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Everything posted by Anti

  1. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    hey i want to join in!!! here is my charecter Name:Sean Star Weapon: Daggers Element:Light Creature:"StarLight"-Dragon Ultimate Attack:Glowing Breath here i will go ahead an introduce my Charecter At the same time that siren saves Burn From a nearby forsest a Dragons roar is heard and a ray of light comes blazing out sending spider web all over the place. Sean:Good Job StarLight finnally we are out of that infested forest if we never see another spider again i will.... Trails off as he sees the Spider King and the group of gains up ahead. Sean:Well StarLight out of one mess and into another eh? StarLight roars then flys off to rest Sean draws his daggers which imediatly begin to glow in his hands. Sean:"BLIND" A Light as bright as the Sun Flashes in the spiders face blinding it yet not effecting any of the gains. Sean then rushes in to comence the attack on the spider...
  2. say lotus...just because your not in shaolin dosn't mean you can't defend it...you could be a locals daughter or even one of the monks relatives....anyways here is my charecter {Name}:Sean Sivart {Weapon}Bow&Arrows and Double Daggers {Style}:Own {Bio}: A young man around the age of 19 with dark brown hair and a scar down his left cheeck.The son of one of the locals. He learned how to use the Bow(on foot and horse back) from hunting with his father.When his family fell on hard times his family sent him to shaolin to be raised their. Because of natural nimbleness he quickly picked up on how to use the daggers prefereing speed over strength and range (ie his bow) over them all. Is ussly very sielent and serious although at time can be very light hearted.Often sinks into the darkest corners and preferes stealth and cunning over brute force. Tips his daggers with poison when he expects heavy fighting. Also keeps a special set of Poisoned Arrows for emergancy use. For the most part he is still a novice though. {Special}: Poison Rain, Double Drain, AD Combo {Final}None. Because he is still mostly training he has not yet decided or created a final
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