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Everything posted by Anti

  1. tends to follow me around....:smirk: along with death and destruction-_-
  2. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    *cast a quick spell which heals siriens wounds* then remembers the battle ___________________________________________________ As Sean was running towards the lighting clans camp an enemy tackled him from behind....and as he was about to get killed he remembers hearing a tiger roar and the man screaming as he was sliced in half.When Sean looked up he saw whom he presumed to be lauri running into another bunch of soldiers Sean:great now i owe that tiger goddess a debt.... Sean got back up and ran to report to the lighting clans leader LightningSoldier: Sir their is a gain from the clan of light here to see you. LightningLeader:Bring him in Sean: Excuse me sir i am just here to brig you this from my grandpa. The leader quickly reads over the note LL:so you are here to help with the battle and what good will one warrior do? Sean:I am not one for i have companions in the field that i met on the road from other clans and a S *trails off remembering his dept*and another warrior who has the ability to morph...Well if you will excuse me i will go and join them. After that he dosn't remember much but the adraline pumping that battles always give him and the pleasure i gaining honor and glory for his clan against draconus. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sean looks up from his thoughts when he thinks he hears cyad mumbling something Sean:so gain any glory for you clan cyad Cyad:Yes....The battle brought me much glory.... Sean:Well guys shall we head to the fire temple now since we just got through defending it?
  3. Anti

    Real Life

    oh can i join in? Name:Sean Age:16 Bio:always acts serious except when alone with his closest friends.Intellegent and a little arrogent as he often challenges others viewpoints.
  4. one was....i just choose a name at random and voted....so sorry:devil:
  5. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    err.....Yes for us "semi evolved ones" anyway as your checter would say
  6. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Draconuses men....
  7. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    The rest of the party follow after lauri and join in the batlle.Sean quickly dispatches from the rest of the party and begins running towards the group of people he presumes are of the lighting clan by the bolts shooting from their side. As he approaches, one of the dark clansmen appear in front of him. Sean: s**t, i don't have time for this. Without breaking his pace he rushes foward and slices through the warrior then continues his run towards the lighting clans warriors... SeanStar(thought):better not fuse my power into my daggers...would be a beacon for the enemies and i am sure the darkclansmen would just love to reduce the light clan even further in number...I will have to wait until i reach the thunder clansmen and hope that the others make enough of a distraction i won't have to deal with to many warriors...course once i have done then i can get some revenge
  8. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Sean: yeah yeah we know the bloodthirst right?... *Unsheaths his daggers and begins sharping them and watchs as the other do the same* Sean: just remember who the enemy is ok lauri!?! *stands up and double checks his equipment* Sean: ok i am ready (ooc:hehe sorry if i don't do much as far as the other charecters....guess i am kinda old school and am only used to having to play from my charecters PoV{point of view}....err i will try and start adding other charecters into my post....once i get a better feel for them...) Sean(thought):well now we get to see the abilitys of the others in a fight....and maybe we will be able to get our first stone if we live through this...
  9. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Sean:I guess that makes you usefull, somewhat.....the battle is proublly between draconuses army and the thunder clans warriors.... *sean begins to check his equiqment then pulls out a piece of parchment and scribbles on it* Sean: StarLight take this to Grandpa.... *StarLight roars* Sean: no don't worry starlight i will be fine even with the poor little tiger goddess here...Now GO
  10. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Sean: Lauri want to know something.....just because your some stupid goddes of kiddyland....dosn't mean you can boss the rest of us around...you might be able to control little kids with your cute tiger look but it fails to impress me...I think your the partially evolved one....i mean...who ruled the earth..the humans not the cats *Sean continues to walk and thinks he hears battle in the distance*
  11. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    *Sean looks up from his thoughts and stops* Sean: .......larui if your here to kill the holder of the omni sword dosn't that make you our enemy? I mean we are all questing for the sword to use on draconus and you here to kill the person who recieves the sword.....*glances over at lauri*And so ultimatly wouldn't you also be leading to the downfall of our clans and working for Draconus.....? *Sean looks up and waits for a response*
  12. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Sean: as i said your worse then us mortals cause you have to snatch bodies...at leats we are our own and not anyone elses.... *trails off into his own thoughts*
  13. looks like most people are just making up their own.....cept me...i was to tired and my brain wasn't working so i didn't feel like being creative.....
  14. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    *Sean stands up and begins to follow cryad* Sean:Well besides revange for the clan....I fight because my Grandfather bid me to set out and to look for a few things...money... *glares at lauri* Sean: other bits of the light clan,members of the other clans and to search out the stone and bring them to grandpas temple *shrugs* I think grandpa knows something about your "gift" cryad...once we have collected the other stones we should go see....seeing as how grandpa will have the last stone for us...The fight is all that matters though...do all water clansmen hold this perpective..? *looks at cryad curiosly then shrugs*
  15. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Sean looks blankly at the "tigger goddess" Sean: ahh such a cute kitty kat....now why don't you go play with the kids and stop trying to compete with thoose of us who know what we are doing??
  16. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Sean :yeah...in fact i heard news that was really bad....the lighting forces are losing...although that isn't a surprise seeing wo their fighting....mind if i ask why you look so eager to go into this battle...i know why i am and it is for ravenge but i guess we all have a little of that running in us.... Sean(thinking):well grandpa did say that i should attempt to get these stones...and i guess we will have a better chance with other clan members around.... Sean:lets just not do anything stupid and go rushing into battle head on with a foe who has a whole army and the worlds resources......
  17. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Sean: i presume that you are of the water clan from your attack no? Sean looks at the other guessing what clans they might be from and thinks he notices one from the dark clan. Almost shoots to his feet but relizes if he was from Draconus he would not be traveling with other gains. Sean(mumbling to himself):guess i better not attack. Grandpa did say we need the dark clan like any other...what did he say....without the dark clan their can be no light....just they nearly wiped out our own clan... Sean nods to Cryad Sean: yes i guess your right we should proublly hunt down the sword. i have heard rumor and have even seen evidence that Draconuses clan is searching for temples....In fact i heard their was a skirmish between the lighting clan and Draconuses forces near the fire temple....that means we should hurry for thoose of us with dull brains *stares at the goddess*...In fact i was on my way in that direction just after i had collected on that spider.....
  18. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Sean stops..... Sean: ok i guess your right....but what are you guys doing anyway?? I am out hunting for bountys and money in the hope to rebuild the Light clan....I am also chasing down rumors of the "omni sword"....what clans are you guys from? Sean looks relieved that he no longer has to fight the tiger goddess but eyes her wearly.... Sean: oh....and i still expect payment for my bounty you ever so ungracefully incenerated.....*mumbles* stupid tiger goddess should belong in a nursery entertaining kids... Sean sheaths his weapons and begins to bandage his wounds while mumbling. StarLight returns to rest.
  19. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    as he is being flailed about he mumbles something into lauri's ear.. Sean: lett go of me *spews blood*..... or....*spews more blood and can't continue to talk... Sean moves a hand and Starlight flys in and looms over the goddess and wacks Lauri with it's tail freeing sean from Lauri's grip. Sean: ok that it *spews a bit more blood* Starlight get her Starlight flys off to attack the goddess with Sean on it's back Sean: "BLIND" Lauri becomes blinded as the dragon begins it's assult...
  20. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Sean: hmmm so you arn't fully incontrol are you goddess? i have fought stronger ones then you. Makes my job all the easyer. Re weild Daggers which begin to glow in his hands Sean: Come on then!! Sean rushes foward slashing at laurie who skillfully dodges out of the way.. Lauri: Is that all you got mortal? Sean: Hardly Sean stops slashing and focuses. Sean: Light Bender Light begins to bend around Sean making him practicully invisable. Sean: Prepare youself goddess Sean(tought): oh man i am definatly in over my head. Shoulda listened to Grandpa and learned to control my anger and ego.... Sean appears behind Lauri and polvolts her with a few blows from the dagger handles then falls back a few steps on guard this time...
  21. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Sean get up and bandages his wounds.... Sean:haha tricked ya A beam of light shoots out of Sean's hand and blast lauri in the back. Sean: STARLIGHT to me!! A shimmering white dragon lands by Sean and eyes the goddes wearlly Sean: you can't talk about us being mortals Fiend...you are reduced to taking host just to survive in this world...and there are ways of destroying you host... The Dragon becomes aleart and defends Sean from all incoming attacks.
  22. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Sean:*laughs* you so called goddess!?! I demand payment for my bounty!! Weilds his daggers and faces off with the goddess Sean:I am one of the champions of the Light clan and i fear no one!!! Sean(thought): oh great what am i getting into now....i hope starlight comes back before i get myself in to deep!!....
  23. Name: Zack Mansfield Alias: Aeon Age: 16 Height: 5'10 Bio: Lived a "normal" life with 2 parents in a peaceful community untill he decided to leave. He always wanted to travel and have exciment so he joined the mercenary faction Revolt. Description:Black Hair with Blue Gray and Green Eyes (mixed in the eyes). Ussually very light-hearted till he gets into combat then becomes serious and even a little crazy. Only uses his personall AC in emergancys - often does missions with company owened ones.Carry's a diamond tiped sword and a pistol. usuassuly((sp??)) wears a black bandana around his head, t-shirt and jeans AC: "Sword's Soul" AC Description: light and quick moving "she" carrys only light weapons. Has one heavy weapon in storage in case the opposition is to heavy. Is almost entirly black except for the light blue colored sword on the right shoulder. AC Weapons: SMG(sub machine gun): Main Weapon - can almost any kind of metal at high speeds. Manufactured Ammo is made of uranium.Progectile. Laser Sword: A high power laser sword that extends from the left arm. Ammo Box:Left Shoulder- carry's ammo for sniper rifle and SMG Sniper Rifle: mounted on the right shoulder - flips over and extends when needed.Energy Weapon....the heavy weapon.
  24. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    Sean stumbles over his feet as he lands where the spider SHOULD be...then he remember hearing something and turns and looks at the group of gains and stares in awe at the one who incenerated the spider then decides to introduce himself... Sean: hi guys my name is Sean Star and i was on a mission to collect this spider for a bounty...seems it decided to just poof up into thin air on me...*looks annoyed as he stares at the girl with the tail who incinerated his bounty*....
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