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Everything posted by RavenTsubasa

  1. My Lolita clothing.... /blush I've always been the type of person who though it was insane to pay more than 30$ for a shirt... Well, I've changed. Lolita clothing is so bloody expensive yet you know why it is which makes me sad. I do not regret buying any of it, I love it all but I just wish the USD was more powerful. Since February's I've bought 4 dresses, and one grab bag along with accessories. The grab bag was 15,000 YEN, the one piece (wore for prom) was 36,540 YEN, a set of a dress-2 pairs of socks-bag-headbow was 25,000 YEN, one dress was 115$, another 150$,the grab bag was 15,000YEN with 45kYENworth of stuff in it and yeah it goes on from there.... I'm looking into this beauty right now, maybe for my birthday ([url]http://www.babyssb.co.jp/shopping/onepiece/130316.html[/url]). It's worth the money because in general Japanese clothing is a LOT more money than American because they have to import the fabric and there is all the little details in it. You can kind of see the details on one of them in this picture ([url]http://photos-b.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v80/171/37/592296967/n592296967_139513_9258.jpg[/url])
  2. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Dose anyone feel isolated in how they cannot make friends or that they are outcasted from certain activities in result of liking anime/games/geekStuff? I don't mean as in impossible but not with the ease that others can. I only say that because I find it harder to make friends because I do not drink, smoke, party, listen to the crap the tv calls music and the like. I feel I am like that partly because I enjoy other things that don't... advocate it like certain rap music advocates drinking/partying to a certain extent. So, I suppose, outcasted from the society at large without physcial altication but rather with just not being welcomed? If this is incoherent, I'll try to explain it in a differently, gomen.[/COLOR]
  3. I enjoyed it but I haven't seen the simpsons on TV in years. (anime fills that gap) I though it was hilarious but I must agree with an poster above, the trailers took a lot of funny parts so kind of ruined it when they occured in the film. I would reccomend it to other people.
  4. (I hope this is still accurate, haven't checked up on it in a while) I'm looking foward to SC:Legends for the Wii. I'm hopeing you can move the wiimote like a sword and all nice stuff like that. I'm also lookin foward for FF13 but I cannot afford a PS3...
  5. I've been embarrassed about likening anime but never made fun of that much. They were too busy beating me up because of my love for Cradle of Filth then caring about my love for TouyaXYukito. I didn't have any friends until 7th grade so I had no one to share it with. It was hard though...:animeshy: I was so shy to show her CCS but I needed to watch it then she told me she loved it to :animeswea . I've kind of surranded myself by otakus and gamers since then too so that helped. I guess I'm more afraid of going to College in a few weeks and facing them, the school has less than 1k students and I'm use to having 3k students in my ol' HS so I'm afraid there'll be no otaku there. I can't believe they burned your manga though, that sucks so much. Especially since those were hard to find back then... E-bullying is horriable too... (gives you a togepi plushie) ;) ------ [quote name='dasving']many people in russia say anime is for kids or they think all anime is hentay, porno. they lought when i sey i whoching anime. it is bad, but one day i finde many another people ho whoching anime and now i happy! (some one help me whis my gremmar!)[/QUOTE] Many people in Russia say, "Anime is for kids" or they think all anime is Hentai, or porno. They laugh when I say I watch anime. It's bad, but, one day I'll find people to watch anime with (or did you say...) but I found people to watch anime with which makes me happy. (I think I messed up with the commas sorry) [url]http://babelfish.altavista.com/[/url] Type what you wish to say in Russian then it will translate it into English for you. Also, try to watch Russian movies with English subtitles so you can get more use to how English looks like in print. Hope this helps. I give you props for trying to learn English, it's very difficult. [COLOR="SlateGray"][size=1]please don't double post, if you have something extra to add please just edit your first post ~Ikillion[/size][/COLOR]
  6. I don't think there is much I dislike really. I prefer anime that gives me a headache but I feel that's because I'm getting older and wish to think more. When I feel like not thinking I enjoy shojo-ai's and shoeon-ai's but never anything too romantic/girly. I also enjoy ridciously blood/gorey anime or just anime that makes you sleep with the lights on (Reccomendations PLEASE?). Comedys are good too. I dislike Trinity Blood, OSHC, and stuff like that even though one of them is funny and the other horror.
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