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Everything posted by Anti
I would be afraid if you loved me Britty....*runs around in fear just thinking bout it*.... mmms....this should be fun....I will rule you all!!....not likely but I cand dream
miss Britty...anyway save it till later *grins* I know ya love me.... j/k j/k yeah when do we start Gavin...? *edit*ahh we all posted almost same time.....hmmms thursday....I am good for that*/edit*
uhhh....ok.....*clicks the mouse...avatar blows up*...mwhaha....*dodges a flying object from Britty*....eheh
bad habits.......I scare people....oh I guess my worse is when someone tells me not to do something I do it.....
mmms....I found this place through one of my brothers friends...he came on here while I was around...I thought it looked cool so joined...and the rest is...errr yeah something...can't remember what...
*Anti nods then walks back to the cockpit* Anti:might as well check the damage...oh... *Anti grabs a bottle of ale then walks to the piliots seat* Anti:need a drink after that run...
*Anti flys deep into the astroid field* Anti:....radar...clear.....computer auto dodge astroids.... *Anti stands up and walks to Tursi and Kyp* Anti:...so who is he?
Anti:nope....*Anti dodges an astroid as a ship slams into it* Anti: plus we are safer here....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B] faith can exist outside religion yes, but faith is derived from religion [/B][/QUOTE] youv'e got it backwards....religon is dervived from faith....for if we essentally had no faith then religon wouldn't exsist at all...
*Sean walk into the machine* *white flash...Sean walks out* Sean:.....I feal different....I just don't know how.... *Sean walks back over to Siren*
Sean:*puts his hand on Sabir's*some of mine would be jealous too...*Sean pulls her closer*...
Interesting....I never went into any of those topics...well once or twice to see what they were bouts...never posted...that I can think of...anyways....what's this about G&S!?!? bah!! most((from what I have seen)) of us are not spamers in their TN!! my post count is high, sure, but that's because I like the games in their...*shrugs* dosn't matter anyways...I just find Rpg's interesting and have made many a friend through them...and discusing this were a lot of gamers don't go...that's not fair!!...I come in GD too though...a few things are interesting in here...although I didn't come in GD till ohh after my first week...the friends I have made here are from G&S...so I wasn't to ken bout that whole G&S suggestion...I know it wouldn't affect me...much....but then then I couldn't get a custom if I wanted to...sides that I don't really care...It is interesting to see the ranks as your post count increases...and I find it amusing when people im me and tell me I got no life((you know who you are))but I already know that...but the ranks also make for a good topic of discusion amongst friends everynow and then....
*Sean leans over and gives her a kiss on her forehead and puts his arm around her* Sean:....I am glad you are with me....*Sean looks up at the stars*...life was getting boring till I met you...
*Sean smiles at her* Sean:..... *Sean wraps his arms around her waist and returns her kiss slipping his tongue into her mouth.*
Name: Ryu ((PSX, Breath Of Fire 4....ehehe I loved how the hybrids looked))
actully as far as religon goes....I ain't athies((I can't spell...pronounce the words like ummm who knows...))...I am err...believe it is called..Agnostic...I won't say it exsist...but I won't won't say it exsist either...unless I really feel strongly bout it...I also like to talk to people about their religon becuase it gets me insight into them and their religon...them because it show you what kind of things appeal to them...and religon is just interesting...as far as scribtures go...I don't think the error is completely human...ok so it has to be as scribtures are created by humans...so their is bound to be error as man is a creature of error...but I think that is an advatage...imagine how boring life would be if we were all perfect *images it*...gods that would suck...anyways a book is nothing more then a guide...It is completely up to the reader to understand it...and as far as the bible goes...I don't think it was ment to be taken litterally...more like a story book..with some good morals in it...of course as I said...our morals arn't nessacerly "right" to someone else they could be evil...just because we see something as right to another group of people it might be wrong and something we see as wrong right...take canniblism...most of humanity sees canniblism as ebil and gross...but to some it is merely another part of their society...a lot of things are like this...we can't say something is "right" or "wrong" for..."The world is not black and white, only shades of grey"...so the ten commandments...I say their wrong...to an extent anyway *dodges sharp pointy objects flying at him*
*smacks the people in white coats* I hate the....oh never mind..... mmms my vanity......physically....my fighting skills...I do martial arts and can be vain about that....mental...my intellect and my thoughts on things.... *kicks himself*....and I hate my God be D*anmed ego....I have one for no reason what so ever....I hate it and am trying to burn the dan*ed thing...*comences to light himself and the people in white coats on fire*((sorry for the umm "profanity"...just using it to show how strongly I feal...)) MWHAHA!!!I am also a tad bit vain at my ability to scare people... I am weird...but thats cause I don't care what other people think... which is why I am confused about my ego *lights he people in white coats on fire*...oh and I love how my eyes change colors...I think I remember hearing that would be associated with psychoses...which might explain alot...*sets the room on fire* MWHAHA
Actully if history is any teacher...which it is...then christanty will poubably die out...one day in the future our great great great grand children will proubably be wondering what the 'ell we were thinking when we though about this stuff...course they might not be.... here's a question...what if all the religons are right...? it could be very possible... as far as the bible goes...was it origonally written in...o.O well I know latin but something before that like hebrew or something...I can't remember....and I got a question...why does everyone think Jesus was white...?...he wasn't...he was more like an arab...I don't care if you are god if you live in the dessert your gettin a tan!!...I believe the man exsisted as to the miracles he preformed...who knows...coulda been an act of some god/dess or coulda been just a human/human spirit who was more evolved...
*Sean catches up to Sabir* Sean:eheh I guess I know you really mean something when people can sneak up on you *Sean smiles*...anyway we got cut short last time....*Sean puts his arms around her and gives her a kiss*
*Sean walks away from Kizu as he leaves* Sean: poor newcomer....just lost all the rupees he had...shoulda never flashed them in public... *Sean runs down the streets to a nearby building and goes into the ally* Sean: LA LA...payday has come!! *Sean looks around then taps on one of the walls which slide open* Sean:....no place like home.... *Sean walks in to the building where their are people laying around* Sean:Hey guys Mice:Hey Sean, welcome back to the guild Sean:thanks Zack Zack:sure, so any luck today? Sean:YEP!! *The other look at him. Sean looks around at the other guild members, most of them are wearing rags and all look poor, a few look sick and all of them looks like they havn't eaten in days except for one corner, their are a group of mice and rats bigger then the others, they look well fed and healthy but still in rags. The group looks over with curiosity* Zack:not so loud...some of your friends wish to eat...last thing we need are those guy coming to our section Sean:don't worry about it...today is payday guys!! Some new guy came through town...and lef about 15 pounds of rupee's worth lighter The group of thief in Sean's corner: huh,what?, food?, YAY!! *Sean smiles* Zack:thanks man...because of the brutes we don't get to eat that often... Sean:...I know... *Suddenlly a mouse bigger then all the others walks up*...
*Sean stand up* Sean:....today is not my day.... *Sean wades off into the water and drags Siren with him* Sean:let's go for a swim *grins* I havn't gone yet...
*Sean jumps to his feet and stares at the Trees* Sean:.....who's their...? *Sean stands their for a while then sits back down next to Siren*
*Sean looks up and smiles at Sabir* [I]ahh and here my celebration got cut short....and they even snuck up on her...[/I] *Sean walks over and sits down next to Sabir* Sean:Foods up!!...dig in...
o.O way off topic.....anyways.... I am unsure as to my beliefs...I certanly don't belong to any religon!! I am not even sure if their is a higher power...Who says their has to be? To me Religon and God were created so we wouldn't have to be afraid...To explain what couldn't be and to blame someone else for our probelms and so we could feel like their was something or reason for our exsistance... IMO we don't need that anymore...but that is kinda off subject...as to humans being flawed...who says we were even created by a perfect or even higher being in the first place?...maybe we evolved...and maybe we arn't done evolving yet?...or maybe their isn't anything as perfect...I mean who says god/dess's are perfect? To us they may seem that way....but I doubt anything is perfect...even if it does supposedly exsist where we can't prove it's exsistants...as for me...I think that their might be something...not higher life form because as to what's higher...all depends on your point of view...to us something might seems corect and moraly right...but to another lifeform it might seem evil...hell even to other humans it might... ok enough ranting...will continue after comments are made...*grins*Mormons....mmmms....don't know much about it...just another sect of Christanity so far as I know...and that we have some kid that dosn't like Mormons at my school...*shrugs*...I find the internally struggles of christanity amusing...which will be really funny if we find out their all wrong...no offesnse to anyone ment...
Treme:....here...*Treme points to his own favorite chair for Siren to sit in and leans against the wall* Treme:....*sigh*....We have to rebuild...but I got news...villages!!...I plan to send someone...as soon as I can find someone who will go...