ones... [Edit] ah hope revoked...already seeing stupid things from my PTV (point of view) aw well maybe the next one...[/Edit] --- Name: Zacherai Mansfield Race: Human. Class: Philospher/Leader - also a novice swordsman Description: Zacherai is 17 and stands about 6' tall. The first thing anyone notice about him are his hair and eyes. His hair going down to the bottom of his shoulder blades, and is dark brown, typically pulled back into a ponytail. His eyes are deepset and project an age any seasons older then he actually is. He has a thin frame that belittles his strength, esspecially in his long legs. Everything else is fairly avarage and unremarkable. He grew up in a middleclass household that placed emphasis on learning. His father was a merchant determined to raise a child capable of becoming something better, They living in one of the few petty democracies. His mother had ran off while he was a child. While other kids played he learned from his father. When other followed local religion he philsophised with his father. He grew up with few friends, who and plenty of time to learn. One of the many subjects he studied religiously was battle tactics and stratgium. The few friends Zach did make were often similar to him, intelligent and thinking for themselves, not jsut accepting status quo. They also shared one opinion in general, a belief that the division in humanity was perilous. Often debating and planning Zach thought of a new empire. Zacherai's only other pastime in his teenage years was a weekly session with an ex-soldier. Upon reaching his 17th season Zach "graduated" from his fathers school, having read all the books and learned all his father had to teach him, his father sends him out, to a learning of a new sort, to travel the world and learn from expiernce. His old sword teacher gave him a sword with which to protect himself and with that and rations he sts out to learn more of the world, and carry through his own plans. Other: Zacherai carries a sword and his clothes...he likes Dried meat..and..TEA!
ok guys, I know this isn't an rpg, and so ths may be looked upon immeaditly upon as sam or something to be put up in GD, but I am putting it up here, because it's a question for roleplayers, into the nature of some roleplaying, so yeah, move it where ya want, just figured I would explain why it's appearing here first. Anyways to the question... Ok well last night I decided to start reposting in Otaku, and was looking through the sign ups, when I remembered something that sometimes got on my nerves about peoples roleplaying, and it sorta comes down to the common sense level, here I will use an example I used to talk with my friends... Alright, 2 wizards, now as most of us fantasy roleplayers know, wizards are spell casters, who wear very little armour and ussually avoid close commbat in general. These 2 wizard both have the same inate powers in spell casting, but the difference is, one grows up in a sacntuary, knowing his magics their whole life, studying the, training them. The other instead grows up, living as a swordsman, or an adventurer, andnever knowing of theirs magics, the question is, will the adventuring wizard, who traded wordly expiernce, be as powerful a caster as the one who studyed thier whole life? From my train of thoughts the answer is obvious, and thats that it is a no. The wizard who spent the entire time training and studying would simply have a better knoweldge and expiernce with thier casting, even if the started out at the same power... Anywayz I wanna hear what you guys think, and to some of you newer roleplayers out thier, some advise for improved post quality, is to build your charecters past first, then have their abilitys built on that charecters past. Anywayz please answer, and if you mods feel this should be elsewhere, go ahead, I just wanted to ask this to the roleplayers first and make sure a few of them saw it.
Hey liam, I was wondering if...I could join in, but not as a birthright person o.O...like as a wandering swordsman type charecter, cause even if your magi are powerful, they are bound to run into other charecters, possibly some that will tag along..I awas wondering if I could be one of those, if yes then I will edit with info.
Alrighty, well at a decision made by me, to roleplay with a few of my old buddy's (most noteably bryan and ken, of those two most noteably ken, no offense bryan) I am gonna join a few rpgs again on ob...so fear me, for I Anti, have returned. erum yeah...anywayz...*reads over his bio and decribtion and feels like making a few changes* Name: Eldorian Alphane Age: 20 Height: 6' Gender: Male FitT: Hacker/Engineer Weapons: Hacking programs, Laser pistol (low powered as per request and preferance) Bio: Eldorian grew up in the middle class of the city, like any other family, a mother and a father, occaisonal family problems, normal. In school he was an avarage student and spent alot of time at home, a social outcast, and because of this he became interested in many different things, reading sci fi books and fantasy novels, right along with hard science.Also in his time alone he quickly learned hacking, to learn things he wasn't supposed to know, and how to construct many different gadgets, soon becoming a farily skilled engineer through much trial and error. He lived a fairly avarage life for middle class, not having many friends, and after leaving school taught himself for two years. One day through an error and expierment on his computer, he was caught hacking into goverment files. He was locked up for under 24 hours when the upper parts of the goverment, not wishing to waste his talant, offered him a proposal, work for them in exhange for his freedom, Eldorian agreed and integrated himself into hacking for the goverment. He didn't mind cause it got him a chance to deal with all the state of the art equipment, and to mess around with new gadgets more then ever, though again, he stayed a recluse. Shortly afterward he was assigned to the missing scientist problem. Eldorian is a recluse, prefering to keep his ideas to himself, and living his own way. He often keeps others at a distance and also preferes to stay in and play with his gadgets then go out on the town. However when he gets on a computer, or a new gadget in his hands he lights up and suddennly becomes full of life, the closest thing to his true self. He also has a love for fantasy creatures, particularly dragons. Appearance: Eldorian wears general middle class clothes, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, often even when he is on duty. He has long hair in a ponytail down to his shoulders. His skin is untanned from the long amounts of time he spends inside, but he is not easly sunburned. He has long legs and is skinny and lighterweight then most. His workplace is often cover with dragons, as is his clothing. His favorite shirt is one with a flaming dragon on the back, flying through a burning skull. Most his shirts are black, and he has a ton of gadgets he always wear on him, hidden under his clothing, for keeping tools. He also wears a dragon pendent necklace, which he never takes off and never talks about.
[I]Travis shrugged, eatings his food, he pulled his pack over and pulled out a few trinkets, starting to fidle with them while he was waiting for the others to wait[/I] Travis:so anyone know what we should have to expect to deal with...or this all by ear? [I]Travis jumped back as electricty shocked him from one of the devices, then cursed...he grinned remembering his magic spell[/I] Travis: hope this isn't to muh juice....Jolt [I]A small shock traveled from his finger into the device, and it started running for a moment then died, he picked up his tools and started working[/I]
Travis: maybe none of you relize this but this isn't exactly a pleasure walk...and I doubt this DRACO will let us walk right up to him... Lauren: isn't that why we have magic? Travis:..... [I]Travis shakes his head and returns to looking into his headset, a map appearing of the town[/I] Travis:listen I am hungrey...you people can go which ever way you want, but I am going to get something to eat... [I]Travis turned and took off down a side alley without a response[/I]
Gah?...you gotta be kidding -.-...w/e I will try not to but don't be surprised if it slips in everynow and then.... ----------------------------------- [I]Travis blinked and shrugged, he ran upstairs, and grabbed a pack he kept together for when he needed to go out, then walked along the street, ignoring Laurens tricks with her skateboard[/I] Travis:...you may find it fun and all to show off your magic like that, but I would rather we keep from drawing attention to ourself...would be nice to not be shot for being a freak... [I]Travis returned to his inward thinking, pulling out a small head and wrist set, and pressing keys only he could see on it [/i]
[I] Zack lived within his own thoughts, he knew he had been kidnapped...but again the other in him had summoned him..and he had been forced to answer Zack:..... ???:they can be your servernts as well, we are the equalizer...we come only when needed Zack:.... ???:just let the force..the ability within you flow? Zack:what?!?!... [/I]
[I]Travis blinks to himself, to the now fried computer, to the image that perclaimed itself to be Merlin and back again, he heard everything Merlin said, not sure whether to believe or not in another few blinks the perclaimed merlin was gone to find the others, and his now completly fried computer, from a miss fire of what the guy...magician...called magic...Travis still wasn't sure what to believe, but he did know his computer was gone beyond all repair[/I] Travis: DANM!!!.... [I]Travis walked to his computer and attempted to pick up a piece, his attempt was returned by a jolt of electricty[/I] Travis: OUCH!! [I]He looked at his finger, then walked back to his desk where he kept that comp, and moved all the other gadgets away so they wouldn't be fried also...he sat down, looking the machine over, wondering if anything might be salgable, while thinking over what this merlin said[/I]
this thread or another one (will edit later if this one)
Name: Travis age:16 Favorite Spell: my final spell is un decided, first spell is Jolt, applys a small charge of electricty to any nearby object. Looks: Black hair, cut short, white t-shirt, blue jeans, blue eyes. Bio: He first learned he was a mage when he was trying to fic his computer, and he started it up by using jolt on without thinking, and afterwards Merlin informed him that he knew magic and why he knew it...He likes knowing magic, but preferes to use his technological skills. Personality: he is friendly amongest friends, but at the same time he always seems lost in thought. he is more leanint toward the anti social side, prefering to be with his machines.
lala I guess I will come back to OB since Ken is making such a whie about it and since you, Siren, are threating to kill meh if I dont o.o;;....anywho...guess I can try this out...erm..Siren...more detail please ^^?...*hears Siren yell a big hell no and where the hell ya been at him* righto o.o;... ---------------------- Name: oo...I guess I will be... Treme Sivart age: 18 Breed/other: Human weapon:soo many sword...think I will go with something different... a custom made pistol that can shoot almost any kinda bullet, his razor sharp wit o.- Bio: a young man who grew up enslaved, and after hearing of the days of peace,reblled, he has psychic power. they tend to lean to the mental such as empathy, and is pure human, without mechanical enhancments. talks little of his past and trys to enjoy himself as much as possible description: wears a pair of jeans, and a black t-shirt when on leisure time, he has a short ponytail, and dark brown hair. his eyes are grey blue, often changing to a green-brown. disposition: how ever he feels like being...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gold_Angewomon [/i] [B]Hehe. Those were fun... But I'm scared at how well I did on Neil's test. :eek: Anyways... Here's mine. ^^ [URL=http://BrittyKitty1259.friendtest.com]http://BrittyKitty1259.friendtest.com[/URL] If anyone can get 100, I'll give you a prize... [/B][/QUOTE] I made a 100...where is my prize!
[I]Travis shook his head[/I] Travis:the controls as just as good as a rapiers...the reason we will never be as agile is we are about 100 times as big as a rapier... [I]Travis shrugged and finished going over the controls[/I] Travis:gotta remember basic science...takes alot more power to counter the momentuim of the ship once it starts moving... [I]Travis sat down and turned on the intercom[/I] Travis:as soon as all stations have reported in we will begin launch procedure
[I]Travis nodded, most the engineers wern't ship side yet so he quickly ran to engineering and got a tool kit, he brought it up and handed it to Bryan who passed it to Siren[/I] Travis:only kit I could find quickly....erm what did you say before Bryan? Bryan:I said it looked like sabatoge.... Travis:....well as acting captian during hostile periods... Bryan:.....your the captian? Travis:only in ties of "war"...everything else is voted on...but if your right that this was sabtouge...it means someone wants to slow us down... Bryan:right.... Siren:HEY A HAND HERE!! Bryan:erm... [I]Bryan scuttled into the tube to help Siren with the piping, shortly after both came out and began sealing the other burst...Travis had disappeared from the dock area, but a moment later a comm came on[/I] Travis:This is a message to everyone, The explosion on the docking bay will not delay our launch...I repeat it will not delay our launch, however I would like all engineers or anyone with Engineering skills to begin looking over the ship for any more possible problems...thank you [I]on landside Criags and Ambers comms began to flash, they had orders for them both to report to the ship and to help out immeaditly[/I]
[I]Travis began telling people to go for their check up and also sent a message to Abob to come help, Travis didn't go for his, he was checking out all the flight controls, the ship occaisonally jumping in one direction or another as he tested things...he stopped after a while need the engineers to check everything else out and headed down to start looking over the docs[/I]
[I]Travis nods to Bryan as he heads out the door, in the common room a message is seen playing of him[/I] Message:I am going to start the prechecks for the ship, I will send in a message when we need to launch, If your fighters arn't in the dock then call up the shop heads to have them loaded, do any last minute shopping... Also will someone make sure my stuff is brought to the ship? I am gonna need all the time to make sure all the checks are started, As soon as you guys are ready come to the ship so you can check over all your equipment... [I]As the message played in a constant loop, Travis was heading down the street, he walked into the Docks, showing his clearance, and walked along the deck, Their ship was on the last docking space, As he neared the ship he stared, The Forcefield that kept the air in but let ships out...if that ever failed...Travis shrugged and pushed in the code comand on his wrist, a beam of light shot down and lifted him into The Schism Hatch..he was on deck 2, he walks through the hatch to the elevator and was soon on deck three, on deck three he went to the bridge and smiles, here was his seat...he walked to the piliots seat and sat down, he opened up the armour plating over the windows, so he could watch the port, and began checking his panel over[/I]
[I]Travis looks through the prices...he didn't have enough for any ship parts...individually they never did, they ussually ended up teaming up to buy those, thats why half of everyones money went into a fund for buying equipment for their ships and such, personal items and equipment had to be paid for by the individual...Travis looked on and he bought a moble connector to the network, he also increased the speed, his little wrist comp was a pretty powerful piece of equipment without the mods he had given it...Travis looked up and stared at Ken[/I] Travis:hello.... [I]Travis also watched Siren come out in one piece[/I] Travis:must not have woken him up.... [I]Travis shrugged and checked to see how his d/l was going[/I]
[I]Zack sat upfront with Liam, his normal thought had returned, and he wasn't at all hungry[/I] Zack:you know Liam I can drive Liam:NO! Zack:but it's my... Liam:NO Zack:I am fine I really can Liam:NOOO!!! Zack:alright alright... [I]Zack moved to the back where Siren was and sat down beside her, he smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek, and he remembered their earlyer conversation[/I] Zack:...what are you confused about Siren? Siren:...everything Zack: anything I can help with? Siren:...whats happening to you? Zack:.....I am not sure, I am changing...when I blank out...I see another me...covered in darkness, he knows what we are Siren:...you look like a nasferatu Zack:I doubt I am becoming that, unless your ken have been knowen to eat their own...and consume their entire aura, their soul... Siren:..... Zack:listen I am still me...just...with some new features...and I don't think I have to worry about any vampires biting me...although I still feel completly mortal... [I]Zack smiled at siren then hugged her tightly, and stayed like that until they got to Liams[/I]
[I]Travis finished off his food as he watched them leave[/I] Travis:leaving...leaving this dumb of a city and everything in it... [I]Travis pulled up the local star charts and began looking them over[/I] Travis:hmmm maybe we should check the merchants guild for any supply runs... Tursi:why? Travis:well we arn't exactly the strongest ship in the sector...for our first few runs, till we have broken the Schism in...maybe we should do cargo runs...although it might attract pirates...can't be any worse then attacking pirates... [I]Travis continued looking over the maps and while walking down the hall and placing everyone ones share of money in front of their door[/I] Travis: might buy an upgrade to my computer.... [I]Travis jacked his wrist comp into the main comps port and began pulling up prices[/I]
[I]Travis shrugs as he eats his waffles[/I] Travis:...Ask one of the engineers... Bryan:which are...? Travis: Amber, Siren, or our head engineer, Criag