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Everything posted by Anti

  1. [I]Zack stares at her for a moment...[/I] Zack:..it is me Zack....from our village... Siren:our village? Zack:.... [I]Zack turns towards Akira[/I] Zack:Akira you will tell no-one you are a sky-rider....our clan would be hunted down again!!...dragon riders are feared...and thus hated...you will tell no-one..the only accpeted dragon riders in society are Nobles of Alterone...so that's what you are...if I think you are compromising our clan I will deal with you approapitatly... [I]Zack walks over to the fire and sits down[/I] Zack:.....Siren....what happened to you?...
  2. [I]Zack stares as their minds crush themselves[/I] Zack:....err..... [I]Zack shakes his head violently...[/I] Zack:...their...dead....they feel like they've been dead for weeks....
  3. Zack(Dragon):yeah it has been.... Zack:It's ok....friends..... [I]Zack walks up to Siren[/I] Zack:hello...long time no see... Siren:Who are you? Zack(Dragon):.....Kaii? Kaii:It is her...just...she had a rather nasty encounter.... Zack:Siren...don't you know me? Siren:....no....
  4. [I]Sean watches her....takes the vial, scratches himself, catches it in the vial...mixes it and takes a drink then passes it to her[I] Sean:fine.... [I]Sean puts his daggers away[I] Sean:...I will go I guess...
  5. [I]Leona and Akira watch as Wind/Creed growl at Kaii[/I] Zack:....who are you?.... Zack(dragon):I understand this tongue....hello Kaii....
  6. Don't worry bout it...someone Aimed me with the answer...o.O Rico at the begining said certin ways of killing a night walker didnt apply...so I was askin which ways did.... ------------------------------ Zack:.......What are they!?!..... {I]Zack gets slamned to the ground...he kicks it off him and looks at it[/I] Zack:ugh....what the hell is going on!?!? [I]Zack slices at it with his sword then shots it a couple of times with his gun[/I] Zack:......got it.... [I]Zack looks on in horro as it gets back up[/I] Zack:.....uhhh..... [I]The creature rushes him, Zack stop thinking and brings his sword around taking the creatures head clean off[/I] Zack:......holy S*it [I]Zack looks on at Siren as she takes the creatures head off but with a look of disjust on her face[/I]
  7. [I]Zacks sense go off and he picks up his bow[/I] [I]Zacks head turns right when the dragons does[/I] Leona:...what? how did you know? Zack:one of our clans skills...we can attune ourselves to a Dragon's sense.....thus having dragon like sense ourselves... [I]Zack with his bow aimed at the spot watches as Siren steps foward a dragon behind her* Zack:.....Hail
  8. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Sean:...head for the other gems...we will get it when we are stronger....Cyad...tell your sword to accept me...I am going to retrieve our weapons...see you at the shrine or the next temple... [I]Sean turns into a wolf, smaches into a shadow taking down a Dark Clansmen then runs into the woods towards where they were captured[/I]
  9. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    [I]Sean looks at Sabir then the rest of the group[/I] Sean:.....don't run in their.....their is a reason why the Dark clan rules...you think us 7 will be able to beat at least 14?...those are some of their elite....Don't get me wrong I want to fight...but what's the point of fighting a lost battle!?!
  10. Zack:.....I am facing a decsion here....If I go with what I am supposed to do....I should kill you both for being rogues... [I]The dragons look at him threatningly[/I] Zack:...I know....but I think...I will risk it....Sky Riders....The secret behind the success of the kingdom of Alterone....see not all Nobles can ride dragons...only a select few...knowen only to those few as..Sky Riders....We re a clan that broke off from the Kingdom of Alterone because we could tame dragons...So every kid in the clan when they come to age is sent out to train a dragon...and become an adult......but as centurys past...some familys went rouge...apparently yours was two of them....anyways Sky Riders recieve normal training...as a warrior and slayer...but also recieve training to fight with dragons...and a few others skills...Our clan lives in a hidden village...I am on my quest to get a dragon...apparently you two wold already be considered adults around me...maybe I will train you in what I know of our clans ways....
  11. Zack:...exactly as it sounds...they have been round longer and have seen more.... [I]Zack turns back towards the two[/I] Zack:....yes....Nobles...both of ya....Sky Riders....we need to camp so I can tell you exactly what this means.... [I]Zack walks to a ring puts them in a large pile then the dragons ignite it[/I]
  12. Zack:Calm yourself Akira... Creed/Wind:He i9s a friend... Zack:...you may both be of noble blood...more noble then that of the nobles of Alterone...you may both be...Sky Riders...let me talk to your dragons for a while...as they both seem to know more then you...then I shall know... [I]Zack turns back to the dragons[/I]
  13. Zack:...two dragon riders....both...rouges?.... [I]Zack steps back from the others and watches the dragons[/I] Zack:....... Akira:What's up with him? Leona:We just met.... Zack:...where did you get the dragons? Leona:I don't know....I can't remeber Akira:was my fathers... Zack:...Creed,Wind...or...[I]Zack speaks a weird tongue and both dragons look up[/I] Creed/Wind:Sky Rider....[I]The dragons bow to him and he does the same[/I] [I]Leona looks at Zack fearfully because she knows Sky Riders are of the Royal family[/I] Zack:[I]Zack speaks in the Dragon tongue again[/I] [I]Leona moves in front of Wind[/I] Leona:Stop!!....It is not his fault I can ride him!1 Zack:What are you talking about? Leona:the law!!..only nobles can tame dragons...those who manage it besides them are to be exacuted... Zack:I am not going to kill either of you... Leona:.... Zack:listen..just trust me...if your dragons confirms what I think then you will be examp from the law...because you might have...your "noble" blood in you...
  14. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Sean:That right!! [I]Seans eyes glow as a beam of light floods the area..the Dark Ones are blinded worse then Cyad is[/I] Sean:come... [I]Sean grabs Cyad and leads him away from the Darkones[/I] Sean:caught em off guard....just keep runnning [I]The two run out of the ring of light and Sean lets Cyad lead himself..the two soon emerge in the clearing[/I] Sean:gotta find a place...to hide...somewhere in the light... Cyad:Wha? Sean:their!! [I]Sean runs to a spot...then his eyes glow again['/I] Sean:Light Bend.... [I]The light bends around the two and they are back in the "bent realem"[/I] Sean:........
  15. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Sean:we don't have any of the gems on us.... ???:give me your bag so I can find out... [I]Sean and Cyad toss their bags to the Dark Master[/I] ???:What the hell!?!? their is nothing in this thing!! [I]The dark one throws sean's bag to the ground[/I] ???:and no gem in this one either.... [I]He kicks the bags back to the two[/I] ???:follow... [I]He walks into the woods and Sean/Cyad arre forced to follow him[/I]
  16. [I]Zack gets up and dust himself off then looks over at Siren and the...creature she has a dagger too[/I] Zack:..... [I]Zack pulls out his sword and walks up behind her[/I] Zack:what the hell is it?.... ----------- OOC:just out of curiosity what would apply as legal vamp killing?....
  17. [I]Zack rides into a forest a short while later[/I] Zack:this...dwarven village must be around here somewhere... [I]as Zack is rising he feels something go off in his mind[/I] Zack:what's this?...could it be?....yes.....Dragon sense....that means their's a dragon nearby... [I]Zack digs his spurs into the horse which galops through the forest, trees go whizing by then the horse stop in fear and Zack dismount the thing goes off even stronger[/I] Zack:...it...is close... [I]Zack goes around another bend in the trees and spots the Dragon((WIND))and a girl at it's feet((Leona))...Zack walks forward cautiously...Wind smells him almost instantly and Leona spins around and looks directly at him. Zack straightens up and walks foward in clear sight...his palms outstretched[/I] Zack:....hail Leona:Who are you? Zack:...Zack...She yours? Wind:I belong to no one!! Zack:sorry...are you two partners? Leona:..... Zack:don't try and lie to me...I saw you and the dragon...conversing...don't worry I didn't come here to harm you...I am a rider myself...
  18. Sean:I don't know what you guys are up to... [I]Sean watches them cautiosuly again[/I] Sean:...but I am definatly not going into that place with two people who are just as likely to kill me... [I]Sean watches Craig take out his longbow....Sean repicks up his daggers and puts a third one in his tail[/I] Sean:......
  19. Anti

    X-men RPG (play)

    o.O think that does it....mmms..... [I]Sean watches Bishop try and attack the two[/I] Sean:....So what is he here for Professor?
  20. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    [I]Sean looks at Cyad behind him on Starlight[/I] Sean:.....we are going to scout ahead... [I]Sean with those words the Starlight winks out and they are above the Earth temple[/I] Sean:...... [I]Starlight lands in a clearing near the temeple[/I] [I]Sean watches Cyad dismount as he tinks to himself...[/I] [I][COLOR=blue]This isn't a game...they are too eager to fight the dark ones...they are stronger then they think...I know this first hand...The masters are strong...[/COLOR][/I] [I]Sean leans against a tree awaiting the others then looks down as he notices a shadow slipping away[/I] Sean:....Cyad....theyv caugth us.... [I]Sean puts his hands toward his daggers but darts shot out, the same happens as Cyad moves for his weapon...Out of one of the shadows comes a man wearing solid black[/I] ???:Stop fighting and you will live longer...keep resisting and you will dye a slow painful death... Sean:...Cyad we don't have much choice....We are surounded... ???:good boy...
  21. Anti


    It isn't my pet...It is someone elses....cruel?...sure...Sick?...sure....ok everything fits.... [I]Anti looks at his cat[/I] Anti:YOUR THE ONE CONTROLLING THE VOICES ARN'T YOU!?!? [I]Anti eyes the cat suspicously[/I] Anti:I am keeping my eye on you!! [I]Anti runs out of the room looking disturbed[/I]
  22. Anti


    o.O really?.....no I won't!!...not again...please!!...*licks his lips hungerly at the hamsters in the room*...food!!....*pulls out a dagger and begins to hunt one of the Hamsterss* here my prettys...I will save you...by eating you!! *jumps on a hamster and eats it raw then licks his lips*mmmmmss.....
  23. Anti


    lol...my main pets....are the voices in my head...or am I theirs...I can't remember...not that it matters....or maybe it does?....anyways Loki is the Norse god of mischif...he was a giant...not always evil...but he often caused mischif to thor and odin in some form or another....the voices....are tellling me....to be cruelll.....*picks up a hamster....shots it a good 300 feet with his squirelapult*
  24. Anti


    pets pets....I got a cat...named Locki...for good reason if any of you know who that is ((norse mythology))....Do the voices in my head count as pets?
  25. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    [I]Sean lans at the Earth temple and runs in[/I] Sean:.....Wha!?! [I]Sean hits the ground rolls as darts hit the ground where he was standing[/I] Sean:those were poisoned...Dark one I can sense you.... ???:and I you light one... Sean:...come out...or are you afraid the light will sting? ???:the light will sting...wih a vengeful dagger [I]Sean wields his daggers[/I] Sean:Thats right it will!! [I]Light flowss out of the daggers but a patch of darkness remains[/I] Sean:I know where you are.... ???:and I know where you are... Sean:STOP MOCKING ME!!! [I]Sean fires a ray of light into the shadow but once it passes into it it loses power and shimmers out[/I] ???:have to do better then that light one!!!...especcially if you want this!! [I]In the shadows Sean can see a gem shimering and an earth smell is comming from it[/I] Sean:The Earth Gem!!...Give it here...and I won't kill you ???:give me your gem and I won't kill you!! Sean:....[I]Sean jumps out of the way as a dart slams into the rock where he was standing[/I]...your aim is off... ???:hmph [I]Darts begins to shower the room forcing Sean to retreate outside[/I] Sean:...Danmit...[I]Sean bolts onto the top of StarLight who takes to the sky as the shadow comes outside[/I] ???:takeing flight young one...that is a wise choice Sean:..I will get that gem... [I]Starlight opens it's jaw and a ray of light shots out of it..it bends around the shadow[/I] Sean:.....Starlight....back to the others....I..will be back Dark One... ???:I will be waiting... [I]Starlight/Sean wink back out....they appear back at the sanctuary[/I] Every((but Sabir who is still sleeping)):Did you get it? [I]Sean dismounts off of Starlight with a solemn look on his face[/I] Mia:Well did you!?! Sean:...no.... [I]Sean walks over to the alter and slumps down...deep in thought[/I]
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