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Everything posted by Anti

  1. *considers pulling a stunt. raiha reading his thoughts smacks him on the head. * Raiha: Don't even think about it :flaming: Anti:OUCH!!!!:eek: :nervous: :eek: :nervous: I was only joking:eek: :nervous: :eek: :nervous:
  2. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Sean:......i think i know who 2 and 4 are....lauri and you.....as for 6....*wonders if it isn't himself*.....the wind speaks true victory isn't certin though....even if we did win draconus will be prepared for us next time.......*looks off wishing he could see the moon or the sun*...i hope grandpa will be ok even if it is hidden from view the temple of light is close to draconuses capitol....*looks up* as for the two dying.....well i hope that dosn't happen......whats this about a cursed one siren?....oh and if you have any questions for me i will do my best to answer...
  3. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    *Sean attempts to listen to the wind and thinks he almost hears something....* Sean:.....guess it is a trait of your clan.....my own clan is also dwindling as you have proublly noticed....we are forced to hide from visable sight so that draconuses dark clansmen won't find our villages.....each week our numbers dwindle more and more...we used to be a mighty clan and could have faced draconus...if we hadn't been spread over the planet and to used to peace....now we don't even get to see the light that we represent..... *sean thinks for a bit* Sean:....so do you have any details on the tidings the winds brings....?
  4. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    *comes outta his thoughts and watches siren get up and walk away from the table.* Lauri: and then I..... *noicing that the table was mostly interested in lauris bosting while she ate he gets up and follows siren outside* Sean*walks up behind siren*: so how is the wind clan faring these days?....and what's on your mind?
  5. Anti

    Real Life

    *sean quickly hurrys back to class laughing a bit then remembering where he is becomes serious again* Sean(thought):grr gotta stop slipping....this is an interesting school though....a studnet who didn't just disappear because i was in thought.....a teacher who is completely new but advertises the use of spying.....catching a principal and teacher fondling each other....hope the principal didn't regonise me....oh well dosn't matter ...wonder what my next two classes are going to be like and how the teacher is going to act in thoose.... *sean arrives in class right before the bell rings and sits down once again in the furthesr cornor he can get away from the other students....*
  6. Anti

    Ok let's try this

    Anti:Sure it would be great!! I am ready to go as soon as you are! Rico:Ok Tender: Hey whatta bout your tab..... Anti:Hey old man don't worry bout it....didn't you hear the man i am going to go get an interview with his boss and i will pay you back as soon as i got enough credits.... Anti(whipsering to rico):err Rico i will meet you outside near Docking Bay 6.....don't want the old man holding us up or anything... *anti begins to run outta the bar* Tender(screaming at anti):come back here you got dishes to do!!! Anti: NOT IN THIS LIFETIME OLD MAN*runs outta the bar*
  7. Anti

    Real Life

    *looks around in the dark and bit nervousness shows through:nervous: * Sean(thought): grrr why am i nervouses i havn't done anything...yet heck i havn't even gone against popular opion yet....*returns to his serious composure and continues to look around in the dark*...Grrr i don't have time to play this teachers games...should proublly add that to my notes on him - plays mind games with his students... *sean looks around not noticing anything in the dark but a few tables two coke machines and what looks like a couch* Sean:......this is nothing but a normal teachers lounge....why are we in here?*while he is speaking he reachers over to the light switch and turns on the lights*....
  8. Anti

    Ok let's try this

    i don't know but it is funny.....by brother is a dbz freak to so i guess i stopped noticing...
  9. Anti

    Ok let's try this

    *walks up behind rico hearing the converation* Sean: what faction do you work for......and are they looking for any pilots? I am in desperate need from some money and...*looks down at the bottle he has in his hands and remembers he dosn't have the credits to pay for it*.......errr......Tender put this on my tab Tender: Not again thats nearly 1000 credits alrdy!! Sean:well last time i promise i am going to get a job i swear!!and no i won't do dishes!!! Tender: at this rate you won't have much choice..... Sean:*scratches his head*-_- ....so anyway what faction do you work for?
  10. Anti

    Real Life

    *Sean dully follows the teacher begining to recede into his thoughts then hearing a question get asked* Sean: oh? I am 16 and i recently moved here....you know it's no problem i have no partner i don't mind working on my own...plus i have a few notes anyway on some of the kids in class....and *quickly hides the notes he took on the Rico in his pocket*
  11. Anti

    Ok let's try this

    *looks at rico and try's to figure out what he who he works for from his uniform ....also orders a bottle of ale *
  12. Anti

    Real Life

    *sits back down in his desk looking a little surprised but returns to his serious face by the ime he sat down...* Sean(thought): GRrrr stupid teacher had to suddenlly call on me like that....oh well not like you care what other think anyway....still i do prefere to be left alone to my thoughts *sean looks around watching the teacher for a second then watching the class then returing to his own thoughts* Sean(thoughts):well at least he can teach something.... *sean returns to his thoughts but this time keeping an ear and eye open to the world so he can watch and analyze his classmates and keep on guard from being surprised again*
  13. Anti

    Ok let's try this

    ahhh ok.....*walks in to the bar and look around at the crowd* *decides to take a seat near the corner where he has a good view of the rest of the bar*
  14. it's kinda interesting....i am enjoying reading it
  15. *shrugs* i am not much for taking advantage of anybody.....
  16. Anti

    Ok let's try this

    Name: Sean Starlight Bio: A young man looking for adventure. Intellegent but very carefree. Weapons:A Laser Pistol Ship: None but he hopes to own a small frigate soon Force Attuned: Unkowen as he as never met a Jedi though many believe he is because of his incredable good luck
  17. :eek: :eek: :eek: Meep:eek: :eek: :eek: err yeah i do....don't feel like feeling any girls rath right now...although it might be kinda funny....but i respect other guys and that would be stepping beyond the border between funny and stupid....
  18. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    *hears a noise and sees starlight* Sean: hey glad you made it....did they feed you....good go and get some rest we will proublly have to battle tommorow *sean turns around and looks at lauri tapping her foot* Sean: Ok Ok i get the message.....anyway their is going to be a feast in honor of our victory against draconus...it's the first one in a long time...Oh and burn wrap that up in something flam proof would you...the elder of the clan has asked to see it *burn wraps up the gem in his fire proof tunic and is lead off to talk to the elder* Sean: Well come on...i will take you guys to the feasting hall.... *lead them threw the village in the opposite direction burn went in into a large hall that is alrdy filled with the villages population but is barely half full* Sean:*looks around kinda depressed* These halls used to accomedate entire villages but since Draconus has taken over it seems in every village i visit the halls are less and less filled...It is because our clans are scatered over this land like the rays of the sun....well come on *as they arrive at the High table food begins to be surved. Lauri begins to drull hungryly* Sean: Well lets eat
  19. Anti

    Real Life

    *looks up showing more interest then ussual when he sees the teacher walks in* Sean(quietly as ussual): this might be interesting...the human brain ussualy is... oh no not him again might as well start bringing a pillow to class *looks over his schedule and see he has a few more classes with this same teacher* Sean: (quietly)*sigh*great 4 periods of complete bordom with a teacher that is fresh outta teaching school....hopefully this class isn't like my last school who had a tendency to chase away teachers....
  20. *chuckles*:laugh: thats to be expected no?.....ehh you don't have to worry bout me i know where to go and where not to go:D
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by 5 Deadly Venoms [/i] [B]for all you who dont know Anti is related to me so if i treat him "meaner" than thats why. same wit drunken master88 and pyromaniac okays well g2g baiz [/B][/QUOTE] Lol thats funny.....you may be mean to me but i can be meaner cause i am older:demon: hehehehe
  22. *nods* Moblie suits came from the Mech idea......i think....
  23. lol i know i have been watching...think he is undressing you with his mind Raiha? *grins inisently((sp...ok so i can't spell worth a cr*p))*:naughty:
  24. Anti

    X-men RPG (play)

    *Sean chuckles* Sean: I have heard of this juggernaught guy...gives all us mutants a bad name...*loooks around* no offesnse but how are we going to beat him....?
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