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Everything posted by Anti

  1. o.O no changes to me...*grins*...this should be fun....hehe sorry if it reminded you of HP Craig....was just trying to throw something in their to keep us doing stuff...since we can't leave town till we are pretty good mages ((lvl 40. last I heard..)).....I know way to much bout mages and dragons.... like mages are supposed to be the scholers of a society... doing reserach etc when they arn't on the battlefield.... eheh....*kicks himself*
  2. [I] afew hours later Treme arrives at what look like an outpost....the walls are manned and one of them spots him[/I] Guard:STop!! Treme:....I come in peace.... Guard:....come ino the light.... [I]Treme steps into the light and they seeing he isn't a muntant admit him into the town[/I] Treme:thanks....who is the leader round here? Guard:the biggest house in the block.... Treme:Thanks... [I]Treme nods to the guard then runs for the house....he is admited to see the leader after much talk[/I] Leader:Why do you disturb me during the middle of the night? Treme:I am sorry....I am from a nearby village and when I heard their was another one I came to check it out... Leader:oh? you are from another village? Treme:I am....I am the leader of my village....per any chance...did you get any visitors last night? Leader:....A mutant... [I]The two talk for an hour about their respective villages and villagers[/I] Leader:you have grass!?!.... Treme:...a gift...from a friend... Leader:mmms maybe we should consider merging our villages... Treme:maybe.... Leader I will come see it sometime... Treme:....can I see it?....and what do you plan to do with it? Leader:What? Treme the mutant.... [I]The leader guides Treme down to the basement and opens a cell...inside is Siren huddled in her corner with terror on her face[/I] Treme:Siren!!.... [I]Treme runs into the cell and lifts Siren to her feet....she is freaking out....[/I] Leader:what are you doing? Treme:this is one of my people....please she is not dangerous...if she causes any harm I will accept responsibility.... Leader:...fine... [I]Treme guides Siren upstairs and out of the house[/I]
  3. [I]Zack chuckles as Siren walks away[/I] Zack:....I wonder what those creatures were....maybe I can pull up some info...hope I don't disturb Siren... [I]Zack scarfs down his breakfast then tip toes into his room and turns on the screen...the screan is cencored....Zack pulls up the web-usenet and begins an auto search...he puts on a set of head phones and sits and watches for anything of use as the computer brings up info[/I] Zack:......
  4. Anti

    X-men RPG (play)

    [I]Sean looks up at Siren[/I] Sean: ok sleep well....Matt count me out...I don't feel like clubbing....and I got an essey I gotta do before break is over... Matt: ok... [I]Sean walks up to his room and sits down to get to work[/I] Sean:ugh...I hate essays....lets see....
  5. [I]Zack watches Siren put the powder into her cup[/I] Zack:..... [I]Zack looks up at Akira[/I] Zack: Akira having any luck?...what about you Leona?... [I]Zack looks at them both then remembers the dwarf[/I] Zack:err say...dwarf...sorry I didn't catch your name....want something to eat?
  6. [I]The day passes quickly for the group at the village...as the sun sets Treme packs a traveling bag and takes his weapons[/I] Ken:Treme stop...let me go.... Treme:no Ken....the undead might rise again you stay here...and I let her go...it's my responsibility that I get her back... Bryan:Treme.... Treme:after I am out of town lock my door...if anyone ask where I am I am here asleep...any matters you two deal with...now stop argueing with me and go to the mess hall [I]The two stand their watching him, not moving[/I] Treme:then I order you to the mess hall...go now... [I]Bryan and Ken start to speak up again but Treme stops them[/I] Treme:...NOW!! [I]Bryan and Ken walk out dully and Treme runs to the gates in the shadows[/I] Treme:good bye guys... [I]Treme runs out of town and across the wasteland in the direction he saw Siren go[/I]
  7. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    [I]Sean shakes his head and leans against a tree[/I] Sean: oww.... [I]Sean spits up a little blood but quickly wipes it off before anyone notices...[/I] Sean(himself): Danm....my healing spells arn't stopping that...it is dark poison... [I]Sean watches Sabir come up to him[/I] Sabir:did your healing spells work? Sean:...yeah they worked fine... [I]Sean gives Sabir a kiss[/I]
  8. Treme:...interesting.... [I]Treme watches the wastelands...and watches as the sun rises...He keep an eye out for any movement then drops off the wall and meets with the others[/I] Treme:..... [I]Treme looks up at the tree Siren is in and see's she isn't their...he walks to the square...everyone is waking up and getting ready for the days activity's[/I] [I]Ken walks up behind Treme[/I] Ken:Treme have you seen Siren? Treme:yeah... Ken:where is she? Treme:..she went on a errand for me...when she gets back I will tell her you need her... Ken:...ok thanks.... Treme:...here are todays assignments.... [I]Treme hands out assignments to everyone...mostly consisting of either clearing away rubble or crop chores..[/I] Treme:....Bryan....Ken I need to see you two... [I]Treme walks into his house followed by the two[/I] Treme:Bryan, Ken....Siren left last night...I think to go for one of the villages....everyone has traveled recently...cept me...so I think I am going to go after her myself...meet our new people in person.... Ken:why can't I just go? Treme:Ken....we need to prove we can do some thing ourselves...and they need to meet a straight human first...I am leaving you two in charge...I will be leaving later today if Siren hasn't returned... [I]Treme walks out of the house and goes to work on the crops[/I]
  9. [I]Zack looks up startled seeing the dwarf[/I] Zack(to himself):...dan*....I guess I went to far into my thoughts... Zack(to Dwarf):errr hello friend...welcome to our campsite....I am Zack of the Alterone Royal family....the other three are all relatives of mine...Siren,a distant relative, Leona, Akira...who are cousin through one tangent or another... [I]Akira looks like he is about to speak up but Zack gives him a reproving stare and he quickly closes his mouth[/I] Zack:.... [I]Zack fetches Siren some water and brings it to her[/I]
  10. Zack:...hunting?...you hunt your own food? Siren:...yes Zack:jeez....you look like youve been up to many days in a row...since you don't like the day light go ahead and rest in my room...the sun has never seen that room... [I]Zack walks over to the fridge and gets out some eggs[/I] Zack:need anything from the fridge go ahead and grab it....err the blood samples packs in their are for those emergancys...so don't worry about them...oh and stay off my computer!!...men were the only ones ment to use my machine [I]Zack smirks at her then walks to the stove and begins cooking[/I]
  11. [I]Treme stands on the wall watching Siren run across the wastelands[/I] Treme:should I stop her?...no she should be fine... [I]Treme turns from the barren lands back to the village[/I] Treme:...most everyone's asleep...hopefully.... [I]Treme nods to himself then goes back to watching the wastelands[/I]
  12. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    [I]Sean stumbles to his feet[/I] Sean:...jeez...I save the gem and this is the thanks I get?.... [I]Sean shakes his head[/I] Sean:we are comming Siren...even if I am a tad wounded... [I]Sean puts his arm over Sabir and they look ready to go[/I]
  13. Zack:who? Siren: he is the man who ussually hires us out for jobs...our boss in a way.... Zack:ahh....why should we telll him....?....we are just his grunts.... [I]Zack looks over his shoulder and sees the sun is starting to rise[/I] Siren:...Zack lets continue this at your place.... Zack:Why? Siren:you know I dislike sunlight.... Zack: ok ok.... [I]Zack and Siren goes to Zack's place and Siren closes all the windows and retreates to the part of his house out of the Sun..the Sun rises as she retreates[/I] Zack:.....
  14. [I]Zack watches Siren, Akira and Leona are trying what he told them[/I] Zack(Dragon):Kaii...what does she mean by the memorys? Kaii:...once we got back together...she has memory's of what happened...when I tell he I shall also tell you...if she permits it Zack(Dragon): ok Kaii... [I]Zack watches Siren collapes under a tree and walks over to her[/I] Zack:...here... [I]Zack hands her a cup of tea[/I] Zack:drink this before you sleep....good to see you again... [I]Siren downs the drink in a gulp then falls alseep[/I] Zack:....
  15. Zack:.....don't rush me...I could flatten you right now...or if they elders had their way flatten you.... [I]Zack smirks at Akira[/I] Zack: plus if you plan on having a dragon you gotta have paitence...their clocks are slightly slower then our Siren:ain't that the truth... Zack:anyways....a Sky Riders has a number of tricks...from Dragon's tongue...which will take a while to learn so I won't bother with that yet...to things like calling your dragon back and overriding others commands...most of it depends on your mind set...most of it also requires a lot of practice... [I]Zack sits and thinks to himself[/I] Zack:...hmmms...the best way to do this would be to let them try wouldn't it?.... Siren:yeah.... Zack:...ok.... [I]The dragons returnas if they were called[/I] Zack: [I]looks at Akira[/I] He was called....most of this is again mental...kinda connection between you and your dragon...most of it manly requires to be in the right mind set...the first thing you have to learn to do is "connect" with your dragon...reach out with your mind and try and connect to it's...your Dragon do this already to an extent...thats why you can understand them...you will know them better though once you know Dragon tongue...ok anyway your first lesson is to reach out and connect with your dragon...I will cook breakfast while you attempt to do this...
  16. [I]Zack looks at Akira[/I] Zack:just going to leave?....don't you even wish to learn of your powers...? [I]Zack is dragging a deer behind him[/I] Zack:a untrained sky Rider is dangerous... [I]Zack turns towards the three dragons[/I] Zack(Dragon):you know just as well as I that those two are un trained...you three go hunt... [I]The dragons take to the air and fly over the forest[/I] Akira:Creed where are you going!?! Siren:Zack sent him hunting.... Zack:today we learn a few tricks...tommorow if you still wish to hunt for your sword I will let you leave... Akira:why did Creed listen to you over me!?!? Zack:one of our clans tricks...
  17. o.O...one more thing Forte *grins evily*..Magic type...that should be summoner....race should be...err I guess summoner fits... *laughs as he points at Forte*....hehe this is fun....mmms this game looks like it will be fun :P
  18. you did?....which one you doing...your post is confusing me...Sentrol is Black mage school....
  19. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    [I] Sean in wolf form races through the woods using his sense of smell to dodge dark clansmen[/I] Sean:....dan* the dark ones..... [I]Sean finds the weapons in the clearing...he tuches his daggers which meld into him, and touches Cyad's sword which meddles into him and goes into his pack[/I] Sean:...now for the Gem...Starlight covor me...hit and run... [I]Sean dodges a dart as he runs into the woods and Howls a wolfen war cry....Sabir hears this[/I] [I][B]at the others[/I][/B] Sabir:...Sean.... Cyad:What?.... Sabir:..Sean is fighting.... Cyad:WHAT?!? [I][B]Back at Sean[/I][/B] [I]Sean rushes through the woods...on his way through ones section he grabs a dark clansmen and rips it in half[/I] Sean: [I]Sniffes the air[/I] ...the gem is that way.... [I]Sean runs through the woods...notices a group of the clansmen moving together, Sean runs through the groups scattering them...he spots the leader with the earth gem in his hand. Sean lunges the leader, rips of his arm, spaying blood everywhere then continues to run through the woods...The gem occaisonall y touches Sean burning him...Sean heads for the lighting temple with a few darts protruding from his fur[/I]
  20. errr Forte..one or the other...Black Mage or Summoner....Black mages are mostly Invoction...Summoners are ...summmoners...of any kind...
  21. Wow lots of Black mages....hope we get a few others...oh yeah guess their will be lots of NPC's...or a few anyways....BAH!!!...Craig forgot to post something...since we can't leave the city since we have "graduated" with out another warrior/wizard... Inside the city the schools compete with each other...each one "holds" a district in the town...and the competion takes many forms...from frindly competation and debating...to large scale mock battles between the schools....each school has a "Head" wizard that is of the last year who lads the "armys" and the schools make allies and can "claim" territory of the city...at the end of each year the schools are awarded and the territorys revert back to the origanal holder for the next years competetion....their are also special ranks for higher years...each school also has a rival school it never allies with...I will leave that up to Craig...
  22. It is ok Videl....errr here is the specialty of a warlock....They can have their sword in their hand and cast....Metal gets in the way of magic...a warlock can by pass that as long as it isn't to much metal ((Example:Metal Armour))...the biggest type of metal to interfere with Magic is steel....that is why a Warlock can only use a sworld and not larger objects...anything else and it is to much a drain...this is with the casting of magic... *edit*Oh and those in question...small objects like daggers and knives don't put a drain on any mage...hence a mage can use those with no disturbance to their magic....just anything larger then a medium sized dagger- a short sword or larger- and most mages can't cast for the drain is to great...*/edit*
  23. Anti

    Ok let's try this

    Anti:errr...I guess we should head...back to your bar!! *They exit out of the astroid field and jump into deep space* Anti:...course is set...we will be their in a while...
  24. Name:Travis Mansfield Race:Human Age:16 StartingSpell:Magic Missle MagicType:Black - Warlock Weapon: one handed Long Sword Bio:Travis lived with his father. His mother died giving birth to him. His father trained him in the ways of swordsmanship hopeing he would one day become a knight...until one day...one day a mage was visitng Travis's village...Travis was always a strange kid..for even though he was a good kid who much enjoyed sword play...he often delved into all the books he could for fragments of knowldge...and when he got really emotional..things happened...things would burst into flame or freeze and crack...This happened when a mage was visiting and instantly saw it for what it was Travis...had mage talent...so the mage got a recomendation together and instead of becomeing a knight, Travis set off to the city of magic to study the ways of a mage. Upon arrival he found out he would be the first "Warlock" in a century...A mage but one that is trained in the ways of a swordsman with one advatage over other sword using mages...((I am going to be the only Warlock...sorry guys...read my next post for a Warlocks specialty)) Description:He wears a mages ropes, they are decorated in the Red Trim Black Main of the Black Mage school-Sentronel. He has Darkbrown hair in a pony tail down to the top of his pack.The only deference he has then other mages in clothing is that instead of a staff he has a sword hanging at his side...marking him as a Warlock...he is a suberp warrior...but has a tendancy to go it his own without asking for help from others.
  25. [I]Zack looks at Leona[/I] Zack:......I have knowen Siren since we were little kids...her father was sent out one day on a mission by our clan...they never returned...I don't know what happened...but Siren obviously survived...Kaii was Sirens dragon her dad gave her....when she was a kid... [I]Zack kicks the dust[/I]
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