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Everything posted by Laborpilot86

  1. Imelda Stauton was brilliant as Dolores Umbridge, while the actress who played Luna was also very good. Together those two characters carried the movie, which was actually the shortest of all of them despite being the longest book. Sirius's death was mis-handled. It simply didn't have the same impact as Cedric's death in Goblet of Fire, which is bad because Sirius is supposed to be a major character, unlike Cedric.
  2. Laborpilot86

    Korean Movies

    Korean film is kind of hit or miss, although I've only seen bits and pieces. The film industry in Korea right now is about where Hong Kong was in the 1950s. In short, making some good stuff but still without much depth in terms of talent. Culturally, Korea has always been playing third fiddle to China and Japan, often slavishly copying both of its more powerful neighbors.
  3. in comparison to something like Azumanga Diaoh and Secret of Blue Water they certainly are more realistic looking... Also, I dislike series with excessive fan-service. I find it very distracting... You don't need more frames to have good visuals, but it does help a lot. It all depends on the crew's skills and budget.
  4. nothing jumps out right away. Lets play wait and see. btw, you forgot the new Gundam series Gundam 00
  5. Ergo Proxy's defientily not for everybody, though, mostly because its fond of strange philiosophy referances and cryptic dialogue. If you liked Serial Experiments Lain and Ghost in the Shell, Ergo Proxy right up your alley. I'm a sucker for overally dense sci-fi stories.
  6. I may take a looksie at this one. Its always interesting when the Japanese take on thier own folktales and mythology in anime.
  7. There is so much valuable stuff floating around the dealers room I'm not suprised that security was anal with you... be more careful next time. Only been to one con, and it was quite an experience.:animesmil
  8. Gunsmith Cats. I'm not very fond of manga for some reason, especially if they are published right-to-left format. I grew up with and still read a lot of American comics, so I'm used to left-to-right.
  9. visually speaking, I'm not very fond of overally SD and moe character designs. All of my favorites, like Ghost in the Shell, Cowboy Bebop, Paradise Kiss and Princess Mononoke use more realistic designs, which I find much more interesting and are much harder to pull off, especially on a limited budget that most tv anime has to work with. It is good, though to mess with things a little bit. Azumanga Diaoh being a great example of that.
  10. The best bits of this one were any scene with Tenzen. He was just plain evil on so many levels. Defienitly one of Gonzo's better efforts.
  11. Rome Total War (hmm, war elephants.....:animesmil) FIFA 07 (soccer is fun) Medieval Total War (nothin' better than riding down peasant levies with heavy knights) Shogun Total War (Boy do I like strategy games) looking for Star Wars Empire at War and a new copies of Alpha Centauri and Starcraft. When I upgrade to an XBOX 360, FIFA 08, Battle for Middle Earth II and Ace Combat 6 will join the party.:animesmil
  12. While my favorite series are mostly sci-fi and mecha like Macross and Ghost in the Shell SAC, I don't ignore the good stuff from other genres. Escaflowne is beautifully crafted high fantasy with some truly heart-wrenching and superb moments, plus Kanno Yoko's great music. Paradise Kiss is another series that falls outside my usual anime tastes, but wins a place in my collection for its brilliant characters, especially the designs.
  13. when my hair is shorter, I look a lot like Light (Death Note), when its longer, I look like Spike (Cowboy Bebop)
  14. Black Lagoon will never be as good as Cowboy Bebop, but it defiently is the best action show to come out in a long long time. Revy is brilliant.
  15. This show is like Serial Experiments Lain, but with more high tech stuff and better visuals. Re-L is a great lead character and Iggy is brilliant. I've only seen up to episode 12, so I can't make any judgements on overall strengths and weaknesses.
  16. Neon Genesis Evangelion, to me at least, is both overrated and underrated. Its not as good as Space Runaway Ideon (A Tomino show from the early 80s. watch it.), but it certainaly isn't as bad as its detractors (who are almost as numerous as its admirers) say it is. It has much to offer, both in characters and action, but is limited by the problems, both personal and budgetary, of its creators. The new movies are going to tell a modified version of the story from the TV series. It will be very interesting to see what happens to Anno-san's baby with a bigger budget and more advanced animation technology.
  17. I'm more of mecha fan myself, with Patlabor, Macross, and Eureka Seven being my favorite series. Sci-fi also has big part in my collection, with Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex and Nadia holding a place of pride. I'm a sucker for a good shoujo series too.
  18. I think that the best book in the series is Order of the Phoenix, the weakest being Chamber of Secrets. Deathly Hallows deifenitly has the best line in all of them, courtesy of Mrs. Molly Weasley. Its brilliant.
  19. The first thing that I saw that was anime (but I didn't know it at the time) was Voltron. The first anime movie I saw was Akira. The series I watched with full understanding of its animeness was the Robotech version of Macross. The first anime DVD i owned was Princess Mononoke. I was a big Transformers fan when I was little, and it may have something to do with my preference for mecha/sci-fi.
  20. my parents just don't get it. they didn't grow up with it (or most American cartoons for that matter), so they just think of it as another quirky hobby of mine. Yes its a generational thing.
  21. I've been working through both Legend of Galactic Heroes and Armored Trooper Votoms. P.S this is my first ever post on this site. just joined today.
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