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RPG Revolutionary Girl Utena RPG(Deulists Tourtament)- Sighn Up
Anti replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in Theater
rosebride? o.O;;;; hehe *is a stupid white boy on this term* -
[I] Treme nods to Axel, who nods back[/I] Treme:After lunch I will need to talk to you and assign you your position, current orders...and any extra jobs...when troops arn't on duty they are expected to help with other things... Axel:ok [I]Treme walks along the tables, and sees Ken and a demon leave..."when did Ken hang out with Demons?...oh well..."...a few others had approached him about mundane problems, and he offered what advice he could and for the more complex ones set up appointments...finnally arrive at the table of the seven he sat down...two of the seats were empty...Siren sat down next to him, Bryan was on his left, amber on Bryans left and Kool on Amber's. Thhe table was seperated from the others...showing respect and giving them someplace to talk in private slightly...but besides that it was slightly lower then the others...Treme had had it made that way so they would remember humility...[/I] Treme:hey everyone... Bryan:hey Treme Kool:Treme... Amber:Heya Bryan:where is Akira?...Ken just left...he had a new friend with him... Treme:catch the new guys name? Amber:I think he said...Neil... Siren:yeah...hasn't he been around on the outskirts helping Neil lately? Kool:yes...I have taken a few meals out to him recently Treme:Akira left...another disturbance... Bryan:and the fruit picking? Siren:he made me get the fruits again Treme:last time...I promise!...Kool said she would make a ladder...how about 4 or 5...we can get more and faster if we make a workforce out of it... Kool:sure... Bryan:I will help!... Kool:thanks! ^^ Treme:anything new? Bryan, Kool, Siren, Amber: NO!... Kool:do any of you guys feel anything...weird?... Bryan/Amber:yes... Siren:yeah...ever since that unholy city... Treme:Siren...I know when that city arrived...you lost a lot of people...thats why I think you should go on search... Siren:search... Amber:what do you mean? Treme:well me and Siren have been talking...I am suggesting that...well that Siren and you conduct a search of all people between the ages of 13 and 30...for possible paladins...with all the demons we need more... Kool:but so young? Treme:we have been expierncing an unuasul quiet for the last year...my gut says it won't last much longer...and with that demon town just 50 miles to the Ne...in the same spot as Porre...we will need more paladins...it's your troop and your choice...but if something does start we will need more paladins... Siren:I will think about it... [I]Treme nods and eats quietly..."Bryan I know you can hear my thoughts...we need to talk after lunch"....Bryan slightly nods[/I]
OOC:*Burns the smilies then goes back and edits his post, makeing sure the smilies arn't there* [I]Zack and Criag arrive on the same floor that Liam and Siren are on[/I] Zack:.... [I]Zack turns on his heat vision and activates his trackers, having long ago placed one on Siren for safty purposes...he hoped it still worked...it didn't[/I] Zack: DAMN IT... Criag:what? Zack:...we gotta find them the hard way...can you sense them? Criag:I can try... [I]The two walk along the deserted corder, they turn a corner and run right into Lupos, Criag and Zack have their weapons on Lupos while he has his on them[/I] Zack:....god...you scared me! >.< Lupos:you guys scared me too...where are Liam and Siren?...I can hear her but can't find her... Zack:somewhere...in the walls..is what Liam said... [I]Zack began looking around for Siren, Liam and Lupos[/I] Zack:if Sion hurt her...I am gonna... [I]Zack trailed off in anger[/I]
OOC:I think we said it was located in CA...can't member though...plus due to the nukings the world is different..o.O[/I] [I]Treme smiled as he helped Siren carry the fruits to the village when the messanger came upon them[/I] Messanger:Sir [I]The messenger salutes Treme[/I] Treme:...yes? Messanger:Marth and the hope's guard departed today...about the recent disturbance.. [I]Treme nods[/I] Treme:set up a constant relay...I want reports coming and going at all times, and I want to know exactly whats going on.. Messanger:yes Sir [I]The messanger turned and set off for Akira to deliver the message[/I] Siren:I hope this dosn't ruin things... Treme:it shouldn't...we have been able to keep all recent disturbances from effecting day to day life...lets hope this isn't any different... [I]Treme smiles at Siren and gives her a kiss, he then hears the people gathering for the ussual lunch...a giant mess hall was located close to the center of town...and a tradition had started up where at lunch everyone in the town would gather for lunch...he smiled at Siren, she smiles back[/I] Treme: lunch is ready...how about we take that walk afterwards? Siren:sure...but no more picking fruits! Treme: ok ok... [I]The two dropped the fruits into the storage, then turned and walked off to the gathering place for lunch[/I]
OOC: ahh sorry I can't exactly extend where you and lupos are...first off I just hit w/b *watches people run from him screaming and quartine the area* errr o.O;;;'....secondly I have no idea where that portion is leading *waits for and watches for Rico or Raiha to post with interest*
[I]Zack followed behind Criag as they walked up to the elevator and headed up, fidding with his connections and switching things on and off[/I] Zack:Criag...you might wanna cover yourself... Criag:why? Zack:gonna give this uv light a kick or two and turn it on once to make sure it is charged... [I]Criag turns around and covers himself in his clothing as Zack turns on the light, it kicks in, flickers, then goes out[/I] Zack:....gonna have to make some adjustments... [I]Zack starts to work on it, then remembers bout Criag[/I] Zack: lights off
Sean:well if thats the plan...then lets go claim territory connecting us to the others... [I]Sean looked at each door, there were four of them going off in the cardinal directions, they knew the south door led outside...the other three must have led deeper into the temple[/I] Sean:3 passages...well we can travel them one by one...in a large group... Sabir:or split up... [I]Sean nods[/I] Sean:more dangerous....but we will move faster...
[I]Zack ran down to the SUV, the vampires ignoring him since Criag was beside him[/I] Zack:.....some vamps are going to die tonight... Criag:..... Zack:err no offesne to you Cirag...your ok...when your not trying to kill me...*Zack shrugs and begins digging through the SUV* Criag:whats all in there anyways? Zack:ohh....a few odds and ends... [I]Zack opens the back of the SUV and pulls up the cover he had over the back, revieling a large pile of many gadgets[/I] Criag:a few odds and ends?...what is all this stuff?? Zack:....someones technologicly illeterate....well I have lots of little computer plugs in, some more of my bullets, hacing equipment, tracking equipment, different tools for opening things...lockpicks, drillls... heat vision googles, ahh...uv lights...and my trsuty trench coat...time to get myself armed... [I]As Zack was saying this stuff he was digging through the pile of equipment[/I] Criag:wow...your gonna take all that?... Zack:yeah...never know what I might need... Criag:why? Zack:lets say a few bad expiernces when doing jobs for Lupos has taught me that anything involving him requires you to be well equiped...but I didn't have this stuff last time...didn't think I would need it... [I]Zack grins and puts on the trench coat, and pulls the small computer/remote around his wrist, then begins attaching the equipement, on his belt, in pockets with the coat, putting some stuff in his out pockets, and hooking all the equipment together with flexible wires running all over him, he also puts on a pair of sun glasses which serve as a monitor to his equip ment, and pulls the heat vision googles on his head and over the glasses, afterwards he reattaches his gun holster and sword sheath. He then flexs and moves around adjusting the wiires tightness to give him maxim movement, then looks at Criag for a moment, afterwards turning off the goggles[/I] Zack:well I guess we should rejoin our crew....you vampires have very interesting heat signatures...you have traces of heat on your bodys...but they seem to be mostly as cold as the air around you... [I]Zack turns and follows Criag back into the building[/I]
RPG Revolutionary Girl Utena RPG(Deulists Tourtament)- Sighn Up
Anti replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in Theater
eheh thanks Tursi...umm sowwy I missed you today...had to help granddad again >. -
[I]Zack looks around and shivers a bit[/I] Zack:....Siren? Siren:..... Zack:errr.... [I]scratches the back of his head with his open hand[/I] nice place...even if I am at amajor disadvantage... [I]Zack moves around a corner pering down the hall way[/I] Zack:well it looks clear...
*Sean grins and turns on one of the dark ones quickly finishing it off* Sean: well we better move...Beta we need to clear a path through to the temple... *Sean turns into a wolf and stands next to the others* Beta:lets go then...we of the wolf clan will clear a path through the dark ones *Sean nods and follows the wolf pack, ready to fight*
for V-day...I think I will take my g/f...and go kill a few people, then eat them...nice romantic dinnner...then maybe ummm *sweatdrop* better return to the drawing board err saying to much o.O;;;...this would be the first time in 16 years I have had a g/f...on any holiday...
and about the question of chastity... *boos and throws can's at the group, relizes they outnumber him about 10 to 1 and turns and runs*...but seriouslly...I think it is much more important that it is with someone you love [B]at the time[/B] then if your married or not... because I have knowen a few couples that are married...but have no love for each other o.O
planes are awsome!...your week sounds pretty bad...bwhaha...beware...I just got my drivers liecnse...and am working on my piliots liecense and after that...my boating one! *grins eilvy* all shall fear my wicked driving/pilioting *cackles*
slept in the nude?...yes...it feels quite good after a shower...but most the time I just sleep in what I am wearing...here is something to chew on...but most your parents proubably wouldn't care if they saw you nude...they did give birth to you and all...and bath you etc etc...hehehe...I have to personally say though that the best way to sleep nude, is with another persons body pressed up against yours...it's very comfertable, and provides lots of warmth on those cold nights o.-...
HELL YES!!!....errrr well I hope I would...I can be quite the coward at such things...but I believe I would...I hope...maybe..err o.O;; and I would do everything I could to keep them from dieing... but I guess that is obvious
r u an only child or do u have some annoying sibiling?
Anti replied to a topic in General Discussion
One bro, 14 almost 15 , One sister, 9 , my brother...sometimes is cool...when he acts his age, other times he is whing to my dad, or complaining because I am a social outcast >. -
tis no problem MM...ok so your name is Marth now eh?...thats cool...I guees...I kept your charecter alive...as best I could anyways ^^...I hope that filled you in...if you have any question about the first game I will try and answer...so you won't be clueless o.O;;;
Sean: SUN's RAY!!! [I]A Blinding light shots out of Sean's hand, and upon entering the light of the open field increase many times in power, it cleaves upon a large side of the enemy forces[/I] Sean:right...lets go [I]Sean unsheaths his daggers and rushes foreward, keeepng up with the wolves and Sabir[/I]
errr first off, to all old members signing up thier old char...make them all a year older, for this is a year later...also I am gonna post a bit about each of the old chars so that new people will know if I make a reference to them... Treme((played by me)) :A young man who lived a fairly normal life with his father, a military officer, after the nukeing he took what he learned from his father and military school, and the group of survivors he rallyed and eventully they built the town called Star's Hope. He had many plans for the town, expanding it until the first war, the first war between SH and another human nation. He often looks upon those he leads as an older brother would look upon a younger sibling, he does his best to do whats in the best interest for all under his leadership. Over time devolped feelings for Siren, but his position often prevents him from having the time to show those feelings. Ken((played by Ken aka DeathKnight)) :He had lived a normal life until the nukeing, after surviving he and Treme met up, they were old friends. while traveling across the wastelands in search of other survivers, Ken discovered he was an archangel, often blessing Star's Hope giving it at times what it much needed to survive, and blessing it with green lands. He also bestowed upon Siren the powers and position of Paladin after much discussion with Treme. Bryan((played by DGoD)) :Bryan was in a bunker out on the edges of the wastelands...he met the group within the city, on a place they decided to rest from the numerous muntants roaming the city, and joined up. As they were building there first buildings Bryan discovered that he was a telepath and teleknietic. Treme taught him how to fight, and in many ways Bryan became Treme's pupil, while also becomeing his peer and second in command. Siren((played by Stormwing)) :Siren was a hybrid, she was created in a lab, with a twin. Discovered by the group in a sky scraper, she saved them from many a muntant. After many close calls she was bestowed the power of a paldin, and Treme took her up to lead the paladins,Siren being the first and also seeing her potentional. Since then she has many times saved many lives due to her powers and now leads the Royal Paladins. Amber ((played by SSJ chic)) : Amber was found in the first village SH annexed...Sonn after in battle she became the second paladin, and becme the seond member of the Royal Paladins. She is currently dateing Bryan, even through the chaos of the rising demon kingdoms they have managed to stick together. Akira\Marth (( played by MM )) : Akira joined the group as they were camping around the new site where they had decided to build thier village, Treme and the others accepted him without a second question, and when he turned into his dragon form, thank to the effort of the group he kept from going beserk and stayed to help them. He became the leader of Hope's Guard. Kool ((played by Kool_aid 13)) : Kool was a magician who the group stumbled upon while searching for a new home, she joined the group and her magics have proven useful in many situations, She became the leader of the Star's Knights. Star's Hope: the town that was founded by the 7, it quickly became a center of hope and grew quickly, recieving many blessing thanks to Orion, things such as green lands, water and even a giant tree that became the symbol of the paladins. in the very center lie 7 houses and the "command center"as Treme calls it, sourrounded by a small wall...these were the first buildings built upon by the 7, there homes and a sotre house, which was expanded upon to become the central of the city's miltary and goverment. The rest of the city expands around the center, the oldest parts closest to the center, and the city has many walls, the walls being built whenever the town grew to big for the old ones. It is the capital of the Kingdom of Guardina Royal Paladins: an elite force of paladins commisioned by Treme to help defend the populace of Guardina from the undead and demons. They were founded by Siren, the first paladin for nearly a milluniem. They have always been quiet small but since the demon uprising they have shrunk in actuall members, though many canidates are now in training.The symbol of the paladins is the tree that stands in Star's Hope, that rivals the old sky scrappers in domminece of the skys. Star's Knights: The elite of normal humans, larger then the Royal Paladins, led by Kool, commisioned by Travis to do special jobs, such as reaconing the borders, and keeping watch on the lands. They are often seen upon as a bunch of little elite forces sharing one headquarters. Upon there banner is a knight with a star upon is his lance. Hope's Guard: These are the main force of Guardina. Everyone upon reaching a certin age is required to serve a set amount of time within the Hope's Guard. They are the milita, the infantry and the regular troops, who defned the boreds and interanl lands from everything that seeks to harm it. Led by Akira, commisioned to defend Hope and the people who look to "her"((not a real person o.O;;)) for a better life. The symbol of the guard is the lady hope, embedded on thier banner and each troops shield. and armor. "NH": The new year dating decided upon by Treme, it stands for New Hope. First Year War: The first war between humans after the apocalypse...between the kingdoms of Guardina and Porre, Porre seeking to conquer Guardina for it's fertile lands, ambushed Treme while he was on his way with the Royal Paladins to discus a treaty with Porre. Treme and the remaining people begin to move from town to town with Porre, hopeing to reorginize and striike back, Treme and the paladins succeeded in inciting a rebelion, but while he was starting the rebelion Porres army along with the demons the king had summoned layed seige to Star's Hope, Bryan held out, and nearly feel when he recieved reiforcement from the group of the Star's Knight that manged to fight there way in. After succedding in the rebelion and gathering all the straglers and seperated regiments of the Guardina Army, Treme moved to relieve Star's Hope of it's seige...and made it, launching an attack upon the rear of the porre army as they were launching another attack upon Star's Hope. The battle ended in victory for Guardina, who also then annex Porre to thier kingdom. ok thats it...my first post will be connecting the old game to this one, aka a long a s s journel entry ^^....
[I]Zack looks around decideing, the vial twidling between his fingers[/I] Zack:.... [I]Zack watches the door[/I] Lupos:we should get away from the fight that's about to begin... Siren:Sion wants me so I will distract him, the rest of you get out... Zack:I am with you Siren, can't let my partner die on me... [I] Zack uncaps the vial and drinks the watered down potion, his aura once again turning gold, he draws his pistol and makes sure the safty is off and his bullets loaded[/I] Zack:well whatever we do lets do it before this potion wears off [I]Liam walks up behind Zack and hands him another vial of the potion[/I] Liam:in case of an emergancy....
OOC: errr sorry I havn't been around much, lots o personal problems -_-...but I have sometime on my hands so I think I will try to catch up *turns to begin reading all he missed* oh I will edit this into a post as soon as I have caught up o.O;;
ok first is Siren's char... Name:Siren Age:16 Race:Human, Muntant hybrid Job:leader of the paladins Special:Muntant powers, Holy magics Special Move:???((leaving this up to the people who play these chars))) Weapons:Falchion and her hybrid skills Appearnce: has the looks of a white tiger... she wears black baggy pants and a black no sleeve shirt... she has long tufed ears and has white hair with black tiger stripes... she also 4 black tatoo like stripes on each arm starting from her sholder Bio: one of the 7, she was discovered shortly after the apocalypse found on one of the many ruins, she joined the group and during the first major battle to secur the lands , she was blessed with the power of the paladin. Siren and Treme have an on and off relationship, often being overshadowed by thier positions. --------------------- As to the second part, I have been dealing with a lot of things irl...ranging from nearly haveing to have surgery...to helping friends with thier problems and tough times...so I havn't had much time for Otaku...but here I am, errr anything I left out fill in, I am going to dig up the old sign up and edit the unknownes...o.O;;
Name:Zack Mansfield Age:22 Race:Human Weapon:long sword Bio:is a young traveling swordsman, preferes the wildneress to the citys and villages. Description:Dark brown hair in a ponytail, grey-blue eyes. Scar on his left cheek from a battle, wears traveling clothes, green that are reinforced with leather.
ok I guess I will be in... Name:Treme Sivart Age:18 Weapon:Sword, none Armor:clothing Skills of Note: Electronics, minor swordplay, minor tactical opps((hobby)) Bio:a young teen, who grew up in a small city. He has learned numerous technolgical related skills, and his father made him take martial arts to balance out the time he spent on the computer.