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Everything posted by Anti

  1. hehe:laugh: hmmms uncle spanky has more then 1 vote.....
  2. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    [I]A while later[/I] *seans Grandfather returns with 8 other elders* GP:This one looks strong so move in fast.... *they all bend the light around them and enter through a side entrance* Lauri:don't think i can't hear or smell you...... GP: we know you can.... *suddenly lauri is comsumed in 4 rays of light which constrain her to the spot she is in* *the other 4 elders begin to chant something as a tiger is lead into the room* *lauri begis to struggle against the light and begins to freek out switching between her two selves rapidly and often* *the warrior holding the tiger begins to look worried as the constraints against lauri begin to look like they are giving way...* *suddenlly Seans grandfather says something that even Sean dosn't understand but regonizes to be something from the Light Clans language* *suddenlly the room fills with light and for one of the few times in his life Sean is blinded by light* *when he can see again he see siren with her hands over her eyes and his Grandfather standing next to him....* Sean: Grandpa where is lauri and the tiger? Gp: lauri is resting in the hospital wing and the tiger is in a cage....it is only a matter of time before the goddess wakes up..although we can't be sure how sucsessful we were until the tiger wakes up....no one else was knocked out so we are presuming everything went well. Sean:thank you grandfather.....can we continue this audience till my friend is awakened GP: I was just about to suggest the same thing...We will talk later *sean walks off to the hospital wing of the compound with siren and his grandfather walks off in the opposite direction*
  3. Anti

    X-men RPG (play)

    I don't like the idea of having spikes fly outta my body *shivers at the thought* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *runs off from juggernaught again* Sean: ugh my powers arn't much...i should proublly get night crawler or one of the others to teach me how to use a weapon.... *hides in the shadows waiting for another chance to be useful*
  4. Anti

    X-men RPG (play)

    ahh i am going to be a male version of Jubalee......muntant powers was to shoot pretty colors outta her hands:D ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Sean runs onto the battle field and juggernaught imediatlly picks him out and rushes towards him* Sean: oh man, of course, i hope this works *sean sends out a wave of lights which bling juggernaught for a moment.Taking advantage of his precious sedonds he dodges around the nearest corner and plans* Sean: Ok so what are we going to do about this guy?
  5. *Aeon steps out of the mech he was in* Aeon(thought):ahh that was fun....caught in close for a second their but iam fine *aeon turns around and looks at his badly beatin up Mech then watchs as his partners mech is brought in and waits for him to climb outta his mech* Aeon:Say Chole how do you get through those frays without hardly a scratch on your mech? Chole:*shrugs* I just attack without hesitation....well i will talk to you later gotta go to debriefing Aeon:Yeah me to.....Hey man sorry bout that accidental shot just when i saw you move in from behind those other mechs i thought you were enemy...hadn't even relized you left my side. Chole: Don't worry about it you didn't do any damage *As Chole a Mechanic walks up and starts shouting in Aeon's Face* Mechanic: Thats the 5th one this week that you have nearly totally wrecked!! Aeon: sorry sorry i ran into some unexpected trouble Mechanic:Yeah well this time it is comming outta your part of the pay not the companys! Aeon:-_- fine. *Aeon walks off to the debriefing room* *he arrives just as chole walks out who gives him the "your in deep S***" look* Aeon:.....Reporting commander Commander:Now look here Lt.Aeon thats the 5th mech you have severly damaged this week.....*he proceedes to chew Aeon up before allowing him to debrief* Aeon:well the mission started out.....and you see.......then their was.....as the mission was almost over we got ambushed by some zodiac-9 members.......*remembers that part all to well...if Chole hadn't moved as swiftly as he did with the 2 he took on then Aeon proublly wouldn't be standing here now* Commander: Dismissed Lt.Aeon and one more mech like that and i will demote you Aeon: Yes Sir *walks out of the debriefing room then decides to go spend a large portion of his paycheck getting some food and drinks at the bar*
  6. lol:laugh: ahh well no more teasing i have cast my vote:D
  7. ......i am not saying who i am voting for:devil: just teasing raiha:demon: ....who to voe for who to vote for *ponders then decides*
  8. maybe......course it might be funny seeing you get another "bullet" in your head:demon:
  9. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    *looks up again from his window a few minutes later as a messanger runs in* M:Hello Sean Sean: Hi mark still running messages for grandpa i presume M:*nods*well then i guess that means you know why i am here....your grandfather will see you now Sean:Thanks i will be right their *sean and siren follow the messanger. Mark and Sean talk about how things have been going in the city8 Sean:well mark thanks...if i find some more spare time before i have to leave i will tell you a bit about my adventures. Mark: ok Bye *sean walks towards the temple of light followed by siren. Sean stares right into the light without flinching. As they appraoch right when they have to stare the light flowing from the temple it seems to die down a bit and keeps from blinding. They walk into a large hall where an old man with a long white beard and clothed in light awaits them* ???:hello Sean and this must be one of your clansmen...looks like the wind one, Siren. Sean: Yes Grandpa. GP:So why have you returned and what have you to report Sean: I have returned because i have a friend who needs your help Grandpa....she is possessed by a goddess and i remember seeing you and the other elders seperate them before..... GP:I see....well as you are the chosen warrior from our village i will do what i can to help...anything else? Sean:Yes, yesterday we suscesfully defended the fire temple with a group of lighting clansmen and also managed to retrieve the gem of Fire. Gp:ahh i see...and the gem is where now? Sean:with my comrade from the fire clan Grandpa. GP:Good. Well come boy let us see what we can do for your friend *a few minutes later they are at the hospital staring in on Lauri's room who is shooting around trying to escape* Lauri::flaming: Let me out you semi evolved primates:flaming: GP: Ahh well i will be back with a sutable host for this...what did you say tiger goddess and the other elders in a little while....Sean,Siren please wait here until i return. *sean looks in on Lauri raging around her "cell"* Sean:*shouts when lauri quiets down for a bit*Hope you enjoy your new Tiger body *sarcasticlly* All Powerful One Lauri::flaming:
  10. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    *Sean looks up from looking out the window* Sean:huh.....oh yeah she will....i just got a message though saying she isn't awake yet though....they have put here in a safe place....as soon as grandpa is out of his audiance i will go visit him and we shoud start right away at seperating the two....hehe i sent a message to the tiger goddess asking if she wanted a tiger for a new body :demon: she will get it as soon as she wakes up.....feeling better? I know energy withdraw can be painful....
  11. ehh well the one vote against raiha isn't from me....i havn't voted yet....course she could get another one:demon:
  12. Anti

    Ok let's try this

    Watch where your going yourself...and i am no Street Boy :flaming:
  13. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    *wonders as he seems to become one with the winds* Siren: just think of where we need to go and the winds will take us *sean thinks about an open field high atop a mountin* *they arrive in the open field with only an hour having passed by* Sean:....*stares at lauri lying unconcious on the ground next to his and sirens feet and then looks up as siren begin to waver* Sean: Hang On &%*^ *suddenlly a warrior appears from nowhere* LC: Hail Sean, Starlight brought us the message. *two more clansmen walk out this time clothed purely in what seems to be light* Sean:Good to see you guys again please help me with these two.....this is a member of the winter clan Siren who brought us here*points to the Siren who he is helping to keep on her feet after the energy drain* and this is Lauri the possesed one who i brought here to be seperated from her possesser*points to lauri who is in half human/half tiger form at their feet* Sean: help me with these two *the clans men help them into a large city that is also seperated from the rest of the world by light bending magicks and at the very center stands a temple which seems to radiate light like the sun* Lc1:We will take these two to the hospital to restore their energy's and prepare the goddess to be removed from the host body...you should get some rest yourself you look like you have been through the dark and back... Sean:*nods assent knowing it would be useless to argue*When can i see Grandpa? Lc2:A few more leaders from other villages arrived today and so your grandpa is currentlly in audiance with them...he will see you as soon as he is out. Sean: ok please send a message to him i will be at my home....Oh....As far as lauri goes don't awaken her till you have her contained...maximum levels...she is a dangerous one when pissed and please escort siren to my home as soon as you are done with her.....and my other comrades might be comming by other means....so please post scouts watching for any other traveling warriors....i believe i sent my comrades descriptions back with my last message.... *sean walks off towards his home as the other two are carried to the hospital*
  14. Name:Treme Age:16 Weapon: a Custom .45 Pistol and a Diamond Tipped Titanuim Sword Bio: A normal kid from Texas who just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Is an avarage fighter with above avarage computer skills. Appearance: wears a black t-shirt with a flaming skull and dragon on the back and blue jeans. Dark brown hair and a scar down his cheeck from the nuking*he got thrown around in his bunker* Mutant:no Andrioid:no
  15. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Sean:do it.....just don't kill her.....oh and here i will give you all the energy i can spare to help with both these spells Sean:Energy Transfer *transfer all but the minumin required energy to stay awake to siren. Sean looks very exhausted but stays awake* Sean: ok it's your show now siren
  16. hmm to put another bullet in Raiha's head to not put another bullter in Raiha's Head:devil: *toss this idea around for some mintues thinks he came to a conclusion then continues to toss it around leaving Raiha waiting in anticapation*:demon:
  17. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Sean:....yes it is worth it......do you also have a sleeping spell?...if so we can get some rest before hand and i will send a message to grandpa to have a couple of our healers standing by for when we get their for you siren.... *pulls out ANOTHER piece of parchment and scribbles a few notes on it wondering where he got all the parchemnt from....* Sean:StarLight take this to grandpa....and don't come back i will meet you there by tommorow...and please tell him to have a few healers on call for our arrival!! *starlight flys off* Sean: Ok now the hard part.....trapping lauri and getting her to sleep without destroying this village..... *looks over at lauri standing their looking like she is about to freak out* Lauri(tiger voice):I own this body now so face it and stop resisiting:flaming: Lauri(girl voice):Sean....someone help me
  18. Anti

    X-men RPG (play)

    :laugh:i will change my powers......err who to change to who to change to.....*thinks*
  19. Anti

    Real Life

    *chuckles* ok but my secret is staying secret till i decide to tell :P ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Sean stares around the classroom and then goes into thought* Sean(thought): ok so i got plenty of notes for psychology and 40 minutes to burn........well i guess i will just spend it here thinking to myself...don't really have any friends yet and i am not hungry.... *sean shifts around then lays his head on the table after making sure no one is around and talks quietly to himself waiting for the class to begin*
  20. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    *sean looks around* Lauri: Grr leave me alone Mortals *sean moves close to the rest of the party*Sean(whipsering):well i was hoping we could collect the rest of the gems before we did this but appearntly we don't have enough time......Since it seems we have no choice we should head straight to the Light Temple...i think i can help her their....only problem is that it is the closest temple to Draconuses HQ..... *sean thinks for a second*:so. unless you guys can find a quicker way of travel...well i am going to take lauri on DragonBack to the Light temple....you guys can either come or continue to look for the other temples and gems..who ever wishes to come i might be able to get you rides on this villages dragons.....but this is only last resort as it will leave the village undefended mostly..... Sean:.....until then we need to figure out a way to put lauri to sleep and catch a little ourselves...in this state she won't be comming along peacfully...
  21. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    ahh i am no good at that so i will wait......
  22. *steps backward into rico* Anti: :eek: :eek: Meep:eek: :eek: *rico also cracks him on the head before anti can run away* Anti: Ouchn :eek: ok ok i am sorry:bawl: :eek:
  23. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Sean *nods* ok......geez thoose guys must really be hungry to be eating so much.....I am hardly hungry at all * hears his stomach grumble* ok so maybe i am a little hungry....*looks back up at the sky imaging where the moon would be, feeling the wind and thinks he can smell moisture in the air* Smells like it is going to rain tommorow.....i am glad grandpa sent me out on this quest...after living so long in our "bubble" i am glad i finnally got to see the sun and moon and sky.....but i guess you devolp other ways of telling weather and time when you can't see the sky.....Whats it like in the wind villages?
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