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Everything posted by Anti

  1. [I]Zack nodded at her and stared into her eyes[/I] what about? [I]The elevator reached the ground floor and they walked off to the car[/I]
  2. [I]Zack takes her hand, then lets it go and stands up without support[/I] Zack:yes we shall....me and Siren will go in our car... [I]Zack nodded and him and Siren walked to the elevator and headed down before anyone else, Zack stared at her aura, the purple vampiric...and the flickers of emotions hidden in it..[/I] Zack:...is everything ok?
  3. Travis: depends on the pirates...course we are all hunters...I don't need to preach.. [I]Travis ate hiss waffles thinking...Hunters were pirates...wonder what they want...just have to keep them away from the ship...Travis quickly flcked his fingers and his computer came on, an energy boardappear below his fingers and while he ate he scanned the information and put on different security measures[/I]
  4. [I]Zack looks around...his sense again returning, he walks foward and nods to Liam[/I] Zack:...lets go then...
  5. [I]Travis sits at the table, he looks at he money then puts it away, splitting it evenly between everyone[/I] Travis:We got alot to do today...like move what we need onto the Schism...and make a few decisions...First thing on the list...Hunters want us back on duty...we can comply or ignore...Pirates are active so I am favoring complying...for the money to upgrade our ships... [I]Travis nods to Diamond as he sets the waffles down and begins to eat[/I]
  6. I am counting two med Specs... ok Here is the up to date Roster Travis "Shade" Mansfield((Anti)): Capital Ship Piliot, Support Craft Pilot Shock "X2" Jones((DK)): Capital Ship Gunner, Support craft Pilot Ean "Tau" Caster((Liamc)): Support Pilot, Urban Operations - if a mission requires land bound fighting then Liam takes any soldiers Abob "13" Teff: Medic, Engineer Craig "Z6" Kensindan: Head Engineer, Bombing Operations/Armaments - for explosives, also in charge of Loading Ordince ((missles, Torpedos etc)) on support craft Bryan "Maverick" Ril : Support Pilot, Support Craft Engineer Tursi "Leech" Vida : Support Pilot, Communications Amber "Six" Smith: Engineer, Ground Ops. Steven "Fire Fly" Swedelson : Support Piliot , Gunner Diamond "Trace" C'oss : Medic, Support Piliot Siren "Artemis" Kojia: Engineer, Support Piliot
  7. [I]Travis stares at the rapier, Criag would know exactly what to do, Travis had a few ideas...but he decided to keep his mouth shut, he wasn't sure if this guy was friend or foe, and so waited for the others to finish talking[/I]
  8. Travis: Hey Tursi: whos he? Travis:wants to join our little band...and The Guild is trying to assign him to our group... Bryan:My Names Bryan Travis:Whatever...As soon as the others are awake we will talk about it... Tursi:So he comm was the guild? Travis:yes...right when we are about to leave they all of a sudden call us on duty... Tursi:hehe... Travis: oh well...we need he cash...Pirates are active...but we will talk about what to do later...lets eat some breakfast
  9. [I] Travis listened to Ken smash ANOTHER alarm against the wall...oh well after today he wouldn't been needing it[/I] Travis:....others will be up soon....guess I should go check out the guild... [I]Travis made a quick recorded message, saying that they had recieved a call from the guild ofr them all and he was going to go check it out, travis placed it in the middle of the common room, where no one would miss it, he then put his stuff in his room, and set out through the grounded streets of Cecil City, heading SouthEast toward the hunters guild, he watched the floating tvs all along the street, nope he was wrong...the pirates were still as active as ever...having taken out another capital ship from the hunters...guess they wouldn't be making such a clean escape afterall...Travis walked into the guild doors and into the bosses waiting room[/I] Sarah:Hello Travis Travis:....why are you calling us now? Sarah:boss wants to know whats up?, why have a small group of his hunters bought a capital ship on their own funds without informing the boss? Travis:last I heard we were still free and could do what we wanted...so how have things been? Sarah:good...last time you were at the guild we got wasted and played some heavy duty games...right? Travis:something like that....anyway what else? I have to get going... Sarah: A Comm for you...and someone else Travis:NO...our ship is not hunter property and we will not have hunters assigned to it... Sarah:.... Travis:NO...he wants on he pays his way...we payed for the ship and everything with it ???:I will pay... Travis:huh?... [I]Travis spun on Hill and stared at the man in the Hunters Uniform...he didn't flinch even though he was in his civilian clothes, which were a lot rougher looking then the sleek uniform[/I] ???:I said I will pay... Travis:....fine you gotta get approval from the other...Name, Rank and Skills Bryan:Lt. Bryan Ril, Speceliased Rapier Piliot Travis:....come on Bryan:.... [I]Travis turned with the comm system and walked out of the guild and to the pad[/I] Bryan:...I know you guys plan to leave system...can I come? Travis:Ask them...
  10. [I]Zacks senses reached new heights as he looked around, he could feel the aura pumping in every being around for miles, and his hman mind quickly regained control from his beserk body, having completly consumed the old nosferatu, leaving nothing but a few blood stains in the living room, his aura soon returned to being disguised as a vampires, he stared at the shadows, wanting to be withsomeone he knew...he paniced as his body seemed to move through the shadows, and he appeared by Lupos, his clothing covered in the old mans dry blood, he could bring up some of the old mans memorys...he had stayed clam right until he had been dead...he wanted death...Zack felt remorse, but he didn't break down[/I] Zack:....
  11. ok The play version is open, the Play Sign Ups are still open for anyone who cares to join...
  12. OOC: ok for first post, we are all either, in our room, in the common room, or on our way to The Pad ------------------- [I]Travis sat in his room looking over his stuuf, and packing anything for his room on the Schism, mostly clothes, a few other odds and ends[/I] Travis:...finnally, we finnally have our capital ship...all that training and high risk work payed off...it will be nice to get out of this pirate infested sector... [I]Travis finished putting his things away and walked into the coomon room, there he sat down by the computer and began transfering what files he would need on his wrist computer, it was many times smaller, and many times less powerful, but could hold lots of information[/I] Travis: and we havn't been called on by the hunters in nearly a year...maybe things have finnally quited down long enough for us to make a quick... [I]As Travis was about to finish his sentance the Comm rang, he walked up to it and turned it on, an Image of Sarah, the hunter boss secretary[/I] Sarah:Hello Travis Travis:Hey Sarah: Listen the boss wants yall to report to the guild Travis:......great..... Sarah: Don't sound to enthiusiastic, anyway report in as soon as you got time Travis...yeah yeah [I]travis turned off the comm and returned to his computer, transfering the last of his needed files, he was just about to erase his Hunter registration...so much for a clean escape[/I]
  13. [I]Zack watched as he dreamed of his bloods past...of cleansings amongest other things...was that what he was here for?...Zack wok up alone...on Sirens bed[/I] Zack:ugh.... [I]Zack walked out into the room, and noticed an elderly look Nosferatu[/I] Zack:hello? Old Man: hello Noble One [I]Zack struggles to retain his hunger as he stares at the old man, although the old man seemed to look at him knowingly[/I] OM: It is ok Noble One...I have volunteered to sacrifice myself...I am here to sadaite your hunger Zack:...by letting me consume you?.... OM:...yes...sometimes ven we Nosferatu get tired of living... [I]Zack stared as the old man stood up and watched...He purposly highting his aura for Zacks new sense to "feel"...[/I] Zack:STOP!!! [I]Zacks eyes glazed over....and his own arua erupted in a fury of colors and emotions...Zack moved foward and the Old Man floated above him...then a scream rang out...but it wasn't phsyical...rather a scream from the Old Mans Aura burst out...Then it moved toward Zacks own...and was consumed by his, it becoming one with the constantly changing aura Zack had, then Zack began to eat the man, drinking his blood and consuming the flesh, ripping the clothes to shreds and leaving nothing but blood splatered all over the place, even psycicly grinding up the bones and teeth and consuming them[/I]
  14. ok Here is the up to date Roster Travis "Shade" Mansfield((Anti)): Capital Ship Piliot, Support Craft Pilot Shock "X2" Jones((DK)): Capital Ship Gunner, Support craft Pilot Ean "Tau" Caster((Liamc)): Support Pilot, Urban Operations - if a mission requires land bound fighting then Liam takes any soldiers Abob "13" Teff: Medic, Engineer Craig "Z6" Kensindan: Head Engineer, Bombing Operations/Armaments - for explosives, also in charge of Loading Ordince ((missles, Torpedos etc)) on support craft Bryan "Maverick" Ril : Support Pilot, Support Craft Engineer Tursi "Leech" Vida : Support Pilot, Communications Amber "Six" Smith: Engineer, Ground Ops. Steven "Fire Fly" (please add a last name) : Support Piliot , Gunner Carrian , post needed Info and I will add to roster Siren "Artemis" Kojia: Engineer, Support Piliot
  15. o.O I understood that from that point of view James... but once you go beyond that view, to a big part of why that word is a problem, which is saying that just because your this skin color...that analogy dosn't hold water
  16. Erm a few more notes The Gavity Cannon will have to be bought later on...Also Craft can be upgraded quite a few ways... Buying New weapons: This only works for Missles, and on the Capital Ship...You can buy new weapons to increase the effectiveness of the ships, about medium expensiveness Modifying exsisting equipment:pay for custom part to modify your exsisting equipment, such as better focusing lenses or aiming devices, or reinforced plating for you craft... small things that though individully might not make to big a difference, can really charge up the weapons Buying New Craft: This is only for support Craft until MAYBE way later in the game, This is the most expensive way to upgrade Support Craft, but you get a whole new craft that for instance...focuses more on firing missles then on the Speed that a rapier has...or is more heavly armered....with new craft you get new weapons that are installed, also speeds, armour and crew size change per craft... Also Thanks to the services of the guild, if you can cough up the nessecary time and Money, you can recieve training in new areas to help enable you become a better crew man and mission runner. Also remember that though you may have expertised in an area, only through using that skill may you become truely effective with it...So as the RPG goes on skills may open up new things for you...like an Engineer might find a whole new way to modify a fighter...stuff like that... Also, All Player Profiles((post with your stats) need to have a Hunter Uniform, a description of the uniform, a Call Sgin, I won't require a ship bound uniform, except for piliots, as we are a pretty rag-tag group...but we are all apart of the Hunters and thus we all have Hunter uniforms...also one more thing About Hunter uniforms...the Isignia on the Shoulders mean your expertise...On Mine for Example, the Star mean I am trained to Piliot, while the Sword means I am trained with a Capital Ship, and Captil Ship Pilioting Tactics.
  17. Anti

    - ShoCK -

    erm I agree with Neil's sentiments o.O;; lol...the rpg has already started
  18. ok Here is the Rooster and Crew positions thus far, the first one is your main duty, the second is your secondary duty, performed when it is someone elses Shift, but you are Needed.... Travis "Shade" Mansfield((Anti)): Capital Ship Piliot, Support Craft Pilot Shock "X2" Jones((DK)): Capital Ship Gunner, Support craft Pilot Ean "NEEDSACALLSIGN" Caster((Liamc)): Support Pilot, Urban Operations - if a mission requires land bound fighting then Liam takes any soldiers Abob "13" Teff: Medic, Engineer Craig "Z6" Kensindan: Head Engineer, Bombing Operations/Armaments - for explosives, also in charge of Loading Ordince ((missles, Torpedos etc)) on support craft Bryan "Maverick" Ril : Support Pilot, Support Craft Engineer Tursi "Leech" Vida : Support Pilot, Communications This is the current Roster, I will start the RPG soon, the roster will still be updated as people join
  19. [I]Zack Watched as Ken ran down the Stairs, then imeaditly opened fire with his ASssult Rifle, shooting many of the rats down from above, before they even knew what was going on[/I] Zack:.... [I]Zack pivoted on his heels as he heard a noise to the Rooftop and aimed his gun[/I]
  20. ok for those who don't know, a call sign is what your called when in a fighter, it is your "shipbound nickname"...lets say amongest friends I would be called Zack, so if we were out and aout, I would be called Zack, but if I were out flying a patrol mission or in a battle, I would be called by my callsign, lets say Aeon...a callsign is merely your shibound on duty nickname Also the whole Space Flight lesson....that was for piliots, for even though we have computers to do the calculations...computers can be destroyed in a fire fight...and it was to allow for better descriptions of the fighting and pilioting.... I will edit this again later to post the other thing I wanna say...as soon as I can remember... A couple more notes.... New Craft, COST LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS OF MONEY....meaning we won't be getting any until later in the game...missions are also fairly hard, with a risk of failure...and also, you can have a cell copyed, and it will retain all memorys from the time of copy...so in some sense people can be resurected...but the procedure does not always work...Repairing ships also cost money, About 50 SC, Space Credits, though in outter colonies trading things like ship rubble is acceptable...more info once the game starts
  21. Making perfect Sense AA...anyway Bryan has another valid point... I know this is off subject, but all through out history one culture has been the slave of another...Roman Empire, Anyone could become a slave, Eurpean Empires, had slaves, but they didn't start the slave trade, in Africa the tripes have long enslaved each other through war and such...also in American Indeans they would gain slaves through warfare....So I guess I am saying that if we don't learn, then when the next Empire rises, you can count on one culture to become anothers slaves...unless their is true equilty, which means relizing we are all humans, and no more discrimation on any front, be it sexualty, culture, sex, or stupid words...and to achieve that , people gotta stop running around screaming "racist" or "sexist" whenever something you don't like happens...you just gotta stand up and deal with it...that is, and no offense ment, the difference between alot of white people and alot of "colored" people... Also I am gonna broach another subject...again...WE ARE ALL THE SAME RACE...saying "races" is stupid because we are all the same race...we have [B]CULTURES[/B], but we are all essentilly "Africans" where we evoled from the monkeys, the reason for the different skin color is merely once your ancestors left Africa did they live in caves or out in the open?...and don't believe in the theory of evolution...then look in the bible, all man was born from Adam and Eve...and once they bit into the apple they were forced out of the garden...which many believe to be where the Sahara Desert is....and afterwards all Man was born from them...so yet again we are all the same race born from the same ancestors...I am not sure about Muslim or Budist story of creations...but I know the Ancient Civilizations, such as Sumar, considered to be the first civilization until recently, has a Story of creation where all men came from one place...so this whole racist and discrimation thing is stupid, your welcome to be a "color" but me, I am Human, or Homo sapian, The only Race their is for humans....
  22. Anti

    - ShoCK -

    Name:Zack Age:19 Height: 5'11" Miltary: yes, a mercanery for hire Weapons:a custom made Pistol, a SemiAutomatic assult rifle, and a long sword Appearance:In civilian clothes wears a long black trenchcoat, with black shirt, and shoes, and jeans. He has dark brownhair and a scar on his left cheek Bio:30 hours agao he was hired by the goverment and sent in for inital survalience of the area, upon the recrution of the other he was moved to a support position for the first mission, to provide backup if needed, he is etting paid a large sum of money, along with all expenses. Has worked as a mercanery of different sorts most his life...
  23. erm I guess I will describe the Schism in detail...about the fighters once we get enough money to start buying new ships I will post them...anywho... The Schism is again a Smartian Class Cruiser. The "top" and "bottom" are slightly curved, with some flatness...while the starboard and port are curvered. on the "bottom" of the Schism is a slight hump, this is the exit and entrance to the docking bay, used for launching and landing Support Craft. The hull of the ship is well lit with many lights, and the engines are Dragonfire 800s, with 10 engines, 5 per each side, also it has numerous thrusters around the hull to maximes movement capabilities. Giving it an accleration of about 60Km/s and a max speed of 600Km/s, although it is capable of achieving jumps into hyper space. Because of size it isn't extremely agile, but more so then a large battleship. The Bridge is on deck 3 on the fore of the ship, It takes up roughly 1/3 of it's deck, and it has two main control panals, along with support ones, in the center is the piliot/captins chair, it has navagation and pilioting equipment, along with a comm system and multiple detaction systems rader, sonic, visual, infrared and ultraviolet, for the best possible naivgation in different situations, also built into the piliots console is directly infront of the piliots chair is the foregunner seat. This is the main gunner for the Schism, controling the Fore weapons, and any turrets that don't have any crew in them, built into the gunner is sensors comparable to that of the piliots.Two more control panals are located on the bridge, on the port side(right) is a damage control post, used to help manuver damage control crews around the ship, also it serves as a deep space and short range scanning, to help relive the piliot/captian of some duties, also used to control the dock. on the Starboard(left) is the Communications panal, it is used for comunicating with other ships, ground grews, and for helping cordinate support ships with the Schism and launch land support craft. Outside the Bridge are three more areas, First is a hatch that allows repair/building crews to access the whole of the ship from inside the ship, also is a corrider leading to any port, starboard or "top" turrets. Last is the room made for firing the Gravity turret, this is a turret that is extremely powerful, but can only be fired every so often, withing the turret control room is one large panel, it has speciliazed aiming and tracking equipment, along with a comm to the bridge, and the loading of the gravity gun, should only be operated by a skilled gunner. The Second Deck Comprises of 3 main areas, in The Fore is half Mess Hall, food is eaten, made and recycled here...and half Recreation room, there are various devices from, hologram tv's to holographic chambers for games to darts and pool to keep the crew ocupied in downtime, from the Mess Hall and Recreation area the chamber splits into three tunnels, the port and Starboard tunnell lead to crew quarters, whislst the middle tunnel leads to the docking bay and support ship hanger.Also located Near the Passageways is The Medics office, where all patients onboard the schism are brought The Third Deck is comprised of the lower levels of the docking bay, where spare parts, weapons and supplys are stored, Also around the docking bay is Enginering used to maintain the engines, here is where repair crews are located for most of their dutys. Also through the 3rd deck is a tunnell leading to port, starboard and "bottom" turrets. The decks may be reached by 2 elevators, or if they are out, emergancy tubes may be used. A Rapier is a one man ship. It has a curved nose, with a mostly curved body all the way back. It has two meduim sized wings about midway through, the missles are located below the wings, and on special cases 2 torpedos can replace the missles. On the rear 4 Lighting Enigines Proppel it, also lined with Numerous thrusters giving it good speed and agility, which it needs to make up for it's lack of firepower. It has an acleration of 150Kms and a top speed of 900kms -------------------------------- Ok and for those who don't know a quick lesson is space pilioting, now because of lack of gravity flying n space is a lot more complicated, first off your fighting in 3D space, meaning they can come from any direction. Also in space, you can't shange direction as easly, in space, until you hit gravity of some sort you will continue in one direction at the same speed, if you push the main thruster you will continue to acclerate, the top speed given for the fighters is how much the built in computer will let you reach so the engine and fuel supplys will last...anyway back to pilioting in space let say you accelerate to max power then cut the main engine,you will continue at that speed, and you can even turn your ship...and you will continue going in the direction before turning, now often the built on computer will make the nessacery calculations...this is done for sppeed purpsose so the pilot can wory more about pulling off his manuer then the mathmatics needed for it...so I guess the main points to remember are first off your in 3D space...things will come from left right above below in front behind, everywhere so manuvering will be a big part of combat, and that in space unless you apply some kind of anti momentum you will keep going in the same direction you acclerated in...bu your computers will take care of the nessacery thrusting, just tell them where to go and how fast... -------------------------------- *edit* Erm oh yeah, I ment to put a few things about crew positions... CS PILOT: Though the ship is owened by the entire crew, during times of battle the Schism Pilot also acts as commanding officer. Pilots the Schism, will have one or two on shifts CS Gunner: Second In Command during a battle and on the bridge. He((using genericly)) Controls the main weapons of the Schism, will have one or two on shifts. Head Engineer:Head of all repair and construction operations on the Schism. He is often found on the bridge, coordinating repair crews, and resupply crews. Communications Officer: When one is aboard they support the captin by handling all communications and relaying communcation through the dock, also by helping communicate ship positions by orders of the captian Gravity Gunner: This position is ussually taken by the best gunner, only used in emergancys or occaisonlly, it isn't often taken, The crewman here should always be ready to be on call. Support Gunner:This position is someone who will take the gunner position in a support craft if it has multiple positions, or takes manual control of turrets, In a one man support craft they are more concerned about shooting as much and accuratly as possible then fancy manuvering. Also if extra "landside" equipment is discovered they will take up any gunnery equipment. Support Pilot:In a two man support craft the pilot of the craft. Focused on getting the best position possible, if "landside" equipment is dicovered they wiill take up a pilot position in using the equipment. Always should be ready to be on call, the life blood of the Support Ships and most Numerous Position upon the Schism Engineer: Repair, Resupply, Build - These are your main dutys, you job is to keep everything on the ship in tip top shape. In Some Cases you are also Cooks. Medic:Life- this is your keyword, your main job is to keep The Crew healthy, and to bring life to the wounded, thanks to modern technology in your lab you can often save many patients near death, although it is not always easy, esspecially if a battle is flaring around you. You also serve to order Recreation and Help Cook food for the crew.
  24. James, the family thing dosn't hold up for one reason though...saying someone can't do this BECAUSE of the color of their skin is nothing like saying you can't talk about someone else mom, why? because no one let anyone talk about your family in a negitive way...regardless of skin color...another thing proving my point that when it all boils down to it...we are exactly the same... and another question...what the guys in the past did, that was their choice, not mine, Why the hell am I having certin things like "oh you can't say that" or "say that and your expeled", I mean I understand we should learn from the past, but if you carry around the past and always base everything on it insteaad of trying to change for the better, in the case of this subject, true equality, It's about time the black community did stop acting like white man is the devil...they have their chance right now to step up and become equal, and some do, but as long as they act like victims and run off screaming racist everything somthing they don't like, like a measly word, comes along...then they arn't equal...then they are just acting like kids...and I know the whole community dosn't do that...but it also goes for wanting to kill someone or knock them out everytime they say a word you don't like...thats no better then acting like a kid...so I guess in my opinion to truely be equal you gotta act equal, meaning you gotta step up and grasp for whats yours, without running and yelling racist everytime somthing you don't like happens, without the excuse well I am this race so it is ok,true equality will come when that happens...not before... And about the confederate flag...what was really bad about that was I wore it to school...and almost every kid there came up to me and said, "by wearing that your supporting slavery" or "your racist by wearing that arn't you" none of them relized the confederate flag stood for the souther defience, or th southern heritage and so much more then slavery did...slavery was just their lifestyle...it coulda been any other thing...anyway enough rambling for now
  25. Name: Travis Mansfield CallSign: Shade Age:17 Height: 5'11" Expertise: CS Pilioting, Support Craft Pilioting, Some Enginering, and Some Tactical Training Position: Cs Piliot, or Support Piliot Equipment: Pistol Civilian Clothes: T-shirt, ussually black, Jeans and Sneakers, has a holster for his pistol. Hunter Uniform: It is Solid Black, With a light Grey Star on his right shoulder, On his neck are the double circle showing his rank as a Liutent. Composed of a Shirt and Pants, Along with a pair of Boots. on his Left shoulder is a Grey Sword. Pilot Suit: Is the Black, Green, Grey color that is the Insignia of The Schism. on the Right shoulder is a Shade, and the Left a Star, The helmet has a built in infra red and ultraviolet vision for if he wishes to use them, along with a head set that plugs into the comm of the Craft, also has a built in airtank for if his shipbound air is drained. The Entire suit is composed of a flightsuit, boots and his helmet, all with built in pressure pad to keep his blood in place for high combat acceleration. Appearance: He is of avarage build, with Grey-blue eyes and Dark Brown hair, that can be pulled back into a very short ponytail. Has a scar on his left cheek from a mission, and not many other distinguishing features. Bio:He grew up in Cecil, with only one dream, to get out of Cecil and explore space, at a young age he joined The Hunters with the hopes of getting enough money together to buy a ship. He quickly became a skilled pilot, and also trained to fly a capital ship, which he hoped to one day pilot, hopeing to buy a small one when he finnally left, Throughout the years he has gained skills from working on his own and Shock's craft at enginering. Now, 5 years later, after banding together with the other group of hunters a year ago he finnally has a capital ship,nd will let nothing stand in the way of him getting to see the other stars and planets, even if it means killing every bandit in the sector. The closest thing Shock has to a friend, he is one of the few pilots who will fly with him and his reckless style, and in many ways has learned to complemnt Shocks crazyness, often saving Shock from one fatal mistake or another. He still yearns for a ship to captin and call his own, even though he is glad enough to be a joint owner of The Schism.
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