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Everything posted by Anti

  1. [I]Zack smirks[/I] Zack:I am ready as I will be...
  2. [I]Zack smiles and wraps his arm around her[/I] Zack:you won't be... [I]Zack leans foward to kiss her when he hears a dragon screetch...Zack looks up alarmed[/I] Zack:a young dragon... Siren:what are you going to do? Zack:capture it... [I]Zack looks around the tree and sees the dragon[/I] Zack:.... [I]Zack pulls out some meat and throws it down...the baby dragon comes around the tree....Zack grabs it from behind and puts some meat in his hand...as the dragon eats from his hand he can feel it's mind opening to his[/I] Zack(Dragon):don't be afraid younfg one...we shall be partners... [I]The dragons roars at him and fully opens it's mind to him[/I] Zack:...my own dragon... [I]Zack leans over and kisses Siren and gives her some meat to feed it[/I] Zack:you know a dragon is like a part of you...so I want my dragon to know you...like you did to me so many years ago...
  3. [I]Zack looks over at Siren almost as if he is reading her thoughts...he practicully is...[/I] Zack:....and what about me....?..... [I]Zack leans his back against a tree watching Siren[/I]
  4. [I]Treme walks to his house and falls to the floor[/I] Treme:....so Siren is dead.... [I]Treme stars out his window which is irionicly facing the tree of hope[/I] Treme:...I will have to do something to honor her...
  5. OOC:and we don't have city's...we have schools, all in one city... [I]Zack looks outside and ses a girl in the street...who runs off when she sees Zack looking[/I] Zack:.... Asuka:whatcha looking at? Zack:...someone was watching us... Asuka:did she look like me in some ways?.... [I]Asuka blushes[/I] Zack:...yes...why? Asuka:it was Athena....my twin sister... Zack:oh... Asuka:...thanks for dinner Zack...I got to go....bye!! [I]Asuka gets up and leaves...Zack pays the bill then walks off to his dorm..shortly after his arrival he sees the new kis Marcus come into his dorm[/I] Zack:Uh?! Who are you.. ???: The names Marcus, and yourself Zack:Zack, the names Zack... Marcus: pleasure to meet you zack Zack:you too....welcome to my room...what are you doing here? Marcus:I am your roommate... Zack:ahh... [I]Zack stares at him[/I] Zack:well welcome... [I]Zack turns to a book he has and begins reading it[/I]
  6. Treme:.....we have to adapt or survive.... [I]Treme turns back to his house[/I] Treme:I am going to rest...this afternoon I am going to begin working again... [I]Treme begins to walk to his house[/I] Treme:Amber my house is yours till we build you one...
  7. Amber: a Holy Warrior....I don't know your powers...I haven't ever seen them all or studyed it...you are a paladin...I will train you to fight...but...your powers you have to discover on your own...
  8. [I]Treme turns to Bryan[/I] Treme:and what do you suggest I shoulda done?....just stopped fighting during an important battle?...just stop farming we won't have enough food in three monthes?...well what do you suggest?...whats the point of mourning if the mourning cost you the life of yourself and the rest of the village!?!...
  9. [I]Zack watches Sephroth move in and relizes it is about to blow up the area he is in[/I] Zack:Speh we are going to distract it....Sere spread out and lets shot it a couple of times... [I]Zack swings to the right as Seree swings to the left...the both shot the Angel at the same time...neither bullet hits[/I] Yuriko:it has an At field...active yours and neutralize it... Zack/Sere/Sephroth:right [I]Zack thinks to himself AT field on...he dosn't feel any different but notices a piece of debry fly at him...and not even touch the eva[/I] Zack:right....AT feild max power... Sere:AT field max power.... [I]They both fire another shot...and the Angel gets hit by it[/I] Zack:enemy AT field neutrilized...Seph we will keep it distracted until you can engage it... [I]Zack moves out of the way as a beam comes out of lucilus in his direction[/I] Zack:close call.... [I]Zack fires a shot as the Angel turns toward Sere[/I]
  10. [I]ZAck stares at the large Dragon[/I] Zack:....I heard about a dragon queen.... [I]Zack turns to Kaii and him and Siren both begin to will their minds on him[/I] Zack/Siren(dragon):Kaii stop!! Kaii:I...I... [I]The two feel another force inside the dragons mind battleing with their own over Kaii's alliegence[/I] Kaii:....my queen I am comming.... [I]Zack stares hardfaced and Siren looks like she is about to break into tears[/I] Zack(Dragon):KAII!!! [I]Kaii raises his head then flys after the queen dragon[/I] Zack:their are supposdly only two things that can control a dragon and overide a Sky Rider.... Akira:thats one of them right... Zack:yeah..... Akira:and what was the other? Zack:the brood at the height of their power...sky riders are the decedents of the brood that refused to join with the dragons... [I]Zack watches as Kaii flys off[/I]
  11. [I]Treme sighed with relief as the last of the mutants fell, HE looks upon the horizon as the sun raised and the new landcape could be seen, Bryan and Amber came onto the roof with him[/I] Amber:what's this about being a paladin? Treme:....I will tell you later...Bryan we need to expand... Bryan:what do you mean? Treme:we need to protect all the fertil land...all that is green we should emcumbuss into our city...for now at least...we don't have enough men to protect any other way then a wall....and that tree...that thing is huge...we now have running water though...we should start building... Bryna:right Amber:TREME!! Treme:alright alright...a paldin...is a human warrior...with holy powers...Ken turned you into one... Amber: oh... Treme:Bryan after lunch we begin planning our expansion...first we eat and rest...then we work, hlaf the people will farm, the other half will train...we need to be ready for next time... [I]Treme jumped off the roof and walked to his house looking exauhsted then turns to Bryan[/I] Treme:Bryan....I am not just going to let it go...I lost a friend tonight...but surviving was more important then morning...I will decide on something to do in her honor...but survival is still more important... [I]Treme turns back towards his house and walks off his thoughts to himself[/I]
  12. [I]Zack eats his food quietly as Asuka looks away from him[/I] Zack:....you know my eyes won't turn you to stone.... [I]Asuka looks up at him and blushes a bit, finnaly making eye contact[/I] Zack:.... [I]Zack return the aze then shrugs and eats his food[/I] Zack:...so where you from...?
  13. [I]Zack stares at Lupos[/I] Zack:say boss... Lupos:boss? just call me Lupos Zack: ok, this council...they are like a faction of vampires or the faction? Lupos:they are an organization that helps us survive... Zack:ahh...and I doubt they will be happy a human knows about them... Lupos:they proubably won't be...but your not the only human that knows... Zack:..... [I]Zack nods and quickly finishes his meal[/I] Zack:well I am finished... [I]Zack stands up from the table as the others do[/I] Zack:.... [I]Zack follows the others out to the cars[/I]
  14. [I]Sean spins on his heels as he hears the monters cry[/I] Sean:.....what was that? Siren:don't know... Craig:proubably a big monster....lets check it out... [I]The group walks to the front of the temple and begins to walk down the path[/I] Sean:.... [I]Sean has his daggers out and is watching the walls and floor[/I] Sean:this place was booby trapped....alot... [I]Sean feels the place rumble beneath his feet[/I] Sean:...and someone set one off...who touched anything?... Siren:not me Craig:me neither....didn'y your friends come in here Siren:yeah two of them did.... [I]Sean turns around as the place begins to sink into the ground[/I] Sean:....out now!!! [I]Sean dashes for the opening with the other two right behind him...they jump out of te top of the opening as it sinks into the ground[/I] Sean:that was close...
  15. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    [I]Sean pulls out the light gem and it hovers in front of him[/I] Sean:...we are on the last gem... [I]Sean watches the gem hovering in the air...then puts it back in his bag[/I] Cyad:Sean how did you hide the gem in that bag from the dark clan?... Sean:the bag is enchanted... [I]Sean taps his daggers[/I] Sean:I am ready to go..
  16. [I]Zack sleeps peacefuly...more of need then of want. Zack wakes up to see Siren watching him[/I] Zack:...how long did I sleep? Siren:the sun is about to go down... Zack:those two ccome up yet? Siren:no Zack: ok...I am starved Siren: ok...Liam said that you are welcome to use his butler or the kitchen... Zack:right... [I]Zack stands up and walks into the dining room where he sees th others waiting fo Lupos and Espa[/I] Craig:so it's awake... Zack:...Liam I am starving... Liam:my butler will make you some food...please take a seat Zack:thanks Liam [I]Zack sits down in a chair, Siren sits down next to him[/I] Zack:soo...you guys come up with anything?...I have contacts almost anywhere...so I will give some help
  17. [I]Treme noded to Bryan as he watches Orion walk away[/I] Treme:...Bryan....take your men and pull back...I am going to get Siren's troops and pull back...our new paladin is in that group... Bryan:our what? Treme:we have a new paladin...the girl Amber...now move your men while I get the rest...remember my retreate signal...fire it as I run....the others will move their men to the hospital and mess hall...you go too... [I]Treme jumps off the wall and dashes for the other side of the village slicing through the occaisonal mutant that he run into...as he reaches the other hole he sees Siren's men fighting disorganized[/I] Treme:Come to me!!! [I]Treme fires his pistol clearing a path to him....the groups begins to rally around Treme...Treme coordinates their shots to get the other people their once everyone is accounted for he begins to pull them back[/I] Treme:Amber what happened? Amber: [/I]Shot shot[/I] She went out and fought something...it looked like a knight... Treme:....Death Knight.... [I]Sigh[/I] [I]The group of twelve men arrive to the mess hall and begin to be covered by men on the roof and in the building[/I] [I]Treme splits his men in half putting some on the roof and putting others in the building, Treme and Amber walk into the supply room where the other commanders wait[/I] Bryan:where's Siren...? Treme:...Death Knight got to her...before I got there... Kool:whats this about a new paladin? Treme:....Amber.... Amber:I am what!?!? Treme: you will learn...right now we got more important things...where is Akira?... Kool:on the roof directing the men up their... Treme:right....seems you guys did good on evening out our men...what reports...how many loss? Kool:1 Bryan:0 Kool:Akira lost 2.... Treme:Siren lost 0...before the night is over we might lose more...well enough chit chat...Kool take the Mess hall group, Bryan the Hotpital group....fire only when you can hit, and shot to kill in one shot....tommorow...we need to start training a defence force... Amber:is their anything I can do?.... Treme:...look after the wounded...I am gong on the roof to see Akira... [I]Treme clibs out a window and climbs onto the roof[/I]
  18. [I]Zack watches his equipment and the others on his screen[/I] Zack:.....it's taking it's time isn't it... Sere:yeah.... [I]Zack watches the other piliots waiting paitently for the Angel to arrive. He keeps himself alert while he drifts off into his own thoughts. We can take this thing right?....they say the 2nd angel had fallen to a lone eva...so shouldn't this one fall to 3...5 of them if nessacery...Zack watched his radar as Ciarnait and Oroko were raised to the surface and being taught how to control their Evas...was this the time for that...when an impending battle was approaching...would he even survive his first battle knowing little more on how to control his Eva then they did...then he spotted it...the energy flux on his Radar[/I] Zack:do you two see that? Sere/Sephroth:Hai Zack:.....ready to follow your lead Sephroth Sere:ready Spehroth.... [I]Zack gets ready to move foward and relizes his power cord is stretched taunt. He quickly changes to another one in the nearby building[/I] Zack:......
  19. [I]Zack watches as the teacher first teaches Asuka how to control her pyrokinesis, Zack watches learning a few tricks when he learns fire magic[I] Orianna:Zack I am sorry today we didn't get to anything that would be of use to you.... Zack:I learned...you never know what might come in handy one day... Asuka:So your going to the Black Mage school....why do you have a sword at your side?....mages can't cast when wielding those... Zack:....I can....I am a warlock... Asuka:....would you like to go get dinner?... Zack:...sure why not...I have nothing better to do.... [I]Zack follows Asuka out of the school and into the busy market place[/I]
  20. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    [I]Sean looks up at Sabir, then Liam[/I] Sean:I will pass Liam... Liam:but it is for your loss of blood Sean:.... [I]Sean takes the honey and eat about a fourth of what is givin to him[/I] Sean:....I need to rest.... [I]Sean stares at Sabir and falls to sleep[/I]
  21. [I]Zack was watching Siren blush from Craig remark...and sat comtemplating it till he heard the scream from downstairs...his muscles tensed and did so even more as he felt Siren's hand on his shoulder[/I] Zack:.... Siren:don't worry it is just Lupos embracing Espa as kin.... Zack:.... [I]Zack stared down the hall for a moment then went and leaned back against the wall thinking of a way to escape, as the night passed and the sun began to rise their was still no sign from the two...Zack was begining to nod off[/I] Zack:.... Siren:your tired...rest...I will watch over you.... Zack:I am fine... Liam:would anyone like breakfast?....I will have my butler cook something up for you Zack.... Zack:....I ate last night...and am not hungry yet... [I]Zack was sitting on the ground now, wondering if he might have found a way to help...he stared down the hallway that led to the stairs but kept his back against a corner, out of instinct and because he knew he had an enemy here...Zack returned to watching Siren and figuring a way out[/I] Zack:...... Siren:Zack you look exsausted... Zack:I am fine.... I might be able to get your people to a safe place... [I]Siren turned her back on Zack walking towards the dining area[/I] Siren:and how is that Zack?..... Zack:.... Siren:Zack? [I]Siren turns around to see Zack asleep with his head against the wall[/I]
  22. [I]Zack walks to the class he is supposed to have with Mrs.Orianna...as he walks in he sees Asuka again[/I] Zack:..... Asuka:you!! Zack:..... [I]Zack leans against the wall in the class rom[/I]
  23. [I]Zack runs down the street in a hurry[/I] Zack:I am going to be late...just great... [I]Zack runs into Faltor, the telekinetic school[/I] Zack:..... Wizard:excuse me young man...your wearing Sentronel robes...why are you here? Zack:I am supposed to be here.... [I]Zack shows him he schedule[/I] Wizard:ahh your tutor will be down the halls...she is suspecting you I think... [I]Zack turns and finds the sorceress[/I] Sorceress:ZAck of Sentronel? Zack:....yes Sorceress:I will be your teacher for the class you need here...Let me get my other student and we will begin...oh and my name is Orianna Zack:....ok.... [I]Zack watches as the teacher walks towards the dorms[/I]
  24. [I]Zack looks over at Oroko in his suit[/I] Zack:..... [I]Zack turns back to the outside world[/I] Zack:so major...where are we being deployed?.... Yukiro:Spehroth will take point...Zack, Sere you two have more synch experience so you will directly back up Sephroth, Ciarnait and Oroko will be in reserves and will reposition as we need them Zack:yes Major... [I]The Eva's launch and Zack moves in close to Sephroth with Sere on his other side[/I] Zack:....anyone see the angel yet?.... Seph:no...it isn't quite in range... Sere:be ready....
  25. OOC:Your post came before we got in the Eva's right BU?!?!.... Zack:...some sakte boarder..... [I]Zack just glances at him and stops only to wait for Ciarnait[/I]
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