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Everything posted by Anti

  1. Anti

    Real Life

    *sean looks up startled to hear his name but seeing that the teacher is still blabbing on about something he relizes it came from asuka* Asuka:...I just came here myself and don't really have any friends Sean:*talks in a whipser* oh?......My family moves around...new to....antisocial....kinda*shrugs*...not many friends...plus i have a lot to think about....hope we don't get any homework...that stuff is such a waste of time...*shrugs* and my teachers don't like me much since i don't do any of it anyway...*shrugs again*where you from? *looks over at asuka*
  2. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Sean(thought):should i take them their......no...wait but we need to go draconus is going to be looking for us proublly and we may not be so lucky Sean: well the closest temple next to here is the Lighting Temple.....I know a place we can stop on the way their if you guys want to... Lauri: will their be food Sean:...proubably.... Lauri/Burn: then lets go *Sean nods reluctantly* [I]A few miles later[/I] Sean: Hang On .......Light Bend *Suddenlly the moon light bends around and then a patch of tents is showen that wern't their a minute before* Sean: welcome to one of the last villages of the Light Clan *makes a few signs and speack a few words that sound like giberish and people begin to flow out of the tents* Sean: oh and burn....after we eat i want you to meet the elder of this village he will know what to do with the gem....Lauri be warned if you screw with these guys your body won't last a second so be on good behavior and they will feed us well and provide us with a place to rest till tommorow... *as the party walks into the camp out of nowhere appear 10 light clans warriors who proceed to rebend the light around the rest of the village making it look like it is the only object in the world...* LightClansmen: #%%@#$@% Sean:$%*#@$ Lauri, Burn, Cyad, and Pan #$@% but all allies LC:ok we will give you some food and a place to rest as long as you leave by the morning Sean:Thank you before we leave in the morning can I take my friend Burn here to vist the elder LC: you may.
  3. Anti

    X-men RPG (play)

    *looks over kinda scared at moon:nervous: * Sean(thought):me and my big mouth...... Sean: so what the teams Night Crawler? Nightcrawler: umm.... Moon Sean Stryker and ME, Matt Shadow Ken Moon/Stryker: No way i am working with her!!! Night Crawler: Deal with it, Lets move out
  4. Anti

    Real Life

    *looks over at kool and shrugs* Sean:.......*shrugs again then return to partially listening and partially in his head*
  5. Anti

    X-men RPG (play)

    *stares at moon then scoots out of hands reach and beings vibrating agin* Sean:hmmm so anyone know what we might be dealing with?
  6. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    *Sean runs to catch up with lauri* Sean: ok your life debt is cancled in return for the one i owe you *sean holds out his hand waiting for lauri to shake it and hopes he keeps his arm, she shakes it and he comes away with his arm still attached to his body* Sean: ok lets get the Gem but Burn should be the one who picks it up since it is of his clan....i heard a rumor once that only clansmen of their gem can hold it.....not sure how true it is but lets not test it out...esspecially after that battle Lauri: That battle was nothing for a goddess and i can handle any gem i want!! Sean::rolleyes: Whatever Lauri: What did you say:flaming: Sean: I said burns getting the D*** gem because he is the only one who can use it!!!
  7. Anti

    X-men RPG (play)

    *chuckles at the chick fight but remember that this is his first mission and so begins to pace again* Moon: STOP IT Sean: oh sorry....*begins to move his hands around in nervousness and then begins to pace again....* Everyone: STOP:flaming: Sean:meep :eek: *leans against the wall vibrating one leg and wondering what the mission will be like*
  8. Anti

    Real Life

    *watches the bully walk into the room and listen to fight* *shakes his head slightly at how proud kool sounds* Sean(almost completely sielent): Well the bully did need to be whoopped...but it not like she needs to sound so proud of it....think she is proud to have slapped around someone weaker... *Sean shrugs for no reason then goes back to his own thoughts then notices Asuka looking at him from the corner of her eye* Sean:*looks over*what?
  9. ever seen gundam wing...if not well a mech is basiclly like a humanoid shaped robot(although it can be any...) shaped like a human and ussly many times larger....controlled from the inside by a pilot and in some cases a gunner....
  10. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    A few minutes later Sean: well as much as i prefere it when she is sielent i guess i should bring her back around.... Burn: But it's so peacful.... *sean begins to focus* Sean:Energy Transfer *transfers a large portion of whats left from his own energy to lauri* *sean looks very exausted* Sean:I hate having to do that but i guess it is part of my clans duty having most the healing magics.... *lauri begins to rise and after a few minutes of looking exhausted begins to act like her normal goddess self* Sean(thought): of course but i guess i didn't expect much else...
  11. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Sean: Hey Burn get on that flame *barly dodges outta the way of one of the incoming pillers of flame and watches as it smashes into lauri instead* Sean(thought):hmms maybe i should go over their ....nah i would proublly get ripped to shreds and then some for showing compasion on that goddess *shrugs* but i do owe her that debt.... *continues to dodge around pillers of flame as they pass by trying to get enough time to cast a healing spell on lauri and wishes burn would start to try and control thoose flames* *finnally gets close enough and stops for a second and cast the spell on lauri who imediatlly jumps up and rejoins the battle* Sean(thought): oh i am going to pay for this later i fear.....*barly dodges another piller of flame* Sean:Burn what the he## are you doing!?!?! Burn:huh what oh sorry i will get right on it
  12. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    *Sean rush foward and midway there unwields his daggers which imediatly begin to glow begcoming another source of light in the temple* Sean:Grrr D%*& You we just defended your sorry A** to.... *Sean Rush into the Fire Guardian and swings his daggers a couple of times leaving a few wounds in the Guardian. The Guardian then blast him with a fireball sending him across the room* *Sean Stands up panting and fire a ray of light into the guardian then flips to the right of the oncoming fireball* Sean: *panting* *shouts* Lauri don't be stupid you may be a goddess but your host can be destroyed even if you have fast reneration...if nothing is left of your host there will be nothing to regenerate...then you will be forced to change host again!!! Sean(thought):good thing i made some allies.....*jumps outta the way of another fireball and rush foward to fighting range again*....this guy is strong and i doubt i could beat him alone *sean is once again shot across the room by a fireball* Sean(thought): ouch that burns like hell....gotta start dodging thoose else i might not make it outta this *watchs as cyad and lauri blast the guardian with water damaging him severly* *notices as the torches begin to light up and shoot fire out* Sean: Hey burn try and keep that fire from the torches off of us since you a fire clansman.....
  13. I think an orbital frame is like a mech.....not sure though
  14. Anti

    Real Life

    *looks at asuka* Sean:......Hi.......my names Sean *shrugs then returns to his own world looking thoughtful and slightly depressed but listing to all around him*
  15. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Sean:....lauri wait a second.... could i possibly for a single moment talk with the person you have possesed?....if your such an all powerful goddess....which i doubt you are...then you shouldn't have to worry about her taking control for good now should you!?!?! *Sean returns the icy glare he recieved earlyer* Sean:...plus why don't you party...didn't your followers...oh wait i forgot you arn't a good enough goddess to have any followers nevermind. *Sean stares eye level at lauri then hears StarLight return* Sean: oh there you are StarLight - do you remember where that other camp of light clans men was? Please take this to them Starlight: RRRRRROOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRR *nearly blows out the party's eardrums esspecially lauri's* Sean: HEY not so LOUD!!!!! and i know you hate being a messenger just my pigion got caught in one of those danmed spider webs....so please starlight last time i promise!! *digs around in his pockets looking for the piece of parchment he had earlyer and notices lauri reading it* Sean: Hey give that back!!! :flaming: Lauri: Make ME!! :devil: Sean: I will!! *unwields his daggers and prepares to charge lauri* Burn: wait a second we shouldn't be fighting each other *steps between the two* Lauri come on and don't be provocking Lauri: ok fine take your stupid letter *Lauri drops the letter and Sean Dives and tackles it before it hits the ground. Sean then gives the letter to StarLight who flys off* Sean(thought): good thing i wrote that in my clans code....i trust burn, cyad, and sirien but that letter had a couple of things that lauri shouldn't find out....hopefully she dosn't understand....
  16. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Darkness has been posting....so what do we do with the other charecters....?can we kill them *looking ahead* No lauri/Raiha you can't eat them or kill em.....ok maybe one
  17. Name:Treme Team:None- Is currently a mercanery who changes teams battle to battle by whoever offers him the bost money Orbital Frame:StarLight Description:A light weight Frame with very little armour and a little below avarage power.Depends on it's speed and eveasion to keep from getting hit and to hit before his enemys can. Dark Blue - nearly black - with two White stars on both shoulders of the frame.Humanoid Shaped(if i need to change this i will - never played ZOE)) Arms:A Submachine Gun with a semi and full burst special attack. Charecter: 5'10" with Dark brown hair in a pony tail going down to the top of his back.Wears a black shirt and jeans most of the time and occaisonally wears a trenchcoat. Bio:As a young man had parents that fought on opposite sides in the war.When they met they both stopped fighting and when they had him both parents taught their kid both view points of the corperation. When his parents were killed during a cross fire on the lines He decided he wanted to join but couldn't decide which side to join on and so became a mercanery working for both sides. Intellegent, Carefree outta battle but Cool and Logical in battle. He is sometimes prone to withdrawing into his own thoughts and council when faced with a problem. Stats: Power:400,000 Defence:100,000 Evasion:800,000 Speed:700,000
  18. Anti

    X-men RPG (play)

    *Sean walks in and looks around the room in his new uniform.* Sean: my first mission i hope i don't screw up.... Matt: you'll do fine kid Sean: thanks *sean begins to pace with nervousness waiting for the briefing*
  19. Anti

    Xmen RPG (sign up)

    Name: Sean Star Age:15 Muntant Power:Storm Bio:a young and new addition to the X-men he recenntly took refuge in Xaviers((sp)) mansion.He is very serious on the battlefield but is very carefree when not.Wears a black t-shirt with a dragon spewing lighting and jeans when relaxing.Other wise wears his x-man uniform which is a black body suit with a lighting bolt streaking across it.
  20. Anti

    Ok let's try this

    ok what exactly do we need to post bout our charecters?....*thinks to star wars...* mayhap something like.... Name: Bio: Weapons: Ship: (optional) Force attuned: heh this is just a suggestion
  21. cool....err when you start up the thread please post a message...
  22. Anti

    Real Life

    Sean walks into the classroom after the buzz of lauhter and hands the teacher a note. Sean: I wasn't here yesterday but my schedule says to come here. Rico: Ok take a seat. Sean looks around the room then chooses a seat in the corner away from the other students and sits down looking serious but not quite paying attention to the class...
  23. LOL yeah i know....this tie i know people a bit better and i watching the house so i can make a better guess.....course it might be worth it just to see some people get mad :demon:
  24. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Sean looks at Lauri Sean: isn't there a way to talk to the other you....if your so strong not like you would have to worry about her taking control.... Sean(thought):destroying her body to stop her won't work but the light clan knows of other ways...maybe thats how i can pay off my debt. Plus we need all the other allies we can get. Sean pulls out a piece of parchment a scribbles a few things on then returns it to his pocket and continues watching the paarty mingle with each other. Sean: Hey after you guys are threw partying shouldn't we head to the fire temple and collect what we defended?
  25. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Sean looks up at the one they called shadow Sean:A few warriors from the clan of lighting survived the battle if you wish to see them Shadow: sure thanks Sean leads the party to the camp of the lighting clan Sean: These are my comrads who helped me in the battle Burn from the Fire Clan Cyad from the Water Clan Shadow from your own Lighting Clan Forte from the Dark Clan Sirien from the Wind Clan Criag from the Psychic Clan and Lauri a Cute Nursery C...*trails off remembering he owes her a debt*A Tiger Goddess((i think i got all of you)) Sean wanders off and sits down in thought watching as the others converce with the lighting clansmen about the battle and cleaning his Daggers...
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