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Everything posted by Anti

  1. Anti

    Ok let's try this

    *Sean begins scrolling through the info* Sean:amongest other things...building plans...communications... *Sean reads some of the logs* Sean:uhhh....who did you say your employer was again Siren..?
  2. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    *Sean turns back to Burn* Sean:......interesting girl you got their Burn... *Everyone laughs*
  3. Anti

    Ok let's try this

    *Sean turns to stare at the info* Sean:.....
  4. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Villager:...a house was burning...then a man came and rescued the occupants..he is in the hospital now.. *The group follows the villager* Sean:....thank you...he is our friend *Sean looks on at Burn unconcious in a hospital bed with a girl buzzing around him*
  5. Anti

    X-men RPG (play)

    *Sean smiles* Sean:....eheh well I do know for both of us.... *Sean pulls Siren down to him*
  6. Anti

    Ok let's try this

    Anti: oh...well lets find out...*Anti takes her wrist gently then moves it to the console*...so who hired you...?...*Anti places the device on her wrist in a slot on the console*
  7. Anti

    X-men RPG (play)

    Sean:.....*smirks*well....*Sean gives her a kiss then looks up at the moon*..Ryan is on all our minds...
  8. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    *Sean nods* Sean:...... *Sean and Sabir follow Siren*
  9. Anti

    X-men RPG (play)

    Sean:yeah it is....whatcha thinking about...? *Sean puts his arm around her*
  10. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    *Sean looks up as he see the others approaching* Sean:...*sigh*.... *Sean wiggles out of Sabir's arms. As he gets out she wakes up* Sabir:Sean, what's wrong?.....*Sabir gets up and turns towards the two that are comming.Sean prepares to draw his daggers* Sabir:wait, it's Siren and Cyad Sean:...oh.....sorry I woke you...*The two walk to Siren and Cyad* Sean:...whats going on?
  11. Anti

    Ok let's try this

    Anti:.....by the way...what are they...you never told... *Anti is busy reading stuff on the panel as he is talking*
  12. Anti

    Ok let's try this

    *pours her a glass of ale* Anti:Sure....so mission acomplished...? *Takes a swig of the ale*
  13. or claims to....anyway even if guided by god humans make errors...so what you quoted is in all liklihood errored...and it is still a book...I could write a book and pass it for something real....*shrugs* I don't have that need to though....Humans to all of us are flawed...if you ask me they are perfect....well so far as I know anyways...Where would the fun be in being perfect...and we would be a lot less interesting...but that's not the point...because humans are flawed just about everything humans make are going to be flawed...I have a feeling even the revered Jesus screwed up once or twice...and I got a quote from your own books that kinda curse your religon...didn't Jesus say....Do no worship me but worship the one who gives me the power...or something like that...I don't know the exact words...anyways you guys are kinda contridicting your own "lords" words...for he didn't want to be worshipped at all...I also think that Jesus coulda been a profet but that his teachings have been deluded with time... but who knows...maybe we should stop worrying bout the past and just look to the future...for all of us who believe "learn from history less you repeat your mistakes"....take a long look at history...humanity look doomed to never learn it's mistakes...course a miracle might happen...*smacks himself* Blasphamy!!...eheh j/k I think miracles happen...just their inaccted by the human spirit
  14. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    *Sabir fallas asleep in Sean's Arms* Sean:....*Sean smiles*...not tired...she deserves to sleep though so I won't wake her...*Sean watches Sabir sleep*
  15. Anti:funny funny funny.....bah!!....oh well I will be funny once I get the feel of the others....*trys to think of being funny*...*grins*could always...nah I wish to live for a while longer....*looks over at Britty* Britty::flaming: Anti:eek: I only thought it....*Backs up a few steps*
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ2 Gohu [/i] [B] Well LDS don't believe in the trinity. We believe they are all seperate beings, just one in [b]cause.[/b] And no Jesus isn't the only son of God, he is just the Only Begotten Son of God. And in the Book of Mormon...in Jacob 7:14 it says: "And I said unto him: What am I that I should tempt God to show unto thee a sign in the thing which thou knowest to be true? Yet thou wilt deny it, because thou art of the Devil. Nevertheless, not my will be done; but if God shall smite thee, let that be a sign ynto thee that Christ shall come. And thy will, O Lord, be done, and not mine." [/B][/QUOTE] That comes from a book...and it dosn't help it is one written by humans...It only reinforces my question....who are we to believe we can possiblly claim to speak any "gods/dess" will? The quote you gave me merely proves that humans presume to much....but then again my question might be taken wrongly...as a human and an american I believe I have the right to question whatever I want....what I mean by my question is that, If their is a god/dess or a higher power...Who/How are/can we to claim to have the only/right answer to his/her/it's will?
  17. Anti

    Samll Q

    mmms it could happen...anyways.... I fear not death....only one fact that is constant in this universe....Nothing is constant...anyways that might not make sense....I know I am going to die...sometimes I wish it would be soon....course everyone feels like that at somepoint in their life....anyways I don't plan on dying till I must...I don't fear death...but I am in no rush to die...
  18. eheh good point so again...my question...how are we gonna do this..? I didn't play in the last one...
  19. I object to Wensday!!....I got things I got to do on wensdays....as far as the dating game goes...it dropped my post about 200-250....but I have gained them all back again *shrugs*....so how are we goona do this...?
  20. Anti

    X-men RPG (play)

    Sean:*laughs to himself*yeah I guess we should....but first!!....sleep....soon anyways.... *Sean and Siren walk over to the fire on the beach*
  21. Anti

    X-men RPG (play)

    *Sean lets himself be pulled and kisses her* Sean:....yeah it could be....I should proubably practice with it before I start picking things up....or...*grins*
  22. eheh I like that question SSJ2....It has always confused the hell out of me...along with this question....why is Jesus the only son of god?...arn't we all in a way...?...and...who are we to judge and say what gods will is...?..... man...no one reads my post *cries*....oh wells....anyways I will continue from my last post...I think the 10 commandments are wrong...to an extent... They are to "Black and White" for a world of "Grey"....take for example "Thou shall not steal"....way to black and white...for what if I am starving with a family...and I can't get the food for one reason or another....would I not be in right to steal food for my family to survive!?!....and you can't answer...god will supply you....because if that's true then why in 'ell dosn't he help all those others that are starving....?
  23. Digimon...EWW!!!....*cackles*...*procedes to burn the avatars* MWHAHA!!! it is all a copy of MTG!!! *stares at the people*......mmmsss.....SSB was a fun game....my best charecter was the giant rat for some reason....
  24. *runs around with a sign* Down with Sephy!! Down with Sephy!!.....*dodges a couple of sharp flying objects*....meep!!:eek: *continues to protest* Raiha isn't that bad...unless you piss her off....but all in all she is pretty nice...
  25. Anti

    X-men RPG (play)

    *Sean walks over to Siren* Sean:mmms.... *Sean picks up a stick which begins to glow with energy* Sean:....What?.... *Sean tosses the stick away and begins to walk away....a few seconds later it explodes. Sean tuns around* Sean:!!!....that must be my new power.....((ie gambits for those who don't know))
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