[B]1. Do you have any birthday traditions?[/B]
If everyone is up at midnight. My mom, little sister, and big brother would come in my room singing happy birthday. If they don't do that at midnight then they wake up in the morning singing happy birthday.
[B]2.What was your best birthday present ever? (if you say 'life' I'll slap you!) [/B]
I can't really think of one at the moment, but I usually get video games on my birthday. Actually my father calling me on my 17th birthday was cool.
[B]3.Has knowing your age ever given you a certain mindset? Did you ever feel like you'd passed a certain rung or like you had to change?[/B]
No, when I turned 16 there was nothing sweet about it. That wasn't a good time for me. Too much was going on. Plus it was that same year someone close to the family died and no one was in a celebrating mood. I am turning 18 on August 20 (Monday). I might feel a little different.
[B]4. What was your favorite birthday?[/B]
I don't have a favorite birthday, but I have a good feeling that my birthday this year is going to be my favorite.