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Bloody Rose

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Everything posted by Bloody Rose

  1. [COLOR="DarkRed"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I guess you could say that I look like Yuko from XxXHolic but I have side bangs instead.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR="DarkRed"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I think that I would have to go with manga. I mean anime is great and all but there are more things in the manga than there are in the anime. On the plus side, manga does have a way of not having fillers. Like Fruits Basket for instace. The anime is great but they totally forget two of the zodiac and the whole plot is a lot different than the one in the manga. In the manga Tohru seems like she's more dense than in the anime. I guess I don't see the romance in the anime than I do in the manga. There are also a lot of anime that are made while the manga series is still going which leads to a lot of fillers and sometimes a different ending. Like CardCaptor Sakura. Manga mostly clears up the gap and all of the questions that we ask in the anime. I do have to admit that I read a lot more manga than anime since I think that watching T.V. is a complete waste of time for a girl like me. Though there are some anime that are better than the manga like BLEACH. I mean you can't beat the awesome sound affects, quirks and funny moments that would be just confusing in the manga. So basically my vote goes to manga since clear plots and awesome stories rock!!! [/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR="Magenta"]I'd say Vampires but that's just me. I have this obession with Vampires right now but some of you have a good point. Vampires are somewhat like Werewolves just less hairy and love the darkness. For Werewolves the whole hairy back thing is just creepy. I mean not being able to see the full moon is kinda bad for my case. Vampires one the other hand seem to just have really good smell and really good taste for blood. [/COLOR]
  4. [FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"][COLOR="Red"]Okay, so we all have them. This came into my mind since my Geography class is teaching us about the 7 habits of a responsible teen. It was written by some retired atheletes which I have no idea why they would write something about Habits of teen when they aren't ones themselves. Anyways, it got me thinking about all of the good and bad habits that I have and others as well.. I love to tap my nails on practically anything to hear the really cool noise that it makes. That's one of my bad ones since it annoys people. There are even habits that I wasn't aware of like brushing my teeth, getting changed and even walking! So I wanted to ask what were some of your habits. It can be a good habit or bad ones.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]I've been here a while but I'd like to introduce myself to the OB. I love to do ceramics, photo, and I'm even typing story. I love to type. Too bad that school gets in the way. :animecry: But I'm happy any chance I get to be here on the OB. :animesmil[/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [quote name='Rachmaninoff'] Another thing, you don't get popular by wanting it, you get popular by being nice and making friends. Yes some people will be popular since they do have great art that they post, but in the end, I would think wanting some good friends would be more fun.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]I say "Well Said" Rachmaninoff. To be popular you have to nice and make friends. It's not as in all asking to be popular but to just get popular by doing something good or nice. Be a good person that all.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]Zefie and Alberio had walked for hours until they started to get hungry. They walked into a cafe that allowed both smoking and nonsmoking customers. They sat inside to avoid the smoke. They ate in silence. Zefie was too afraid to ask about last night and didn't want to cause any mishaps along the way. Alberio was going to ask but didn't know what to say. As they left the cafe Zefie could smell the scent of a hunter. "Damn. Those bastards are in this town. Alberio!! Let's find them!" said Zefie. Alberio nodded as they hopped onto the roofs and ran across them. Soon Alberio could smell the scent of a hunter coming into view. "Those bastards must be close if I can smell them now. According to you, you must have been able to smell them from far away," he said. They kep hopping over each roof until they found the hotel that they were looking for. "Don't go into the hotel through the door. There is one in the lobby. He's a good damn hunter if I say so," said Zefie smiling grimly. She looked up and on the third floor could see and smell smoke from a pipe. [I]Ahhh... I see that damn witch is here too. This might a be a good thing for us coming here after all.[/I]"Let's go Alberio! To the third floor with the smoke." They jumped up the balconies until they reached hers. Zefie and Alberio sat on the edge of her balcony. "Well, hello there Evangeline. It's been a long time shall I say. I hope that you haven't done anything bad since you've arrived here." "Why, whatever would you mean? You know better than I that I despise those damn hunters and would be honored to help your kind," said Eva looking up from her snacks. "I do say, you have a way of getting around," Zefie said. "I go where the hunters gather. But it's rare that I see two vampires of the same talent in front of me would you say?" Alberio bowed and looked up at Eva. "He is a friend of mine from where I come from. But let's skip past the introductions and talk about the bigger picture." "I see. So that's why you came, eh?" Zefie and Alberio jumped down edge and onto the balcony. "You don't mind if we step in for a bit do you?" "Not at all." [/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]My favorite toys would have to Babies and these MyScene dolls. I really loved them. My sis and I would create "worlds" for them and would play with them for about a few weeks then we would destroy it and build another "world." I never really wanted a GameBoy or Nintendo. I thought that they were nerdy. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"][COLOR="Red"]The sun shone through curtains in the suite that both Alberio and Zefie shared. Zefie woke up and looked around. [I]Nothing happened and it seems that he hasn't done anything yet.[/I] Zefie got up and changed. She looked around and found that Alberio was still sleeping. She smiled and went to the kitchen. She checked the fridge and therer was nothing in it but some water and beer. [I]Better go to the store.[/I] Zefie grabbed her purse. She checked the time. It was 7:13a.m. She wrote a quick note saying where she was going and around what time she would be back. She grabbed the room key and left. On the way down to the store, she could see that many of the people were leaving to go to work. Cars zipped by and people were sitting in cafes horking down their food and reading the newspaper. As Zefie entered the store she bought some food for snacks to eat. She checked out and walked back to the hotel. The whole way she could smell the scent of blood lurking around most of the corners. [I]Dammit. Why the hell would others just leave them here? I need to find those damn hunters or I'll never the last of it out of that old bastard.[/I]Zefie covered her nose on the entire way to the hotel. Once she arrived, she went to her floor and room. She reached into her purse for the key and opened the door. She looked to where Alberio had slept and he wasn't there. She went into the kitchen and found a note. It was from Alberio. It said that he went to go run and that he'll be back soon. [I]Pathetic fool.[/I] Zefie unpacked the snacks she had bought. There was a breakfast buffet downstairs for the hotel guests. Zefie headed downstairs to the lobby and got something to eat. She sat down and opened up a book. She needed to know more about London and some of the places where hunters might be. After she finished, she left her plates on the table and went back to the room. Alberio was still not back. It was about 10: 36 a.m. when he had gotten back. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be late. I got lost on what street to turn on then I had to ask people where the hotel was," said Alberio panting. "Not at all. I was just going to go out again. Wanna join me?" she said casually. "Sure, I have to take a shower first." Zefie nodded. Alberio went into the shower and Zefie walked over to the balcony. By now, the streets where full of people and little cars roamed the streets. The sun was peeking in and out of the clouds so there was some light. It was still a bit overcast. Alberio was done with his shower and they headed out. "Where do you think they are hiding?" He asked. "They may not be hiding but rather trying to diguise themselves," she explained. "There are many hunters here. Some of them may already be aware of us. For that matter we have to act like normal humans." Alberio nodded. They walked down the streets of London. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]It was night when they had reached London. It was cold and the air had a chill. As they exited the airport they headed to their hotel. "Where are we going?" asked Alberio. "It's quite cold out and I don't want one of us to catch a cold wandering for too long." Zefie pointed her finger and there was a man next to a nice black car. As they walked up to it. The man said, "Are you Miss Zefie and Mr. Alberio?" Zefie nodded. "Well then, here is your ride to the hotel," he said as he opened the door and put their luggage in the back of the car. "So it seems that you did everything to get us here a place in London. Eh, Zefie?" said Alberio sitting in the car and nudging Zefie. Zefie kept quiet. [I]There's something here that I don't like. I can smell the blood of killed humans and the screams of vampires that have passed. It really gives me a headache. Argh!! It really hurts![/I]Zefie put her hand on her hand and made a painful expression. "Are you all right Zefie?" "Yeah," she said calmly. She looked at Alberio and smiled. She could still hear the screams of her commards and yet some of them were annoying. As they arrived to the hotel, Zefie had collapsed. "Zefie! Zefie!!!" shouted Alberio. Zefie slowly opened her eyes and then they closed. She was out cold. [/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Sir? Would like me to help you take your luggage to your room?" asked a kind bellhop. Alberio nodded. He picked up Zefie and they headed to their room. The bellhop brought their luggage to the room and said, "If there is anything that you would like just call down to the main desk and some assistance will be brought up." "Thank you," said Alberio as he got he key and laid down Zefie on the bed. [I]She seemed fine on the plane. I wonder what happened?[/I] It was a fairly nice hotel. There was two bathrooms and two beds in the suite. A nice little area for cooking and a couch with a big T.V. There was also a balcony looking over the city. Alberio walked over to the door and opened it to the balcony. He stood outside and watched the city of London move. Lights lit the streets and the snow fell. He walked back to where he had laid Zefie down and said, "It seems that even purebloods are even more unique than the rest of us. I guess even people like me can't compare to the power that you have." He touched his forehead to hers and kissed her on the lips. Zefie layed there motionless. Alberio got up and unpacked some of his things. It was around ten at night and Zefie was still asleep. Alberio decided to take a shower. Once done with his shower he found that Zefie was gone. He looked around the room and there was no note. He ran to the kitchen and found that she was there. "I see. You're up now," said Alberio walking up to her. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]Zefie turned towards him and smiled. "I feel better now. I'll go take a shower." She headed towards the shower. In the shower she thought [I]What happened? I feel as if while I was sleeping there was someone who had kissed me.[/I] Her face was now red. She looked in the mirror and said, "Get a hold of yourself Zefie. You know that you can never have him." She walked out of the bathroom and found that Alberio was fast asleep. [I]Hmm... Seems like you really pushed yourself hard trying to take care of me.[/I] Zefie smiled and then kissed him on the lips. Alberio woke up from it and blushed. Zefie noticed that he was woken up and moved away from him. Her face turned red and she said, ''Sorry!" and ran to where her bed was. Alberio caught her wrist and turned her around. He kissed her and layed her down on his bed. Zefie lost all of her strength. She looked at Alberio and said, "I'm sorry." as she got away from Alberio and went to her bed. Then they both went to bed.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]Alberio looked around as he and Zefie walked down the streets. It was getting late and the light from the shops lit up the town. Soon the lightposts lit up and the town was a lot more alive. It was getting cold as they headed to the market. As they entered, Zefie headed over to the frozen foods for ice cream and then to the fresh produce. "What are you going to eat tonight?" asked Alberio. "Well, I'm going to make some for you too. I was thinking about so Hot Pot. It's getting cold these days so I think that would be the best thing," said Zefie as she looked at the package of noodles she had just picked up. Alberio wandered around the store and found where the candy was held. "What about these?" he said pointing to a bag of cookies. "They look yummy." Zefie walked over and saw that he wanted some cookies. "Haaa...well, if you want then I will get them for you," replied Zefie. Alberio cheered up and put the cookies in the basket. They checked out and headed home. Alberio picked up the bags from Zefie's hands. "I said that I would carry them for you." He smiled. Zefie blushed and said, "We should hurry home. The elders would want to know what we found out." It was a quiet walk home. When they found the street that they had to turn off to they looked around. No one was around and went through the "wall" that led them home. It was a full moon out and the dead trees gave off the erie feeling of the vampires. As they entered the house, all the vampires were downstairs waiting. "I'm home," said Zefie quietly as she took her shoes off. "What did you find out?" asked Grandpa. "We found that there is a group of hunters gathering in London somewhere," said Alberio. "Just where have you been, Alberio? We were worried that someone had killed you! You know that you are not allowed to go outside!" shouted his mother. His mother was a typical woman with typical needs. She didn't like Alberio going out during that day even though the sun doesn't effect him. She grabbed him by the wirst and led him away from Zefie. Grandpa nodded and Zefie turned to the woman. The woman looked at Zefie and Zefie's eyes glowed red meaning the it was her doing in bringing him out and that she should let go of him or there might be an accident. The woman didn't care and turned away abruptly without a care. "I don't need some teen to tell me what I can and can't do," she said. "Heh," said Zefie. [I]I was going to let you go out today. But it seems that you will have to skip today and be out for a while until you learn your place.[/I]thought Zefie to the woman. The woman heard the message and turned around frightened. "I-I'm sorry miss. Here, I didn't mean to upset you." [/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Alberio walked away from his mom and towards Zefie. "Thanks," he said. She nodded. He watched his mother quiver in fear of Zefie but Zefie didn't do anything and the woman fainted. "I better take the food into the kitchen." Alberio went to the Kitchen and Zefie followed. "Sorry about my mom. I guess she thinks that I should be a real vampire and go out at night than day. But I wonder why you don't have problems with that," said Alberio putting some things in the fridge. Zefie started to cook the hot pot. Once it was finished they cleaned up and all of the other vampires had left to terrorize some citizens. "We should leave tomorrow for London," said Zefie. "WA!? Why?" shouted Alberio. "We need to stop the "guild" from forming again. I will go online and get some tickets." Zefie walked into her room and Alberio went into his. [I]London, eh? I wonder what it will be like. I hope that I can find "them" there. Time for bed.[/I] Alberio got ready for bed and the next morning they left a note saying that they had left for London.[/COLOR]
  12. [FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Name: Alberio Watari Age: 845 Personality: He's a laid back vampire who often is scared of the vampire slayers. He has immense powers for a noble and is often mistaken for a human. He normally doesn't like to drink blood but would rather steal a meal or two from the meals that Zefie makes. Appearance:[URL="http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m5/key_of_darkness/anime/D%20Gray%20Man/pa10-311.jpg"]Alberio[/URL] Weapons: Handle of a spear. A spear tip and on the side it has a blade of an axe. Alliance: Blood Runners Race: Vampire Bio: He is not a pureblood liike Zefie but is below their class rank. He is a noble and is treated with respect. He was born with a body that is able to walk out in sunlight. The elder would rather have him stay home than go out. He loves to eat human food and would do just about anything to leave the mansion. Overall, he normally sits at home listening to music or watch T.V. When he was younger, Alberio lived in the states. He never knew he was a vampire and never had the thrist for blood. He carried out his days like a normal boy until someone had gotten stabbed in front of him when he was around 6years old. That's when his instinct of a vampire arose and he bite the man. He ran home asking his mother who he was. Apparently, he found out that he was a vampire but more modern. After his instincts arose, him and his family moved to where the elder lived. Although he had never seen the elder before he found him very nice and calm. The elder had told him that he had a granddaughter who was around his age. He had never met her before but Alberio would always wait for the moment when he would meet her. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]As Zefie and Alberio walked down the street, Zefie noticed some hunters. Zefie looked around and Alberio just stood there with a blank expression on his face. Zefie found an alley way and led Alberio to it. "What are we going to do, Zefie? There are hunters out there," said Alberio frightened. [I]Great. He's more of a wuss then I thought he was. I guess that he'll have to do.[/I]"Alberio," Zefie whispered, "I need you to..." After discussing the plan, Alberio and Zefie got into their areas. As the hunters walked down the street talking about how disgusting vampires were, they heard a loud scream. They all headed to where the alley way was and found that a vampire was attacking a girl. As Zefie screamed to great away from Alberio the hunters came and blocked the way to get to Zefie. One of the hunters picked Zefie up. "Thank you knid sir," Zefie said changing her voice to make it sound innocent. Alberio showed his fangs and hissed. "AHHHHHH!!!!!" Zefie shouted. The hunter tried to lead her away. [I]Heh. Gotcha.[/I] Zefie smiled and a dagger came down her sleeve to her hand. She caught it and put the dagger to the hunters throat. "Wh-what? You're vampire too?!" said the hunter. Zefie smiled and the other hunters were caught off guard. Alberio jumped in and held them by their necks. Zefie nodded and Alberio killed the two men. Blood sprayed all over the concrete of the alley and the two hunters' heads were cut clean off of their bodies. Alberio dropped the two headless hunters and walked towards Zefie. The hunter by Zefie's dagger was starting to get frightened. As Alberio stopped the man looked behind him and Zefie asked, "Where is the guild going?" "What Guild? It was disbanned ages ago," said the man nervously. "You know what I mean. There are a group of hunters meeting someplace to kill us. You, as a hunter should know this. Tell me or you die a humiliating death." "I-I heard that some hunters were in Europe- London somewhere." "Thank you kind sir. You life may now belong to the devil." Zefie smiled. "Wa-wait! You sai---" Zefie cut his throat and killed him. She drank his blood and so did Alberio. They cleaned up and left the bodies there. "What do you think the police are going to do when they see those bodies?" asked Alberio. "Whatever they want. But before my assignment is done I would like to go to my work now," said Zefie. "You work?" "Yeah. I have to pay for the electricity in the house and the water and food bill. Wanna come?" "Are you sure?" "It would be fun. I can finally talke to someone of my own kind." Zefie smiled as they headed towards the diner that Zefie works at. When they arrived, Zefie asked her manager if Alberio could become an employee. The manager took a look at Alberio and smiled, "Well, if you're considering him, then that must mean you really trust this boy." Zefie nodded. "Well, I guess he's hired." Zefie smiled and showed Alberio to the back. After a few hours working, Alberio was getting used to how the diner ran. He could pick up food and bus the tables. He was even able to take orders and make trips to the tables with food. After a few hours they started to close the shop. "Thanks for coming, Alberio," said Zefie. Alberio shook his head and said, "No, thank you. If I never came with you today I would just sit at home while the elders slept. I'm glad that I can work here with you" Zefie blushed and said, "Well, now I have to go do some shopping." "I'll carry the bags for you." "Thanks." They said goodbye to the manger and headed to the store. [/FONT][/COLOR] OOC: Alberio is the other character that I will be playing. His sign up is in the Inn
  14. [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]Zefie woke up the next morning at her balcony. [I]Must have fallen asleep.[/I] She looked up at the sun and shaded her eyes. Normally, she would have been dead by now, but Zefie was a more modern vampire that can walk out in the sunlight and not turn to ashes. Zefie walked back into her room. Sitting on her bed a note from her Grandpa. [I]Must be another assignment.[/I]Zefie left out a yawn and rubbed her eyes. She opened the letter. It read: [CENTER]Zefie, Last night was probably very hard for you. You had killed one of your own. But I can see where that would come from. After all, she wasn't your real mother and had no right to hit you at that. Just make sure to keep your temper at bay. For today's assignment, you are to find out what the hunters are to do with us. We know already that some humans are banning together to finish us once and for all. We need you to help us with that. Grandpa[/CENTER] [I]Feh. Old bastard. Doesn't think at all.[/I] Zefie went to her bathroom and took a shower. She thought about last night and laughed at how her "Aunt" was trying to teach her a lesson. After her shower, she got dressed and grabbed her weapons. It was quiet on the way downstairs. All of the other vampires in the house were asleep. It was like this every morning. She headed to the kitchen and saw that one of the vampires where sleeping in the kitchen with a bucket of ice cream that was half eaten next to them. It was Zefie's ice cream. She looked at the vampire. It was one of the old bastard's friend's son. He was a handsome vampire but most vampires eat real food. Only she did. As she got closer to him, he woke up. "Huh? Who are you?" he asked half asleep. Zefie put her finger to her lip. She shook her head. The vampire boy blinked and then woke up in shock. "Sorry! I didn't mean to eat your ice cream. I never had real food before and it looked good so I guess I had some and then fell asleep. Sorry!" Zefie shook her head and put it back into the freezer. She made herself something to eat and then sat down at the counter. The vampire boy looked at her surprised and said, "You're not mad at me?" Zefie continued to eat her breakfast. The whole time she ate, the boy just looked at her and then he relaxed. After she was done eating. She washed her dishes and headed out the door. The vampire boy followed her. She turned around and finally said something, "Why are you following me? You can't go outside." The vampire boy hung his head, ''Y' know. I can go outside. It's just bright out there but I don't get affected like the other vampires do." "Just like me huh? Well then, come with me. I could use some help. What's your name?" "Alberio." "Nice name. Let's go." As they walked down the streets of the city they started to talk about their lives and such. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]Fianna was at her club meeting when she heard a voice come from nowhere. [CENTER][B]"Please, hurry. Please, hurry. You are being called, and you must answer. Your lives, as well as everyone you know are now up to you. It is your turn to save the world, and to do that, all you need to do is make your way to the beams of light. Do not worry, you are the only ones that are able to see them. Just please, hurry, you do not have much time." [/B][/CENTER] The voice faded. Fianna said, "I have to go early today." Azume was with her and asked, "Is there something important at home?" Fianna nodded. She got her stuff and left. As she arrived at home, there was no one there. She left a note for her parents on her desk and packed her things. She packed her two kodachis and a few snacks and water. She looked around to see if anyone was around. Fianna left her house and headed to wherever she needed to go. She looked up in the sky and saw beams of light. She couldn't tell where they were coming from. "Dammit. If that was voice was right then I guess I have to get out of town first to see the lights. Damn, I thought that I would get some answers," said Fianna as she ran to the outskirts of town. She had a long journey since she had nver been outside of her town. As she ran, she made sure that none of her friends would see her. Expecially, Azume. They were good friends but Fianna had to lie to Azume in order to sneak out of club practice. It wasn't until almost sunset that she had finally reached outside of town. From outside, she could see a giant mountain and many beams of light. "Heh. Looks like that's where I'm supposed to go. Too bad, both my parents would be upset if they found out that I was going into a life-or-death situation. What the hell. I guess since I made it this far I should keep going." Fianna then ran to the mountain to be able to get some answers. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]It was getting late and Zefie had to report back at home. As she walked around she found the house and walked to it. There were other people around and just saw her walk through a solid wall. She looked back at the people with their frightening faces. [I]Of course. Normal humans can't tell that vampires live here. The ward protects us. I only need to do what was possible before the elder finds out.[/I]Zefie thought as she continued to walk towards the house. As she arrived, the house looked like it was an old Victorian home. The moon was high and clouds covered it. As she walked through the two large doors, she saw them waiting. "What have you gathered, Zefie?" asked the elder sitting in a nice commfy chair. He was an old vampire who was very calm yet very respected. He was a pureblood and that made him have his nobilty. Zefie walked over to where a sofa was and sat on it. "Is that all you ask for Grandpa? I guess it seems that you haven't changed. It seems that the humans have become aware of our presence. Even more so, I hear that they don't like us for what we are trying to do," she said sacastically. *SLAP!* Zefie turned to see who had it been to slap her. "Don't you dare call him that name! You are to address him as Elder! Do you got that Miss Irius?! Also, cut the sarcastic act too while you are at it!" It was her Aunt. Her Aunt took care of Zefie but I guess you really can't call her an Aunt. She's not related to Zefie at all. Zefie stood up and grabbed the woman's throat and slammed her against the wall. "Do you know who you are talking to? Hmm? I am his granddaughter and a pureblood at that. You are a common vampire. You need to learn your place. Do you see? Right now I can kill you. You have no right to try and act like my mother! You don't really even know me so why don't you find yourself a nice place amoung the dead." With that, Zefie slit the woman's throat and her "Aunt" was dead. "It seems that even my granddaughter has issues with others taking care of her. Zefie, thank you for your report. You may now go to your room and rest. We'll take if from here," said her Grandpa. "Yeah. Thanks. I'll rest up and do more investigating tommorrow. Good night," said Zefie as she headed up the stairs. All the vampires in the house moved out of the way. Zefie went to her room. It looked just like a normal teen's room. She layed down on her bed and slept. [I]Damn. It seems like I really lost my temper there. I talked way too much at that time too. I need to stop that an just... whatever. That old man will see. I guess even vampires are still willing to act out of place. Damn those others. I guess it's no use trying to sleep.[/I] Zefie got out of bed and walked to her balcony. She stood there and watched the moon. She soon fell asleep. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]FOUND!!! 5.Are you a boy or a girl? [URL="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=45596&highlight=boy+girl"]Lucky Star Thread[/URL][/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"][COLOR="Red"]Zefie walked down the streets of the busy city. She looked up and saw that the sun was still high. As she walked around she noticed a couple of police officers wandering the streets. She followed them swiftly and noticed that they were headed to where a killing had taken place. This was her bait. As the officers entered the alley, they saw many corpses lying on the floor. As an officer got closer to one of the bodies, he was instantly killed. The other officers ran over to him and saw that a dagger had been aimed at his temple. Blood oozed and the officers were all in a fury. Zefie laughed and the officers looked up. She looked down at them with her bright purple eyes and then held up a dagger. She moved her lips as in saying words which looked like it said, "You die here." Zefie threw the dagger in front of the officers and as they watched it hit the ground, she fired off her pistol and they were dead. She kept one still barely alive to ask him questions. As she jumped down from the roof, she walked over to the man and asked, "Why are you guys hunting us down?" She said with a very cold and evil voice. "We ha-hate you Blood-Blood Runners. All yo-you do is kill us," he said. Zefie giggled and said, "Good luck officer when dealing with the dead." Zefie cut the man's throat a dagger and sucked his blood for energy. She then returned to the world beyond the alley and back into the daylight. [I]I still don't know what they want with us. I need to confirm some things with the head master then return back and gather more. Too bad none of them are a challenge. I need someone that will help me with the blood lust that I yearn for.[/I] [/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]If you are looking for an anime with a "slice of life" then I recommend XxXHolic. It has the school theme yet also the "life lessons." It's in Japanese now but I hear that it will be dubbed soon. For comedy and school, I recommend Ouran High School Host Club. It has the best comedy but yet again it's in Japanese. With adventure and yet more comedy, go with Bleach. It has somewhat of the modern and fudeul Japan incorporated into it. It's playing on Adult Swim now but it's in the Soul Society Arc right now. I also recommend FullMetal Alchemist. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]Name: Zefie Irius Age: 738 Personality: daring and secretive. Zefie likes to take chances in the midst of a gruling battle. No matter how tough it may be she will be the one to take to risk. She has total faith in herself that she will make it back. Zefie keeps many things hidden that she doesn't like to share. With the risks she takes she never lets anyone know who she is or what she looks like or what her voice sounds like. Appearance: [URL="http://s56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Anime%20Girls/Kimonos/?action=view¤t=Purplekimono.jpg"]Zefie[/URL] Weapons: She carries around daggers, long sword and a pistol. Alliance: Blood Runners Race: Vampire Bio: Zefie is a vampire with an intent to kill. She loves to feel of blood running through her fingers and down her throat. Zefie kills to live and must do so in order to keep her race alive. Out of the vampires she is one of the youngest yet she has the patience of an adult. Zefie came to earth by herself and has yet come to conclusion that all humans must die. She thinks that humans are pests that just pollute the earth and lazy. She never knew what it was like to be human or for that matter be anywhere near a human that is living. She is sent on missions to carry out the domination of vampires. She is agile and quick to react. Zefie walks out during to day with no human suspecting her. As she walks in the sun, she observes the humans and then take whatever information she has collected to the head. Zefie is able to walk in sunlight and not be burned or affected by it. Though her skin is white and will always be, she protects her clan by killing those that get close their home. No one knows who Zefie looks like or what her voice sounds like. When she fights, she doesn't care about the humans; all she cares about is trying to carry out the plans and move foward. Her nickname is known as "Wind Kill" since she kills with a breeze. Her swift actions help her survive. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR="Red"]Thanks for the banner! I love it! [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=red][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]That'd be great. But if you could put Kaname in the banner that would be awesome. Thanks for the avatar.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR="Red"]Name:Fianna Age: 18 Gender: Female Personality: Strong. She stands up for herself and would defend others. Fianna is very strong hearted. She doesn't take crap from anyone but has a short temper. Even though she's strong, she has a very short temper and loses it constantly. She can't stand other people who are mean and spoiled. Fianna doesn't talk very much and would rather keep quiet until something starts to get out of hand. She doesn't like to pick fights with other people but will if they keep jabbering on and on about their lives. Fianna is also very independent. She would rather do things alone and not bother anyone if she needs help. Fianna would like to take care of herself and doesn't want to bother anyone about what she needs to be done and anything about her. She keeps quiet about most of her life and wouldn't like to have others know about it. Appearance: [URL="http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Anime%20Girls/Fighters/Angel3.jpg"]Fianna[/URL] Reincarnation: Eca Power: Water Weapon: in the pic Bio: Fianna was always delinquet. She never relied on anyone and would always leave the house late at night. When she was younger she was happy and very cheerful. She used to live with a noble family until she was in the the 4th grade. Her father had adopted her to another family. She was more like sold for about $65 thousand dollars. Fianna knew that her family was going into debt but she would have never imagined to have her own father sell her. She was the oldest of the two and never complained about anything. She did feel a little different from the others but loved her mother and didn't want to lose her. Fianna then lived with the family but she felt like the atmosphere was suffocating. She then left one night to fight on the streets. She picked fights to fight off her anger from her father and so that she would get out of the chocking house. Fianna felt good when she was fighting since she knew just how they felt and that they were just like her. That's when she met her friend, Azume. Azume was born in a noble family and Fianna would go to her house on the weekends. When she had entered high school, Fianna became a lot kinder. Though her anger still got the best of her sometimes. There was a guy that was picking on Azume because she was noble going to normal school. Fianna got in front of the boy. The guy started to make more fun of Azume until Fianna got really pissed off. That's when water came out of nowhere and shot through the boy's body like spikes. It killed the boy and that was when Fianna discovered her powers. Azume transferred to another school and Fianna transferred as well. [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]I need a Vampire Knight Avatar saying "Bloody Rose." The avatar should be OB requirements. Here is a Picture of what I want the avatar to be. If you have another Vampire Knight avatar and pictures that you would like to use that that is okay.[URL="http://s56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Vampire%20Knight/?action=view¤t=vampireknight.jpg"]Click.[/URL] If you have any questions about it then you can PM me.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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