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Everything posted by Anti
[I]Zack stares foward[/I] Zack:no...just...these guys are supposed to be rich... Liam:they are..... Zack:are all the employees va...Night Walkers?
Treme:I agree...only probelm is I am not sure how to train a paladin...and not everyone will have the gift...so I plan to have two troops...the regulars...come up with a different name...and the Royal Star Paladins...I think I will split the regulors up if they get big enough...The Star Knights and the...err not sure about just regular men and militia...men that arn't elite forces...
[I]Treme looks at Bryan serious like[/I] Treme:...Bryan I am the ruler of a large city for what just happened yes...but not of man... Bryan:you might as well be... Treme:I try not to think about it..."power corupts, absolute power corupts absolutly"...as long as I remeber that I am not all powerful...that I serve the people just as much as they serve me...I should stay a just leader...but if I ever get into my mind that I am all powerful...history will repeat...but thanks for your confidence... [I]Treme smiles at Bryan[/I] Treme:I do hope to get as many people as possible into our city and realm of influence...but you are right I am the leader and servent of what could posibly be the larget group of humans at the moment...
[I]Zack draws his sword...the runes on it begin to resanate with energy[/I] Zack(Dragon/thought):Sirus you will listen to my commands....SIRUS!! [I]As Zack screams in Dragon the runes glow brightly and the dragon bows to Zack[/I] Zack(Dragon):good Sirus...now help me free the others [I]Zack stands in front of Siren as Kaii breathes fire towards her, a barrier appears and the fire flows around them, Siren is begging Kaii to stop in Dragon[/I] Zack/Sirus(Dragon):Kaii....you are free of the broods commands... [I]The runes resinate again and Kaii looks at them...Siren stands up with a look of joy in her face, Zack turns to Creed and Wind, the runes resinate and the Dragons look up mystified...Wind flys off to find Leona and Creed looks at Akira apoligeticly[/I] Zack:BROOD!!!...I will not let you win!!! [I]Zack turns towards Tenebrion the runes resinating in front of him, Sirus at his side[/I]
[I]Sean waste no time[/I] Sean:Sun's RAY!! [I]A large beam forms on Sean's dagger tips and shoots into the group of darkclansmena large group of them falling over[/I] Sean:.... [I]Sean pulls the light gem out of his pouch as the other fire off their spells then prepare for the oncomming rush of darkclansmen[/I] Sean:Liam...don't fight...go to the temple and get the gem!! Liam:Wha??? Burn/Cyad:good Idea... Liam:Why? Sean:Go and GEt the thunder gem...even with your armagdon we won't win...get the last gem!! Liam:why!! Sean:we are going to form the blade...but we need that gem... Liam:wha? Sean:The Omni Blade!!...now goo!!!, StarLight defend him!! [I]Staright breaths light onto the clans men then hovers over Liam[/I] Sean:Go now Liam.... [I]Sean slashes into the first arriving dark clansmen as the other shoot off a few more spells[/I]
Treme:great idea Bryan!!...Bryan...I was wondering if you would be second in command of this place...you help me out alot...and I will start needing help soon...
*Anti looks over at Tusi asleep* Anti:mms.... *Anti eats his food and drink his ale*
[I]Zack looks at Lupos[/I] Zack:right... [I]Zack climbs out of the car after evryone else does and can tell Siren is hovering closer to him then ussual, keeping an eye on him, as if she were protecting what is "hers"[/I] Zack:.... [I]Zack follows Lupos and the group into the tall building..[/I] Zack:wow pretty smart...hide right where the public can see you...they would never suspect a thing...
Treme:as far as Siren goes I plan to hold something in honor of her...but before we erect houses we should build another wall... Bryan:another? Treme:yeah...have two lines of defense...and we got to protect the new fertile lands... [I]Treme and Bryan sit down and begin planning...the place a group of walls, a new bigger hospital, an extension onto the old hospital, turning it into a barraks and command center, and new housing, they set aside more land for farming and a water mill on the river.[/I] Treme:if everyone works hard...and we got the supplys...we should be able to do all this in a couple of weeks... Bryan:yeah... Treme:Bryan...would you help me plan a memorial for Siren?...maybe at that big tree that was planted... Bryan:sure...
[I]Zack retains an indifferent face[/I] Sirus(thought speak):you find this very amusing...why do you not laught like Siren, the one you like... Zack(Dragon): oi you searched my thoughts quick...I don't laugh beause it would be inappropriate to do so... Sirus(thought):I can't search your thoughts...I can feel your emotions strongly...and I feel those that are stronger better like the ones you feel for Siren Zack(Dragon):I know my emotions...and I am glad you can find comfort in them...you seem tired...take a nap if you wish Sirus(Dragon): ok I will... [I]Sirus walks over to Zack and curls up next to his feet[/I]
Zack:haha...a cow...oi... [I]Zack smiles at her[/I] Zack:mmms so old and ancient one....what was your life like without me?....proubably all happy and fun... [I]Zack smirks again jokingly...he looks away for a second and sees the others talking amongest themselves then turns back to Siren[/I]
[I]Treme looks at Bryan[/I] Treme:it is ok Bryan...we need to begin planning the city...if you need a break you can take it...
OOC:by the way dragon sounds like a series of roars, screetches and ancient language to someone who dosn't know it...Dragon speech to those who arn't "linked" sounds like roars and gurgles... Zack:share... Sirus:what he bites?!?!.... [I]Sirus bites Akira again[/I] Akira:OWWW!!! [I]Zack stiffles a laugh[/I] Zack(Dragon):Sirus!! Sirus:but you found that amusing Zack(Dragon):yes I did...but Akira is a friend...
Zack:Grandfather?!?!I am no ones grandpa...I am 22...we met four years ago...on one of my first mission.. [I]Zack remembers the mission with clarity, he had been pinned down by gun fire as he was infultrating a base...then suddenly the fireing stopped...where the two men where now only stood a girl...the men at her feet...Zack had been hired by an aunounames((SP?)) person...he now presumed it was Lupos...the girl had said she was sent in as his back up...although he didn't remember asking for back up...after that he manged to aquire the item he was after...she took it to the "buyer"...and since then they had been doing missions together...at first to his bane...then to his preferance...one thing that had struck as odd was how she never seemed to grow older...even after 4 years...now he knew why...[/I]
[I]Zack smirks[/I] Zack:good job... [I]Zack looks over the sword then pulls his own out...the two swords begin to resinate, Akira's glowing brighter except for the runs on Zack's sword.[/I] Akira:wow that thing resonates with magic blades? Zack:all the magic blades were made by the broods...so they all resonate in the presence in the others... [I]Zack scratches Sirus[/I] Zack:Sirus will let you pet him now Akira...
Zack:...I know it isn't all fun and games...I was a kid then...I am an adult now...I have taken human life also...as you have taken a vampires...in which I am still in dept to you for... Siren:to some Zack: physically I am older then you...even if you are at least 400 years old...you still look like you are only 15 or 16 years old... Siren:I know this... Zack:... [I]Zack turns watching the landscape of the city go by[/I]
[I]Sirus looks at Zack as Zack laughs[/I] Sirus:he was gonna attack me Zack(Dragon):he wasn't he was just gonna pet you.... Sirus: oh...his sword...it's different...magical...like yours...only stronger [I]Zack stands up and stares at Akira his hand on his sword[/I] Zack:Akira your lying about your sword...that one has magic...and very few swords have magic embedded in them...your's didn't before...
[I]Zack nods[/I] Zack:...a vampire...I used to pretend to be a vampire...when I was a kid...before I knew they exsisted...*sigh*...because of that I developed the weirdest sleepng habits... Siren:not sleeping till you fall over... Zack:heh...yeah I guess.... [I]The car pulls onto the street[/I] Zack:mmm...always wondered what being a vampire would be like...now I am helping them and have been working with one...oi kinda irionic...
Zack:THAT is a dragon...in fact it's name is Sirus...it is my dragon... [I]Zack scratches Siruses eye ridges[/I] Sirus: prrrr....that feels good Zack:.... [I]Zack beams a smile at Siren[/I] Zack(Dragon):Sirus this is Siren...a good friend...mayhap more... [I]Zack smirks[/I] Zack(Dragon):it is ok to let her near you...and to even listen to her..open your mind to her... Sirus:I will Zack...mms pleasee keep scratching their...
Sean:...about 10...I fell through when I was young...I have been here ever since...a thief..same as I was in the light world...
[I]Zack laughs[/I] Zack:mmms I think I will call it Sirus...in honor of a friend lost then found... [I]Zack smiles then turns to the dragon[/I] Zack(Dragon):hello young one...I am Zack...your partner...you are Sirus Sirus:Hello Zack...I feel your thoughts...you are happy Zack(Dragon):that I am...I feel yours also...
Zack:I am going...I am nervous...but my curiosity is stronger...besides Lupos said only he and Espa are going in...so I should be fine... [I]Zack climbs into the limo, Siren following him[/I] Craig:Scared vermin? Zack:hardly [I]Zack absent mindly puts his arm over the back of the seat thus over Siren's shoulders[/I]
[I]Sean laughs then shrugs[/I] Sean:...so how long have you been in the dark world?
[I]Zack looks over at Siren[/I] Zack:...Siren we will find Kaii.... [I]Zack hugs her then turns back to the dragon...it eats all his meat[/I] Zack:I don't know what to name it.... [I]Zack thinks for a while[/I]
Sean:...I onder if they got out...? [I]Sean pokes around the temple and sees that only the very tip top is sticking out[/I]