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Everything posted by Anti
*agrees with jg* I myself and currentlly looking to get a sword...but if you really want a sword for any kind of use...it should be custom made and not just bought from a mass producers...the weight has to sit right in your hand and it's balance has to be perfect for your frame of body...but that cost a lot of money >.
"and we also have an update on Travis... Travis today arrived in "The Panty Prison"....upon entering he quickly disappeared and numerous screams could be heard...when asked to comment Britty SouthGate responded "What!?!?!....you released Travis into the Prison...and he is Rapid...no thats not the least of our problems...just pray to James or the Walrus or God that him and Ken don't meet" Britty later pushed us out of her office stateing she had work to do. We sent a crew to update on Travis and they stumbled upon the head of an infected cow...none of the prisoners had seen the cow and say that it appeared when travis disappeared into the shaodws...many skulls rangeing from cows...to walruses...to Children have been found at the recent spotting of Travis...many say he has disappeared...but they can occaisonally hear evil cackling in the walls, when asked to comment a local guard told us "We are staying away from the walls no...and traveling in pairs...recently we found a guard who had wandered to close to the wall missing his head...he was still alive though...just like that chicken..." We sent a reporter to find travis...and found Travis decabitating a state to James built by Ken...he was wearing a loin cloth and stared at us huddled in the corner, when asked to commint on the recent actions he responded "Thee dark ones did it....they...took over body...and told me to eat... eat I did...tasty humans...James...evil god...need beer...beer god...must burn nsync..." Upon close examination of the decapitated statue it was an image of 5 young men being tortered...Travis scammpered into the shadows and disappeared...a scratching could be heard within the walls...the reporter refused to investigate and is currently in a psychiatric ward under going treatment.... on other news, earlyer today an epidimic of Writers Block broke out...one RolePlayer Siren is suspected to have been the carryer...When we asked her her account she responded "I...can't think...Writers block...destroying plans...NOOOOOO"...many other RolePlayers are in a simler condition and the whole area has ben quarenteened. More Reports at they come in.....Ken?" "Yes Travis?" "Wanna go get some beer and explore the dark?" "Must promote the walrus...." "I will give you a cream pie..." "Deal" "....why do those guys have the same name as us?" "because they are us?...nah" "Nah" "Lets go...need beer and cream pie"
ok I have one thing to say about what all yall are saying....your all coming at this to rationally...Love isn't a rational though...but a very irrational emotion...it can't be defined for it is different from person to person. Love is possible for all human of all ages...it just shows up in different forms depending upon maturity and age...like a 9 year old kid isn't going to show is love through sexual expression...although an adult or even a teen might...now I do agree many people, and I may be getting defensive, but not just teens, adults included, mistake lust for love. I had to include that last part because from my view as a teen way to many adults forget that they do just as many stupid things as we do...umm anyway back on subject... So IMHO young love is possible...just how it shows and feels will change from person to person...and the emotion itself will change...sometimes ending...I hope that never happens to me and my love though :/
[I]Treme and the Paladins move foward, Siren then runs ahead leading the paladins straight into the largest mass of undead...and soon lights of holy energy are searing paths and causing confusion amongest the undead, Treme and the small contingent of Star's Knights and Guard with him move around and during the confusion slice a path through the undead and hold a space open for the pinned Knights and Paladins led by Samantha and Amber to get through...once through Treme and his men pulled back and layed down cover fire while Siren and her paladins retreated...then all three groups turned tail and moved as fast as possible over a ridge...there another group of Guards began to unload as the undead began to flow over the ridge....once the group had caught up all personal fled into Star's Hope...the gates closing behind them and those not exhausted moveing onto the walls and begining to kill undead from the walls[/I] Treme:*shot shot*.... [I]Treme hands the rifle to another soldier and walks to the comand tent near the walls...the other officers were waiting there for him[/I] Treme:casultiys...
[I]Travis watches the two and slowly slips into the shadows[/I] Travis:ok Travis remember your a Texan you take no SHI* from n one... [I]Travis stays in his corner watching the group[/I]
I am Travis...bow before me...even if I am not as funny as Ken...I have the Squirrels!!!...the Squirrels I say!!...fine be that way *presses his button...a nearby city is nuked into non exsistants* ---------------------------------------------------- "Thank you Ken...tonight report is that of death by to much buff, Tonight in the back room of The Late Night Show, Arnold was found lying dead in a pool of muscles many times to large for him...the only nearby weapons was a hypodermic needle with steriods in it and a air pump, when asked to commit the police said that they suspected Arnolds personal trainer...but this suspect was removed when they later found the trainer with numerous squirrel bites...they stumbled upon a wounded squirrel and followed it to one, Travis Emert, who was huddling in a corner rambling about the evilness and the dilusion of the walls next to him...the police also remark that he was an increble good looking young man who would be more then willing to...." *Travis gets smacked by Ken* "umm that last remark is not supported or creditable to the station...back to the report... when asked to remark one Ken Howell said " Arnold!" also the head of the armold fan club was asked to remark he said "I always warned Arnold to watch out ofr those rabid Texans...it's ashamed it's ashmed" The president then fell into hysterics and was slamed into a wall by his coulgue calling him a sissy boy. When asked about how the aresting of Travis went one police officer was reported in saying "It was pure chaos...there were rabid squirells and the wall seemed to press in on us...Travis stood thier cackling and throwing human skulls at us..." Eventully the police called in the local pound and manged to capture Travis. Travis called upon the president George Bush to be his lawer...in the middle of his defense of Travis George fell to the floor choking on a Pretzel...he later stated that he had " been mooned by a young texan who had a moose for a lawer". Many believe he was drunk. Later Bush's father was found attempting to pay off the media and was quoted for stating "read my lips...this story will not be realesed to the general public". Upon seeing George choking the jury decided that anyone willing to hire him must be stupid or mentally ill and deemed Travis guilty. The judge at first decided to have Travis located at "The Padded Prison" but upon pulling out a button and threanting to nukeing the local gentlemans club the judge agreed to send Travis to "The Panty Prison Of The Dirty South" When asked to reply about his situation a squirrel scampered out and attacked the camera man...a dog infected with rabies was released by the police to hunt the squirrel and instead began to attack jurers. Travis joined in with the dog and began to gnaw and bite jurers. 7 people were biten...the 4 bit by Travis were infected with Ebola Ziare and the entire area was quarenteened with the removal of Travis and loaded into a Hot Zone until reaching "The Panty Prison" where he was realesed within. More as we get more Reports...and back to you Ken" ----------------------------------- Note to all who are "blonde": I am funny in a sick and evil kinda way...Ken is funnyer then me...enjoy
*walks in and looks around...* Travis: looks cool I am in! *leans against a wall and then remember first nighters fight * Traivs:why do I feel like I am gonna die....
interresting...will tell a friend about it ^^... Name: Zack "Aeon" Mansfield Appearance: Long White hair theat is ussually in a pony tail, grey-blue eyes that change colors and a scar on his left cheek.Long legs and skinny...he has sulken eyes from his ongoing fight. Age:16 Special Ability:Telepathic, reading and controling and destroying of minds Worst Enemy:Mindless Demons/Drones Best Enemy:Mental/Dream Demons
[I]Zack and Alpha run down one hallway...slashing through guards but never stopping their run[/I] Wolf: HOWLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [I]Alpha jerks to a stop[/I] Alpha:thats Beta....he is wounded... Sean:...go ahead Alhpa...help your clan... Alpha:thank you Sean...I will return...until then I am in your debt [I]Sean turns and runs down the passage, neatly takeing a dark clansmen head off as Alpha turns and heads back to help Beta[/I]
[I]Zack rolls around sweeting and stares up at Siren faintly[/I] Zack:....I...need....something.....but...not blood....an urge to feast on something....not sure... [I]Zack begins to toss and turn again[/I]
one moment she has w/b...the next she is plotting something...why do I fear me and my charecters sanity :nervous: ....hehe kidding Storm Wing ^^ ------------ [I]Zack rolls around in the bed...sweating[/I]
[I]Zack nods and sits down next to Siren[/I] Zack:....I hope they will be too...but we have to let them work it out...thanks Liam...but... Liam:but?... Zack:that potion is having some kind of side effect on me...it's no big deal...just sometimes...I feel a lust for something...like when your hungry and have a lust for one type of food...it's just an anooyance right now...but I no longer feel...completely human...I feel like something else is moveing through my blood... Liam:.....ok Zack later we will take a look at it... Zack:thanks...Siren...I suddenlly...feel...very tired...
ahh she's infecting me *runs around SW with W/b stamped on his head* as soon as I remember what I was gonna do will do it
[I]Zack walked along in the woods[/I] Zack:nothing like a nice walk in the woods...heh that last city was really bad...wonder where I will end up next..oh well dosn't matter... [I]Zack munched on an apple as he walked along...admiring the tall trees and keeping an eye out for anything that might be dangerous[/I]
Treme:no Amber only took a few... [I]A messanger walks up...Treme had sent Bryan and a group to scout out another disturance and bring people in from outlaying towns...things were looking bad...even if Akira had cleared out the town overall they were losing and in chaos[/I] Messanger:...sir another figure of emense power has appeared... Treme:right...Siren are your paladins ready? Siren:the ones left... [I]Treme takes his sword[/I] Treme:right lets move then [I]The few remaining paladins, Treme and Siren set out for the battlefield...As they arrived on the battlefield Treme quickly looked at the two human armies fighting the undead[/I] Treme:ready? Siren:will it work? Treme:only way we can save our people Siren:yeah... Treme:We won't die...lets keep casultys to the min..preferably non... [I]Treme and Siren nodded as they prepared to set the plan in action[/I]
[I]Treme walks across the field as all remainging soldiers arrive...and Siren tears across the field to him[/I] Siren:TREME!!?!? Treme:....Siren... [I]treme was getting constant reports...and he was not going to let the two or was it three?...demi godlings take away his soldiers right to defend what waas theres...[/I] Treme:Siren...All paladins...ready in 30 mins...Star's Knights...be ready to excute evac plan A1... Knights:Sir! Treme:rest of the knights be ready for battle with demons...Guard...man the walls...2 units be ready to leave in 1 hour...MOVE Everyone:SIR! [I]the soldiers began to move about and Treme turned to Siren[/I] Treme:we need your paladins now...this is why I fought with Ken...to give us the right to defend ourselves...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B] Couldn't have said it better. True joy doesn't fade, and time will tell if the love is true or not. That's why it's not a good idea to go and get married to someone after dating them for only 6 weeks (*cough mom dad cough v_v*). Sure people can [i]think[/i] they're in love when everything is happening so fast and you've never felt like that before blah blah blah, and yeah [i]that[/i] will probably fade. However, if time stretches out the relationship beyond the 'sparks', and real love develops, then that won't go away as long as the two people keep working at it. The joy that they feel in the love they share will keep them going. [/B][/QUOTE] I am not talking about relations like that though...I am also talking about relations that have lasted for a number of years...is this love not true?...but yet it fades...no see time is no matter when it comes to things like human emotions...love is true as long as it is love you feel at that moment...time has nothing to do with it...for I can say I have truely loved a girl...for my feelings for her were as real as you or me...but now....*shakes head* no more o.O...my love was still true...it just didn't...last for enternity as you say...nothing does...but I won't go into that...
Vegita is a....ummm wait can't start falming wars here...danm it >..
OOC:bah...I keep screwing up the names o.O;;; [I]As the shamen fell Smantha with her group of Star's Knights arrived into the fray...she dispatched a messanger to Treme about the undead[/I] Treme:....bring me Amber.... [I]Amber arrived shortly[/I] Amber:Sir? Treme:I want you to take what Paladins have arrived and go to here...there is a battle with the undead...the Knights and Guard are already engaged but they will in all likely hood need help... Amber:Yes Sir... Treme:if it looks bad...I want you to pull everyone back...send messangers constanty.... Bryan:Amber...becareful... Treme:Bryan...go prepare the reserves...also tell the guard outside all apoints for today are cancled except for with a guy named Axel...and Bryan...be ready for battle... Bryan:yes Sir Treme:Private Messanger:Sir? Treme:send this message to the battle...reinforcements are comming...dispatch another messanger with battle updates.. Messanger:YES SIR! Treme:Private Wilks... Wilks:Sir? Treme:bring me arms update...dispatch your messangers to all local towns...tell them to be prepared for battle...and if anything weird is happening to pull back to Star's Hope... Wilks:SIR! [I]Wilks turn and left, Treme turned to his window outlooking the town then nodded to himself...he walked outside to a tower that had been built during the First Year War...and walked up it[/I] Lt Marks:Sir! Treme:...let me in... Marks:makeing rounds sir? Treme:no... Marks:then a... Treme:yes...now open all the sournding shades and give me the hammer [I]Before Treme stood a giant gone, and mirrors the were reflecting to tower spread out of the area...Bryan had set this up during the war to alarm the whole town of impending attacks[/I] Marks:here Sir... [I]Marks handed Treme the master switch to the mirrors...the key that would unlock them and send light to the other towers alerting them to position...Treme took the Key and put it in he turned it a notch and the mirros became uncovered...he turned it again and they turned into position...he made the last turn and the top opened...it moved to catch the most sunlight then the mirrors lit up and concentrated light was caught in the other towers...they all lit up similerly and they suddenlly opened up...some people stopped and looked up...then suddennly they heard what many considered to be a dreadful sound...from the Main Tower a GONG...GONG...GONG could be heard...it echoed throughout the city then suddenlly it magnified as all the towers began to pick up the call...instantly the people in the streets began to rush toward home, guards moved out into the streets and began to keep the people calm and ensure panic did not happen, Treme kept the call up for half an hour then returned to his office, letting the soldiers carry the call till everyone was in thier home...[/I]
[I]Zack stared out of the opening as Sion ran off...then turned to the elvator[/I] Liam:where you going? Zack:to find that basterd and kill the parsite! [I]Zack turned to the elevator and stood in the doorway[/I] Zack:you moved in to fast last time Lupos...if I don't find him and kill him tonight...next time we see him he is MINE! [I]Zack walked in the elevator and set off for the ground floor then took off out of the doorway, turning his equipment on and setting off into the shadows Sion melted into began to search.[/I]
RPG Revolutionary Girl Utena RPG(Deulists Tourtament)- Sighn Up
Anti replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in Theater
ok....one last question....how does he talk? ^^;;;;;; *grins* I am seeing a kinda yes M'lady guy in my mind o.O;;; but I don't know ...nice...be nice Anti...yes...o.O;;...ok we can try and be nice...hopefully...maybe...crush on anthy..nice person...smart...plays piano and fences...dosn't want rosebride...ok I think I got this -
[I]A messanger arrives at Hope's Guard HQ and Treme[/I] Messanger:....Akira sir? Akira:yes? Mess: a scout reported back...on one of the outlaying towns...where the incident earlyer happened...town's people have started fighting amongest themselves... Akira:WHATT????....what are Treme's orders? ------- [I][B]Meanwhile at Star's Hope Light Center[/I][/B] Mess:sir...towns people have started fighting amongest themselves... Treme:what?....you two? Soldiers:Sir? Treme:one to Star'sKnight hq...I want a detachment in that town...the other to Hope's Guard Hq...I want a detachment surrounding the town...both units are ordered to save those who arn't possed...and to try and cure those who arn't...other wise seal them there until we can... [I]The messangers set out[/I]
RPG Revolutionary Girl Utena RPG(Deulists Tourtament)- Sighn Up
Anti replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in Theater
sure we can ^^...it's only rpging right?...so it should be apart of it...so I am against the rosebride idea...ok..one last question...does my charecter have any idea of what he wants if he wins? -
Treme:....lunch is over... [I]Treme stands up...Lunch ussually last a few hours later and when the people looked at him he nodded..meaning everything was ok then turned to the others[/I] Treme:all 5 of you to my office now... [I]The other stood up and followed him to the office[/I] Treme:Bryan...I want an immediate update on supplys asap... Bryan:SIR! [I]Bryan walked to his office and began putting things together[/I] Treme:Marsh...Hopes Guard is going on stand by...I believe your report but want to send more scouts...take defense of the walls and outlaying farms...but make it look like nothing big is going on...I don't want a panic... Marsh:Yes Sir Treme:Kool, I want your scouts preped and ready to depart by night fall...Siren, Amber...Paladins full stadby...all your members prepared to fight in 3 hours...after that your going on search... Siren:...Yes Sir Amber:but kids so young? Siren:Treme is right...it may be our only hope...plus you all are only around that age... Amber:yeah...but do we have to make kids go through what we did?.. Treme:....they can only accept the paladin powers if it is there choice right?...so if they choose so...then yes...everyone is dismissed...I will be sending runners with more reports as I get my stuff together...MOVE [I]The others move out of the room as Bryan returns[/I]
[I]Zack talks to Siren, keeping her talking and awake...a group of nosferatu walk up behind him[/I] Zack:...what do you want? Vampire:we came to help.... Zack:....ok.... [I]Zack took Sirens hand but moved aside so the Nosferatu could set out to work[/I] Zack:anyway I can help? ------- CRAP :/...someone wanna pick this up...I had an idea...but my brain just died o.O;;;