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Everything posted by Anti
This is sometime in the distant future, Mankind has spanned the stars, A centeral "Civilized" worlds was born...and on the fringes a group knowen as The Space Pirates was born. A while after The Space Pirates was born they began to bicker...and eventully broke up into fractions, each claiming Planets, The City of Cecil, was claimed by your fraction, The Hunters, About 50 years have passed...and Cecil has gone from a barbarian world, to a civilized one. Cecil has begune to adjust to the new civilized world, but being on the fringes is plagues by Space Brigands and Raiders. You, and a group of fellow Hunters, for each of their own reason, have decided to escape Cecil. Banding together you all pitched in and bought A Meduim Sized Cruiser, it is well armed, but not the best and could easly be upgraded with enough cash, the Smartian type Cruiser, Schism(thank you Ken for help with the name). The Schism also has a single docking bay, and repair facilty, it can have up to 8 support ships, As funds were a bit low after buying the cruiser, Rapiers were bought for any piliots who wished to fly support on missions. Only one thing stands between us and escape, That is a raider base that is between the jump point around Cecil City are numerous raider outpost, also our old hunter boss is calling us again, so to escape Cecil, we need to get better supplys, and ship parts, and in order to get that we need money, so we return to running missions for The Hunters. We all start out in our Pad, a giant aparment we all live in with a shared common room.The Schism is in the south dock of the city, all standered shi parts are bought just east of our pad, at a place knowen as Wise Joes, he sells ships, personal weapon and armour, and general ship parts. On the East side of town is Crazy Moes, he sells secpilized parts for ships, such as a gravity cannon for the ship, and ammo for it. North of the South docks is the Hunters Guild, We have 2 contacts in the guild, Sarah, the bosses secretary, and Frank, a contact for giving out missions. to the SE of the center of town is the police station and the mayors office, To the North is The Drunken Monkey Bar, and on a space platform a little ways from Cecil is Mel's Bar, Scattered around the Cecil System, are multiple Cecilian colonies and outpost. Cecil City itself is on a spaceborn Platform in orbit around the 4th planet, most the colonies are on similer but smaller platforms, Cecil by far the largest. The Raider base is expected to be in the astroids on the outer edge of the system, but it is unknowen, beyond the astroids is the only way in or out of The Cecil System, The jump point to an unihabited star system, Prontera, which after another jump leads to a conjuction point in the Jax System. Cruiser Schism Info: Standerd Titanuim Armour -can be reiforced and better armour types can be made 4 Front Laser Batteries - Laser Batteries are the weakest energy weapon for a Capital Ship, they can slice a good sized chuck out of an astroid - power decreases as they shot over range 2 Rotating Mass Drivers - weakest Capital Ship projectile weapons, use large chucks of metal for ammo, long range that dosn't lose force over range 2 Front Missle Silos- Each has 200 heat seaking missles 1 Docking Bay 1 Repair Facilty 8 Hangers Room for a Gravity Cannon Room for more Turrets, Silos, and Frontal Weapons 3 Decks- Bridge/ExtraGunningStations, Enginering/ Docks, Dorms/MessHall/Recreation, Also Deck Min Crew - 1 Piliot, 1 Gunner, Repair Crew, Piliots for Support Craft Extra Crew- 1 Gunner for Gravity Cannon Rapier Info: 1 Man Fighter 2 Front Laser Cannons- Weakest type of energy weapon for support ships and fighters- All energy weapons until the advanced ones lose power over range 2 Front Missle Silos- 4 Heat Seekers per Silo Here is what you need to post --------------------- Name: First Last Age: Call Sign: Height: Expertise: We all Have Basic Pilioting Training, but some can still expertise in it...Everyone Also has basic Compuer and Repair Skills, but basic skill only lets you do so much, We need One Engineer Specilist, One Piliot Specilist, One Gunner Specilist - also if your gonna specilize in a Gunnery Skill, please state what type, Beam, Projectile or Explosive - also please keep number of expertise to 2 or 3 max Prefered Crew Position: CS(Capital Ship Piliot), CS Gunner, Repair Crew, Support Craft Piliot/Gunner...I will post a roster later of exact Crew Duties...We will need quite a few support Crew Piliots Appearence: Equipment: Right Now we all have certin things, One Range Weapons, a Rifle, Pistol or something of the sort - ask me for any exceptions. Civilian Clothing, worn on a day to day bases, also when not on Hunter buissness can be worn to duty on the ship. Hunter Uniform, Worn whenever on Hunter Buisness, be it a mission or reporting for a job. Piliot Suit, if your a support Piliot this is what you where when flying your craft. Bio: Please Include your reason for leaving, as we have all lived together for a while we should all know about each other at least a little bit, again ask me for exceptions ------------- I will post detailed descriptions of the Schism, A Few Other Ship Types such as "Dragon" "Wraith" "Hydra" at a later time...Others will be brought in as the RPG progresses. Also on a side note, The Support craft can not go to far from The Schism, Some of the more advanced ones can even make jumps to systems, but the early ones can go a short ways out...about 7000000000Km out, far enough to make a good sized patrol.
ooo deep subject.... ERM first let me say that I agree with Bryan on the word has to much power and that living in the past is wrong...it's stuff like this that causes our race to repeat it's mistakes instead of learning from them...and if you ask me, which I was *points to Bryans asking*... This is so stupid...first off one thing alot of people don't relize is that to br truely equal, you can't have bullsh*t like this...as long as ittle things like that happen then their isn't true equality. Also because of that...like a "white" person can't say N igg er....thats the same thing as being racist, exactly, it is saying "because your this colored skin you can't do this"... racism in it's truest form... the word USED to be used dementory...now it can be used howveer you want...words only have as much power as you give them...so again people are fighting, killing and being racist over what?...a single stupid word.... Also since this is related I will broach another subject, IMHO The whole idea of "races" is stupid...We arn't "balck" "asian" "white" we are one race...HUMAN...sure we have a lot of subcultures...but almost all the basics...almost everything in these culutres is the exact same...they sometimes are showen differently, but essiantily it's the same....why?....because we are all human...erm I guess I am just saying that if people would stop being stupid, and look beyond the "cover" they would relize these things :| ... So to recap for those who don't like to read my long speaches 1.Nig ger has to much power... 2.saying certin colored skin people who plan to use the word as it's meaning, in this case black, and not putting em down, is being racist 3. the whole idea we are even different racist is like saying we are not all human, which is not the truth, just different cultures...that are all the same except in the way things are shown...
RPG Revolutionary Girl Utena RPG- Deulists Tourtament- Play.
Anti replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in Theater
erm whoops...umm gonna deleate that last post o.O;; got confused...cause that happens when you post a three in the morning about to fall asleep... [I]Miki walks into the ring and unsheaths his rapier, then faces Juri[/I] Miki:....ok lets go -
[I]Zack looks up at Siren and explains everythig to her...then watches her face...and blanks out while she responds Zack Shade: We need food Zack:...."souls" right? ZackS:if you would let go of your human mind you would understand better... Zack:.... ZackS:let go of your "Soul" let go of your "Humanity".... Zack:.... The Shade steps foward and it reaches for him but Zack steps back Zack:....I won't give up all that makes me human... ZackS:Merge and Learn, that that is stronger will survive... Zack stared then gritted his teeth and reached out the Shade once again merged with him and Mentally he screamed while his body passed out[/I]
RPG Revolutionary Girl Utena RPG- Deulists Tourtament- Play.
Anti replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in Theater
[I]Miki walked out into the ring, drawing his rapier[/I] Miki:I am ready... -
AAAAGH! Its hideous!!! no. .wait. .my reflection. .
Anti replied to liamc2's topic in General Discussion
ahh I am being forced into posting my pic -___-;...anyway...Amber "DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN" *picks up his sword, and eyes glow petruid yellow* I am Eiru the god of Disease...all who say Bryan deserves better shall come down with disease...bad disease...and then when you have suffered more then your frail bodys can stand...I shall disease your souls!! *eyes return* errr anyways.... I am being forced to posting my pic...I won't comment since we have enough people here is self loathing... BG...no comment...you gotta enough people trailing you anyways... ok my piccy....when I can make it small enough to be allowed -_- -
[I]Aeon wrote down a few lines, and a few other symbols that were unreadable then put it away...he walked to Chole and then pulled his hand away from vipers ...looking at the festing wounds forming, he began to examine them...looking it over ignoring his pleas[/I] Aeon:....gonna need something for this... Chole:I don't care, give me my arm back!! Aeon:no... [I]Aeon removed his dager, and cut open the festering inflametion, yellow mucus and green venom began to flow from it[/I] Aeon:seal that as soon as the flow stops...don't let anmore of her venom touch you...or you are risking a death worse then most torture... [I]Aeon looked at his sister, she wasn't objecting because she knew he spoke the truth[/I] Viper:.... Aeon:I have to deliver a message...and Chole we can't hate that which brings dragonweather...they are our kin...and one day will be us.. [I]Aeon shrugged and walked out of the cave, outside he let the letter flutter away, it would reach who it was being sent to[/I]
[I]Sean finishes his food and looks up at her[/I] Sean:.....sure I guess.. [I]They stood up and headed off for the danger room[/I]
[I]Aeon raised his sword to choles neck, it glinted as his eyes grew Red[/I] Aeon:I will let you stay for the night...as it is dangerous out there...but if this continues the whole night I will kill you... Chole:.... Viper:.... Aeon:and afterwards...if I ever hear you doing this to my sister again, you will not find a moments peace...not until your head is my trophy... [I]Aeon held his sword to Choles neck, his eyes daring him to so much as move in an agressive manner[/I] Chole:....fine.... [I]Aeon pulled his sword down , but held it at his side at the ready, his eyes still threating...Aeon reached down and picked up the family heirloom, the Aeon staff...and then wrapped his sisters Wrist after draining the last of the venom, her blood would return if she would rest...[/I] Aeon:......... [I]Aeon then laid Viper down in his own sleeping bag on the edge of the fire, he set the staff by her side...it's gem glowing brightly as he gave it a mental command, it hovered over her[/I] Aeon:rest well my sister...Allison... [I]Aeon stood in the shadows, his eyes closed...but he was mentally watching and listening[/I]
[I]Sean sits up at night...stareing at the wall...he couldn't sleep as was ussuall...and he didn't have to do the intensive training yet...He got up and walked down the halls...[/I] Sean:.... [I]Sean looked up as he saw someone poke their head and look at him[/I] ???:...why are you up? Sean:...oh...can't sleep...why are you up Siren? Siren:Nobility woke me up... Sean:couldn't fallback to sleep? Siren:nu uh... Sean:....wanna go get breakfast? Siren:isn't it kinda early? Sean:beat the crowd...and you know it will be warm... Siren:sure I guess... [I]Sean and Siren walked downstairs, Sean walked into the cafiteria and cooked some breakfast, while Siren sat back and watched[/I] Siren:you can cook? Sean:...had to...lived on my own for a while... Siren:...why are you always alone? Sean:...my way...can't really stand the mass of people...and I am here with you arn't I? Siren:yeah I guess... [I]Sean took the eggs, pancakes and bacon off the stove and dived them up then handed her her plate and walked to their table[/I] Sean:...heard the others got grounded... Siren:...same... [I]Sean and Siren ate..talking a little[/I]
[I]Sean stumble back and barely dodges a poison dart as Cyad engages Draconus[/I] Sean:.... [I]Sean raced foward and dddrove his dagger deep into the darkwarrior, the turning saw Draconuis open up between the three warrios attack, and raised his hand[/I] Sean:SUN'S RAY!! [I]A beam shot out of his hand and slmaned into Draconus...following the other threes attacks, Dracouns just stood their and laughed[/I] Dracounus:HAHAH is this the best gaia has to offer me?? Sean:... [I]Sean got between Siren and Saber before they could attack again[/I] Sean:take the guards...Cyad get Mia ready... [I]Sean rushed Dracounus his daggers glowing brightly[/I]
"KEEP IT DOWN IN FRONT ROW!!!" "...Ken?" "errr...ALL PRAISE THE WALRUS!!..." "......anyway in new today...OtakuBoards...our host that is allowing us to bring you this news...was upgraded to version 4...many new staff were made..." "MWHAHA....I AM A MOD!!!...PC/X BOX IS NOW A COMMUNIST and I AM COMRADE GENERAL!!!...FOR MOTHER RUSSIA!!" "....unfortunatly one such new staff member was our very own anchor Kenneth Howell...." "ZE DARE INSULT THE COMRADE GENERAL!!!....FEEL THE WRATH OF MY MOD ROD!!!" "AHHHHH!!!......many of the new mods already have the change in their status going to their head...one who seems to be out paceing them all in enlarged egos is also our very own Kenneth Howell" "FOR ZE WALRUSES!!!"
[I]Anti checked Asar's ribs again...and decided he would be fine if he stayed there..[/I] Anti:just stay there...once you got the energy someone will get you to a doctor... [I]Anti turned and watched the antics down below[/I] Anti:...when did this go from being a fight club to a comedy show?... Asar:when you wern't looking... Anti:ahh... [I]Anti sat dwn for a few moments then got up and walked down to where the "fight"...even if it was more like a bad clown act...was going on[/I]
[I]Over Moon's shoulder two glowing rocks flew by and between the bars of the cage...as they slamned into the ground they exploded and the ice roof slamned down on sabertooth..Siren, Sean and Akira walked up next to Moon, Dante, Sean picking up a few rocks, and pulling a small bag within easy reach[/I] Siren: Don't count us out! Akira:yeah! Sean:..... [I]they watched on as Sabertooth erupted from the ice[/I]
[I]Aeon watches as his sister cryed in his arms...his gaze fixed on her loveingly...thier last meeting had been short lived...[/I] Aeon:.... [I]Viper stopped crying and looked up at him[/I] Aeon:hello sister...Allison.... Viper:.... Aeon:...what makes you cry?... Viper:...a boy...but... Aeon:...if you wish it...I won't do that again...you are grown up now... Viper:thanks...it has been a long time brother... [I]Aeon nodded then looked off as he felt two figures drawing close...Viper did the same knowing one was Chole[/I] Aeon:...so one of them is the boy you love... Viper:...yes... [I]Aeon let go of Viper...and put one hand to his sword and waited[/I]
[I]Zack stood in the circle as he saw the councils auras return...he felt the hunger in him also return..demanding to be fed, Zack was hard fought to keep from attempting to attack one of the council[/I] Council 1: Noble One... Zack:....why do you keep calling me that? Council 3: ahhh...you do not remember? Council 4: it is rare when his Kin does... Zack:..... Council 7: let the noble one discover for himself what he is... Council 8: yes... Zack:so you will tell me nothing? Council 5: you will be better off finding out for yourself... Zack:... [I]Zack turned and walked out of the chamber...he took the stairs back up to Sirens room[/I]
[I}Travis sweated as the apache rocked...the other were landing...but he had a fighter to take out...bullets went ripping through the helicopter...shreading the armour like it was nothing..one hi t Travis in the leg but he concentrated on his target..[/I] Travis:LOCK! [I]Travis pushed the launch button for his missles and then bailed out of the helicopter...it launching it's entire missle cache as more bullets ripped into it, Travis bored his chute then slamed into the ground...despite his pain he got up and moved foward through the snow and got behind a large rock as the apache slamned into the ground...followed by the jet in a ball of flame..Travis stood up[/I] Travis:...gotta..find one of the others... [I]Travis fell face foward...his leg bleeding...he reached down and tieded it with some of his ripped clothes...then got up and started limping toward where he saw one of the other apaches land[/I]
[I]Sean ran along...unarmed but he didn't need to be..Siren and Akira were running beside him having heard the siren for the X-men go off...Professor X had told them where Sabertooth and the others were last seen and they had took off to find them...[/I]
[I]Sean flys back as the darkwarrior throughs him across the room[/I] Sean:... [I]cough[/I]....who are you? ???2:haha...he is my personal bodyguard... Sean:Draconus! Bodyguard:master... Draconus:finish the light warrior... [I]Sean stands up ...one dagger missing..his right hand clenching his other one tightly...[/I]
[I]The mig got hit by the seond schok wave...Travis relized he was gonna crash...nailed the auto piliot...for this Mig and the other two...then ejected and watched as the airstrip was blocked and the control tower a ball of flames...Travis dropped into the snow near Ken's apache...and jumped in it...he set it airborne then armed the missles...and hoped he would survive the next schokwave...[/I]
[I]Zack stares at the ceiling...he had watched Siren walk out when she thought he was asleep and saw the prayer before he heard it...he stared at the ceiling thinking about what he had become...then got up and walked out into the living room...siliently stareing at the others[/I] Zack:......excuse me.... [I]Zack picked up his coat with all his electronic gear pluged in it and slipped it on Siren:Zack...where are you going?... Zack:to find out what I am... Zack walked to the door and headed down the elevator toward the floor with the council chambers...while in the elvator his aura changed many times...from vampire...to human...to Tristie...the back to vampire...matching that of many around him...though flickering as the others...and his real one...he walked into the council champers...the attendent seeming to expect him..he looked around noticing the circle of he room...and how only one part was lit...he walked out into the circle and waited for the council to adress him[/I]
[I]Zack strugles...wandering what happened to Siren..and then he gets zapped again...[/I] Zack:ugh... [I]Zack falls uncounsious[/I]
[I]Zack's eyes glazed over as the others watched him... ???:we are almost us again... Zack:us? ???:you will understand now... Zack:AHHHH[/I] Zack:AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! [I]Zacks body rocked backward as his aura was suddenlly engulfed in light...his aura suddenlly became vampire looking...with flashes of human, tristie...and his real aura in it... ???:you understand? Zack:...yes....now we join for good.. ???:...yes... Zack mentally joins with his mental shadow...his eyes unglaze...and he stares at the others...not knowing his abilities fully...but knowing he was in more control then ever...the hunger in him a mere gnawing...Zack began to eat again...stareing at Fong as he does so...[/I] Zack:.... Siren:Zack? Zack:....yes Siren? Siren:are you...you? Zack:yes... Fong:....it has been a long time since one of your kin has appeared.... Zack:...why are you here...? Fong:to ensure you didn't go beserk...Noble One... Zack:...Noble One?.... [I]Zack stares at Fong confused[/I] Fong:yes...we have been wandering when one of your Kin would turn up on the council for sometime... Zack:in a good way or bad way? Fong:depends... Zack:....I am tired right now...Master Fong...may we continue this later? Fong:yes...I would like to stay in observe...ensure your powers don't go beserk... Zack:I won't... [I]Zack eats his food then stands up and turns to Siren[/I] Zack:....I am still Zack Siren...I still love you... [I]Zack walks over to Siren and kisses her then takes her hand an leads her into her bedroom[/I]
[I]Zack nods to Siren[/I] Zack:...please bring it...I won't bite... [I]Zack smiles halfway as he says it to the two vampires and Siren brings it to him...he laughs slightly and as he takes the food from her he grabs her and pulls her down to him and kisses her when he pulls away he turns and begins to eat the food[/I]