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Everything posted by Anti
yeah....want to make breakfast or do you dare try my cooking?:demon: ...after that fight i am hungry!!!...by the way where is everyone else?
*looks around and shifts awkwardly....* Sean:....sooo.....*still looks retched and exauhsted*...... *loooks up at the moon* Sean: looks like you moon....*feels stupid after that comment* *sean lays down on his back breathing the air and watching the stars thinking* Sean(thought):.......well i will just have to adjust....matt said it best it was either him or one of us.....just have to remember that every life is prescuoses((ok my spelling sucks i admit it))....rigt now that i got that worked out i just wish these images would just go away!!! Sean: uhhck i think i am going to puke...AGAIN.....moon will the image i keep seeing over and over ever go away or will i always heave my guts everytime i think about it....?
*looks at the light gem for a second then smiles* Sean: finnally won it....thank you grandpa GP:your welcome Sean: i think i am just going to sleep now. *sean falls asleep but wakes up remembering something carrying him* *wakes up the next day in his room in his home...the light gem is still clinched tightly in his arms*
*gets out of his bed and walks out into the garden hoping for some fresh air after puking up what little was left in his stomach...* *sees moon their looking like she was crying* Sean:....I am sorry...I guess you really do care..... *sits down next to moon and looks at her* Sean:........I am sorry for everything i said...it was just to much to take in at one time.......
Sean: oh S*** Malcome watch..... *Sabir slams into malcome knocking him out then turns on Sean* Sean: oh Great *dodges to the left as sabir rushes at Sean* *sean drops into a fighting stance ready for sabir this time but as she is about to leap into him she is suddenlly lifted off the ground* Sean: Now what...? Siren:I want a turn Sabir: Go ahead *Sean drops into a fighting stance thinking himself ready for anything but very tired........He suddenlly feals something smash into his head and falls into the ground* *sean wakes up a few minutes later to hear his GrandPa clapping*
*watches moon storm off* Sean:.......don't worry about it ken if you don't want to talk about it..... *sean gets up and shakely guides himself into his room where he lies down to try and finish sorting things out*
*looks up at ken as a tear rolls down his eye* Sean(to ken):.....whats wrong? Sean(to moon):......i might break something.....but i can't stop it.....*grabs one hand as it shakes then both begin to shake*.....Moon...past is past.....but It was just so disturbing to see someone die then to see someone else just shrugs it off like it was nothing....goes against what i was taight about all life being prescous.....
but...but how can you stay sane after all that.....every life is precouses and *hands begin to shake*.......does it become easyer over time....?
their is another thread opened up for the story....
*stares at the floor for a while and heaves what little is left of his meal* Sean: *sean decides something* Sean: Matt i still trust you so....would you teach me how to fight? *looks up at Matt still feeling misearable* Sean: Your right it was either you or him.....if it had been me in that situation i woulda proublly died.....so would you teach me how to fight...I don't think you will hurt me...to badly...
[I]sometime later[/I] *Sean unrolls from his "ball" after having gone through much thought. He looks up and looks reched ((sp??)). His eyes have sacks under their eyes and he looks very depressed and his hands still shake....as Sean looks around the room he see's Moon is still in the room* Sean:........I'm....... Moon: Don't worry about it i was the same way after having seen death for my first time.... Sean: Yeah but i shoulda knowen...i thought i was ready...... *he trails off as Ken walks into the room.... shortly followed by Matt* Sean:*looks at Matt with a bit of sickness coming up his throat* Matt: Ummm i wanted to say....do you guys still trust me? Moon:*shrugs* it happens so i do Sean: Matt: Sean? Sean:....I still do Matt I just wasn't prepared for Death yet....even if it was just you defending yourself *bends over and pukes as the memorys of seeing the dead juggernaught return to mind*
Sean:.........your own mom........that musta been hard to deal with.....*hands begin to shake again*but...but i didn't know that we were going to have to kill him.....*looks up and even more scared*......and it took all of us to kill him.....that means that next time it could as easly become one of us...... *sean looks up then begins to curl up in a ball on the table and begins to break down*
* Sean parry's a blow from Cyad's murasmune and winces as the vibrations shake his already bruised shoulder* Sean:Ahhhh *fakes a strike with his left dagger and as Cyad moves to parry Sean moves around him and smack hims in the back of his head with the blunt end of his right dagger* Sean: puff puff....whew finnally he is down.....*looks over to the wall relizing that mark is down* Sean: great who now......?*sighs as he relizes that no matter which one it is he will proublly be out done as he cyad really screwed him up and nearly won a couple of time their....* *looks over to see Malcom smack Burn soundly on the head and promptly Faints...Malcom has many scratch marks on him and looks nearly as exhausted as Sean feels* *sean walks over to Malcom.......* Sean: great it's 2 vs 2 but one of their fighters is fresh....we proublly don't have a chance to win..... Malcom: Yeah I know but hey we lasted this long right? Sean:...Yeah i Guess......hey here is what we do...see the girl who took on malcom she should be somewhat tired so lets try and conentrate on her first ok? Malcom: Got it *both of the Clansmen turn and fire rays of light at Sabir*
*looks up from where he is sitting on the infirmery table still shaking from his memorys* Sean*his hand shakes a bit but he quickly grabs it as she walks in*:........what do you want?
*sean looks to his right as he notices sabir and mark engage* Sean: becarful mark she is stronger the she looks!!! and both of you try and stay alive!!*sighs* *turns to see a fireball fly past malcom and burn and malcom begin to fight* Sean: well that just means......*barely dodges out of the way as a ball of acid flys right by his head*....yep cyad is mine....but where is siren...oh well worry about her when i can.... *sean shoots a ray of light in call to cyads attack then rushes foward twirling his daggers in his hands...*
er.....Thanks!!! I might be getting a job soon as a pilot....and if i do i will pay you back as soon as i can....err the place is really nice...
GP: Do not worry about it child. It is part of the Light clans duty to remove those demons that plague mankind. Sean: Grandpa since we are at this temple may we take the light gem? Gp:Not without passing the test!!! You know this better then anyone.... Sean: But Grandpa I don't want to have to fight you!!! GP:Sielence......i am glad you feel that and because i am not as young as i used to be you won't.....you will defend the gem as my eldest heir... Sean: But Grandpa *looks over at the other members of his party knowing alone that he would never be able to defeat all of them* GP: Saving your friend took most of my energy and in debt you shall take my place....no buts!! *sean stands up reluctantly and moves in front of his Grandpa and Draws his daggers* Sean: I as Guardian of the Light Gem hearby Demand you get past me to claim the prize!!! Gp: Now don't be Hasty.... Mark Malcom come here and help Sean defend our prize so as they won't claim it to easlyly Sean: GrandPa i am not that weak!!! Gp: but you will need help now get on with it!! Sean: You Warriors came here seeking the gem of light and as a test of your right to own it shall have to get past me!!! *Sean drops into a fighting stance with Mark , armed with a sword, and Malcome,armed with a staff, on either side* Sean(thought) remember your training with Grandpa.......Even if i am your allie right now we are fighting and because of that i am your enemy so don't hold anything back!!...but GrandPa...No buts now come at me with everything you got....they won't hold back and i won't either..... *Sean's Daggers begin to glow*
*as he is hiding in the corner he begins to get nervous again and acidently shoots of his power flaring up the corner* Juggernaught: There You are Runt Sean: F*** of all the times to do that *sean barly rolls outta the way as juggernaught smashes into the building he was hiding in. Before juggernaught can recover Sean is running down the street as fast as he can knowing that moon's hand are full and he won't be catching any flying evac*
*walks back into the bar and hides from the bar tender in the corner* Anti:nothing much.....*whipsers*besides the tender wanting me for my tab .....
*nods in agreement with sabir* Sean:you should kill him for that...even if he wasn't completely lying........errr....anyway GrandPa is calling *sean leads the party to the temple of Light*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]...true....but I think ssjbabe's got this one covered. Of course, I could be wrong...:demon:[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] ya her votes arn't over 10 yet so someone could still catch up....
Sean:....I guess it makes sense.....Legand has it that after the planet was incenerated by our ansectors Gaia instilled the clans with elemental properties in the hopes that they would return the Eart to it's former paradise.......it shouldn't be surprising hat she instilled some clans with animal based power.......anyway Grandpa needs to talk with us now that we are all here *sean walks to the door* Sean:...Glad we don't have to deal with a blood thirsty goddess...
hehe well last time he had 0 votes.....
*sean sighs a big sigh then gives the order to rerealease the tiger* Sean...umm you arn't going to be doing the weird voice thing are you.....?....and don't worry about the life debt....you can repay it by continuing on our quest with us....the light clan needs all the help we can get....