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Everything posted by Anti
OOC:ok I edited it...heh now I know two words in japanese...thanks seph ------------------------------------------------------ [I]Zack comes out of his room a few minutes later his stuff unpacked and his room clean[/I] Zack:..... [I]Zack walks to the fridge gets out a few things and begins coking dinner...about 15 minutes later the meal is cooked, Zack divides it onto three different plates, he hands one to Seph, one to Ciar, and sits down and begins eating off the last one[/I]
OOC:sorry JC...he didn't even have the bag when you stole them...they were already in my possesion...check back on the 4th page... IC: [I]Sean watches Siren drink some of the blood then put the vial away[/I] Sean:.....so why are you guys here?.... Siren:to find treasure Sean:mmms much more dangerous then just lifting pouches...but I guess I am in...
Name:Zack Race:Human Age16 Weapons:Sword Materia:Lighting Ex-Job:soldier in training BirthPlace:Vegan Capital Bio:was training to become one of the elite of the Vegan army...He was the top of his class the only one who could compare to him was his best friend...as his training was drawing to an end his friend showed him the truth behind the vegan empire...the real way it worked...before he had lived in a world of propaganda...shortly after that his friend was assinated...Zack threw it all away and joined the resistants. Stratigic and knows what it takes to be a good soldier. Appearance:He wears a black t-shirt and jeans. He has dark brown hair in a pony tail down to the top of his back and his bangs hang loose.His eyes are a grey blue but occaisonaly change to a hazel green.He is 5'10" and a bit on the skinny side.
[I]Zack walks siliently as she beams at sephroth[/I] Zack:..... [I]Zack follows behind listing to her talk to Sephroth untill they reach their new aparment[/I] Zack:.... Seph:this is our home....Zack your room is right down their..and Ciarnait yours is across the hall from him...mine is at the end... [I]seph shows them the rest of the flat[/I] Zack:....I will be in my room..... Seph: ok...your stuff has already been brought.... Zack:....Arigatou.... [I]Zack walks off to his room[/I]
[I]Zack and Siren head back to Zack's Aparemnt...Zack sits down and quickly eats his sandwhich while asking Siren questions about her Kin[/I] Zack:...and what of the stuff I read?....truth in it... Siren:...it was pretty accurate....someone may have sold us out... Zack:do the nightwalkers have any enemies?... Siren:..hunters...called Triste witches by my kin.... Zack:Tristie Witches?....mmms...funny...I have had some dealings with them in the past...run a couple of jobs... Siren:....you have?....what kind of jobs? Zack:...tracking people mostly...I think Night Walkers....gues I should start turning them down...oh SH*T... Siren:...what?.... Zack:.....promise me you won't kill me?.... Siren:you know I won't.... Zack:well...my last job was for the hunters...to...track down....our boss....Lupos...and his grilfriend...Espa.... Siren:WHAT!?!? [I]Siren jumps to her feet, Zack nervously get to his feet and reaches his hand to his sword[/I] Zack:well how was I suppossed to know?....I didn't even know your kin exsisted till tonight....I didn't even know Lupos was our boss...I was short of cash...and I hadn't seen you in while...I needed a job else I woulda been back on the streets...the hunters approached me with the job...so I took it... Siren:We have to find Lupos now.... Zack:...sorry...I didn't know.... Siren:I know...thats my fault....but we should find him and help him if we can... [I]Zack nods and gets his mission stuff together[/I] Zack:guess we better take my car.... [I]Zack grabs the keys to his car, him and siren rush out to it and set off for Luposes[/I]
[I]Zack looks up as they are approaching a building[/I] Zack:...I think thats it....and I doubt you have to worry about bullies...I think society around here is slightly different... Ciarnait:Yeah I get that feeling too... Zack:...plus no one would screw with someone who is an eva piliot...or even lives with two of em... Ciarnait:.....what's pilioting an eva like?... [I]Zack shrugs[/I] Zack:...just started...new here too...
Name:Zack Animal Riding:Wolf AnimalType: Earth Animal Name: Æon Describtion for both: Zack:cary's a spear and a dagger, and wear light green clothing. dark brown hair in a pony tail and blue-grey eyes. Æon:A dark grey wolf. raised as a cub by Zack and thus considers him as part of his "clan".they lived in the forest.
[I] Sean:Really?....this is where I talk to my grandpa.... Sabir:how is he doing? Sean:...he died recently....but he is with Gaia now....speaking of which...why are we both here?... Sean looks around for his grandpa or for Gaia Sean:strange...ussually when I am here...my Grandpa is already here...[/I]
[I]Zack stares at her in silence[/I] Zack(Thought):shoulda figured she would try to find out about you...maybe this was a bad idea...too late...might as well answer her question... Cairnait:Zack you there?? Zack:....Texas....Dallas to be exact....it's...nice...here...what about you?....do you like it here? [I]Zack listens to her as she loosens up and begins to talk...telling as little about himself as litte[/I]
[I]Zack hugs her too[/I] Zack:....I won't.....good to see you yourself again... [I]Zack watches her go through more pain as she starts to remember more but keeps her on her feet[/I] Zack:.....welcome home...you've been gone for three years....Iv'e missed you.... Siren:me too... Zack:...and I have yet to get a dragon...but it is still good to have you and Kaii back...
Zack:... [I]Zack smiles at her[/I] Zack:in my experience...their isn't anything such as evil...just different points of view.... [I]Zack helps Siren to her feet[/I] Zack:....you know if you are so hungry next time...I have pack of blood in my fridge... Siren:you take your own blood? Zack:for emergancy's....now come on....you may have just eaten...but I haven't!! [I]Zack sheaths his sword and turns to head back towards his flat[/I] Zack:...I hear Lupos....our boss....only is seen at nights....is he a Night Walker also? Siren:....he is..... Zack:...once I am done eating....we should go see him....
[I]Zack looks over his should at Siren as he hears Kaii and her[/I] Zack:..... [I]Zack watches Siren recoill in pain as Kaii begins to flood her with her memory's....Zack stops moving towards the man and turns back towards her[/I] Zack:.....
[I]Zack looks up at Cairait as she walks up....sielence was around all three of them...the two guys none social and Cairnait being shy...they began to walk down the street slightly behind Sephroth[/I] Zack:..... [I]Zack walked starting ahead, thinking to himself[/I] Zack(thought):....today...has been....different...I am moved to a whole new town...I have become a piliot of one of those Eva's...and now I am living with two others...it's been a while since I have been anything but on my own...that eva...it intrigues me...I hope it will accept me...I want to be it's piliot...Seph....looks like he is from around these parts...and Cairnait is being more silient then ussual...maybe it's cause she is with two guys....oh well it's not my problem...but...it's been a while since I have talked with anyone....and she looks like one of the few americans from around...course I could be wrong...and I should get to know those I live with...since I am going to be living with them... [I]Zack receedes from his thoughts and looks over at Cairnait[/I] Zack:...so...Cairnait...where you from? Cairnait:huh?.... Zack:....where are you from? Cairnait: oh...the U.S.... Zack:...so am I....which part?...
[I]Zack draws his sword as he sees the man and hears the voice behind Siren[/I] Zack:who's their!?!?....Siren....this is...our home...I won't force you to stay if you don't want to....The elders are ordering me out...to find a dragon...then to fight the brood....would you come with me?.... [I]as Zack finishes his sentance he steps around Siren and looks wearly at the man comming from the forest[/I]
[I]Zack stares at Siren[/I] Zack:...... [I]Zack walks fowards...slowly...his right hand becoming white..[/I] Zack:.....so....your kind does...exsist?.... Siren:I am so sorry.... Zack:....for what?....you havn't done anything to me....you have plenty of chances to attack me....and didn't...you...may feed off humans...but we kills ourselves anyway.... [I]Zack walks into hands reach of Siren and stops...he kneels down in front of her[/I] Zack:.....sure...you...feed...off my kind...but your my friend...my only friend...I am not going to leave you....even if you are...a nightwalker...
[I]Zack watches this with a look of horror on his face[/I] Zack:.....so...they do exsist.... [I]Zack steps out of he shadows with his sword drawn just in case he needs it[/I] Zack:...SIREN!!.... [I]Zack keeps his sword lowered so she won't think he is threating her[/I] Zack:.....
[I]Anti stares at the snake[/I] Anti:COOOLL!!....what's it do?
Zack(Thought):....she has never skipped out on something like this before...what is she up too...guess I should find out... [I]Zack follows Siren in the sahdws one hand near his sword...he follows her into an ally where their is also a single human[/I]
[I]Anti looks at Siren [/I] Anti:yo...whatcha get?
[I]Treme nods to Bryan[/I] Treme:I do to...but we need shelter...if you would feel better you are welcome at my house too...anytime you need... [I]Treme looks up at the stars[/I] Treme(thought):....father...this is the begining....we will survive... thank you for teaching me... Treme:....heh plus I want all the "founders" to be their tonight... Bryan:the "founders"? Treme:yeah...it is what we are...the "founders" of Star's Hope.... remember that night when I became leader...?....you called us the 7 founders... Akira, Treme, Bryan, Siren, Ken, Kool and Kevin ...that will become a honory title tonight... if they are going to call you mutants...they will call you mutants with respect... [I]Treme smirks at Bryan[/I]
[I]Zack stares at Siren after his meeting with the elders...they are currently talking to Leona and Wind[/I] Zack:....back where?....
[I]Treme nods to Bryan[/I] Treme:....the feast will be starting soon...I want you to come... [I]Treme slumps down next to Bryan[/I] Treme: pfth....plus we will have more help around here...isn't that why we built this place?....for safty....and hope?...just another obsticale...
[I]Sean looks up at Siren as she walks into his room[/I] Sean:whats wrong?...
[I]Treme sweat drop[/I] Treme:didn't know you were behind us Amber....so what do you think of your new home?....and Bryan go to sleep in your house...mine is big enough for them to sleep in mine...thanks to you...
OOC:I commend you Cletus...you did my checter correctly... Zack:come on...Siren...I am taking you back to our home... [I]Zack climbs onto Kaii and sits in front of Siren[/I] Zack(Dragon):Kaii lets go home... Kaii:ok... [I]The dragons take to the air and fly owards the village of the sky riders[/I]