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Everything posted by Anti

  1. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    ok girls calm down calm down...:nervous:...no need for either of you to get pissed... ----------- [I]Sean walked foward...him seeing somethig shift in the light...poised to attack[/I]
  2. OOC:...me entertaining?....*falls out of his chair in hysterics*....errr oh yeah o.O;;; --------- "Today two girls visited the Panty Prison...upon entering numerous screams...then giggles...then loud partying was heard...what happened no one knows...just the partying could be heard through the walls of the prison..." "Ken" "yeah?" "Fear ME!!!" "ahh stop biting me!!" "Mwhaha...you got writers block now...BWHAHA...along with Ebola Zaire...since your mostly blonde Ken....it is the strand where your survival rate is 10%" "AHHHHHHH!!!!!" ------ Writers block...ahhhh!!! *gets an idea*
  3. OOC: ahh one of the females is getting mad...take cover!...hehe Siren I like your avatar...*laughs and takes cover* ---------------------------- [I]Anti's brain was working now...he faked bringing his head up and sweeped Asar's feet from under him...he continued with the twirl spiining himself up and quickly launched an axe kick where Asar was...him rolling out of the way and getting to his feet...anti waited for Asar's rush...which came...Anti at the last moment round house kicked Asar in the side of the knee, quickly pulling back and shooting another into his rib cage...and carryed through bring a heel kick around aimed at Asar's head[/I]
  4. [I]Mikki walked along the forest path...his rapier in his sheath on the side...the ring with the rose in his pocket...he heard the rules and then stepped back...[/I]
  5. Anti

    Gaian Warriors

    [I]Sean stops inn a chamber...it was dark completely...Sean looked around...and the one lit area was a throne...of obsidian...[/I] Sean:...Draconus.... [I]Sean slowly walked toward the throne...his daggers drawn[/I]
  6. well you wouuld have to wound a dragon...impossible for a single human...but a group of people became DragonHearts...I would imgaine that they fought the dragon together...lost many...and those that survived...drank the venom and became what we are...
  7. [I]Zack quitely stopped wrapping Nozi's feet...having finished...and handed her the canteen to drink from...He then set about setting up camp while the two talked...building a fire...takeing a look around...and filling his canteens...letting the others talk while he worked...sonce neither looked like they would be much help[/I]
  8. Anti

    The Fallen Angels

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] Special ability: Telemorphesis- the ability to change the state or form of an object from long distance. Entirely different to telkinesis(I hope telemorphesis isn't a real word, with some other meaning... I made it up) [/B][/QUOTE] There is an ability like that...but I can't member what it is called...your made up name fits though...
  9. [I]Treme stops and turns to Bryan, his eyes glowing...he stares at Bryan[/I] Treme:BRYAN YOU WILL STOP!! [I]Bryan you will stop...Treme sent the thought echoeing in Bryans brain...amongest others... ???:gonna have to fight the liche for control... Treme:...how...? ???:enter the mind... Treme:.... Treme stared at Bryan...then began to attempt to will himself...to will Bryans thoughts and mind to be his own...and he felt something else...something darker...Treme decided that was the liche...and mentaly began to wrestle control from it...doing his best even though he was completly new...Treme also began to parry Bryans blow in person...makeing him hesistate so he could fight half heartdly and still concentrate on freeing Bryan's thoughts[/I]
  10. [I]Zack tossed in the bed...his physical form suffering ???:come young one...the time has called for our blood to return... Zack: our blood? ???:we have long laid dormit...waiting for the time to surface... Zack:...vampiric...Trsistie...Human? ???:you are none of the above...a 4th factor...your awaken has come....that potion has triggered me...you...to awaken... Zack:to what?.... ???: we shall find out... Zack continued to toss and turn...his fever refusing to break and the power in him awakening still covering him up as human...[/I]
  11. [I]Zack stares at the robed Giant....and watches him unsheath his massive sword...Zack sheathed his sword and returned the robed ones gaze coldly[/I] Zack:...I am Zack...friend... [I]Zack walked foward as Ken still stared at him...Zack dug through his pack and pulled out some bandages[/I] Zack:...your friend is hurt...there is a stream nearby... [I]Zack tossed a canteen to Ken then looked at Noxi's raw and blistered feet, he begin to gently prod them, checking the sores..hopeing the human, dragon thing wouldn't suddenlly attack him...[/I] Zack: Drink and then make sure your friend drinks...she...looks like she has been in the sun to long... [I]Zack pulled out an ointment and began to apply it on Noxi's feet...after adding it he would wrap that section of the foot in bandage..then move on...paying attention to his work...but watching Noxi to make sure she didn't suddenlly attack him[/I]
  12. [I]Anti didn't quite see the attack...a side kick accopying the shout...this time the shout having it's effect and nocking Anti out of focus he didn't think to block the attack...till the attack had sent him sprawling...it was quickly followed by a dropping punch, intended to land in his solar plexus...but Anti rolled to the side and got back to his feet[/I] Anti:..... [I]Anti nods... moved in slowly then stomps his foot, watching Asar's eyes look down he swung out quickly and hard, aiming for the head with a backfist[/I]
  13. [I]Zack walked through the woods...but stopped and his hand took to it's hilt when he heard two creatures ahead of him[/I] Zack:.... ???:.... ???2:uhhhhh.... [I]Zack heard one of them fall over...the voice sounded almost female...and something else...something he had never heard before..the other body stopped moveing...Zack moved closer and looked round a tree...now there was something he hadn't seen...a giant...in a black robe...with red hands...and...a human...creature...almost like the dragons of legend...but Zack as much more taken in by the wasteland behind them...the gnarled trees and plants...the place seemed to be so evil that it only deformed...it didn't give the plants there the pleasentry of death..and Zack shook...breaking a twig...the giant turned toward him and he moves back around the tree...he had problems...much larger problems then a wasteland...moveing problems in a robe...the creature didn't look dangerous...it had sorly blistered feet...and seemed extremely disorientated...Zack draw his sword and stepped around the tree prepared to fight if he couldn't do anything else[/I]
  14. [I]Anti smiled to himself at the new fighter[/I] Anti:...and you are?... Asar:I am called Asar... Anti:....I will presume by the glint in your eye you want to fight... Asar:yes Anti:....... Asar:........well? [I]Anti quitely pulled off his shirt and took of his shoes to show he accepted the challenge[/I]
  15. [I]Treme had "heard" some of the things Orion thought...like permanent fusion...he wasn't sure what Orion ment...but didn't like it...Treme stood back as Orion was moved by the medics into the caravan heading for the fort...Treme was purposely trailing behind the convos...he had promised a walk with Siren..and though this may not what she had planned...he was going to spend the night at least with her...after today he might be way to busy...[/I]
  16. [I]Traivs stood back and watched the fights...sizing up the contestants and their weaknesses ((which only seem to amount to Seph sounds to much like a wrestler...and the only person who seems to let himself be hit is MM *aplauds MM* and then sits back and watches))...he watched the newcomer come in...and approach Cruizer...adn sat back to watch for someone to fight who didn't immeaditly storm off to fight someone else...[/I]
  17. [I]Treme handed Bryan to Siren and the medical crew that Samantha has sent asthe undead retreated...Treme walked to Orion and began to drag him ...eventully stopping and takeing whatever tattered clothing he could...including his own...to bandaged the wing wounds...a medic soon came by and started to help him[/I] Treme:.....the fort is to stay occupied...Star's Hope will not be returned to until the walls are back up and we are reorginized... [I]Treme stared at Ken...hopeing his attempts of useing his powers to keep Orion calm and southed were working...[/I]
  18. Birth Name: Zack Mansfield Nick Name: Aeon Age: 345 Height 5'10" Weight: 145 Class: DragonHeart Rank:None Weapon: SoulStar, a sword made of iron, has rusted ancient runes on it, Aeon found it a few centurys ago along with a legand about it's resurection...also has a spear he uses except in emergancys. Appearence:He looks like he is in his mid 20's...his ageing slowed conisderably when he became a dragonheart. Long Silver hair, a scar on his left check. Wears a black tunic and pants Maigc: 1>Dragon's Rage, instills himself with the rage of dragons 2>Mind Command, can control the minds of weak minded creatures. 3>Mind Implant, can read and implant some thoughts Bio:at age 16 he became a DragonHeart...him and a group of friends...since then he and them commited many atriositys in their power...but Aeon left his friends after watching a village burn...while his friends continued to gain power...eventully ruleing a kingdom from the shadows...Aeon has many times been offered to rejoin his friends...but has spent the last few decades traveling alone instead...remembering all he has done and seen Aeon also had a sister...she had followed the group up to the Den of the Dragon...much to Aeon's protest...plus one of the guys was dateing her...so he couldn't much stop her...After the battle she was found wounded...the venom having entered her by her boyfriends dead body...Aeon took her to the nearest town...and afterwards was booted out of the house for his deeds...He and the survivors set out...eager to see what they could achieve...and mad with their new found power...
  19. "Sighting of Ken and Travis are next to none...they were last seen deep within the Panty Prison hosting there own network for news..." "In other News...today one Bryan was dragged in to the prison after a long trail...he was charged with murdering two young adults...when asked why he stated "they had been warned about doing stuff like that in my bed...they didn't heed the warning" Bryan was juryed by a squad of escaped circus monkeys...the found him squished banana and the judge decided that he should be released to the mercy of Ken and Travis, in light of recent events...when asked why they let him join Ken responded "he knows where the good beer is at" Travis responded " ...he he he...he makes...best...cooked human...precious has ever...tasted..." Later a party was held "within" the walls...when we moved to ask Britty Southgate on her opinion she was found huddling in the corner of her office, with big red eyes...when asked to comment " WHYY....WHY did I have to be in the same prision with those three!?!?!....DEAR GOD WHY!!!!" aftr that she broke down into hysteric sobs...and was mumbling something about beer, coffee and rabid squirrels...it is currently believed the Beer Drinking, Human Eating, Walruses Loveing, Hoe Hunting, James Worshipping, Preztel Chokeing, Mostly Texan gang had paid her a visit. and now to Ken"
  20. [I]Treme falls to the ground short of Breath...then he looks up at Bryan a rage in his eyes...but they are glowing[/I] Treme:BRYAN STOP THIS!!!! [I]Treme stood up and started at Bryan, his eye glowing and dareing Bryan to defie him...he putting an unkowen force of command into his voice...and Bryan faltered between Treme's command and the orders the liche was giving him...then the glow in Tremes eyes disappeared and Bryan continues toward Siren...Treme stood up and rushed Bryan from behind...getting cut by some of the undead and slamming into Bryan with his entire body weight... he then slamed the blunt of his sword into the base of Bryans skull...knocking him uncouncious...then to late Treme relised he was deep in the undead ranks...he did his best to fight...they turned on him and began to consume him with mass numbers ???:...Go on...stop them... Treme:..w...what? Treme is doing his best to parry and attack the blows...takening many hits and cuts... ???:go ahead...order them...tell them....use your powers to stop them... Treme:....what...powers? ???:Go ahead...tell those mindless ones what to do... Treme got hit to the ground again...and this time stumbled to his feet...his eyes once again glowing...and he started seriously[/I] Treme:STOP!!! [I]many of the undead around him immediatly stopped...but only those directly attacking him... ???:that was good...but you can do better...don't stop them...just order them...take control...they are mindless... Treme:how? ???:stop thinking and do it! Treme got knocked to the ground..and was on the edge of counciousness.... ???:now you won't resist...get up and do it! Treme stood up and stared at the possessed and undead around him...His eyes were glowing and he lookedas if he wouldn't let anyone challenge his orders...he opened his mouth to speak...then shook his head...took another blow then stood their...his body seeming to give off orders...his mind progecting them.. Treme:STOP!!!!....OBEY ME!! This time Treme could feel the heads of the possessed around him...he could feel the power controlling them...and fought it for control...many in his immediate area stopped as he won those closest to him for control... Treme:Attack my enemy...Do not let them past... This time instead of opening his mouth he sent the order telepathicly...implanted i right in the mindless ones brains...made it thier single goal...and they turned an began to fight thier old allies[/I] Treme:.... [I]Treme Grabbed Bryan and began to drag him along....leading him back...he nodded to Siren and she ordered the retreate of the last remaining soldiers...and walked over to help him carry Bryan[/I]
  21. Anti

    The Fallen Angels

    I wasn't telekinetic...I don't want to lift objects...my power is that of the mind ^^...hehe
  22. [I]Treme stands in though...wait these our our own farmers...and thats Bryan...[/I] Treme:Akira...cancel that...leave the equipment...force the farmers if you have to... [I]Treme withdraws his sword as the soldiers gather and prepare to fight the comming undead....[/I] Treme:..Siren...when we are out of this...I am gonna take you on a long vaction...just me and you... [I]before Siren can respond treme slices through the first undead and begiuns to fight his way toward Bryan...The paladins all light up there holy magics then also begin to attack the undead...the guard and Knights fighting also[/I]
  23. [I]The shockwave hits the section of the town that the group was meeting in...they climbed up and noticed a large secition of the town was down[/I] Treme:SHI*!!!....Akira, Samantha I want your captins to Evacuate town...head for the fort we built...to many undead are comming... Samamntha:and what about us? Treme:I want one unit of Guard, one Unit of Knights...and any paladins that can still fight to stay...we will keep the undead back...your men are to head to the fort we built...move... [I]Samantha and Akira scurry offf and give the orders to their captins..Siren rounds up those paladins that arn't exhausted and the group stands at attention before them[/I] Treme:....give any of those people a chance to leave if they wish it...
  24. [I]Travis sits back and watches Rico and DBZman fight...then remembers he is going to have to fight also so looks around at the others in the club[/I] Travis:...this...will be interesting...
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B] And Finally.. my BIGGEST annoyance.. WHY ARE ALL THE HOTT GUYS GAY?!!!!!!! *stares at TN*[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] thats easy....he seems so hot because you can't have him...Humans always want most what they can't have... [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by k9* [/i] [B] i'm with you on that one, not only are the hot guys gay, they're also the ones with the deepest personalities :mad: [/B][/QUOTE] :mad: ehehe sorry but I am against the geral classification of a sex just because to many people accept a stereotype....:mad: will edit post and answer more later....to tired
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